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with Janet Bray Attwood

We are about to discover what it really means to:
Love without conditions, judgments, or disappointment
Reignite the passion with your significant other
Redefine the things you think, say, and do in your daily interactions with
family and friends
Identify and appreciate the various ways love reveals itself to you across
your life
Practice an instant natural cure for bouts of loneliness or depression
Allow the gentle power of the words I want for you what you want for
you to guide you daily, creating miracles in your life
Get ready for a profoundly moving experience that will permanently shift the
way you look at love!

Day 1 Love is Unifying
Dear Luca,
Welcome to the 21 Days of Meditations on Love program!
Im thrilled to share this amazing journey towards unconditional love embodied by
the theme of I want for you what you want for you.
Over the next three weeks, youll receive a daily guided meditation with an in1

depth exploration of its meaning, along with specific examples you can use right
away to deepen your personal experience.
Our program uses the profound power of repetition to create lasting changes.
The mind transcends the meaning of the words through this repetition, finding
assurance, permanence and finally a wondrous quiet. The daily practice goes
beyond sound, allowing you to experience your own silent inner nature within.
For the next 21 days you will be able to immerse yourself in the beautiful and
profound wisdom of "I want for you what you want for you", enabling your mind to
quiet and this sound to gently transform the power of love in your life.
I truly hope that as a result of this journey, youll experience love growing in every
aspect of your life.
The subject of our first meditation is unity.
Have you ever felt your successful relationships (especially with your significant
other) were organic, free-flowing embodiments of both of your personalities,
emotions and dreams?
The most liberating, exciting thing about unconditional love is the experience of
unity. In the best relationships, you want for others what they want for themselves
and vice-versa.
When you use the mantra I want for you what you want for you, to live as one
with your partner or loved ones, you discover new ways to align your desires and
goals with theirs and to develop a deep, lasting love for one another that
stretches far beyond the present moment.

Day 1: Love is Unifying

I want all of your dreams to come true because I know that your fulfillment is my
fulfillmentno matter what direction either of us takes; at the deepest level we are one.
Knowing this I can celebrate you and your path to fulfilling your destiny. Every step of
progress you make is my progress. Every setback you experience is mine as well, and I

am there to support you through every one. What a precious gift that we get to
experience being two, united as one!

Reflection Question
1. How can you support your loved ones path to fulfillment today?

Day 2 Into Me You See

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 2!
The subject of todays meditation is intimacy.
Have you ever knowingly held back from sharing your deepest feelings with your
partner or loved one?
Perhaps you struggle at times with heartfelt intimacy and rarely allow others to
get to know the real you.
Real intimacy is something all of us deeply desire. Or in the words I love,
IntimacyInto Me You See. To allow those we love to see us truly, this is real
When you use the mantra I want for you what you want for you, to let others
know what you want and care about the most, you gift them with the opportunity
to be there for you in the ways that truly matter and you just might be surprised
at how far they are willing to go to support your goals, hopes and dreams.

Day 2: Into Me You See


I love our intimacyInto Me You See. When I want for you what you want for you, I see you
truly and meet you in that most intimate place. It is there that truth resides. It is there that I
embrace you truly and feel your embrace in return.

Reflection Question
How can you express intimacy in your relationships today?

Day 3 What is Real?

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 3!
The subject of todays meditation is defining what is real.
Do you often wonder whats real? To be more specific, whats true about yourself,
your loved ones and your relationships?
We all seek the truth and deep down, realize that lying to ourselves is one of the
worst things we can do. Living a lie prevents you and/or your loved ones from
realizing the full potential of your relationship and your individual destinies.
So what is the truth? Well, on a fundamental level your truth is what you know,
what you feel, and what you desire. Another way of understanding whats real is
to acknowledge that what is, is real.
If you want whats real, it requires acknowledging that your loved ones want what
they want, whether you agree with them or not. You can argue with reality. You
can try to change their mind, but in all likelihood, youll end up feeling
disappointed and frustrated.

When you practice the mantra I want for you what you want for you, you
embrace whats real to establish a deep bond based on genuine trust and more
importantly, grounded in truth. Whats fascinating? When you choose to give your
loved ones your love unconditionally, even when you think what they want will not
be best for them, youll discover that the freedom youve given them will
inevitably lead them to what is best for them.

I want for you... what you want for you.

Day 3: What is Real?

I acknowledge your unique destiny and know that when you are living that, you are a gift from
God. I know that it is right, because it is your desire. I know that it is real, because it is. When I
open myself to what is, I open myself to life. So in loving you, opening myself to you, I am able
to be fully alive.

Reflection Question
How can you see the unique destiny of someone close to you as your gift from
Day 4 Its All About Flow

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 4!
The subject of todays meditation is flow.
As you and your loved one(s) continue to change over the course of your lives,
youll need to be prepared to adjust your hearts and minds accordingly.
Youll be asked to acknowledge and honor the changes that you and your loved

ones both go through, recognizing the fact that what each of you may want will
likely evolve over time.
When you follow the mantra I want for you what you want for you, you
anticipate and embrace change, understanding that change brings growth to your
relationship and allows it to flourish naturally into the divine blessing of the
oneness of two souls.

Day 4: Its All About Flow

I acknowledge, embrace and honor the natural changes we both go through. Im excited to
welcome those changes and watch us both grow as we expand into our destinies. Let us dance
the dance of life together. Let us rejoice in this life, in this love. Let us celebrate the change and
marvel at the miracle of the two of us, as one.

Reflection Question
How can you embrace the natural changes in your life today?
Day 5 Change Happens

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 5!
The subject of todays meditation is the inevitability of change.
Have you ever desperately tried to resist changemaking the change all the
more difficult for you when it happened?
Perhaps you struggle with finding balance in the constantly changing dynamics of
your relationshipsthings like intimacy/alone time, play/serious focus, or
Life is a journey of self-discovery, a process of personal and collective evolution
and change; this is a truth shared by saints, sages and other wise people around

the world.
When you use the mantra I want for you what you want for you to embrace
change as an opportunity to grow and evolve, you secure a life filled with exciting
adventures and sparkling inspiration, resulting in a passionate life blessed with
fond, lasting memories and amazing stories.

Day 5: Change Happens

I openly embrace the natural evolution of you and us and look forward to the exciting
adventure that awaits the rest of our lives. I choose to let go of my resistance to change,
no matter what the past has been. Only by opening my heart to what is to come can I
truly open my heart to you, and to myself.

Reflection Question
How can you truly open your heart to what naturally happens in your life today?

Day 6 Be True to Self

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 6!
We are almost done with the first week and you should be able to feel your love
starting to grow across every area of your life.
The subject of todays meditation is being true to yourself.
Have you ever tossed and turned at nightparalyzed with anxiety and doubt
wrestling with indecision because you didnt know what you wanted?
Perhaps you have struggled with knowing or being true to yourself, still unclear

about what your passions are and the commitments required for embracing your
When you use the mantra I want for you what you want for you to support those
you love in having their dearest desires, youll be surprised to discover that
support begins to appear, unasked, for clarifying and realizing your own desires.
You allow yourself to meet and fully appreciate others who enhance your lifes
journey, help lighten your burdens, and share your commitment to the things that
matter to you.

Day 6: Be True to Self

I commit to the journey of self-discovery for both you and myself. When I am clear about
my passions, I can meet you in a place where we fully support what we want for each
other. My clarity makes your life easier. When Im crystal clear about my own desires it
helps me appreciate how much it means to you to have my support for yours. I choose
to love you and in loving you I am loving myself as well.

Reflection Question
How can you support your loved ones desires today?
Day 7 Trusting in All

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 7!
We have officially completed our first week pat yourself on the back for getting
to this point!
The subject of todays meditation is the power of trust.
After todays meditation, please take some time to reflect on how your love has
grown over the last seven days. I ask that you set aside some additional personal
time each day to further reflect on the teachings that resonate with you most and

how your love has evolved because of them.

Take note of pleasant surprises love can take many forms and may not always
be where you expect it.
The act of unconditional love requires a deep, all-embracing trust not just
between you and your loved ones, but also trusting the natural flow of the
universe to love and guide you towards all that you desire.
When you use the mantra I want for you what you want for you, you find
comfort in the natural flow that surrounds us, knowing you will never want for love
because it surrounds you with every breath you take.

Day 7: Trusting in All

I trust that the universe will guide us to a life of happiness, love and connectedness. I
will practice keeping my heart open even when I feel betrayed. When that happens its
so easy to get lost in the illusion of separation. But I will not get lost in that. I know
better. No one can betray me. I can only do that to myself. In the love of you, I love
myself. If you want to go, then, as my dear friend Byron Katie says, Honey, let me help
you pack your bags!

Reflection Question
How can you trust the universe to guide you to happy and loving relationships
Day 8 Love is not Attachment

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 8!
Its the second week of our program and Im beyond excited to have you here!

Todays meditation explores the difference between love and attachment.

Have you held on to the idea that love is the most wonderful thing in the world,
but can also be the most painful?
Sometimes we confuse love for attachment. Love is never painful. But
attachment can turn love into torture.
I want for you what you want for you is the intention to love without attachment.
When you can let go of your attachment to concepts like, What does he think
about me? or She doesnt find me attractive, then you become free to truly
This meditation is for you, if you want to become free to love with all your heart.

Day 8: Love is not Attachment

I love you with all my heart and I choose to let go of my attachment to you, to what you
think of me, and to what I want for you. I will embrace you fully, releasing the pain that
comes with my attachment to you. I know the more I hold on to you, the more you will
feel trapped and want your freedom. So I choose to open fully to you and trust that what
is best for both of us will show up when I am open, knowing that if it looks differently
than what I thought I wanted, then I have been spared.

Reflection Question
How can you nurture and heal all that is all around you today?
Day 9 Motive Generated
Dear Luca,


Welcome to Day 9!
The subject of todays meditation is the beauty of saying YES.
Have you ever felt exhausted after a disagreement with your partner or loved
Perhaps you stood in the way of their desires and it ended in a fierce argument
neither of you willing to budge an inchscreaming and shouting at the top of
your lungs until you had long since forgotten the original cause.
When you limit those you love in any way from what is rightfully theirs, they are
going to feel angry, depressed and detached from you.
The next time someone you love says they want something and you feel an
immediate NO! coming from your throat, take a moment to excuse yourself, lay
down, close your eyes and take a deep breath.
Feel how relaxed you are?
Thats what YES feels like.
When you use the mantra I want for you what you want for you, you cleanse
yourself of motive-generated outcomes that often lead to drama and instead
focus on saying YES because you know its the right thing for those you love
even if it might not feel like it to you.

Day 9: Motive Generated

I see the NO arising and say NO. I will keep saying NO to NO and open
to the YES of your desire. I sink into the deep, relaxing ease that comes with
helping you claim what is rightfully yours. Your wish is not accidental. It is a
commandment from life itself that you may fulfill your purpose for being alive.

How could I ever take that from you? I cant. So when my NO arises, I say
NO to it, and honor your divine purpose with my YES.

Reflection Question
What can you say YES to today?

Day 10 Reclaiming My Power

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 10!
By now you should have experienced brand-new clarity and insights about love
in your relationships and how to continue living the mantra of I want for you what
you want for you.
The subject of todays meditation is reclaiming your power.
By knowing that Love is all powerful and that it has more power than hate, you
realize that unconditional love empowers you to be the best person you can be.
Find solace in the fact that forever etched in your heart and soul is the one truth
that we all must embrace: Love is all there is, Love is who I am and there is only
When you use the mantra I want for you what you want for you, you realize
that, while the journey will require you to step out of your comfort zone and let go
of your ego and its self-serving desires, the truth you will experience will serve
your life in every way possible.

Day 10: Reclaiming My Power



My unconditional love empowers me to reclaim my true power and use the allpowerful energy of love to create the life of my dreams. That life is a life without
limits, without restrictions, without judgments. You provide me with a pathway to
that life. How can I ever thank you? You are my practice, my direct route to my

Reflection Question
How can you be less judgmental to your loved ones today?

Day 11 End of War

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 11!
The subject of todays meditation is ending your war.
Have you ever been in the middle of a heated argument with a close friend or
partner, and in the midst of trying your best to make them feel bad, they gently
put their hand on yours and gaze sweetly into your eyes?
In that instant, you realized how pointless all of it is.
Without their willing participation in your war, you were humbled by the realization
that what was really going on inside you had absolutely nothing to do with them.
When you practice the mantra I want for you what you want for you, you realize
that often the most vicious battles you have with a loved one are a result of
weaknesses or flaws you have been blaming yourself forand blaming them
only serves as a fleeting band-aid, not a permanent cure.

Day 11: End of War


I am humbled to notice that what is really going on inside of me has absolutely nothing to do
with you. It has everything to do with me. What a perfect mirror you are for me to see myself.
When I can love you, then I can love myself. I choose such a love.

Reflection Question
How can you see yourself in the perfect mirrors around you today?

Day 12 I Love Me Too

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 12!
The subject of todays meditation is finding peace.
Do you sometimes find yourself at odds with your partner or loved ones
Are there times when you secretly (or not so secretly) want something for them,
despite the fact they explicitly tell you they dont feel the same way?
One of the most precious blessings you can give yourself is peace of mind.
Whenever you are pushing your loved ones towards something they dont want,
you are setting into motion a constant cycle of anxiety and stresseventually
leading to damaging arguments and hurt feelings.
When you use the mantra I want for you what you want for you, to support your
loved ones in the things that they care most about, it opens the door for your
relationship to grow to its fullest potential resulting in a deep, peaceful
connection aligned with all of natures possibilities.

Day 12: I Love Me Too


I want you to be happy and say YES to your desires. In doing so, I also gift
myself with the same freedom that connects my heart to yours. Saying YES to
you means saying YES to me, for there is nothing I want so much as the deep
intimacy of our love. In supporting you, I open myself to the possibility that life
can be magical, that the unexpected and unplanned can bring even more fulfillment
than when I try to be the General Manager of the universe.

Reflection Question :
How can you say YES to you today?

Day 13 How Can I Know?

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 13!
We have almost completed the second week. By now you should be clearly
aware about how love has grown throughout your life.
The subject of todays meditation is the needs of your loved ones.
Have you ever felt your partner or loved one imposing their will and desires on
you, without really understanding what your needs are?
Each of us has a unique journey towards self-discovery. It is impossible to know
the needs and desires of others because they are constantly changing over time.
The best thing you can do is to offer them your unconditional love and emotional
When you use the mantra I want for you what you want for you, to understand
and accept what your partner or loved ones want and to help them on their
journey (even if it changes over time), you open the door to a loving relationship
built to stand the test of time.


Day 13: How Can I Know?

I offer you my unconditional love and emotional support along your journey towards
your destiny. When you return it to me, we create a special bond that can never be
broken. And if for some reason, you dont return it to me, the love of you has enriched
me. I can never know what is best for you. So it is my joy and honor to watch your
amazing life unfold and rest in the gratitude of being able to share it with you.

Reflection Question
How can you be grateful for sharing your journey with your loved ones today?
Day 14 Surrender and Trust

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 14!
We are officially done with our second week.
Please take a moment to reflect on how these daily meditations have empowered
you to recognize and amplify the love in your life.
Now lets get started with your first meditation on surrender and trust.
Has your ego prevented you from sharing your innermost thoughts, feelings and
desires with your partner or loved ones?
To love is to surrender its the act of opening your heart and exposing your
emotions, hopes and dreams.
When you use the mantra I want for you what you want for you to completely


surrender your ego and trust your loved ones, you are left with a deep sense of
relief and exhilarating freedom.

Day 14: Surrender and Trust

I surrender and trust you completely, knowing that both of us feel stronger from
being half of a larger whole. I know that I cannot change you. Only you can do
that. So I love you enough to know that in supporting you, even when I dont
agree, Im supporting myself at the same time. I trust in our relationship. I
surrender to the love I have for you and am grateful to have you in my life.

Reflection Question
How can you support someone you care for today?
Day 15 Letting Go

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 15!
Im excited to jump into this last week so I can bring everything home for you.
The subject of todays meditation is letting go.
Have you ever hid your feelings from your partner or loved one because you
were scared of losing them?
When you expose your genuine feelings, you open yourself to the risk of
Despite this, you need to let others know the truth and then decide for
themselves, rather than hiding your feelings and never discovering how they feel
in return.
When you use the mantra I want for you what you want for you, to let go of your

fears or inhibitions and take the plunge, you allow the opportunity for others to be
honest as well, resulting in a mutual appreciation that lays the foundation for
remarkable relationships.

Day 15: Letting Go

I share my honest feelings and heart with you because even if you dont feel the
same way, it is better to live in the truth than to hide in the unknown. I will
dedicate my life to the practice of being open and letting go; knowing that what is
in my life, is what is supposed to be, and what is leaving my life, is also what is
supposed to be. I am thankful for this practice that brings me closer to me.

Reflection Question
How can you be more honest today?
Day 16 You Me & Us

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 16!
The subject of todays meditation is uniting your heart with anothers.
Do you find yourself spending every waking moment thinking about your loved
ones ,wondering what they are doing and missing the warmth of their touch and
We are creatures naturally drawn together. When fully uniting your heart with
anothers, you create a larger wholeness that is much more than just the sum of
two people.
The great saints, sages and teachers have always known that the unity we feel
between us is the same unity that underlies and connects everything in the
universe. In fact, the very nature of the universe is unity in diversity.
When you use the mantra I want you for you what you want for you, you create

an unbreakable connection full of warmth, care and love uniting yourself not
only with your loved one but also with the rest of life as well.

Day 16: You, Me & Us

I unite my heart completely with yours and am thrilled to know that together, we
are connected at the deepest level that permeates the entire universe. This
connection is always present and when Im with you, I feel it more than ever. As
we ride the waves of that unbounded field, you are my anchor and my freedom. Of
course I want you to have all that you want to have, because you are the most
precious part of me.

Reflection Question
How can I support my loved ones in having what they want?

Day 17 Fruit of the Yagya

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 17!
The subject of todays meditation is the fruit of the yagya.
Yagya is about surrender. The word yagya comes from the ancient Vedic
tradition of India. Traditionally, yagya is the process of making offerings in an act
of worship with a desire to gain the favor of the divine, or in other words, to gain
support of the laws of nature. In a broader sense, yagya is the process of
surrendering your small self to the will of the divine.
When it comes to love, yagya is the mental, emotional and spiritual process of
giving your unconditional love to your partner and loved ones.

This helps you free yourself from the bondage of attachment to your own small
desires. You also ask the universe to summon the laws of nature to work in the
favor of you and those you love.
When you follow the mantra I want you for you what you want for you, you are
actually letting go of your egos self-serving desires and instead become an
instrument of the divine.

Day 17: Fruit of the Yagya

I let go of my self-serving desires to offer my unconditional love as an instrument
of the divine. When I let go of my resistance, the grace of the divine flows through
me and the blessings of the divine fill me up. When I surrender my smallness to the
fullness of unconditional love, I discover the peace that surpasses all
understanding. You connect me to myself and I offer that self in the fulfillment of
lifes desires. This is the yagya. This is the offering. This is the joy of life.

Reflection Question
How can you let go of your resistance today?

Day 18: Benevolent Universe

There are no mistakes in the universe. Should you no longer love me or I no longer love
you, I know these are also gifts. I love receiving gifts, so thank you for being such a
great gift in my life. When I support you in having what you want, and I do it with a
loving heart, I feel like I am finally being "the teacher living the teaching".

Reflection Question
What are the gifts in my life today?

Day 19 Deep Ease

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 19!
The subject of todays meditation is deep ease.
Have you ever felt torn between your subtle desires for control and the needs of
your partner or loved one?
Perhaps you see them in a certain light and cling to a notion of who they should
be, instead of accepting them as they are.
When you use the mantra I want for you what you want for you, to let go of
anything that restricts your closeness with your partner or loved ones, you enjoy
a deep ease that inspires them to do the same, thus allowing for free-flowing
communication and pure, unfiltered love.

Day 19: Deep Ease

When I want for you what you want for you, I create the possibility of deep ease through
free-flowing, honest communication. I know that when I support you in what you want, I
will have what I want, a deeply fulfilling relationship. When I give up my resistance,
relinquish my need to control, and relax into my love of you, life becomes so sweet and
at the same time, filled with deep ease.


Reflection Question
How can you relax into a sense of ease today?

Day 20 Your Path is Your Path

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 20!
The subject of todays meditation is allowing your loved ones to travel their
destined paths.
Think back to a time when you have seen your partner or loved one struggling
with a painful event or difficult decision. Did you push them towards the easy
path or did you let them find the answer for themselves?
Often times there is no better teacher than experience. Even though a certain
path may bring temporary pain or despair, it is through this trial by fire that we
discover and grow into our destinies.
When those you love are challenged, support them in every way you can think
of . . . and knowing that these challenges will serve them well in the long run can
help prevent you from suffering along with them.
When you use the mantra I want for you what you want for you to allow others
to find their own road towards happiness and fulfillment, you bless them with the
gift of experience and allow them to organically mature into the person they were
always meant to be.

Day 20: Your Path is Your Path



Just as enormous pressure creates a diamond, I know the struggles you go through
will perfect the beauty that is you. I will do my best to support you in all that you
go through and at the same time, I take comfort in knowing that your path is your
path. When I support you in following your path, I support you in growing into
your greatness.

Reflection Question
How can you support the choices or challenges of a loved one today?

Day 21 - Anti-Aging
Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 21!
Congratulations for making it through the entire program! I'm so happy that you
have gifted yourself with these 21 days of reflections on love. This in itself calls
for a major celebration!
It's my prayer that in these 21 days, youve allowed yourself to immerse fully in
the teachings, you've practiced the guided meditations, and you've reflected on
the ones that resonate with your own life.
Now its time for you to apply your unconditional love and use it to develop closer,
more meaningful relationships founded on mutual truths and sincere
appreciation. Again, thank you so much for loving yourself enough to say yes to
21 Days of Meditations on Love! May your world reflect back to you all of the
sweet love that you give out!
The subject of the final meditation is building lasting relationships with your
loved ones.
When you dont unconditionally love your partner or loved ones, you can
physically feel the restriction in your heartand in some ways, it almost feels like
youre aging.

Research has shown that people live longer when they love someone, when they
have a companion to love, or even a pet to care for. When we are young at heart,
we help ourselves stay young.
When you use the mantra I want you for you what you want for you, you
empower yourself with living a long, happy and loving lifeit really is the only
true natural anti-aging cure.

Day 21: Anti-Aging

My unconditional love has a way of making me feel younger. When I am open,
spontaneous, and having fun with you, I feel restored, refreshed, and rejuvenated.
What an exciting time! You and I, togetherhow exciting to live in a world where
all possibilities exist.

Reflection Question
How can you celebrate your unconditional love today?
Day 22 The Perfection Called You

Dear Luca,
Welcome to Day 22!
Surprise... I bet you weren't expecting this surprise bonus, were you?! It's our
way of saying we appreciate you so much for joining us in these 21 days. When
your heart is full, our world becomes a more loving place.
The subject of todays meditation is appreciating the perfect essence that is
When the universe brings people into existence, it does so with the intention of
perfection. You have been perfect since the moment you took your first breath,
and you dont need to be fixed or changed in any way.


If you have faith in this perfect existence of yourself and all of your fellow
brothers and sisters around the world, you realize that trying to purposefully
change or recreate your loved ones will only prevent their natural evolution
towards their own destiny.
When you use the mantra I want you for you what you want for you, you
embrace the fact that we are all children of life created in perfection. Once we are
able to let go of our egos and self-serving desires, we naturally blossom into the
beautiful essence that has always been at the heart of who we are.
>> Click here to begin todays meditation
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining Mentors Channel and me on
this fabulous journey of unconditional love. We are so honored that you have
taken time to immerse yourself in this profound knowledge of "I want for you what
you want for you." Please know you will always have a special place in our hearts
and that we look forward to spending more precious time with you, exploring the
nature of life, and all of the beauty it brings. Namaste.
With Love,

Day 22: The Perfection Called You

You dont need to be changed, morphed or fixed. Both of us, are simply perfect as we
are. So, knowing this, why would I change you? You are beautiful. As I honor you, I
honor me. As I rejoice in your perfection, I uncover deeper layers of the perfection in
me. Come or go, you keep bringing me back to me. What a wonderful gift. Thank you.

Reflection Question
How can you see the perfection in others today?


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