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The Hunger Games character profile

Name: Katniss Everdeen

Age: 16
Katniss lives with her younger sister Primrose and her
mother Paula. Her father died during a mining accident
when she was 11. Katniss didn't have many friends as a
child. Madge is the Mayor of District 12's daughter and only
female friend. Gale Hawthorne is Katniss' best friend who is
a year older than her. They met when their fathers died in
the mining accident. Katniss is always busy taking care of her
family and putting food on the table. Her interests include of
mostly hunting, especially with a bow and arrow. Katniss
also shares her fathers singing abilities.
Name: Gale Hawthorne
Age: 18
Gale Hawthorne is Katniss Everdeen's best friend and hunting
partner, one of the series' main characters. He is devoted to
his family and to Katniss and is a true rebel and at heart. He is
in love with Katniss and is forced to watch as she volunteers
for the 74th Hunger Games in the place of her sister. Gale is
the oldest child of the Hawthorne family with three younger
siblings; Rory, Vick, and the only girl, Posy who was born
shortly after their father died in a mining accident that also
killed Katniss' father. Gale enjoys helping and aiding people.

Name: Peeta Mellark

Age: 16
Although he grew up in the merchant area of District 12,
Peeta's had a bad childhood, as his family life was difficult.
His father was kind, but his mother was known to beat
Peeta and his two brothers if they made a mistake. Peeta
also has a love interest with Katniss. He spends his time
decorating the goods at the bakery leading him to have
exceptional artistry skills and survival skills. Peeta and
Katniss were both chosen to compete in the 74th Hunger

Name: Haymitch Abernathy

Age: 40
Haymitch Abernathy was the first victor from District
12, who won the 50th Hunger Games when he was
sixteen. He also is the only living victor in District 12
and he mentored twenty-three years of tributes before
the 74th Hunger Games. After winning the 50th Hunger
Games his family and girlfriend were murdered by
President Snow, he had a younger brother and mother.
He later on began to drink and became an alcoholic.
Haymitch is also very smart.

Name: Effie Trinket

Age: Unknown
Effie works as the escort for District 12, particularly to
Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark in The Hunger
Games trilogy. Her responsibilities include drawing the
Hunger Games tributes' names every year at reapings
and subsequently escorting them to the Capitol via a
train. Effie enjoys spreading positivity and cheering
people up.

Name: Cinna
Age: Early 30s
Little is known about Cinna's background, He rose
through the ranks of the Capitol to become a stylist
for the tributes of the Hunger Games. His role as a
double agent implies that he was a trusted member
of District 13 who sought to undermine Panem's
regime. Cinna comforts Katniss when needed. His
interests include hair and clothing.

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