As Russia Solves The Syria Crisis, USA Faces Its Biggest Foreign Polivy Fail Since Vietnam

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Biggest US Foreign Policy Failure Since Vietnam: Iran

Masses Ground Troops For Invasion Of Syria

Anyone 'with ears to hear and eyes to see' could have predicted the final outcome of the CIA
backed plan to oust Syria's President Bashir al Assad would not be a good one for either Obama
or Washington. US military interventions usually end up achieving the opposite of what the
planned outcome was. A recent example is Libya, where the US, backed by French and UK Air
Force personnel lanuched a bombing campaign in Libya, with the stated aim of overthrowing the
tyrant Gadaffi and installing a western style, democratic government.
Unfortunately the clever boys and girls in Washington with their political science PhDs had read
lots of boooks on geopolitical theory, but understood nothing about Libya and its people. Thus,
what was the most prosperous and civilized nation state on the African continent in 2011, since
the fall of Gadaffi has descended into a lawless, failed state. <a
href="">Libya now has no effective
government but instead a three way civil war</a>.
Last week, as <a href="http;//">Russian Air
Force jets were pounding Syrian extremist targets</a>, we reported Iran was rumoured to be
preparing a ground invasion to drive ISIS, Al Qaeda and what the increasingly clownish Barack
Obama called 'moderate Syrian rebels', The Daily Stirrer tried to cut through all of the Western
and Russian media propaganda on the way to describing what Moscows involvement in Syria
actually means in geopolitical terms. Here are a few excerpts from our analysis and others
around the web that summarize whats taking shape in the Middle East:

Putin looks to have viewed this as the ultimate geopolitical win-win. That is, Russia gets to i)
expand its influence in the Middle East in defiance of Washington and its allies, a move that also
helps to protect Russian energy interests and preserves the Mediterranean port at Tartus, and ii)
support its allies in Tehran and Damascus thus preserving the counterbalance to the US-SaudiQatar alliance.
Meanwhile, Iran gets to enjoy the support of the Russian military juggernaut on the way to
protecting the delicate regional nexus that is the source of Tehrans Mid-East influence. It is
absolutely critical for Iran to keep Assad in power, as the loss of Syria to the West would
effectively cut the supply line between Iran and Hezbollah.
It would be difficult to overstate the significance of what appears to be going on here. This is
nothing short of a Middle Eastern coup, as Iran looks to displace Saudi Arabia as the regional
power broker and as Russia looks to supplant the US as the superpower puppet master.
The Pentagons outlandish claim that Russia and Iran (supported by China who have 'military
assets' in Syria, mainly to demonstrate their solidarity with allies Russia, Iran and the Assad
regime,) have formed a Mid-East nexus is a carbon copy of the Bush administrations
ludicrous attempt to demonise Americas foreign policy critics in the eyes of the public by
identifying an axis of evil consisting of Iraq, Iran, North Korea and Libya, four nations that
had little in common and certainly neither a formal nor informal mutual support teaty.

Putin's decision to step up direct support for the Assad government, which the Russians have
always said they will not allow to be overthrown, was a masterful strategy by Moscow and
Tehran to tip the advantage in the Middle East geo - political chess game away from Riyadh and
Shoring up Assad in Syria strengthens Hezbollah and presents Tehran with an opportunity to
assert itself in the name of combatting terror. The West has maintained since 1979 that Iran is the
worlds main sponsor of terror, and the Pentagon has repeatedly accused the Iranians of
orchestrating attacks on US soldiers in Iraq after cooperation between Washington and Tehran
broke down in the wake of Bushs axis of evil comment.
Indeed, Iran was accused of masterminding a plot to kill the Saudi ambassador at a Washington
DC restaurant in 2011.
It is now the USA, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar who stand accused of sponsoring Sunni extremists
against the secular regimes in Iraq and Syria and Iran's Revolutionary Guard, that is being cast as
the White Hat brigade, while the USA and its allies are increasingly exposed as hegemonists
intent on world domination.
The USA, along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, funded, train, and armed fundamentalist Sunni
muslims, intending overthrow the Assad regime. Unfortunately most of those Sunni partisans
turned out to be crazy fanatics who hate non Muslims as much as they hate the Shia for being the
wrong sort of Muslims. Armed with US weapons, funded by Saudi and Qatari money and
convinced Allah was on their side after early successes, they declared a Medieval caliphate. This
put putt the CIA, The Pentagon and the Obama administration in the ridiculous position of
having to reclassify Al-Qaeda groups as "moderate" opponents of Assad. OK they may have
crusified Christians, taken Yazidi Muslim women as sex slaves and beheaded western journalists
and aid workers but they went about it all in a moderaste and reasonable way.
The situation spun out of control and to hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths resulted from
ISIS purges of 'the impure' before Washington finally decided to try and find a way to contain the
monster the CIA had created in ISIS
Iran's intervention in support of Assad would be a non starter without Moscows stamp of
superpower approval. While The Kremlin has a well equipped front line air base in Syria, Obama
dare not attack any force supporting Assad, but if Russia withdrew the USA would go back to
nibbling at the edges of the ISIS invasion while doing all in their power short of actually
bombing Damascus, to bring down the Syrian government.
The recent P5+1 nuclear deal and general easing of tensions between Washington and Tehran
have made it difficult for Tehran to be open about its determination to prop up Assad although
Iranian support for the Syrian regime in Syria has been well documented for years. Now Moscow
is officially involved and the USA has been exposed as the main supporter of the terrorists trying
to establish an Islamic Caliphate in Syria, Iraq, Kurdistan, Lebanon and Jordan, that caution is no
longer necessary and Iran is openly acting to support Russian airstrikes with an outright ground
incursion as many commentators including ourselves have predicted. Heres what the Wall Street
Journal said on the subject:
Iran is expanding its already sizable role in Syrias multisided war in the wake of Russias
air strikes, despite the risk of antagonizing the U.S. and its Persian Gulf allies who want to
push aside President Bashar al-Assad.

Politicians in the region close to Tehran as well as analysts who have been closely
following its role in Syria say a decision has been made, in close coordination with the
Russians and the Assad regime, to increase the number of fighters on the ground through
Irans network of local and foreign proxies.
The support also could involve more Iranian commanders, military advisers and expert
fighters usually assigned to these units, these people said.
Wiam Wahhab, a former Lebanese minister allied to Iran and Mr. Assad, stressed that Iran
wouldnt be dispatching troops in the conventional sense. Instead, they were likely to be
officers and advisers from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, or IRGC, he said.
I know there is a major battle upon us and everything needed for this battle will be made
available, said Mr. Wahhab, who has some members from his own political party fighting
in Syria alongside the regime. There is a plan to carry out offensive operations in more
than one spot.
Experts believe Iran has some 7,000 IRGC members and Iranian paramilitary volunteers
operating in Syria already. Separate from the regular army, the IRGC was founded in the
aftermath of the 1979 revolution as an ideological peoples army reporting directly to the
supreme leader, Irans top decision maker.
The more than 100,000-strong force controls a vast military, economic and security power
structure in Iran and is in charge of proxies across the region. Its paramilitary organization,
the Basij, was the lead force in the crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators in 2009.
Whats more, some experts estimate 20,000 Shiite foreign fighters are on the ground,
backed by both Shiite Iran and its main proxy in the region, the Lebanese Shiite militia

It should have been easy for the US State Department, the UK Foreign Office and France
Diplomatie to see this coming yet apparently none did. Or maybe the politicians listened to their
corporate paymasters who want global war because its good for business rather than the
diplomats. In June 2015, the commander of Irans Quds Force, Qasem Soleimaini, visited a town
north of Latakia on the frontlines of Syrias protracted civil war. Following that visit, he
promised that Tehran and Damascus were set to unveil a new strategy that would surprise the
Just a little over a month later, Soleimani - in violation of a UN travel ban, but who takes any
notice of the UN, - visited Russia for meetings with Russian officials. Washington has been
outmanoeuvred by Putin and his allies every step of the way in this crisis. Thus the US war
against ISIS, which started with a lavishly praised but idiotic speech by Barack Obama in 2009,
in which he pledged US support for rebels trying to overthrow legitimate governments he did not
like, is shaping up to be the most spectacular US foreign policy debacle since Vietnam and that
may yet turn out to be an understatement.
Only 5 Percent Of Russian Air Strikes Hitting Islamic, British Defence Secretary Lies

After an amazing outburst from the delusional Brack Obama left the United Nations General
Assembly in stunned silence because Obama has accused Russia and China of all the recent
breaches of international law of which the USA is demonstably guilty, the propaganda
departments of western governments seem to have totally lost their grip on reality.
We Will Destroy Islamic State In Three years Say Western Leaders
The NATO summit on Ukraine and ISIS wound up yesterday having achieved exactly what it
was expected to achieve - nothing ... There was some kind of agreemant that Britain will join the
US is launching air strikes against the Islamic State militias ... A war against ISIS would be a
continuation of the war waged in Iraq from 2003, initially to overthrow the tyrant Saddam
Hussein, and since his capture to restrain the wannabe tyrants queueing to replace him.
As FUKUS axis of evil prepares to attack Syria, Russia and China put on war alert
Another world shaking story that the free world's mainstream media chose not to tell us about
even though it should have dominated newspaper headlines and broadcast news bulletins for
months. It tells of how Russia and China knew of Military / Industrial / Banking New World
Order office boy Obama's plans to start World War Three back in 2011. Everything their
intelligence predicted has happened
Assad Says Europe Is Responsible For Refugee Crisis: "If You're Worried About Them, Stop
Supporting Terrorists
As the tide of refugees fleeing Syrias bloody civil war, swelled by African economic migrants
masquerading as Syrians continues to tear the European Union (EU) apart, and as Brussels
struggles to formulate a coherent policy for handling the crisis as member states go their own
way with measures to close border crossing points, divert migrants to other member nations, or ...
The Forgotten War Understanding The Incredible Debacle Left Behind By NATO In Libya
The FUKUS axis intervention in Libya, led by US President Barack Obama, with help from
David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy as leadsers of UK and France, was an abject failure judged
even by the standards of American foreign policy incompetence. Libya not only failed to evolve
into the democracy we were told it would become once Gaddafi was gone, it has devolved into a
failed state.
Obama and FUKUS Axis Air Strikes On ISIS Will Make Things Worse
The bombing of ISIS, the Islamic State is well under way in Iraq and Syria, and as predicted the
American, British and French led campaign is already making things worse for civilians among
whom the ISIS fighters are dispersed. And of course, far from making the west safer, it is stirring
up more hatred against us in the Islamic world.
The Third Gulf War Has Started - Should Britain Get Involved
For the third time in twenty five years a British Prime ~Minister has led the nation into a war in
Iraq. It's understandable that Iraquis might be a bit pissed off with us. This time the threat is not a
brutal dictator like Saddam hussein or Muammar Gadaffi, the Libyan leader we helped depose,
but Islamic State, a concept, an idea, but also a rabble of bloodthirsty maniacs funded by
European and American money, aremed with European and American weapons and trained by
European and American 'military advisers.
Syria: US and UK hypocrisy about Russia's air strikes
Assad in sight of victory in Syria so Obama steps up support for ISIS
Syria is USA's proxy war against Putin
How Obama totally misunderestimated Assad's Syria
The FUKUS axis in Syria

Only 5 Percent Of Russian Air Strikes Hitting Islamic, British

Defence Secretary Lies
by Ian R Thorpe
Hot on the heels of Barack Obama's condemnation of Russia and China for meddling in the
internal politics of less powerful nations came another gobsmackingly hypocritical outburs from
the jug eared jihadist President. This time he accused Russia, which has never made any secret of
its purpose for intervening in the Syrian conflict, which was to ensure the Assad regime, a close
ally of the Russians, does not fall.
In accusing Russia, China and their ally Iran of contravening international law and the United
nations charter by their actions in Syria (The great constiutional lawyer was wrong, Russia was
asked by the Assad regime to help resist extremism and so their actions are perfectly legal,)
Obama scuppered any chance of a united approach by eastern and western powers to deal with
Islamic extremism.
Not only did Obama once again fail to offer a single shred of evidence to back up his
allegations, he completely forgot to mention recent illegal US intereventions to effect regime
change in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan to name a few and also US sponsored and engineered regime
change in Ukraine and the failed efforts in Syria itself, Yemen, Egypt and Venezuela.
Sadly, other western leaders can see no available course of action except to meekly follow as the
USA's neo - fascist government leads the free world towards war.
Only one in 20 Russian air strikes in Syria are aimed at Islamic State targets, Britains
defence secretary said on Saturday, warning that Vladimir Putin was instead killing
civilians to shore up President Bashar al-Assad.
Russia bombed Syria for a third straight day on Friday, mainly hitting areas held by rival
insurgent groups rather than the Islamic State fighters it said it was targeting, and drawing
an angry response from the West.
In an interview with the Sun newspaper, British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said the
vast majority of Russian air strikes were not aimed at the militant group at all.
Our evidence indicates they are dropping unguided munitions in civilian areas, killing
civilians, and they are dropping them against the Free Syrian forces fighting Assad, he
said. Hes shoring up Assad and perpetuating the suffering.
Prime Minister David Cameron has said he sees a strong case for conducting British air
strikes against Islamic State in Syria, but he wants to make sure he has enough support in
parliament to gain approval.
He lost a parliamentary vote on the use of force in Syria in 2013. Consequently, British
bombing so far has only targeted Islamic State in neighboring Iraq.
Fallon said Putins actions complicated the situation in Syria, but the British government
had made progress in persuading lawmakers from the opposition Labour party to back

strikes in Syria. It would be morally wrong not to do so, he said.

So how do Fallon's and Obama's ravings stand up to an examination of the sequence of
verifiable events. The first thing to collapse under scrutiny is the 'civilians' claim, are these
'civilians' actually the so-called 'rebels'? Or are they genuine civilians (which must surely only be
women and children since all the men are over here now claiming asylum)? And surely as ISIS
are not regular soldiers under the control of a legitimate government but terorists, then
technically they are all civilians.
The whole of this latest propaganda effort seems as if The Ministry Of Truth has hit the rewind
button and all the BS about Assad bombing his own people has started all over again. Thing is,
you've got liberal idiots, socialist hand wringers, wailers and gnashers of teeth believing it all.
And Fallon made his remarks in an interview with The Sun, the tabloid that built its circulation
by printing pictures of nubile young ladies with their tits out? Was that because he wants to be
taken seriously and chose to speak through a publication that would give his words the right
amount of gravitas, or was it simply to get his lies out to the greatest number because public
opinion has swung strongly against the government on this issue?
Fallon is probably just trying to add to a general fog of anti-Russian sentiment, his problem is
that many of us have worked out who the real war criminals are and don't believe anything these
lying turds say. Fallon's remarks, like those made by Obummer and David Cameroink recently,
lost what little credibility the hypergullible might have allowed them when the phrase 'moderate
rebels' was invoked I don't believe anything British, European or American politicians say any
A terrorist is a terrorist! Bomb the lot! Who are these al-Qaeda 'moderates' the UK and US want
to protect, aren't they the same people as flew fully loaded passenger aircraft into tall buildings a
few months ago planes into buildings? Or would they be the US "assets" funded, armed and
trained by the USA - the rogue state that sponsors terrorism and has just destroyed the last
remaining MSF hospital in Afghanistan. They called it "collateral damage"! What does Mr.
Fallon have to say about that attack on civilians.
The hand-wringing, whingeing, politically correct consensus politicians of the west are really
nauseating in their hypocrisy. They had the chance to do something long ago and should have
supported Bashir from the word go, against ALL comers, not just Daesh. Instead rather than
oppose extremism they chose to supply the rebels (i.e. the raping, torturing, Christian crucifying,
head amputators who are fanatical adherents of "The Religion Of Peace" whom the BBC are now
calling "moderate" opponents of the regime.
Putin, despite repeated insults and provocations by Obama and other western leaders, has stood
up to them, promised Bashir assistance, and got stuck in. All the western plonkers have done is
moan, faff about, and run in circles like headless chickens, and effectively done eff all. Obama
doesn't even talk a good war, he reads his belligerent comments from an autocue.
Now all they can do is point fingers and accuse Russia of killing civilians, including children.
History knows of no conflict, in the past, where there have NOT been civilian casualties. Obama,
Hollande and Cameroink should keep out of the middle east, let Russia finish the job in Syria
while Iran and Kurdistan deal with ISIS in Iraq.

Edit: Breaking News - The Russian Air Force has destroyed a terrorist command center in Raqqa
(why couldn't the US or France have got it?) AND at least 9 dead in US attack on MSF hospital.
Putin 3 - 0 Obama!
Irony Overload: Iran Warns Obama Not To Cross Red Lines
the United States concluded an agreement with Iran which lifted US and International sanctions in return for
Islamic Shi'ite Republic agreeing to limit their nuclear ability. At a high level, the US would lead the way in
lifting oil and financial sanctions imposed due to Irans nuclear programs; in return Iran would reduce their
stockpile of enriched uranium

All Bombs Kill But Obama Only Denounces Russia's And Syria's Bombs
The U.S. government has dropped hundreds of thousands of tons of bombs on Iraq alone in the
last dozen years and even hailed the start of the bombing campaign in 2003 as shock and awe
but now has coyly and repeatedly decried the Syrian governments supposed use of crude
barrel bombs.
The Nuttiness Of NeoCon Destabilization Campaigns.
As the instability in the middle east spreads to Europe, North Africa and into Sourthern Asia we
look as the role of the so - called neocons, piratical, mostly American corporate, world
domination freaks who naively see the collapse of nations and the global economic structure as
somehow working to their advantage. Ironically the neocons are aided and abetted by the neoliberals, theoretically their rivals although the groups share the same broad aims.
Playing Poker With Obama: Putins Calculated Risk In Syria
I've said before that the reason Vladimir Putin outmanoeuvres the US State Department in every
diplomatic skirmish is that while American's play poker, which is all about bluff, Putin plays
chess which is all about strategy. Russian President Vladimir Putin had decided to risk the
possibility of military clashes with the United States and its European Allies, Saudi Arabia, other
major Muslim nations and Israel by intervening in Syria ...
Syrian Girl's Video exposes western Politicians and Media Lies About Refugees
This girl makes more sense than Obama, Cameron, Hollande, Merkel and all other western
criminals and corporate hirelings put together, Maybe one day they will realize that their
subservience to zionism only leads ruin of their individual characters!
All Bombs Kill But Obama Only Denounces Russia's And Syria's Bombs
The U.S. government has dropped hundreds of thousands of tons of bombs on Iraq alone in the
last dozen years and even hailed the start of the bombing campaign in 2003 as shock and awe
but now has coyly and repeatedly decried the Syrian governments supposed use of crude
barrel bombs.
Russia's action against ISIS in Syria outwits Obama Again
Europes intensifying migrant crisis and Russias increased military support for President Assads
regime in Syria, including the establishment of a Russian military Syrian headquarters at Latakia
have focused the attention of world media and those of us who like to be aware what is going on
to dangerous situation now emerging from Syrias protracted civil war.
France ready to bomb Syria 'in self-defense' foreign minister
France's Francois Hollande has been almost as desperate as Barack Obama for a war that will
distract French voters from the economic disaster his socialist government has wrought. But if

Russia continues to back Assad and there is no reason to think they will not, any allied effort to
bring down Assad is a non starter.
US Foreign Policy has Boosted Expansion of Terrorism, Putin Says
Russias president Putin has become more harsh in his criticisms of US foreign policy over the
past few years, from the moment France, the UK and USA used the excuse of staging a
'humanitarian mission to prevent genocide in Libya' to wage a bombing campain on that country
with the aim of bringing down the Gaddafi regime, relations between the western powers and the
Russia / China alliance have been going downhill fast ...
American Department of Defence Admits Supporting ISIS In Syria
Rumours have been rife for almost a year that ISIS/ISIL/ whatever you want to call them, the
Islamist rebel group who have taken control of large areas of Syria and Iraq with the intention of
setting up a new Islamic Caliphate, were actually set up by United Staes CIA agents with the aim
of overthrowing secular Muslim dictators and helping the US ally Saudi Arabia impose
theocratic rule throughout the Arab lands. A new leak proves that once again the 'conspiracy
theorists' were right.
Syria: US and UK hypocrisy about Russia's air strikes
The FUKUS axis in Syria

All Bombs Kill But Obama Only Denounces Russia's And

Syria's Bombs
In addressing the United Nations earlier this week, President Obama attacked Russia, China and
Iran for "imposing their will on weaker nations by military means" but failed to acknowledge the
numerous military interventions of his own country since World War 2. He also singled out for
condemnation Syrias President Assad and his alleged use of barrel bombs, but again Obama
was silent on his own use of far more powerful ordnance or the civilian tolls from Saudi/Israeli
attacks with highly lethal U.S. bombs
Obama denounced anyone who doesnt favor regime change in Syria as advocating support
[for] tyrants like Bashar al-Assad, who drops barrel bombs to massacre innocent children,
forgetting - understadably perhaps considering all the bombing missions, drone strikes and
actions by ground troops against non - combatant citizens of third world nations he has to
authorize every day - that FUKUS axis (France, UK and US) bombs have been devastating the
Middle East almost every day for over a decade, killing certainly tens and possibly hundreds of
thousands of innocent people, including many thousands of children.
It is amazing that now Vladimir Putin has once again out - thought and totally outmanoeuvred
Washington to take control of the war against ISIS in Syria at least, and Russia has made more
impact towards defeating the Islamic extremists in a month than the USA and its allies had in
over a year, mainstream media in the west have suddenly become aware that bombs kill a lot of
civilians. But only Russian bombs, Chinese and Iranian bombs it seems. British bombs are
cheerful, happy and sing The Lambeth Walk to get people dancing merrily as they wait for the
next dose of death to fall. American bombs are sincere and filled with brotherly love even if their

religiosity is a tad irritating, and their shrapnel and blast are brilliantly engineered only to go in
the direction of bad guys. French bombs have that certain 'je ne sais quoi' and tend to dismiss
suggestions that they are lethal with a nonchalant gallic shrug.
The bombing of Libyan city Sirte, a part of the campaign to depose the regime of Muammar
Gadaffi in 2011, was hundreds of times times more devastating than the sum total of Russian
bombings so far in Syria. Inexplicably there were no outraged on the spot reports from breathless
BBC reporters on the thousands of civilian casualties the regime changing bombs caused not only
in Sirte but the many towns devastated by the FUKUS axis campaign in Libya.
makes no difference whatsoever to the legal position whether this week's bombing by Russian
aircraft was against ISIL or against a different bunch of crazed Islamist rebels, one still supported
by the CIA and Saudi Arabia (who are not the moderate Syrian opposition as the habitually
dishonest Obama tries to suggest, but a different flavour of extremists). Russia's military
presence in Syria and Russian airstrikes against anti - government rebels are at the request of the
legitimate Government of Syria and thus legal. That does not mean we should support it. Just
because a thing is legal does not mean it is morally right. Bombs kill innocent people. In Syria
and probably Iraq too, innocent people may have to die by bombs to save a far greater number of
innocent people dying by the hand of extremists.
I have enough confidence the good sense of most human beings to believe that a majority will
see through the propaganda of the murderer and war criminal Obama and his hapless henchmen
Cameroink and Hollande and FUKUS axis bombs are just as lethal as Russian bombs, Assad's
alleged barrel bombs or ISILs Improvised Explosive Devices.

Back to Contents table
Only 5 Percent Of Russian Air Strikes Hitting Islamic, British Defence Secretary Lies
After an amazing outburst from the delusional Barack Obama left the United Nations General
Assembly in stunned silence because Obama has accused Russia and China of all the recent
breaches of international law of which the USA is demonstably guilty, the propaganda
departments of western governments seem to have totally lost their grip on reality.
The FUKUS axis in Syria
The Barbarity Of Syrian Rebels
How badly did Obama underestimate Assad's Syrian military
When Assad seems close to victory in Syria Obama steps up support for rebels
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