Cloyes Genealogy

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m. ELLEN HOLLANDT, d. of John and Cecily Hollandt
bur. 1576 St. Nicholas, Colchester

St. Nicholas Church- torn down in 1955

St. Nicholas as it looked prior to renovations in the 1870's


 I. Lawrence- bpt. 28 Dec. 1560 St. Nicholas, Colchester

 II. Henry- bpt. 4 Mar. 1565 St. Nicholas, Colchester
 2III. PETER- bpt. 28 June 1567 St. Nicholas, Colchester, m. ELIZABETH ______, 2. 22 May 1615
St. Nicolas, Colchester, Grace Peekes
 IV. Nathaniel- bpt. 10 Dec. 1570 St. Nicholas


bpt. 28 June 1567 St. Nicholas, Colchester, Essex

m.1. ELIZABETH ______
2. 22 May 1615 St. Nicolas, Colchester, Grace Peekes

Issue- all children bpt. at St. Nicholas, Colchester

 I. Elizabeth- bpt. 11 July 1600

 3II. JOHN- bpt. 2 Dec. 1604 St. Nicholas, Colchester, Essex, m. 1. 12 Oct. 1635 Woolverstone,
Suffolk, ABIGAIL MOURNINGS (d. before 1656 Watertown, MA), 2. Jane ______ (d.c.1666), 3. Julian
______ (m.1. ______ Sparwell), killed in an Indian attack on the Penobscot River in 1676
 III. Peter- bpt. 1606


bpt. 2 Dec. 1604 St. Nicholas, Colchester, Essex

m. 1. 12 Oct. 1635 Woolverstone, Suffolk, ABIGAIL MOURNINGS/MUNNINGS (d. before 1656
Watertown, MA)
2. Jane ______ (d.c.1666)
3. Julian ______ (m.1. ______ Sparwell)
killed in an Indian attack on the Penobscot River in 1676

On 31 Oct. 1639 "A Court held at Boston, for small Causes not exceeding 20/, except for Strangers..... John
Clois is admonished to use his servant Peter Tylls well, or else the said Peter to bee discharged, & to take
course that hee may bee taught his trade of seaman by himself or others." (1)

John Cloise signed the Oath of Fidelity in Watertown, Massachusetts, and was inducted into military
service under the command of Captains Mason and Pierce in 1652. (2)

On 15 Oct. 1652 the following document was witnessed by Goodman Blois, Richard Blois, Richard
"Delivered by Alexander as his act and deed in presence of us underwritten to his master Goodman
Richard Norcross
John Cloys"
"We consent to the turning over of this Servant to Samuel Stratton the 19th of the 8 mo: 1652
Increase Nowell
William Hibbins"

"To the honored the Deputy Governor with the rest of the magistrates assembled in the County Court now
held at Charlestowne this 3rd of the 11th mo 1653. The Petition of Alexander Gordon Scotchman. Humbly
Showeth Whereas by the wise providence of the Almighty God your poare petitioner (with many others of
his countrymen) was taken prisoner in the late English wars with Scoltand, and with many more prisoners
brought into Tottell fields, where and from whence your poare petitioner was redeemed by monies payd by

Mr. Daniel Stone of Cambridge, who hath, as appears by his bill given under his hand, freely given your
poare petitioner the same, and also wheras Jno. Cloise of Watertowne at the same time moved your
petitioner to go along with him by sea to this place without any agreement for time or wages, only his
promise to be as a father in all love and kindness to your poare petitioner, and also whereas your poare
petitioner obteined his passage by his labour withour any charge to the said Cloise as Mr. Jno Allen the
master of the said Ship hath under his hand given, manifesting also his willingness your poare petitioner
should have the benefit of the same, also whereas the said Jno. Cloise hath (after faythfull fervice for about
a years space performed by your petitioner and hard usage by the wife of the said Cloise) now sould your
poare petitioner for seventeen poundes without any recompense or consideration of hispromise made to
your petitioner, or the petitioners labor in the ship on on the shoare whereby your poare petitioner
apprehendeth himself to be muchwronged, yet being a poare exile and friendless hath been willing to
suffer, your petitioner do therefore now humbly Comend the Consideration of the premises to this Honored
Court haveing no other reffuge; and your petitioner shal be ready to prove the perticulars above named,
and doe Humbly intreate this Honored Court to vousafe the Consideration thereof that so far as justice and
equity, according to the laws of God and this Cominwealth, will tend to the releiff of your petitioner, your
poare petitioner may receive some help therefrome, And your petitioner shall set down well payd with the
determination of this Honored Court and shall continue humbly to pray etc.
Alexander Gordon" (3)

On 3 May 1656 John sold to Samuel Stratton for £30 his Watertown home "where my late mansion house
was by God's providence burnt down", along with his interest in the meeting house. His wife Jane released
her dower to the Watertown property. He then bought a house, barn and marsh land near "the neck" in
Charlestown where he and Jane became members of the church there on 9 Aug. 1656. John's house in
Watertown burned in 1637.(4)

The Abraham Browne House- c.1698, Watertown

John and his family moved to Falmouth where he signed a petition on 1660. On 25 July 1660 he sold the
Charlestown property, a house and half an acre, to Giles Fifield and moved to Falmouth. He was on the
grand jury in Maine in 1664, 1671, and 1672. Jane witnessed an Indian deed to George Munjoy in 1666.

In 1667 "We present Julian Cloyes, wife to John Cloyes for a tale bearer from house to house, setting
difference between neighbors." She is found guilty of the offence, and is bound to her good behavior unto
the next court of pleas at Casco, in a bond of 5 pounds, and John Cloyes and Peter Housing are her security.

"We indict Nathaniel Cloyes and Abigail Williams upon evidence of Thomas Cloyes and Sarah Housing for
their misbehavior toward their mother in law, Julian Cloyes. In reference to the presentments of Nathaniel
Cloyes and Abigail Williams, touching their offences, it is ordered that they shallmake a public
acknowledgement of their fault done to their mother by their ill behavior toward her, before the next
training at Casco, or to forfeit five pounds each to the treasury, and for time to come to give in suffecient
security for theif good behavior, to the next court of Pleas for this division unto our sovereign lord the
king" (6)

On 30 June 1675 Timothy Spurwell, had land from step father John Cloyes and "John Cloyse of Falmouth
& Julian his wife" for the love that they bear their 'sunn Thomas Clouse & Susannah his wife & alsoe In
Consideration of two oxen now received of him..." give him land that he purchased of Mr. George Cleves.
Signed as John Cloyce, she signed by mark. Witnesses were George Munjoy and Temperance Munjoy.
This land described as sixty acres with houses between Well Cove and Round Cove inFalmouth.(5)

In 1675 he was living on the west side of the Penobscot River when he was killed by an Indian attack. The
"estate of John Clay deceased, being a fisherman and mariner, killed by the indians" was admininistered by
William Wood.

Julian's daughter Sarah Spurwell "in 1675 had stolen goods from George Pearson of Boston, and brought
them to the Falmouth home of her mother, who sent part of them to another." In 1678/9 Julian was cited for
selling beer and cider without a license.(7)

Issue- first seven children by Abigail, last two by Jane.

 I. John- b. 26 Aug. 1638 Watertown, MA, m. Mary Mills, d.c.1713 Wells, ME

 II. Peter- b. 27 May 1640 Watertown, m.1. Hannah Littlefield, 2. c.1682 Sarah Towne, 3. 2 Jan. 1703/4
Watertown, Susannah Harrington, d. 18 July 1708 Sudbury, MA
 4III. NATHANIEL- b. 6 Mar. 1642/3 Watertown, m. SARAH MILLS
 IV. Abigail- b.1644 Watertown, m. before 1667 Jenkin Williams
 V. Sarah- b.c.1646, m. 20 June 1673 Peter Housing
 VI. Hannah- b.c.1650, m.1. Edward Hounsell (d.c.1690), 2. Isaac Hallam of Boston (d.c.1722)
 VII. Thomas- b.c.1656, m. Susannah Lewis, killed by Indians 1690
 VIII. Mary- b. 1 July 1657 Watertown, m. Richard Burrough
 IX. Martha- b. 13 Oct. 1659


(1) The Records of the Colony of Massachusetts quoted at:
(2) NEHGR- Vol. III, p. 401
(3) New World Immigrants, Vol 1 - Tepper; History of Framingham 1640 - 1880 as quoted at:
(4) Cloice Report of Winifred Lovering Holman; Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire-
(5) York Deeds- Vol. II, p. 174
(6) Gen. Dict. Me & NH- p.152
(7) Ibid-


b. 6 Mar. 1642/3 Watertown, MA


Nathaniel and his brother John were granted 150 acres in Wells in 1681.

Nathaniel signed a Wells petition 21 July 1691 asking for aid against the Indians and for a magazine as the
area was an exposed frontier, the stocks wasted and fair for ruin, the cattle destroyed and the corn in great
hazard.(1) He then signed a petition to the governor and the council to send soldiers to help protect them
against the Indians and to ship supplies including salt as the scarcity of winter was already there.(2) After
the war he received a grant of land. He owned a lot in Wells in 1672. Nathaniel was on the jury in Wells in
1680, 1688 and 1689. he joined the church in Wells in 1701.


 I. Mercy- b.c.1680 Charlestown, m. Apr. 1706 Wells, Joseph Littlefield, d. before 1709
 5II. SUSANNAH- b.c.1685, m. 15 June 1704 Wells, CALEB KIMBALL
 III. Sarah- d. 1 Feb. 1693/4 Charlestown, MA
 IV. Sarah- b.c.1701
 ?V. Joseph- Joseph Cloyes of Wells was listed in a roll of English prisoners in the hands of the French
and Indians and is believed to be a son of either Nathaniel or John.


(1) Mass. Archives- Vol.37, p.84a

(2) Ibid- p.144

"Records of Kennebunk & Kennebunkport Families"- Wm. S. Thompson, Vol. II, pp.927ff



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