When We Pray

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When We Pray

We are in fellowship directly with our Creator.

Without direct fellowship we are not heard.
Unless we are in fellowship with Abba ‫יהוה‬, our prayers go unnoticed
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before Him. Unless we are taking Him to heart, and following in His
Ways, we are beating the air.
Our own heart gives us away, for we are not in fellowship with Him
from our heart when we mindfully seek our own desires, our prayers
are answered while asking selfishly what the flesh so habitually
pursues. Our only assistance in time of need is our Creator Who knows
our exact need and will not succumb to our whims, trying to manipulate
Him, in conforming to what we seek without Him. 'We should think
clearly when we pray,’ exactly what our intention really is, for lust of
worldly desires will not be heard. Our only intention must be humble
and necessarily devoted to further Hope in our relationship with ‫יהוה‬-
0T 0T

YHVH. Our heavenly Father knows our desires and our hearts
relationship with Him. Our heavenly Father also knows our needs. Our
needs are what He wants to answer, and we cannot fool Him with our
whims and control issues. Our Father ‫ יהוה‬knows every thought and
0T 0T

intention of the heart and He is aware of even the games that we

play trying to get Him to concur with our passions.
When we pray there is no secret desire that is not known. We are to
come to Him in humility, not in pushy intention of self gratification,
even when we are praying for others; There are times that we have
ulterior motives when we are attempting to be heard for others sake.
We know our intentions, how much more He knows what we harbor in
our hearts.

A relationship with ‫ יהוה‬must be our first criteria. When we have

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that relationship, and are in His Favor, we then can come to Him
requesting. Not for things, for His Will is not to inundate us with
possessions that will eventually come between. Possessions are an
entrapment that controls our emotional disposition, and we come under
the influence of them when we are searching for them whether we
receive them or not.

0T 0T intention, to answer or not our prayers, will come
between us when we are not following. Instead we have the tendency
to lead, and leading Him is unfortunately what most prayer contains.
How do we know what our needs are? How do we know what will hurt
us in our relationship with Him and come between? Whether we know
it or not, possessions are a detriment to those attempting audience
with Him in complete abandon, naked and alone, seeking for nothing
other than what His desire to give. Hence, the desires of our hearts
will be given from above when we follow Him. Those desires will be
form YHVH who promised to bestow the desires of our hearts; He
chooses those desires that He places within our hearts. Requests
made prayerfully will be what He has placed in our hearts according to
His promise.
Moving mountains has absolutely no value to anyone unless ‫ יהוה‬wishes
0T 0T

it moved. If He wishes it moved and wants a lesson learned by us, He

will place that desire within us, then and only then will whatever
needed moving, get moved. Be assured, we are not the ones doing any
moving. The only prayer that ‫ יהוה‬has ever answered are those that
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He placed within our hearts to request. We have not originated one

answered request from the beginning of time. We ask and do not
receive, as the apostle spoke, ‘because we ask amiss, that we may
consume it in our own lust,’ even when others were the intended
recipient, for even then we at times ask amiss. Prayer is a powerful
appeal, but is a loving Father appreciated with constant control issues
while praying? How can we appreciate a close interpersonal relationship
with manipulation issues? Is there any difference in relationship with
0T 0Tand relationship with so called friends? Most assuredly, but our
Abba knows our hearts from the outset friends do not, be cautioned.
Now the difficult question! How to respond to a loving Daddy with our
control attitudes; when seeking only selfish desires then received are
unappreciated? Can we consider that He is beyond understanding the
hidden motives of His own creation? Can we come toward Him in
complete abandon asking for only those things that He wants to give,
knowing that only those supplications are advantageous? Have we
become immune to the feelings of others, especially His, when we
selfishly ask for desires that originate from an evil heart?
We ask, ‘why our prayers are not answered,’ without considering
perhaps, that those prayers cannot even go forth from us, because
they cannot exuberate from a selfishly motivated heart. They remain
within us expectantly waiting for what has no chance of being
Our chance of controlling our loving Daddy is less then possible. We
are in control of nothing. We are only controlled by our own
selfishness, like having an additional undesirable person living within
us. We cannot accomplish anything good through selfishness.
In my answer to questions that have attitudes, there is only one
plausible response. "Take it somewhere else; I am not your slave but
free in the hand of my Creator and only He can make demands of
me." Yet, demands are not even close to what He will ask, for we
share the same goals, and those originate from His Throne.
We work in harmony with ‫ יהוה‬when we come naked and alone before
0T 0T

Him, seeking only 'His Perfect Will' in our lives. We come before Him
unselfishly with open arms, souls, and hearts, if we expect to receive
any request fulfilled, and rewards are His response to our approach,
acknowledging Him completely because of what He has made us, and
the rewards He gives are usually not physical possessions. We exist in
the flesh for the expressed purpose of Creation and His Good
Pleasure. Somehow we get that backwards while seeking Him. Seeking
His Hand instead of His Face, yet expecting Him to comply! Entire
Creation is to cast the adversary out of heaven, and rewards found in
eternal life come in that eternity. Remember, He loves us. That also
means He will not give what will come between.
Being in praise completely is being in complete fellowship with
Abba 0T ‫יהוה‬and
0T in complete reverence to His Power and Humble Might.
We cannot serve two masters. We cannot serve ‫ יהוה‬and our own
0T 0T

desires. We can be complete in only one service, and partial

compliance will only lead to frustration in attempting to manipulate our
very Creator. Attempts to manipulate Him will end in self will and
bring loneliness in our endeavors.
There is however a power that will cater to our whims and lead/follow
us into self service that ends in death: spiritual death. This power
also has the ability to serve our desires that lead to death and will
even request
special commitments from us to encourage our self will to dominate our
lives. By following our self-will we end up in compliance with the devil.
He will not only give into our whims and our self service but place
those responses within us and lead us into all sorts of vile and
lascivious behavior.
The subject at hand is not so much the writing on prayer, but where
these words originated. I could say that I took time to prepare this,
and it would be believable, but that is not the case. These words did
flow out from me perfectly as written, and I do not take the credit
for the flow or the subject matter alone. The calling that this writing
has on one’s life is not from the one at the keypad, but from its
ultimate source, and this is the explanation.
Living in the spirit is not what most believe it to be. Living in the
spirit is so much more than saying the right buzz-words, and calling
out with voices raised. Living in the Spirit originates with living in the
spirit. There are two S's here, one small letter and another Caps. It
does not take a rocket scientist to know which is which and to whom
they apply.
To live in the spirit, small 's' comes with surrender in a fashion that
supplants the bodily presence of the man, that is, the functions of his
physical being in every way that one can imagine and bring about a
totally submissive countenance in humility, and I cannot say unwavering
here as we would discussing Faith, because the flesh does have a way
in one's life, but an unwavering non desire to feed the flesh aside
from a few bodily functions by which the flesh is made to live by, and
health in mind, body and spirit becomes vital also to the well being the
man needs to be a useful tool in the hands of his Creator, in this case
Abba YHVH, in as complete a form as one can comply with.
The question arises then of where every word originates, and how
does one not mix the word origins together and confuse the messages
that originate in the mind of our Abba. The balance of this writing
may surprise some and it may disgust others-although perhaps not on
this forum of true believers that were hand picked to be here and
drawn here by the same strength and power that writes everything I
put to paper in one form or another.
We all have discussed "The Still Small Voice" of our Creator, and we
know from Scripture that He is alive and well in all who surrender to
Him in open, honest and humble supplication continually. It is not so
much the giving that is in question in this equation, because most
honest believers of Truth as we know it at that particular time in our
respective lives, give of what we can, and that being whatever our
capabilities are at that particular time in our lives, and that should
increase as we mature in our relationship with Abba YHVH completely
on a step by step basis for the remainder of our lives. But the giving
over of our lives takes on a much greater role than the giving part
that we are capable of, it becomes the receiving part in its entirety
that begins to take shape in our lives individually that molds us into a
living sacrifice unmovable. To explain this more thoroughly, it is
contingent on my sounding perhaps a little vain because it can only be
said here in first person with enough impact to be understood in a
personal way, as everyone should be able to capture the essence of
my words personally spoken and personally received. So if you can
overlook the 'I' and 'Me' lingo here for a while, I will attempt to
expunge these treasures discovered while walking toward my Abba in a
receiving way, and perhaps convey a more perfect and believable
message in the doing so. Well, if that is OK, and you promise not to
be disturbed too much by the 'I' and 'Me' in my next few words, I
will discuss with you a few of the steps my Abba took me through to
come to a place where He and I could sit at the computer and discuss
through the key-pad, eternal blessings from Bereshit through Gilyahna
in an informative and Scriptural way that transcends the flesh of us
into a living and walking way of reading from what we hear in His Still
Small Voice clearly enough to display the message in written form,
enough to be understood by the reader in perfect spiritual
concordance with the original order and origin of these thoughts
verbally. I know that some here have this 'gift earned,' because I
can read it in their words penned the same way regardless of whether
they understand or not. That is also part of the 'gift earned,' that
we receive as we walk toward our Abba interpersonally enough to not
be in so much AWE of Him, that we can hear Him enough to
understand Him interpersonally. Without dropping to the ground and
burring our faces in the sand so-to-speak, we are able more to come
to a living parent without that Awe that inspires distance, but boldly
approach him in a child-like humility that only a child of that loving
parent could muster up not intentionally, but normal in tone and
approach looking for a hug for the reassurance that 'all is well,' and a
little fix in my heart will give me the strength to continue through this
life unafraid not matter what bumps into our life reasonless or

Now for the Meat of the matter at hand

Should we connect the dots and discover a more interpersonal
relationship with Him with just this writing, that would be a perfect
measure of what He has prepared you for all during your life. At
times it only takes a little catalyst to spark that response from the
matter at hand and in this case our preparation unmovable yet
undiscovered as we walk with and toward Him, knowing not that we are
actually lead by Him so thoroughly, that a brief glance over our
shoulder at times will reveal 'marked steps' with only His marks left,
and little recognition that we were even carried this far unaware. I
don't just speak for myself here, but for everyone that has been on
this journey knowingly or not, but the discovery is a necessary tool to
continue on the pace that is now marked for us individually in these
advancing days ot turmoil and strife, that He told us would come, and
we are approaching these days like a freight train out of control on a
down-grade and no barriers to stop the advance.
Now, some will say that Abba is the barrier. That is true only to an
extent. There was a barrier during the flood but we went through it.
There was a barrier at the Exodus but we went through it. There is
also a barrier in every step we took in our respective lives that got us
this far, but during the worst times of our lives, that barrier was
almost undetectable. How could some of us have walked through that
storm alone and survived? We could not have!
As we stand here today unscathed yet broken and healed, we are even
now not alone, that is, all who really rely upon our Abba for every
breath, and even those words many of us speak sound to us a little
distant for discovery. We attempt to personalize at times, what
others may have been through not knowing in reality what it was like
really, to have gone through that particular experience. Like us men
discussing, if you will, the ladies at child-birth. We think, and we can
think more, but that is so far removed that it is unfathomable really!
To the ladies, 'you went through it because you had to go through it,
and after it was over, how much of it was really remembered in all of
its struggle? To some much, and to others less, but we walked
through it and stand here today with those portions of life behind us,
and so much of it not desiring to re-live, except perhaps child-birth,
and how many women the second or third time around found that the
all of it was not really remembered because of the intensity going on
at present, this was not really remembered. So it is with life. So it
will be in the here-after. The past will not really be remembered nor
come into mind, but the today of life at times is so traumatic that we
wonder if life is worth it.
Well you know what I am getting at. Life! Then there is 'Life More
Abundantly!' That abundance is not ours to order, but to live through
and know that these steps were ordered, or at least agreed to.
So, where am I going with this? Actually, I do not really know.
Because I am not the only one involved in this writing, there is no
telling where exactly, but I do know the theme, and that is what we
encounter in a well marked life with our Abba.
Why the line just above?
When I stopped to correct a spelling, there was no more given, so
Abba is finished with this portion of the writing. It is hoped that the
message was informative to some and heart felt right to the bone
marrow for others intended. We also got through this without all of
the 'I' and ME's' of it, so another lesson on a dual working
relationship. It did not go where I thought it would, but that is OK.
There is 500 pages of text on matters discussed here that after 9
years is finally finished, and does contain much, like 'When We Pray.'
Those words have been posted on at least 3 web-sites I personally
put up, and posted on a few talk forums by me over these years since
written. It is in the book SO GOES CREATION also and I do not
remember changing one word unless misspelled or punctuation here or
there. I could not find anything to add, except a little explanation as
here given to a possible content purpose. Allow me to say that YHVH
is so perfect in His ways, that there can never replace anything He
has spoken in chambers or openly. And, when He writes, the words do
not have to be re-arranged.
Well, enough for now. There is much more to say in the next book
recently started. But, allow me to say this little token of appreciation
to Abba YHVH, He has said that we will know what the Seven
Thunders uttered by the third book He and I will write. That
treasure, I have been waiting for as one of my favorite requests in
Wisdom for over 30 years. Now there is a sort of time-line promise.
That's exciting!
There is so much to say about prayer, so allow me to discuss a few
things not well known among the brethren! You will not really know how
to pray until Abba YHVH takes you by the hand and teaches you
personally. That will take a very close relationship with Him to
accomplish, and that alone will take some heart searched humility to
uncover, that is, uncover the roots of your passions in servitude and
supplication, and devotion to being in His presence with understanding.
Knowing what the purpose of it all is paramount in this spiritual
When we pray, do we pray from the heart through the flesh or
through the spirit? Now allow me to say this, we do both, but where
we spend most of our prayer life will determine if we are physical
beings or spiritual beings. Abba told us in JOHN, Those who come to
Him must come in spirit and in truth. So that is the direction we must
search out to be in His presence continually. Are we creatures of the
flesh or creatures of the Spirit, that can be found out in our prayers,
and also allow me to say, either one is not a deterrence or a slap in
the face to discover much less discuss. We are what we are and that
is what we are, but the devotion comes in attempting to be more like
Him, or at least strive to be, as He was an example for us to follow.

Praying from the flesh will usually bring desires of the flesh. Spiritual
prayer on the other hand will bring in desires of the spirit, and those
were the ones that are eternal in nature. Our attitude while in prayer
also is a sign or signature of where we are in those prayers. One does
not drop to the ground in spiritual prayer, and bowing of one's head is
also one of those learned habits that religion bestows upon us to be
sure we are living in the flesh so they can indoctrinate us even more
to serving the flesh, after all, they live in the flesh so they also
desire you to be with them in the flesh. Once one comes full circle
and worships Abba in the spirit continually, he will not remain in the
flesh worshipping assemblies very long, because there is no real food
there, and battling to make known to them what real devotion is
becomes distasteful after a while, to ears that cannot hear and eyes
that cannot see. Those are strong words, yes, and it depends on one's
spiritual nature in life that will determine how much of this he

I have much to say on prayer that will not set well with worshippers
of the flesh, or those who worship in the flesh. Spiritual things are
seen through the spirit, and since the flesh and the spirit war with
each other, speaking from the spirit will antagonize the flesh of one
not devoted to living in the spirit, and those in between, or coming
closer to that goal will begin to at least see for what it is.
I will give you an example or two for starts, and I may not come
back to this discussion for a while until some of this sinks in.
The common posture among those coming out of the churches are
these: folded hands or interlocked fingers; on one's knees; bowed
head toward the ground or even on the ground, or raised hands toward
heaven with palms facing upwards. None of these are taught by our
Abba. I know! I know what you would like to say! Allow me to give a
few examples that a mother or a father can understand.
A mother or father are that because they have children.
Do you ask or demand your children to come to you on their knees?
How about their hands, do you demand folded hands with their heads
bowed? Do they lock together their fingers under your command?

Now if your children came to you in those postures, would you correct
them or allow that kind of closed mind and heart. I know! You tell me,
would it not be better, if we experience, our children running to us
happy not sad, smiling faces with no care at that moment but to come
to you, with open arms wanting nothing more than to hug you and sit
upon your lap, and under your watchful eyes, surrender to you the
childlike endurance of just being in your presence?

Give this some thought.

What is one hiding behind with all of the ancient pagan posture taught
today in church circles, that we indoctrinate ourselves into what
separates us from the compassion of a child and a loving parent, and
where does that sort of posture originate?

Now before some of you begin to throw rotten tomatoes at me, just
consider yourselves in this situation with the ones you love coming
crawling on their knees with folded hands to have audience with you,
and instead of wanting to be in your presence, just come in that
begging posture asking for things, begging for things.

Does not the Scripture tell us, He already knows what we need?
He is ready to bestow them also. But Scripture also tells us, that in a
close interpersonal relationship with Him, HE WILL PLACE WITHIN

Those are the requests that He wants to give to us, and that is why
He places those in our hearts to begin with. Yes, one can pester Him
to the point that in His importunity He will give us a pesky request.
Allow me to give to you the scenario of giving a pesky request. If you
continually ask for those things, the ones you should not have and
those become the desires of your heart continually, and His Still Small
Voice ignored, He will turn you over to your vile affections. Vile is a
strong word, but not near the description of attempting worship under
the influence of ancient pagan mind-sets, at His feet.

Is this hitting a sour chord in some? It should!

That is why I spoke that we have need to allow Him to teach us how
to pray. We pray for so many frivolous things that will never be
given, and we continue in these unknowingly because we have been
trained that way by religious men unaware.

COME AS A CHILD TO A LOVING PARENT. We know how to do that.

So why follow religious men that have twisted the Scriptures on every
other point. Allow Him to teach you how to come as a child. Until
then, just come as a child the way you already know. After a while
your prayers will be more like they should be, a willing servant
established and comfortable in His care, without pestering frivolous
requests that take away from us, our sit upon His lap, looking Him
directly in the eyes and breathing, Daddy.
Chose you this day whom you will serve, as for me and my house, we
serve Abba ‫יהוה‬,
0T 0T our loving Daddy.


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