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purifine plc

Significantly Increase Oil Yields

product description
Vereniums Purifine phospholipase C (PLC) is a ground-breaking

purifine plc

enzyme product that offers a way to improve yields and overall

Industry-Leading Process Economics

economics of edible oil and biodiesel production that is helping

transform the future of oil refining. Purifine PLC enables an innovative

Increases process reliability

approach to crude oil processing that significantly improves crude oil

Increases overall operational flexibility

degumming, one of the earliest process steps in the refining of high

Increases oil yield during the degumming

phosphorous vegetable oils. Purifine PLC can easily be integrated

into most existing plant designs without requiring major changes to

conventional processing conditions or equipment. Implementation
of Purifine PLC provides for simultaneous removal of phospholipid

of high phosphorous seed oils

Converts phospholipids into DAG oil,
with no creation of free fatty acids

impurities and increased yield gain benefits when compared to water

Reduces use of chemicals

degumming or other degumming enzyme alternatives.

Decreases water usage

Lessens by-products and waste

Verenium Corporation
4955 Directors Place, San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: 1.800.523.2990 or 858.431.8500
Fax: 858.431.7273

product information


Purifine PLC is used as a processing aid in the degumming step

Purifine enzyme activity is measured in a standardized assay

of edible oil and biodiesel production. The Purifine enzyme

using phosphatidylcholine as a substrate.

hydrolyzes the major phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine and

phosphatidylethanolamine, found in crude vegetable oils, liberating


as products diacylglycerol and the water-soluble phosphate esters of

choline and ethanolamine respectively.

PURIFINE PLC maintains high performance over broad ranges of
pH and temperature.

Minimum Activity: 26,000 phospholipase C units/g

Phospholipase C (IUB

Appearance: yellow to brown

Specific gravity: 1.05 1.20

pH: 5.5 5.9

storage and stability

Storage under cool conditions is recommended, however this
product should not be frozen. Keep container closed when product
is not in use. Formulated product containing Purifine PLC is stable
for a minimum of six months when stored in its original packaging
at 4 8C (39 46F).

Formulated product containing Purifine PLC is available in 1,000
liter (net weight 1,000 kg or 2,200 lbs) recyclable polyethylene

dosage guidelines



Enzyme products need to be handled with special care. See

Dose of Purifine PLC required varies according to crude oil quality,

Vereniums Material Safety Data Sheet for further information on

as well as the quantity and type of phospholipids present in the

safe handling.

oil. For typical soy, canola or rapeseed oil the expected dose will
be 100 g 250 g of formulated enzyme product per metric ton of

technical service

treated oil.

Technical support to optimize usage and troubleshoot your process

is available from Verenium Corporation. Please contact us with


questions regarding this service.

Water is added to crude oil to hydrate phospholipids and enable

their separation from oil. The water dose required for degumming
with Purifine PLC is similar to water degumming levels. For typical
soy, canola or rapeseed oils, the expected water usage will be
1 4% by weight of crude oil treated. For a given oil, the amount
of water may vary according to enzyme dose required.

The information contained herein is based on data considered accurate with representative samples. However, Verenium makes no warranty, express or implied,
regarding the accuracy of these data, the use of the product, or the results to be obtained from the use thereof. The above data do not imply specification for
this product. Verenium assumes no responsibility for personal injury, property damage, or other loss to vendees, users or third parties, caused by the product.
Such vendees, users, or third parties assume any and all risks associated therewith. Consult the Materials and Safety Data Sheet before using the product. Nothing
herein shall be construed as a recommendation for uses which would infringe the valid patent rights of third parties nor as extending an express or implied license
under such patents and Verenium disclaims all liability therefor. Verenium, Purifine, the Verenium corporate logo, the Purifine logo , and The Energy of Nature are
registered trademarks or trademarks of Verenium Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other company and product names and logos may be trademarks
of their respective companies. Copyright 2011 Verenium Corporation.
US Pat. 7,226,771, 7,977,080 and other patents pending


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