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2013 Department of Polytechnic Education, Ministry of Education, MALAYSIA.

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MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT covers topic such as maintenance
organization, maintenance strategies system, system approach to maintenance, maintenance
planning and scheduling and computerized maintenance management system (CMMS). This
course also includes knowledge regarding maintenance of facilities and equipment activities in a
good working condition and develops good management knowledge.
Dr. Choong Chee Guan

Table of Contents




Maintenance Strategies
2.2.1 Functions
2.2.2 Basic selections
2.2.3 System approach to maintenance functions
Types of Maintenance
2.3.1 Categorization of types of maintenance based on functions and advantages
2.3.2 Methods for each type of maintenance suitable in industries and processes
Productive Maintenance (TPM).
2.4.1 Evolution towards TPM
2.4.2 Needs of TPM
2.4.3 Basic elements of TPM
2.4.4 TPM Methodology
2.4.5 Barriers in TPM implementation
2.4.6 Success factors in TPM implementation


Mohd Iqbal Syazwan bin Azizan (PTSB)

Zabidi bin Saad (PSP)
Mad Hafis bin Mohamed Yusof (PMU)

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to:1. Understand maintenance strategies.
2. Classify types of maintenance.


In today's process industry, while managers are desperately trying to reduce production costs, an
estimated one-third of maintenance expenditures are wasted. Maintenance averages 14% of the
cost of goods sold in many industries, making it a prime target for cost-reduction efforts.
According to a DuPont report (2012), "The largest single controllable expenditure in a plant
today is maintenance, and in many plants the maintenance budget exceeds annual net profit."
Optimizing the return on maintenance is now a key strategy for most process plants. This course
outlines various maintenance strategies that you can combine to develop an overall plant
maintenance strategy and make a dent in those rising costs.
Past and current maintenance practices in industry would imply that maintenance is action
associated with equipment repair after it is broken. The dictionary defines maintenance as
follows: the work of keeping something in proper condition; upkeep. This would imply that
maintenance should be actions taken to prevent a device or component from failing or to repair
normal equipment degradation experienced with the operation of the device to keep it in proper
working order.
Without a well-thought-out maintenance strategy, you may see patterns like these in your
Equipment failures result in lost production and expensive repairs.
The same equipment failures happen again and again.
(iii) Maintenance schedules are the same for all similar equipment, regardless of application
or economic impact.
No maintenance standards or best practices exist.
A good maintenance strategy can address all of these symptoms, improving process
operations while reducing costs. In fact, your maintenance strategy can be as important to
your business results as your quality program.


Maintenance Strategies

A maintenance strategy means a scheme for maintenance, i.e. an elaborate and systematic plan of
maintenance action.
Maintenance Strategy is a long-term plan, covering all aspects of maintenance management
which sets the direction for maintenance management, and contains firm action plans for
achieving a desired future state for the maintenance function.
Several maintenance strategies are mainly used in technical systems. The most common
strategies are: corrective, time-based, condition-based and reliability-centered maintenance
(Balzer et al., 2001).
Maintenance strategic decision making involves selecting the right care and repair
methodologies that maximize equipment life and performance for the least cost to the user. But
to be able to make successful maintenance management strategy choices you must understand
how equipment fails. When you know the equipments weaknesses and strengths you can care
for it properly and get maximum service from it at least cost.
2.2.1 Functions
Maintenance function ensures that all the machines and equipment related to the production and
other key functions in the organization are maintained and function properly. Maintenance
Function plans for the spares and consumables for the maintenance.
Maintenance functions will be limited to and defined as follows:
To determine the serviceability an item by comparing its physical, mechanical, and/or
electrical characteristics with established standards through examination
To verify serviceability and to detect incipient failure by measuring the mechanical or
electrical characteristics of an item and comparing those characteristics with prescribed
Operations required periodically to keep an item in proper operating condition, i.e., to
clean (decontaminate), to preserve, to drain, to paint, or to replenish fuel, lubricants,
hydraulic fluids, or compressed air supplies
To maintain, within prescribed limits, by bringing into proper or exact position, or by
setting the operating characteristics to the specified parameters.
To adjust specified variable elements of an item to bring about optimum or desired
To determine and cause corrections to be made or to be adjusted on instruments or test
measuring and diagnostic equipment used in precision measurement. Consists of






comparisons of two instruments, one of which is a certified standard of known accuracy,

to detect and adjust any discrepancy in the accuracy of the instrument being compared.
The act of emplacing, seating, or fixing into position an item, part, module (component or
assembly) in a manner to allow the proper functioning of the equipment or system.
The act of substituting a serviceable like type part, subassembly, or module (component
or assembly) for an unserviceable counterpart.
The application of maintenance services (inspect, test, service, adjust, align, calibrate,
replace) or other maintenance actions (welding, grinding, riveting, straightening, facing,
re-machining, or resurfacing) to restore serviceability to an item by correcting specific
damage, fault, malfunction, or failure in a part, subassembly, module (component or
assembly), end item, or system. This function does not include the trial and error
replacement of running spare type items such as fuses, lamps, or electron tubes
That maintenance effort (service/action) necessary to restore an item to a completely
serviceable/operational condition as prescribed by maintenance standards (i.e., of
DMWR) in. appropriate technical publications. Overhaul is normally the highest degree
of maintenance performed by the Army. Overhaul does not normally return an item to
like new condition.
Consists of those services/actions necessary for the restoration of unserviceable
equipment to a like new condition in accordance with original manufacturing standards.
Rebuild is the highest degree of materiel maintenance applied to Army equipment. The
rebuild operation includes the act of returning to zero there age measurements (hours,
miles, etc.) considered in classifying Army equipment/components.

2.2.2 Basic selections

When setting up a maintenance program, a number of key stages must be carried out. A typical
sequence of key stages in implementing maintenance is shown in Figure 2.1 below. Many
organizations try to carry out maintenance without implementing or managing some of the above
key stages. They may then use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in their attempt to quantify
the cost effectiveness of their chosen approach, but unless each stage has been carried out
effectively, they usually find it difficult or impossible to measure the effectiveness of their

Figure 2.1: Overview of Typical Maintenance Implementation Stages

Selecting and appropriate maintenance strategy and choosing one or more techniques becomes a
simpler decision when the failure modes are understood. A schematic of the decision process in
selecting an appropriate maintenance strategy or maintenance technique is shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2: Selecting Maintenance Strategies & Techniques

Selecting and appropriate maintenance strategy and choosing one or more techniques become a
simpler decision when the failure modes are understood. A schematic of the decision process in
selecting an appropriate maintenance strategy.
In practice the best way is to look down over few steps:(a)
Prepare for the analysis
Select the equipment to be analyzed
Identify functions
Identify functional failures
Identify and evaluate (categorize) the effects of failure
Identify the causes of failure
Select maintenance tasks
For example:- Maintenance of a Piston



Prepare for the analysis

Problem: Seal damage
Effect: Oil leaking
Select the equipment to be analyzed
- The new seal
- Oil
Identify functions
- Reduce damage to the piston pump



Identify functional failures

- Reduce damage to the piston pump
Identify and evaluate (categorize) the effects of failure
- Failure is always the case
- Still can be repaired
Identify the causes of failure
- Seal that has been used and not changed
Select maintenance tasks
- Corrective maintenance

2.2.3 System approach to maintenance functions



Identification of the needs of maintenance related activities, which may include repair,
reconditioning or replacement of components.
Analyzing the requirement of the above needs.
Determining the functional procedures for maintenance task selection. Work planning
and scheduling, work order processing, etc.
Outlining a reporting and controlling procedure of all maintenance related activities.
Development of supporting services and infrastructure for efficient execution of
maintenance functions.
Determining the cost account procedures for optimizing maintenance related
Adopting a policy for training of maintenance staff and assurance of quality.


Types of Maintenance


There are many types of maintenance. Maintenance is an action necessary for retaining or
restoring a piece of equipment, machine, or system to the specified operable condition to achieve
its maximum useful life.
2.3.1 Categorization of types of maintenance based on functions and advantages
A. Breakdown Maintenance
The first type of maintenance is breakdown maintenance. Breakdown maintenance involves the
repair or replacement of equipment and components after they have failed. This kind of
management strategy can be contrasted with preventive and predictive maintenance, which are
designed to avoid equipment failures. The breakdown maintenance approach is typically
employed when failures are unlikely to result in workplace injuries or excessive downtime,
though the costs associated with emergency repairs are often prohibitive. A policy of breakdown
maintenance is sometimes instituted when a facility or business has scheduled to close or cease
operations, especially if there are no plans to continue using the equipment afterward. This
method has no continuous activity associated with it. Essentially, no maintenance activity is
performed on machinery until it fails or produces unacceptable product. At first impression this
method seems the most cost effective because the manpower and their associated costs are

But closer examination shows that when the machinery fails, considerable expense is required to
allocate manpower on an emergency basis, repair/replacement parts, and lost revenues due to
non-production can mount rapidly depending upon the manufacturing process or product.
Clearly, this method has the highest associated cost and maintenance is unpredictable at best. In
addition, an unexpected failure can be dangerous to personnel and the facility.
B. Corrective Maintenance
The second type of maintenance is the corrective maintenance. Corrective maintenance is a form
of system maintenance which is performed after a fault or problem emerges in a system, with the
goal of restoring operability to the system. It is a maintenance task performed to identify, isolate,
and rectify a fault so that the failed equipment, machine, or system can be restored to an
operational condition within the tolerances or limits established for in-service operations. In
some cases, it can be impossible to predict or prevent a failure, making corrective maintenance
the only option. In other instances, a poorly maintained system can require repairs as a result of
insufficient preventive maintenance and in some situations people may opt to focus on
corrective, rather than preventive, repairs as part of a maintenance strategy.
The process of corrective maintenance begins with the failure and a diagnosis of the failure to
determine why the failure appeared. The diagnostic process can include a physical inspection of
a system, the use of a diagnostic computer to evaluate the system, interviews with system users,
and a number of other steps. It is important to determine what caused the problem in order to
take appropriate action, and to be aware that multiple failures of components or software may
have occurred simultaneously. Examples of a corrective maintenance are replacement of a failed
electrical breaker, weld repair of a cracked process line and repair of a failed instrument
C. Preventive Maintenance
The third type of maintenance is the preventive maintenance. Preventive maintenance is
predetermined work performed to a schedule with the aim of preventing the wear and tear or
sudden failure of equipment components.
Preventive maintenance helps to:(i)
Protect assets and prolong the useful life of production equipment
Improve system reliability
(iii) Decrease cost of replacement
Decrease system downtime
Reduce injury
Preventive maintenance function should incorporate the following elements:1.
Reliability of components (equipment failure is usually caused by its least reliable
Check manufacturers information
Check accepted industry best practices


Maintaining equipment service records

Scheduling replacement of components at the end of their useful service life
Acquiring and maintaining inventories of least reliable component, critical component
and components scheduled for replacement.
Replacing service-prone equipment with more reliable performer.

Advantages of preventive maintenance:1.


Less standby equipment is needed

Cost of repairing is reduced
Lowers wear and tear of a machine and other equipment
Increases the life of the machine
Provide greater safety and protection to the workers

Examples of preventive maintenance are:-

Applying grease on the lubrication

line of the vertical centrifugal pump
(for the pump bearing).

Perform preventive maintenance on

the caterpillar gas engine by cleaning
the air filter, check on any leakage on
the gas engine and check on the lube

Most preventive maintenance programs are a loose conglomeration of inspections, cleaning,

adjustment, lubrication, and similar tasks that do little, if anything, to preserve the reliability of
critical production assets.
D. Predictive Maintenance (PdM)
The most misunderstood and misused of the entire plant improvement program. Users define it
To prevent catastrophic failure of critical rotating machinery.
Maintenance scheduling tool that uses vibration and infrared or lubricating oil analysis
data to determine the need for corrective maintenance action.

Definition:Techniques help determine the condition of in-service equipment in order to predict when
maintenance should be performed. This approach offers cost savings over routine or time-based
preventive maintenance, because tasks are performed only when warranted.
The main value of (PdM) is to allow convenient scheduling of corrective maintenance, and to
prevent unexpected equipment failures. The key is the right information in the right time. By
knowing which equipment needs maintenance, maintenance work can be better planned (spare
parts, people etc.) and what would have been unplanned stops are transformed to shorter and
fewer planned stops, thus increasing plant availability. Other advantages include increased
equipment lifetime, increased plant safety, fewer accidents with negative impact on environment,
and optimized spare parts handling.
The ultimate goal of (PdM) is to perform maintenance at a scheduled point in time when the
maintenance activity is most cost-effective and before the equipment loses performance within a
threshold. This is in contrast to time- and/or operation count-based maintenance, where a piece
of equipment gets maintained whether it needs it or not. Time-based maintenance is labour
intensive, ineffective in identifying problems that develop between scheduled inspections, and is
not cost-effective.
The predictive component of predictive maintenance stems from the goal of predicting the
future trend of the equipments condition. This approach uses principles of statistical process
control to determine at what point in the future maintenance activities will be appropriate. Most
(PdM) inspections are performed while equipment is in service, thereby minimizing disruption of
normal system operations. Adoption of (PdM) can result in substantial cost savings and higher
system reliability.
Predictive Maintenance (PdM) Process:1.

Develop a list of critical processes, applications and equipment and prioritize each
item based on the impact a failure would have. High priority equipment:- Directly impacts safety, the environment, revenue, or customer relations
- Is unique or costly to replace, or used constantly (24x7)
- Is difficult to find spare parts for or has a long lead time for repair
Determine how likely your equipment is to fail, using PdM software, operator
knowledge and maintenance history.
Combine those two pieces of information failure probability and impact and
create an inspection schedule (see sample at right).
Set up a database to store measurement results for each piece of equipment.
Incorporate baseline data, repair histories, manufacturer recommendations and
operator knowledge: when units broke/ how often, why, and what they cost to fix.


Test the equipment with the appropriate predictive technologies and record the
measurements in the (PdM) database.


Analyze and monitor your measurements for signs of change in operating conditions:
vibration measurements trending up, increased current draw for the same process, current
lead to ground, increasing bearing temperatures, and so forth.


Investigate any warning signs and determine if repairs are necessary. 8. Determine the
length of time before failure occurs. Again, if you lack the (PdM) tools to determine this,
rely on technician experience and manufacturer data.


Schedule repair before failure

One of the powerful (PdM) paradigms is not to repair equipment too early or too late.
You dont want equipment to go down, but you also dont want to replace equipment if it
will continue to run for a year or more. Use your lead-time to properly align resources,
check for spare parts, and choose a shutdown time that minimizes the down condition in
the plant.


Make the repair

Document the results and if appropriate, try to determine the root cause of the failure of
the equipment. Take new baseline readings for the repaired/replaced equipment.


Inspection schedules
Frequency of inspection is based on a number of factors, including safety, the criticality
of the equipment, the expense of a failure, and the frequency with which problems impact
production and/or maintenance. As assets age, are heavily loaded, or are poorly
maintained, inspections may become more frequent. When repairs or modifications are
made to equipment, conduct a follow-up inspection.

Advantages of Predictive Maintenance (PdM):(i)

Increased equipment lifetime
Increased plant safety
(iii) Fewer accidents with negative impact on environment
Optimized spare parts handling
E. Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) is a process to ensure that assets continue to do what
their users require in their present operating context. It is generally used to achieve
improvements in fields such as the establishment of safe minimum levels of maintenance,
changes to operating procedures and strategies and the establishment of capital maintenance
regimes and plans. Successful implementation of RCM will lead to increase in cost effectiveness,

machine uptime, and a greater understanding of the level of risk that the organization is
Primary Principles of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)

Function oriented. It seeks to preserve system or equipment function.

Device group focused. It is concerned with maintaining the overall functionality of a
group of devices rather than an individual device.
(iii) Reliability centered. It uses failure statistics in an actuarial manner to look at the
relationship between operating age and the failures. RCM is not overly concerned with
simple failure rate; it seeks to know the probability of failure at specific ages.
Acknowledges design limitations. Its objective is to maintain the inherent reliability of
the equipment design, recognizing that changes in reliability are the province of design
rather than maintenance. Maintenance can only achieve and maintain the level provided
for by design.
Driven by safety and economics. Safety must be ensured at any cost; thereafter, costeffectiveness becomes the criterion.
Defines failure as any unsatisfactory condition. Therefore, failure may be either a loss of
function (operation ceases) or a loss of acceptable quality (operation continues).
(vii) Uses a logic tree to screen maintenance tasks. This provides a consistent approach to the
maintenance of all kinds of equipment.
(viii) Tasks must be applicable. The tasks must address the failure mode and consider the
failure mode characteristics.
Tasks must be effective. The tasks must reduce the probability of failure and be cost
Acknowledges two types of Maintenance tasks and Run-to-Failure. The tasks are Interval
(Time or Cycle) Based and Condition Based. In RCM, Run-to-Failure is a conscious
decision and is acceptable for some equipment.
A living system. It gathers data from the results achieved and feeds this data back to
improve future maintenance. This feedback is an important part of the Proactive
Maintenance element of the RCM program.
Requirements Analysis
Using RCM develops maintenance standards for ensuring that a system or device meets its
designed reliability or availability (even in the procurement and installation phases).
RCM determines maintenance requirements by considering the following questions:(a)
What does the device/system do?
What is its function?
What failures are likely to occur?
What are the likely consequences of failure?
What can be done to reduce the probability of the failure, identify the onset of failure, or
reduce the consequences of the failure?

RCM analysis determines the type of maintenance appropriate for a given equipment item. It
results in a decision of whether a particular piece of equipment should be reactively maintained
(Accept Risk and Install Redundant Units), PMed (Define PM Task and Schedule) or
predicatively maintained (Define PT&I Task and Schedule).
Failure is the cessation of proper function or performance. RCM can examine failure at device
group level, system level, component level, and sometimes even the parts level. The maintenance
approach must be based on a clear understanding of the consequences of failure at each level.
For example, a failed lamp on a device may have little effect on overall performance; however,
several combined, minor components in degraded conditions could collectively cause a failure of
the entire device.

Identify the functions

This step involves examining the capability or purpose of the device/system. Some items,
such as a dialysis pump, perform an on-line function (constantly circulating a fluid); their
operational state can be determined immediately. Other items, such as a compressor sump
pump, perform an off-line function (intermittently evacuating a fluid when its level rises);
their condition can be ascertained only through an operational test or check. Functions
may be active, such as pumping a fluid, or passive, such as containing a fluid. Also,
functions may be hidden, in which case there is no immediate indication of a failure. This
typically applies to an emergency or protective component such as a circuit breaker that
operates only in case of a short circuit.


Identify failures
The proactive approach to maintenance analysis identifies potential system failures and
ways to prevent them. It, along with human observations during normal operations or
maintenance tasks, also identifies pre-failure conditions that indicate when a failure is
imminent. (The latter is a basis for selecting PT&I applications.). The Database
Maintenance Management System and work order form should include fields for failure
codes in order to maintain historical data.


Identify the consequences of failure

The most important consequence of failure is a threat to safety. Next is a threat to the
environment or operating capability. The RCM analysis should pay close attention to the
consequences of the failure of infrequently used, off-line equipment and hidden function
failures (e.g. over-pressure sensors, over-temperature sensors). Also, it should consider
the benefit (reduced consequences of a failure) of redundant systems.


Identify the failure process

Determining the methods and root causes of failures provides insight into ways to detect
or avoid failures. The examination, which investigates the cause of the problem and not
just its effect, should consider factors such as wear, overload, fatigue, or other processes.

F. Reactive Maintenance
Reactive Maintenance also is referred to as breakdown, repair, fix-when-fail, or Run-to-Failure
(RTF) maintenance. When applying this technique, maintenance, equipment repair or
replacement occur only when the deterioration in an equipment condition causes a functional
failure. This type of maintenance assumes that failure is equally likely to occur in any part,
component or system. Thus, this assumption precludes identifying a specific group of repair
parts as being more necessary or desirable than others. If an item fails and repair parts are not
available, delays ensue while parts are obtained. If certain parts are urgently needed to restore a
critical medical device or system to operation, a premium for expedited delivery must be paid.
Stages of life-cycle cost commitment
Also, there is no ability to influence when the failures occur because no (or minimal) action is
taken to control or prevent them. When this is the sole type of maintenance practiced, a high
percentage of unplanned maintenance activities, high replacement part inventories, and
inefficient use of the maintenance effort typify this strategy. A purely reactive maintenance
program ignores the many opportunities to influence equipment survivability. On the other hand,
reactive maintenance can be used effectively when it is performed as a conscious decision based
on the results of an RCM analysis that compares the risk and cost of failure with the cost of the
maintenance required to mitigate that risk and the cost of failure. For example, periodic
maintenance on a standard, inexpensive bathroom fan could not be cost-effective. Typically this
type of fan would be run-to-failure and simply replaced at that time, since the cost of
maintenance or repair would probably exceed the cost of a replacement fan.
2.3.2 Methods for each type of maintenance suitable in industries and processes Condition Based Maintenance System (CBM)
Condition based maintenance (CBM), shortly described, is maintenance when need
arises. This maintenance is performed after one or more indicators show that equipment
is going to fail or that equipment performance is deteriorating.
CBM. A maintenance technique closely related to PDM that involves monitoring
machine condition and predicting machine failure. Many CBM systems are controlled by
This concept is applicable to mission critical systems that incorporate active redundancy
and fault reporting. It is also applicable to non-mission critical systems that lack
redundancy and fault reporting.
CBM is based on using real-time data to prioritize and optimize maintenance resources.
Observing the state of the system is known as condition monitoring
The system will determine the equipments health, and act only when maintenance is
actually necessary.
Ideally condition-based maintenance will allow the maintenance personnel to do only the
right things, minimizing spare parts cost, system downtime and time spent on

CBM has some advantages over planned maintenance:(i)

Improved system reliability
Decreased maintenance costs
(iii) Decreased number of maintenance operations causes a reduction of human error
Its disadvantages are:(i)
High installation costs, for minor equipment items often more than the value of the
Unpredictable maintenance periods cause costs to be divided unequally
(iii) Increased number of parts (the CBM installation itself) that need maintenance and
The facts above are proven that even a small failure can lead to a catastrophic one if not
addressed proactively. Monitoring machine health and controlling contamination are keys to
eliminating failures. In addition, extending oil and filter service internals through the use of
bypass filtration. Risk Based Maintenance
Risk based maintenance is opportunities for incremental improvement by eliminating low-value
tasks and introducing tasks that address high commercial risk areas. Risk-based maintenance
evaluates the current commercial risk and analyzes the costs and benefits of steps to mitigate
failures. The purpose of RBM is to develop and manage inspection and maintenance plans for
new and existing assets (including offshore and onshore plants, structures, pipelines).
Increased revenue due to higher uptime, a pro-active maintenance and inspection strategy
and execution plans
Increased operating results as operation, maintenance and inspection costs shrink
(iii) Longer asset life and lower costs for fixed asset replacement
Less working capital needed due to better planning and cash-flow management
Factors for Implementation
Size of prize and rate of return depend on start point
Most problems have many possible solutions

Asset Risk

Solution Risk

Sustainable Implementation
Common pitfalls:
A common approach inefficient and inappropriate:
Situational analysis to decide what to improve

Select solution

Solution is unworkable so rework based on feedback

Better approach right first time:
Situational analysis to decide what to improve
including analysis of implementation factors

Select optimum solution

Figure 2.3: Methods for each type of maintenance suitable in industries and processes


Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Manufacturing organizations worldwide are facing many challenges to achieve successful

Operation in todays competitive environment. Modern manufacturing requires that, to be
successful, organizations must be supported by both effective and efficient maintenance practices
and procedures. The global marketplace has necessitated many organizations to implement
proactive lean manufacturing programs and organizational structures to enhance their
competitiveness (Bonavia and Marin, 2006). Over the past two decades, manufacturing
organizations have used different approaches to improve maintenance effectiveness.
One approach to improving the performance of maintenance activities is to develop and
implement strategic TPM programs (Ahuja and Khamba, 2007). Among various manufacturing
programs, Total Quality Management (TQM), Just-in-Time (JIT), Total Productive Maintenance
(TPM) and Total Employee Involvement (TEI) programs have often been referred to as
components of World Class Manufacturing (Cua et al. 2001). According to Nakajima (1988),
vice-chairman of Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance, TPM is a combination of American
preventive maintenance and Japanese concepts of total quality management and total employee
TPM is a methodology originated by Japan to support its lean manufacturing system. TPM is a
proven manufacturing strategy that has been successfully employed globally for achieving the
organizational objectives of core competence in the competitive environment. TPM
implementation methodology provides organizations with guidelines to transform fundamentally
their shop-floor by integrating culture, process and technology.
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) as the name suggests consists of three words:
signifies to consider every aspect and involving everybody from top to bottom;
Productive: emphasis on trying to do it while production goes on and minimize troubles for
production; and
Maintenance: means equipment upkeep autonomously by production operators in good
condition - repair, clean, grease, and accept to spend necessary time on it.
The TPM literature offers a number of definitions for Total Productive Maintenance:(i)


TPM is an innovative approach to maintenance that optimizes equipment effectiveness,

eliminates breakdowns, and promotes autonomous maintenance by operators through
day-today activities involving the total workforce (Nakajima, 1989);
TPM is a partnership between maintenance and production function organizations to
improve product quality, reduce waste, reduce manufacturing cost, increase equipment
availability, and improve organizations state of maintenance (Rhyne, 1990);
TPM is a maintenance improvement strategy that involves all employees in the
organization and includes everyone from top management to the line employee and
encompasses all departments including maintenance, operations, design engineering,
project engineering, inventory and stores, purchasing, accounting finances, and plant
management (Wireman, 1990);


TPM is a production-driven improvement methodology that is designed to optimize

equipment reliability and ensure efficient management of plant assets (Robinson and
Ginder, 1995);
(vii) TPM is a program that addresses equipment maintenance through a comprehensive
productive-maintenance delivery system covering the entire life cycle of equipment and
involving all employees from production, maintenance personnel to top management
(McKone et al. 1999); and
(viii) TPM is about communication; it mandates that operators, maintenance people and
engineers collectively collaborate and understand each others language (Witt, 2006).
In 1971, Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM) defined TPM (Nakajima, 1988; Heston,
2006), focusing mainly upon the production sector, as:(i)
TPM aims to maximize equipment efficiency (overall efficiency improvement);
TPM aims to establish total system of PM, designed for the entire life of equipment;
(iii) TPM operates in all sectors involved with equipment, including the planning, using and
maintenance sector;
TPM is based on participation of all members, from top management to frontline staff
members; and
TPM carries out PM through motivation management, i.e., small-group activities.
However, as TPM outgrew the production department, to be implemented organization-wide,
TPM definition has been subsequently modified as (Shirose, 1996):(i)
TPM aims to create a corporate system that maximizes the efficiency of production
system (Overall Efficiency Improvement);
TPM establishes a mechanism for preventing the occurrence of all losses on the front line
and is focused on the end product, this includes systems for realizing zero accidents,
zero defects and zero failures in the entire life cycle of the production system;
(iii) TPM is applied in all sectors, including the production, development and administration
TPM is based on the participation of all members, ranging from top management to
frontline employees; and
TPM achieves zero losses through overlapping small-group activities.

2.4.1 Evolution towards TPM

Breakdown maintenance (BM)

Preventive maintenance (PM)

Predictive maintenance (PdM)

Corrective maintenance (CM)

Maintenance prevention (MP)

Reliability centered maintenance (RCM)

Productive maintenance (PrM)

Computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS)

Total productive maintenance (TPM)

Figure 2.4: Flow of evolution towards TPM

TPM initiative is targeted to enhance competitiveness of the enterprises and encompasses a
powerful structured approach to change the mind-set of employees, thereby making a visible
change in work culture of the organizations. TPM seeks to engage all levels and functions in the
organizations to maximize overall effectiveness of production facilities. TPM is a world class
manufacturing (WCM) initiative that seeks to optimize the effectiveness of manufacturing
equipment. Whereas maintenance departments are the traditional center of preventive
maintenance programs, TPM seeks to involve workers from all departments and levels, including
plant-floor operators to senior executives, to ensure effective equipment operation.

2.4.2 Needs of TPM

TPM harnesses participation of all the employees to improve production equipment availability,
performance, quality, reliability, and safety. TPM endeavors to tap the hidden capacity of
unreliable and ineffective equipment. TPM capitalizes on proactive and progressive maintenance
methodologies and calls upon knowledge and co-operation of operators, equipment vendors,
engineering, and support personnel to optimize machine performance, thereby resulting in
elimination of breakdowns, reduction of unscheduled and scheduled downtime, improved
utilization, higher throughput, and better product quality.
The bottom-line achievements of successful TPM implementation initiatives in an organization
include lower operating costs, longer equipment life and lower overall maintenance costs. The
following aspects necessitate need for implementing TPM in the contemporary manufacturing
To become world class, satisfy global customers and achieve sustained organizational
Need to change and remain competitive;
(iii) Need to monitor critically and regulate work-in-process (WIP) out of Lean production
processes owing to synchronization of manufacturing processes;
Achieving enhanced manufacturing flexibility objectives;
To improve organizations work culture and mindset;
To improve productivity and quality;
(vii) Tapping significant cost reduction opportunity regarding maintenance related expenses;
(viii) Minimizing investments in new technologies and maximizing return on investment ROI;
Ensuring appropriate manufacturing quality and production quantities in JIT
manufacturing environment;
Realizing paramount reliability and flexibility requirements of the organizations;
Regulating inventory levels and production lead-times for realizing optimal equipment
available time or up-time;
(xii) Optimizing life cycle costs for realizing competitiveness in the global market-place;
(xiii) To obviate problems faced by organizations in form of external factors like tough
competition, globalization, increase in raw material costs and energy cost;
(xiv) Obviating problems faced by organizations in form of internal factors like low
productivity, high customer complaints, high defect rates, non-adherence to delivery
time, increase in wages and salaries, lack of knowledge, skill of workers, and high
production system losses;
(xv) Ensuring more effective use of human resources, supporting personal growth and
garnering of human resource competencies through adequate training and multi-skilling;
(xvi) To liquidate the unsolved tasks (breakdown, setup time and defects);
(xvii) To make the job simpler and safer; and
(xviii) To work smarter and not harder (improve employee skill).

2.4.3 Basic elements of TPM

TPM initiatives as suggested by Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM) involve an eight
pillar implementation plan that results in substantial increase in labor productivity through
controlled maintenance, reduction in maintenance costs, and reduced setup and downtimes. The
basic principles of TPM are often called the pillars or elements of TPM. The entire edifice of
TPM is built and stands on eight pillars.
TPM paves the way for excellent planning, organizing, monitoring, and controlling practices
through its unique eight pillar methodology involving: autonomous maintenance; focused
improvement; planned maintenance; quality maintenance; education and training; safety, health
and environment; office TPM; and development management (Rodriguez and
Hatakeyama,2006). The eight pillar Nakajima model of TPM implementation has been depicted
in Figure 2.5, while Figure 2.6 shows maintenance and organizational improvement initiatives
associated with the respective TPM pillars (Ahuja and Khamba, 2007).

Figure 2.5: Eight pillar approach for TPM implementation (suggested by JIPM); I.P.S.
Ahuja, J.S. Khamba, (2008)

Figure 2.6: TPM initiatives associated with various pillars

The main goal of an effective TPM program is to bring critical maintenance skilled trades and
production workers together. Total employee involvement, autonomous maintenance by
operators, small group activities to improve equipment reliability, maintainability, productivity,
and continuous improvement (Kaizen) are the principles embraced by TPM.
TPM uses the following tools among others to analyze and solve the equipment and process
related problems:
pareto analysis;
statistical process control (SPC - control charts);
problem solving techniques (brainstorming, cause-effect diagrams, and 5-M approach);
team based problem solving;
poka-yoke systems (mistake proofing);
autonomous maintenance;
continuous improvement;
viii) 5S;
setup time reduction (SMED);
waste minimization; benchmarking;
bottleneck analysis;
reliability, maintainability and availability (RMA) analysis;
xiii) recognition and reward programs;
xiv) and system simulation.
Nakajima has also outlined a 12 step TPM methodology involving 4 phases of TPM
implementation (Nakajima, 1988; Shirose, 1996). These 12 steps support basic developmental
activities, which constitute minimal requirements for the development of TPM. The various steps
involved in the TPM implementation methodology have been depicted in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1: Twelve step TPM implementation methodology

Phase of

TPM Implementation Steps

1. Declaration by top
management decision to
introduce TPM

Activities Involved

2. Launch education and

campaign to introduce TPM

Stage Preparation

3. Create organizations to
promote TPM

4. Establish basic TPM

policies and goals
5. Formulate master plan for
TPM development

Preliminary Implementation 6. Hold TPM kick-off

7. Establishment of a system

for improving the efficiency of

production system

8. Improve effectiveness of
each piece of equipment

TPM Implementation

9. Develop an autonomous
maintenance (AM) program
10. Develop a scheduled
maintenance program for the
maintenance department
11. Conduct training to
improve operation and
maintenance skills

Declare TPM introduction

at in-house seminar
Carried in organization
Managers: trained in
seminar/camp at each level
General employees:
seminar meetings using
Create organizational
hierarchy for TPM
Constitute committees and
Benchmarks and targets
Prediction of effects
Develop step-by-step TPM
implementation plan
Framework of strategies to
be adopted over time
Invite suppliers, related
companies, affiliated
Pursuit of improvement of
efficiency in production
Project team activities and
small group activities
(SGA) at production
Step system, diagnosis,
qualification certification
maintenance, periodic
maintenance, predictive
Group education of leaders
and training members

12. Develop initial equipment
management program level
13. Establish quality
maintenance organization
TPM Implementation


14. Establish systems to

improve efficiency of
administration and other
indirect departments
15. Establish systems to
control safety, health and
16. Perfect TPM
implementation and raise
TPM performance

Development of easy to
manufacture products and
easy to operate production
Setting conditions without
defectives, and its
maintenance and control
Support for production,
improving efficiency of
related sectors
Creation of systems for
zero accidents and zero
pollution cases
Sustaining maintenance
improvement efforts
Challenging higher targets
Applying for PM awards

2.4.4 TPM Methodology

An ideal TPM Methodology (ITPMM) for manufacturing organizations has been categorized
into three phases namely: introduction phase, TPM initiatives implementation phase and
standardization phase. The initiatives associated with respective phases of ITPMM have been
described in Figure 2.7.
The sequence of TPM implementation events can be modified depending on the needs of
different organizations. ITPMM provides more capability of customization. It can be modified to
meet the needs of the enterprises attempting to implement TPM. ITPMM supports the user to
implement TPM in any time frame considered beneficial to the enterprise.

Deploy lean manufacturing practices



Sustain TPM initiatives

Deploying key performance indicators for assessing

manufacturing performance

PHASE I Introduction Phase




Safety, health

Office TPM





PHASE II TPM initiatives implementation phase

Visual workplace
Computerized maintenance management system (CMMS)
Inculcate teamworking culture
Training and multi-skilling for TPM
Continuous improvement and Kaizen
Employee empowerment
Managing successful organizational cultural transformation
Top management commitment

Figure 2.7: Ideal TPM methodology (ITPMM) for manufacturing organizations

2.4.5 Barriers in TPM implementation
TPM implementation is not an easy task by any means. The number of organizations
successfully implementing TPM program is considered relatively small. While there are several
success stories and research on TPM, there are also documented cases of failures in
implementation of TPM programs in different situations. TPM demands not only commitment,
but also structure and direction. The prominent problems in TPM implementation include:i)
cultural resistance to change,
partial implementation of TPM,
overly optimistic expectations,
lack of a well defined routine for attaining the objectives of implementation (equipment
lack of training and education of TPM teams on whats and whys of TPM,


failure to start with operator-involved maintenance,

superficial TPM deployment,
ineffective rewards and felicitation mechanisms,
lack of organizational communication,
and implementation of TPM to conform to societal norms rather than for its
instrumentality to achieve world class manufacturing.

The various obstacles hindering an organizations quest for achieving excellence through TPM
initiatives have been classified as:i)
operational, financial, and departmental barriers (Ahuja and Khamba, 2008b).
The organizational obstacles affecting successful TPM implementation in organizations include:
Organizations inability to bring about cultural transformations;

Organizations inability to implement holistically change management initiatives;

Lack of commitment from top management and communication regarding TPM;

Lack of understanding of TPM concepts and principles;

Inability of management to educate stubborn employee unions about true potential of


Organizations inability to change mindset of workforce to obtain total employee


Wrong pace of TPM implementation and focusing on too many improvement initiatives;

Inadequacies of reward and recognition mechanisms in the organizations;

Inadequacies of master plan in the absence of a focused approach;

Middle managements resistance towards offering empowerment and recognition of

bottom level operators due to fears of loss of authority and respect;

Inability to adhere strictly to laid out TPM practices and standards;

Organizations inability to enhance employee competencies towards job;

Alienation of employees from growth and sustainability endeavors of organizations;

Lack of awareness of TPM concepts and principles among the employees;

Inadequate services for the employees in organizations; and

Absence of mechanisms to critically evaluate and monitor maintenance performance

metrics like overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), return on net assets (RONA) and
return on capital employed (ROCE).
The cultural obstacles affecting successful TPM implementation in organizations include:
Inability to align employees to organizational goals and objectives;

Lack of professionalism including lack of consistency, resistance to change, poor quality

consciousness coming in the way of organizational transformations;

Strong unions, rigid mindsets, non-flexible approaches, non-adaptable attitudes;

Stubborn attitudes regarding existing organization, knowledge and beliefs;

Inability of top management to motivate employees to unlearn to learn;

Concern of employees with whats in it for me attitude;

Low skill-base also a deterrent to accept changes in the workplace;
Marginal employee participation in organizations towards decision making; and
Compromising attitude on quality of production with rework accepted as part of
production activities.

The behavioral obstacles affecting successful TPM implementation in organizations include:

Resistance from employees to adapt to proactive, innovative management concepts;

Occasional difficulties to succeed as cross functional teams (CFT);

Lack of motivation on part of employees to contribute effectively towards organizational

development and sustainability efforts;

Functional orientation and loyalty;

Inadequate efforts towards multi-skilling and periodic skill updation of employees;

Lack of willingness on part of operators to learn more regarding functioning of

production systems; and

Resistance to accept changes due to job insecurity and apprehension of loss of

specialization due to technological improvements.
The technological obstacles affecting successful TPM implementation in organizations include:
Little emphasis to improve production capabilities beyond the design capabilities;

Inadequate initiatives to assess and improve reliability of production systems and ensure
the faster, dependable deliveries;

Highly inadequate predictive maintenance (Pd.M.) infrastructural facilities in the


Highly inadequate computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS)

infrastructural facilities in the organizations;

Absence of mechanisms for investigating inefficiencies of production system (losses,

wastes) leading to lack of impetus for affecting manufacturing improvements;

Poor flexibilities offered by production systems due to long set up and changeover times;

Less educated workforce due to inadequacies of training on emerging technologies;

Lack of training opportunities and skills regarding quality improvement techniques and
problem diagnostics;

Little emphasis on maintenance prevention initiatives regarding possibilities of

improvements in existing products and manufacturing systems; and

Poor energy efficiency of production systems.

The operational obstacles affecting successful TPM implementation in organizations include:
General acceptance of reasonably high levels of defects associated with production
systems with little emphasis on realization of world-class six-sigma production

Non-adherence to standard operating procedures (SOP);

Little empowerment to operators to take equipment related or improvement decisions;

Absence of planned maintenance (PM) check-sheets to conduct routine maintenance jobs


Apathy of top management to implement safe work practices at the workplace;

Resistance from production operators to perform basic autonomous maintenance tasks;

Poor and non-encouraging workplace environments in the absence of 5S implementation;
Little motivation or time available for affecting process related improvements, while
major focus of organizations is on meeting routine production targets by all means; and
Emphasis on restoration of equipment conditions rather than prevention of failures.

The financial obstacles affecting successful TPM implementation in organizations include:

Requirement of significant additional resources in the beginning of TPM implementation
program with moderate performance improvements in initial stages of TPM;

Inability of top management to support improvement initiatives due to resource crunch;


Absence of appropriate motivating reward and recognition mechanisms.

The departmental obstacles affecting successful TPM implementation in organizations include:
Low synergy and coordination between maintenance and production departments;

Reluctance of production operators to accept autonomous maintenance initiatives as part

of their routine jobs;

Firm divisions between maintenance and production function responsibilities; and

A general lack of trust by maintenance department in productive operators capabilities

for performing basic autonomous maintenance tasks.
TPM can be asserted that there are many factors that may contribute to the failure of the
organizations to implement TPM successfully and reap the true potential of TPM. TPM
implementation requires a long-term commitment to achieve the benefits of improved equipment
effectiveness. Training, management support, and teamwork are essential for the success of TPM
implementation programs.
It becomes pertinent to develop TPM support practices like committed leadership, vision,
strategic planning, cross-functional training, employee involvement, cultural changes in the
organizations, continuous improvement, motivation, and evolving work related incentive
mechanisms in the organizations to facilitate TPM implementation programs to realize world
class manufacturing attributes.
2.4.6 Success factors in TPM implementation
For TPM to be successful, the improvement initiatives must be focused on benefiting both
organization and employees. There is a need to foster an environment for facilitating employees
to adapt and implement smoothly the autonomous maintenance and planned maintenance
postulates of TPM implementation.
There is an urgent need for establishing and holistically adopting key enablers and success
factors in the organizations to ensure success of the TPM implementation program by harnessing
total participation of all employees in the organizations. The key enablers and success factors for
successful implementation of TPM have been classified into six categories:-


Top management contributions;

Cultural transformations;
Employee involvement;
Traditional and proactive maintenance policies;
Training and education; and
Maintenance prevention and focused production system improvements.

TPM implementation in an organization can contribute effectively in realization of world class

manufacturing. However, it must be understood that a TPM implementation program does not
yield overnight success and it requires a reasonable period of holistic interventions, varying
between 3 and 5 years, to realize the true potential of TPM. It takes appropriate planning and a
focused TPM implementation plan, adequately assisted by top management through imbibing
organizational cultural improvement over a considerable period of time, to realize significant
manufacturing performance improvements from the holistic TPM implementation program. Thus
it can be concluded that for the successful implementation of a TPM program in the organization,
it becomes mandatory for the manufacturing managers to understand the functioning and
interaction of the different facets of TPM, so that the concept can fulfill its true potential.
2.5 Exercises

List and explain of maintenance function.


In practice the best way selecting and appropriate maintenance strategy and choosing one
or more techniques become a simpler decision when the failure modes are understood is
to look down over few steps. Write are step for selecting the type of maintenance.


Explain briefly for:(a)

Predictive Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance
Corrective maintenance
Breakdown Maintenance
Emergency Maintenance
Condition Based Maintenance
Reliability Centered Maintenance
Reactive Maintenance


Define the meaning of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)


The maintenance function has undergone a significant change in the last three decades.
Equipment management has passed through many phases. List the evolutions towards


TPM paves the way for excellent planning, organizing, monitoring, and controlling
practices through its unique eight pillar methodology. Identify the eight pillar of TPM?


Case Study:Introduction
A maintenance strategy means a scheme for maintenance, i.e. an elaborate and systematic
plan of maintenance action.
Maintenance Strategy is a long-term plan, covering all aspects of maintenance
management which sets the direction for maintenance management, and contains firm
action plans for achieving a desired future state for the maintenance function.
Several maintenance strategies are mainly used in technical systems. The most common
strategies are: corrective, time-based, condition-based and reliability-centered
maintenance (Balzer et al., 2001).
Maintenance strategic decision making involves selecting the right care and repair
methodologies that maximize equipment life and performance for the least cost to the
user. But to be able to make successful maintenance management strategy choices you
must understand how equipment fails. When you know the equipments weaknesses and
strengths you can care for it properly and get maximum service from it at least cost.
Type Of Maintenance
There are many types of maintenance. Maintenance is an action necessary for retaining or
restoring a piece of equipment, machine, or system to the specified operable condition to
achieve its maximum useful
Predictive maintenance
Preventive maintenance
Improvement Maintenance
Corrective Maintenance
Emergency Maintenance
Breakdown Maintenance
Selecting the method of Maintenance Strategies
Selecting and appropriate maintenance strategy and choosing one or more techniques
become a simpler decision when the failure modes are understood. A schematic of the
decision process in selecting an appropriate maintenance strategy.
In practice the best way is to look down over few steps:(i)
Prepare for the analysis
Select the equipment to be analyzed
Identify functions
Identify functional failures
Identify and evaluate (categorize) the effects of failure
Identify the causes of failure
(vii) Select maintenance tasks

In a group, find a company of any background which is applying the method of

maintenance strategies. Study one of the six types of maintenance above and applied by
that company. In your report, you must include:i)
How they select the maintenance tasks? refer the steps above
How they apply that maintenance tasks in company?
What is advantage when are using that maintenance tasks compare the others?
Who is a team member to implement that maintenance tasks?
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Accessed on 21 May 2013.

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