FW: Citizen Newsletter #158

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Fw: Citizen Newsletter #158

From: HC Citizen <hc.citizen@hccitizen.o... View Contact Wed, March 3, 2010 9:49:38 PM

To: Larry Stanley <hc.citizen@yahoo.com>

Citizen Newsletter
March 3, 2010 The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Announcements & Info

In This Issue

1. The Freedom Fund Banquet

2. Tenth Amendment Summit
3. Proposed 28th Amendment
4. Online Tax Revolt
5. Follow The Money Contact Henry Citizen at hc.citizen@hccitizen.org
6. Your Voice Henry Citizen Newsletter Opt-In
7. I Wanna Be in Movies Unsubscribe
8. Conservative Republican Women Your comments and submissions are always
9. Department of Mis-Communication welcome!
10. Stockbridge Legislative Delegation

Editorial / Publication Policy

We The People
This video just came out. Americans will love it.
Join the Tea Party Patriots

Obama At Bat

An instant classic. Watch the video

Ms. Sahar Hekmati is now coordinator for

Henry County Tea Party Patriots. She will
Buy, Buy American Pie
send notices as they come along and The
Citizen will feature announcements to get
Another classic! Watch the video
more grassroots folks involved.

Thank you for reading the Henry Citizen Newsletter

Please send your comments or submissions to hc.citizen@hccitizen.org

Sponsor the Citizen Newsletter

Thank you to all Citizen subscribers! The Conservative Voice of Henry County has opened a venue for news,
comment and opinion that exists nowhere else. It is because of you; a steady list of nearly 4,000 people who read
and submit articles sharing ideas and principles.
Our economic times are difficult for many people. But there are costs to provide The Citizen. Please consider
making a donation to this keep this publication going.

If you would like to donate to The Citizen please click the link below. Larry Stanley, Editor

Thank you!


The Freedom Fund Banquet

The Freedom Fund Banquet was held Friday, February 26th at the Merle Manders Conference Center in
Stockbridge, GA. On the night’s agenda was presentation of awards by the Henry County NAACP Branch.

The recipient of the 2010 Community Service Award is Mr. Michael Harris.

His quiet yet intelligent and decisive activities as Executive Director of the Henry County Planning and
Zoning Department has resulted in the adoption and implementation of policies that will help to move this
county confidently into its next level of attainment. He also serves as Director of the Henry County Census
Program when he has nothing else to do!

The recipient of the 2010 Bass Reeves Law Enforcement Award is Officer Cornelius Webster. You
students of African-American History will recognize the name of Bass Reeves as the personification of
devotion to duty, bravery, and perseverance despite overwhelming opposing odds. Reeves served as one of
the first U.S. Marshals, venturing into the bad lands of Kansas and Oklahoma in the late 1800’s to
apprehend the bad guys. He even arrested his son for violating the law!

The recipient of the 2010 Judicial Award is Judge Kenneth Glenn.

The recipient of this year’s Judicial Award is unable to be present to receive his award, but sent a recorded
“hall pass” to explain his absence tonight.

The recipient of the 2010 Education Award is our very own Ms. Terri Hall. The daily challenges
encountered by our Education Award recipient are too numerous. Imagine being the surrogate mother to
hundreds of youngsters on any given school day.

Terri Hall

Our designee exudes calm, calculation, and dedication to every task assigned to her both as a school
administrator and involved community personality. As Assistant Principal at Luella Middle School, our
designee had found time to mentor youngsters within the cocoon of an organization she had formed.

The recipient of the 2010 President’s Award is Henry County Fifth District Commissioner Johnny
Basler. The President’s Award is given to the single individual in the community, whose contributions
stretch across the county, touching lives and inspiring others to live out God’s imperative to serve without

Johnny Basler

This next recipient personifies the maxim that humble service, beyond the boundaries of race, gender,
class, or economic circumstance, is worth more than the physical effort involved.

Sometimes driving a truck filled with dirt, sometimes serving as a waiter in his nearby restaurant,
sometimes playing a mean set of drums with his rock and roll group, or sometimes helping to render the
tough decisions as a sitting Henry County Commissioner, our award recipient is truly a man not bound by
pomp or circumstance.

From the website:

From the ballot box to the classroom, the dedicated workers, organizers, and leaders who forged this
great organization and maintain its status as a champion of social justice, fought long and hard to ensure
that the voices of African Americans would be heard. For nearly one hundred years, it has been the talent
and tenacity of NAACP members that has saved lives and changed many negative aspects of American

Many thanks go to Mr. Thomas Hester for providing the Freedom Fund Banquet Award Presentation Notes.
And, our apologies go to those whose photos were not available.

Tenth Amendment Summit


(Atlanta - 1 March 2010) Even as snowstorms were blanketing much of the northeast, a firestorm for the cause
of liberty and state sovereignty was heating up in Atlanta on Thursday and Friday.

Hosted by Ray McBerry, Republican candidate for governor of Georgia, the first national Tenth Amendment
Summit convened for the purpose of bringing candidates together from around the country who are running on a
Tenth Amendment platform, each with the goal of restraining the power of the federal government through the
assertion of peaceful, constitutional means. The event was co-sponsored by the Tenth Amendment Center in

Thursday night's closed-door meeting included twenty-five candidates from across America who represented
thirteen states -- more than a quarter of the states that make up the union. Of the candidates participating, there
were fifteen running for Congress, one for U.S. Senate, one for state senate, five for state house, and three
candidates for governor of their respective states. There were also both men and women present, running for

Perhaps more telling, though, was the fact that the candidates included Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and
Independents. While it was obvious that all of the candidates did not share the same views on many issues, it
was very apparent that each shared the common belief that his or her state should be allowed to govern itself
without federal encroachment in any area other than those powers expressly granted to it in the Constitution.

The closed-door meeting Thursday night was a strategy session for the candidates to discuss what is working
currently to promote the cause of state sovereignty and how the group can work together to advance the cause

Friday's all-day meeting was open to the public and included speeches from nearly all of the participating
candidates, including the keynote speaker -- former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, who is currently a
Republican candidate for governor of Alabama. Ray McBerry, candidate for governor in Georgia, was the first
speaker; he welcomed the audience of four hundred attendees, some who travelled from as far away as
Washington state to be a part of the historic event. McBerry spoke of several constitutional mechanisms that the
states could begin to employ in their efforts to resist federal encroachments, including legislation which he has
helped to author that is currently sponsored in the Georgia General Assembly.

One of the important things to emerge from the Summit was a statement presented by the candidates Friday
morning as a mutual statement of purpose. It reads as follows:

We The People of the several States created a federal government to serve as our limited agent, delegating to the
federal government only those limited and few powers listed in the Constitution, and no others.

We recognize the federal government has seized unlimited power over virtually every aspect of Americans’ lives in
violation of the Constitution of the United States, specifically with respect to the Tenth Amendment.

We call upon freedom-loving citizens everywhere to stand with us, as candidates for state and federal office, to
pass meaningful and sensible legislation to restore the most critical check and balance deliberately designed into
our constitutional republic: that of strong, sovereign states.

We pledge to limit and restrain all federal government exercise of power that exceeds in any way the plain
language of those few powers listed in the Constitution and to nullify all others that exceed such limit.

When we restore the balance of power between the states and the federal government according to the
Constitution, our country will enjoy the dynamic blessings of liberty and prosperity.

For more information about the Tenth Amendment Summit or to schedule interviews, please contact
Helga Brassell, campaign assistant to Ray McBerry, at 404.916.9252 or online at

Proposed 28th Amendment

Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution

An idea whose time has come

For too long we have been too complacent about the workings of Congress. Many citizens had no idea that
members of Congress could retire with the same pay after only one term, that they didn't pay into Social Security,
that they specifically exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed (such as being exempt from
any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment) while ordinary citizens must live under those laws. The latest is to
exempt themselves from the Healthcare Reform that is being considered...in all of its forms. Somehow, that
doesn't seem logical. We do not have an elite that is above the law. I truly don't care if they are Democrat,
Republican, Independent or whatever. The self-serving must stop. This is a good way to do that. It is an idea
whose time has come.

Proposed 28th Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the
Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or
Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ".

Online Tax Revolt

Hat tip to Joanne Mulvaney

Our nation is in serious trouble and it falls to us to get the nation back on track. Politicians are mortgaging our
future with out of control spending and a tax code that is holding America back. I have signed up to the online tax
revolt at www.OnlineTaxRevolt.com.

This tax revolt is a wake-up call to everyone in Washington that the American people won't be ignored any longer.
We MUST stop the government spending and we MUST lower taxes and reform the tax code. Please join me for the
online march at www.OnlineTaxRevolt.com. It will only take seconds, simply choose your avatar and your
march will begin! On Tax Day, April 15, our avatars will arrive in DC to join a massive live rally. You participate
right online.

The Online Tax Revolt is open to every American who believes taxes and spending are out of control, harmful to
our country and a threat to our nation's future. Join other Americans as we march online from across the country
to Washington, DC and rally together on April 15!

• Visit http://www.onlinetaxrevolt.com/

• Share the Revolt on Facebook

• Tweet the Revolt

• Email Friends & Family

The Next American Tax Rebellion Has Begun

Online Tax Revolt Big Hit at CPAC

Follow The Money

This expression has been used in common vernacular since All the President’s Men portrayed Woodward &
Bernstein tracing the activities of the Nixon Whitehouse. Regardless of what we see, there is usually a common
thread holding the pieces together. The investigations into Watergate that led to the resignation of Richard Nixon
are a case study in the operation of the American Constitution and political values. Watergate had profound
consequences in the United States. There was a long list of convictions and other casualties. For example, the
aftermath of Watergate ushered in changes in campaign finance reform and a more aggressive attitude by the

Today there are searchable databases of state-level campaign contributions like www.followthemoney.org/ .
WWW.OpenSecrets.org is a nonpartisan guide to money's influence on U.S. elections and public policy
making. Even the fiasco surrounding global warming was researched by the Wall Street Journal in Climategate:
Follow the Money .

The State Ethics Commission enforces the laws under its jurisdiction through discreet investigative
proceedings and open hearings. Most cases considered by the Commission are initiated through the filing of sworn,
written complaints which allege a violation of one or more laws under the Commission’s jurisdiction. Enforcement
powers include, but are not limited to, assessment of civil penalties and administrative costs, ordering of remedial
actions, suspension or revocation of lobbyist registration privileges, and where necessary, reporting of suspected
violations of law to the appropriate law enforcement authority.

The Commission’s authority rests in enforcement of state law, The Ethics in Government Act (O.C.G.A.
Section 21-5-1 et seq.). Yet their website reveals the focus of their work: campaign financing. So, remaining
sections of the Ethics in Government Act are truly enforced only by citizens whose activities point out elected
officials who cross the lines.

For example, there are too many ways to finance a candidate surreptitiously without ever appearing on an official
campaign disclosure form. Use of vehicles, receipt of personal gifts, social influence, support for ‘causes’ the
official holds dear, free hunting trips or other junkets – these are some back-door benefits that can be made to
appear innocent.

It is really stupid for an official to accept cash bribes. Again, the money can be traced from one bank account to
another. The liability also exists for more heinous blackmail if the ‘contributor’ ever wants to enforce the official’s

The games played at all levels of government are more complex than three-dimensional chess. Citizens must be
vigilant to observe officials, their lifestyles and their personal associates. When we want to respect and honor
those we place into office, the temptations are too often greater than the personal integrity of the office holder.

Think about guilt by association. When a county board of commissioners take official action, particularly when no
vote is cast in opposition, whatever ramifications exist naturally fall upon each member individually.

We often hear, “We rely on Staff” for advice, expert opinion and research. Sometimes we are told we simply
cannot understand the complex issues. We see the board members approve expenses, moving funds from one
account to another, and allow projects that clearly violate any thought of fiscal accountability. We hear members
say, “My hands were tied.” As citizens and taxpayers we can only look to the individual board members and shake
our heads.
At the end of the day, The Buck Stops with every vote cast. What we expect: Personal integrity, avoiding the
appearance of wrongdoing, refusing to become guilty by association with questionable activities. When a member
casts a vote going along to get along, the individual is then linked with the personality and tendencies of all other
individual board members. There is an assumption of agreement, and later explanations do not change the official

Ways to subvert the law:

§ 21-5-12. Connected organizations

(a) The name of each political action committee shall include the name of its connected organization.

Friends of Nash is not a political action committee; nor is its membership considered campaign workers; nor is the
money contributed seen as ‘benefit’ to Elizabeth “BJ” Mathis, although she is both an elected official and a founder
in incorporating the organization. This non-profit organization has served to benefit Mathis’s agenda and
campaigns, and therefore should be considered under "Affiliated committees," meaning any two or more political
committees (including a separate segregated fund) established, financed, maintained, or controlled by the
same business entity, labor organization, person, or group of persons.

Another less publicized method is the arrangement of Development Revenue Bonds for Chairman Mathis’s
campaign supporters like Billy Abbate, owner of Big 5 Enterprises. Looking at the Tara Field Project by Big 5
Enterprises we see how influence means money. From the Henry Herald:

Officials pushing the project are expressing optimism after winning the backing of the Henry County
Development Authority regarding the financing. It will cost $38 million to build phase 1 of the project.
Atlanta Film Studios will pay the initial startup costs, Abbate told commissioners. He said the studio also will
pay the debt on the bonds. However, he asked the commissioners to approve the tax-credit financing of the
planned project.

See the presentation to the board of commissioners here. Most of us might say, “Mr. Abbate, you are no Tyler

Every citizen should be aware of our state laws that are supposed to protect against Integrity Challenged

Code of Ethics for Government Service, O.C.G.A. §45-10-1 et seq.

Conflicts of Interest, O.C.G.A. § 45-10-20 et seq.

Abuse of Government Office, O.C.G.A. §16-10-1 et seq.

Although some elected officials take offense to the expression Follow the Money, the principle is unavoidable. It
does not necessarily mean a specific member has accepted monetary graft, or has directly benefited from the graft
of others. It does carry the idea that integrity and principled behavior may call for individual action. It does mean
that trust is earned and maintained; it is not a perquisite of the elected position.

Your Voice
In response to, “Why would the city need to be cut up in districts? “

Stockbridge Councilwoman Kathy Gilbert

Thomas Jefferson said it best when he said that government governs best when it's closest to the people. For that
reason, U.S. House districts are determined after every census. No US Rep may represent more that 30,000

This is not a new issue. Stockbridge Districting was presented first in 2007 and passed the House unanimously. But
never made it to the Senate because neither Senators Emanuel Jones or Gail Davenport would sign on. Senator
John Douglas did sign on. It is important to note that neither Senator Jones or Buckner draw the majority of their
constituencies from Henry County. Sen. Buckner represents mostly Clayton County and Sen. Jones represents
mostly DeKalb county.

Stockbridge is a city of close to 25,000 citizens (Maybe closer to 30,000 when the census results come in). It
sprawls over approximately 35 square miles from Stage Coach Road in the north to Jodeco in the south and from
the Clayton County line in the west to east of Brannan Rd. Citizens should know their councilman and know that
their concerns are equitably represented because their representative lives with them in their immediate vicinity.

Hat tip to Rep. Steve Davis

Steve Davis



Open Georgia is a gateway for obtaining information and key documents about how the State of
Georgia spends tax dollars and other revenues to provide services to Georgians. The information
maintained on this site comes from various state agencies and is updated annually.
Hat tip to Donna Carrier

This is really good. Watch it please.

Judge Napolitano: This is a MUST VIEW

This is truly frightening and REPEAT; IT IS NOT POLITICAL

Please listen to every minute of this 7-1/2 video and then pass it on. It must be viewed by as many freedom
loving Americans, as possible. Thank you.

Andrew P. Napolitano is a 59 year old former New Jersey Superior Court Judge. He is a graduate of Princeton
University, and Notre Dame Law School. At Princeton he was a founding member of the Concerned Alumni of
Princeton along with Justice Samuel Alito.

Judge Napolitano is the youngest life-tenured Superior Court judge in the history of the State of New Jersey. Click
below and listen to Judge Napolitano's important message to all Americans.


Yes, Glenn Beck said it best... Progressivism is a cancer that will eat this country away if we don't step up and do
something. The Republican Party needs to admit they screwed up, and they need to confess.” But when people
like me are kicked out because of pointing it out to them, I get kicked.

Tenth Amendment Center

Reporting Back from the Tenth Amendment Summit: Please Read and Share!

The Tenth Amendment Summit last week in Atlanta, GA was a huge success! A sold-out crowed cheered speaker
after speaker in railing against federal power on issues left, right and center.

The following two links are the first of our reports back from the event. Please share them with your friends!

Resolution of the First Annual Tenth Amendment Summit


It’s not About Political Parties. It’s About Liberty


In liberty,

Michael Boldin
Tenth Amendment Center

Please tell ten friends to tell ten others today! The Breast Cancer site is
having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to
meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an
underprivileged woman. It takes less than a minute to go to their site
and click on 'donating a mammogram' for free (pink window in the

This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use

the number of daily visits to donate mammogram in exchange for

Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know.


"Tea Parties United" sent you a message

Voters: Illegal immigration is killing the economy

According to a new poll by Rasmussen, a staggering 67% of voters now reject illegal immigration, seeing it as a
major, needless strain on the economy in the middle of a severe recession...

Continues here.

Conservative Republican Women


Event: Conservative Republican Women

Start Time: Thursday, March 11 at 7:00pm
End Time: Thursday, March 11 at 10:00pm
Where: Golden Corral, 1755 Jonesboro Road McDonough, GA

To see more details and RSVP, follow this link.

I Wanna Be in Movies!

Big 5 Wants to take us to the Movies

At the March 1, 2010 BoC meeting, Big 5 Enterprises introduced it's plan to build a movie studio at Tara Field, but
of course with bond monies raised by the BoC.

Now the only thing is no matter what they call it this is asking the government to build their business for them. My
question would be why don't they build this themselves? Probably because the risk is so great that it is a gamble,
but they don't want to gamble with their own money. It is called shirking the citizens like they used to do in the
old days when they tried to sell bottles of medicine at the medicine show.

What if they build this film studio at Tara Field? It will be a two edged sword. Henry County has been wanting to
buy Tara Field back from Clayton County. Adding a film studio to the property will make it more valuable in the
eyes of Clayton County. They might not even want to sell the airport after this. Sometimes when these big
corporates bring flashy ideas to town and get those who think they are important to give their approval on the
project; they often find that there is a fish hook in the potato salad. But how many times have these people really
listened to us? Before Henry County tries to float a bond for this I think they should get the citizens to vote on the

Commentary: This type of action here in Henry County, Georgia is no different from the deals being swung in
Washington, D.C. They have helped large corporates with their businesses and the same is happening here locally.
What is bothersome is to see Representative Steve Davis like this idea. He has always presented himself as a solid
conservative. But this type of action leaning toward this type of deal is clearly the same liberal thinking we are
getting out of Washington these days. If we give to them then be ready to feel something in your back. That will
be your change.

The Doctor

Conservative Republican Women

Conservative Republican Women

Keeping You Informed

Principled Solutions, Not Stimulus, Will Put Georgians Back to Work


By Tom Price

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Down near the Georgia coast today, President Barack Obama is scheduled to continue his tour of states to
celebrate the administration’s efforts on the economy. Though we’re near St. Patrick’s Day, this is no reason to
dye the fountains of Savannah green. His is a record worthy of examination, but certainly not celebration.

A year since its signing, four million more unemployed, and 35,600 additional jobs forecast to be lost in Georgia
this year, the president’s seminal economic endeavor, an $862 billion stimulus package, has failed to live up to its
promises. The president took a big gamble and now, with a $1.6 trillion budget deficit, we’ve all lost.

This so-called stimulus plan has demonstrated that government spending is the slowest, most inefficient and
ineffective way to positively affect our economy. According to the Congressional Budget Office, by the end of this
year $258 billion will remain unspent, bound with red tape and lodged in the pipes of bureaucracy.

The bill was neither timely nor targeted toward the lasting, private-sectors jobs we were assured would be
created. Not only has the stimulus flowed to wasteful pet projects, like the $1.75 million spent on energy-efficient
garage doors for fire stations and the $800,000 used to keep animals off the runway at Purdue University’s airport,
but it also has gone mainly to bolster government payrolls.

According to a state report, of the 20,007 jobs funded through stimulus funds in Georgia over the previous
quarter, only 1,703 were in the private sector. This means that when stimulus spending runs out, so too will 91
percent of the jobs. That’s hardly a sound economic plan. Now, when you borrow this much money, admittedly,
you’re going to have some impact on the economy. Unfortunately for us, all that the bill has stimulated here in
Georgia is bigger government.

Georgians won’t be happy until businesses, not bureaucracies, are the ones hiring again. Yet this won’t happen in
earnest until Washington recognizes that it’s getting in the way. What the president fails to appreciate is that it’s,
in fact, his sweeping agenda that is keeping investment on the sidelines and preventing job growth.

Businesses thrive on predictability. Now, all they see from Washington is a coming tsunami of government. Take
the president’s health care plan that will levy a host of new taxes, increase regulatory compliance costs and
actually raise premiums, according to CBO. Or look at the national energy tax that Democrats refuse to abandon,
which would raise energy costs by thousands of dollars a year. And all along, the bailout mentality continues to
permeate Washington, with TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) recently extended for another year and tax
dollars still flowing to failing companies.

The business environment is simply toxic for investment. From my countless talks with Georgia families and small
business owners, the best thing the president could do today to provide confidence is announce that he is dropping
his big government agenda and refocus on market-based principles that have provided America its storied financial

What we have learned over the last 18 months is that at a time of struggle, we must embrace, not abandon, our
principles. Productivity flourishes when it is rewarded with lower taxes; the private sector is where sustainable,
good jobs are generated; we cannot spend more than we take in; and free markets work better than any
government dictate.

While he will likely do most of the talking, these are the messages the president should take back to Washington if
he truly wants to put Americans back to work.

Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) is chairman of the Republican Study Committee.


Event: Conservative Republican Women

Start Time: Thursday, March 11 at 7:00pm
End Time: Thursday, March 11 at 10:00pm
Where: Golden Corral, 1755 Jonesboro Road McDonough, GA

To see more details and RSVP, follow this link.

Department of Mis-Communication
The Henry County Communications Department acts as a liaison between the public and the news media, and the
Henry County government, including the Board of Commissioners, the County Manager, and County departments
and agencies, and assists the public in obtaining needed information.

Regarding production of the Henry Update, providing online video of the commission meetings and operating
Channel 14 broadcasts on Charter Communications, this team has performed excellently.

But as the Political Public Relations arm of county government, there is a fly in the ointment! Political agendas
permeate our county government so it is natural that miscommunications will occur. This time a very public faux
paux calls for a very public apology! Not by Ms. Ernst, but by the county official who enlisted her for the error.

At 3:15pm on Tuesday, March 2nd, Ms. Julie Hoover-Ernst, Director of Communications, placed a call to Mr. Mike
Eddy, Chairman of the Henry Republican Party. She told him that effective immediately the party monthly
meetings could no longer be held at the community room of the county administration building.

This was quite a shock to the membership. Party meetings, in fact meetings of all types held by a variety of
organizations have long used meeting rooms at this location. The explanation was “it’s a policy decision” and
“there are security concerns.”

After the meeting on March 2nd, phones were buzzing and text messages coursing through the airwaves.

At 7:05am on Wednesday, March 3rd, Mr. Butch Sanders, County Manager, telephoned Mr. Eddy to retract the
miscommunication. The commitment by the county to allow use of the meting space will continue as promised.

SO, who instructed Ms. Ernst to make that call? In her position she has no direct authority to enforce such
county policy changes, or to abolish by formal or official means previously made commitments, or to participate in
approving facility space for non-government uses.

From this editorial desk it would appear that someone to whom Ms. Ernst is politically loyal gave the instructions.
Someone other than the two commissioners contacted today – they knew nothing about the policy change or the
expulsion of the Henry GOP from the meeting space.

As the plots thicken and reputations are placed at risk, Ms. Ernst would do well to refrain from acting publicly to
advance an otherwise un-official political agenda.

When we learn, and we will, which county official prompted this action it will provide clear and undeniable cause for
citizen action. To begin, that person should receive no support in any form from the county party organization.
And, to be sure, every future action by that person must be examined for this penchant to portray personal agenda
as official board action.

Stockbridge Legislative Delegation

Stockbridge Local Delegation of Legislature


Rep Steve Davis, Delegation Chairman


Rep Rahn Mayo, Delegation Vice-Chairman


Rep Glenn Baker


Rep Howard Mosby



Sen Gail Buckner

District Office: Phone: (770) 473-9039

Sen Emanuel Jones

District Office:
Phone: (770) 914-2800 (O)
(770) 964-7162 (F) (706) 322-8888
Henry Citizen Newsletter is provided by Henry Citizen Mail List Opt-In

Henry Citizens for Responsible Government, a

Georgia political action committee. Larry Stanley, Editor Unsubscribe

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