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Alex Hooper (Taylor Kitsch) has no job, no money, and no goal in life.

His brother,
Stone Hopper (Alexander Skarsgrd), a commander in the Navy, repeatedly tries to
get him to take some responsibility for himself, but Alex has no interest in anything
other than trying to pick up girls at the bar. So, in an attempt to get him to
straighten up, Stone enlists him, and the next thing Alex knows, he is on a
battleship in Hawaii, preparing to participate in a series of exercises at sea.
Unfortunately, even there, Alex is headstrong, disobedient, and reckless, even
catching (negative) attention from Admiral Shane (Liam Neeson, being his usual
excellent self) who warns him that his career in the Navy is in serious danger of
being very short-lived.
In the meantime, NASA has sent transmissions to an alien planet which they believe
may sustain life. If there is intelligence life out there, and it comes here, it will be
just like Columbus and the Indians, except were the Indians, warns a scientist,
but eager to communicate with extra-terrestrial life, the government doesnt heed
him. The response is not what they expect, and before you can say I sunk your
battleship, five alien ships have plummeted through Earths atmosphere. Some of
them crash into Hong Kong, leaving the city in ruins. Others come down in the
Pacific Ocean, conveniently close to the battleship exercises. Suddenly, Alex Hooper
and his fellow soldiers find themselves in the midst of a war between man and alien,
a war for the ownership of the earth.
Battleship invites comparisons to Transformers, in that both share a similar
style of action and both are based on Hasbro toys, but Battleship succeeds where
Transformers failedby giving us human characters that arent annoying and that
we actually care about, Alex in particular. He starts out an aimless, foolhardy young
man. His brother, who admirably looks out for his well being, admonishes him: Who
can I call to teach you humility? You have so much potential. That potential comes
to light when Alex is forced into a position of leadership. He steps forward and
bravely faces down massive adversaries. When revenge blinds him and causes him
to put the lives of his men at risk, he is forced to put aside selfish motives and put
others before himself. In the end, he uses his skills, his cleverness and his loyalty to
his mission to rise up as a leader and a man worthy of respect.
Other characters are equally admirable. Soldiers, time and time again, put their
lives on the line and work together as a team to protect their country and,
ultimately, the world. Indeed, self-sacrifice, courage, and honor are all traits that are
positively portrayed. Nods to veterans, both past and present, are also welcome.
Alexs girlfriend, Sam (Brooklyn Decker) is a physical therapist who desires to help
wounded veterans recover. Although it is implied that they have a sexual
relationship, marriage is lauded, as Alex plans to marry her and even ask her father
for permission, beforehand.
Battleship does have content issues. Sam, showing a lot of cleavage in a bikini,
makes out with Alex on the beach. Language includes multiple abuses of Gods
name (OMG5, My G_d 2, G-d_mn 1), several uses of the s-word and three fwords (two unfinished). Most of the violence is extremely explosive mayhem,
including clashes between battleships and spaceships, airplanes and spaceships,
helicopters and , well, you pretty much get the idea. The body count is very high,

although little blood is seen, although when the aliens disembark, the violence
becomes more physical and one-on-one and some characters to end up with
bloodied faces.
However, in the end, Battleship is a better film than it has any right to be. The
action is fast, furious and largely bloodless. The special effects are phenomenal. The
actors are all strong, with Kitsch making a much better Navy soldier than he did as
John Carter, earlier this year. Sure, the screenplay is clichd, and the story is
basically there to hang action scenes on, but do we expect anything more from a
summer blockbuster? At least there is a story with positive character role models.
Furthermore, nods to the board game on which it is based are very impressively
used, right down to the hit-or-miss tactic and the use of numbers and letters. So,
with the above content issues in mind, Battleship gets my recommendation.
Violence: Extreme / Profanity: Heavy / Sex

One of the much expected films this year 'Battleship' presented to the world not
only how innovative The united states is with regards to weapons, but also in fight
techniques and authority abilities. The film as well informs of possibilities that aliens
might as well innovative in combat than they do. But also represented was how
ready they are to fight against whatever that presents risks to the country. Apart
from its being action-packed, it also put on show some authority concepts important
to operating an company.
The tale was about an remarkable personal (Alex Hopper), with very low making
decisions abilities, and a-pain-in-the-butt to his sibling (Stone Hopper) who always
gets him out of issues whenever he does a blunder. Until the last problem that he
got into where he split into a shop just to buy a Poultry Burrito by power to make an
impression on a wonderful lady who occurred to be the little lady of the Admiral
shane. Alex was pressured by his sibling Rock to be a part of the deep blue blue in
desires that using him to the work out is a excellent option approach and gives his
lifestyle a self-worth.
Upon aliens' attack to the earth, all those who were in the work out were frightened
for they realized not what they will end up with. But one thing is obvious to all, the
work out is over and they need to get ready for the actual fight, the actual fight
which they are not there and ready for. Consequently, the groups went on anxiety
but the boat captains stayed relaxed and major which allowed them to provide
purchases and got their groups back to normal to proceed taking and performing
To secure the country from uninvited guests that were starting to make loss on the
dry areas, and such scenario remaining no choice to the commanders but to attack.
Now, the captains' order to attack needs a far greater need of brave military and
groups to function the 'destroyer' developed but converted out not enough to
secure the earth against horror. As expected, each deliver on the sea under the
control of the allocated boat captains tried to release missiles to attack the harmful

and surprising attacker from nowhere. However, it was failed and such shift to
attack right there and then became a dreadful concept instead that triggered
lifestyles of those who were driving the warships with only a few heirs.
Among the heirs that got in the deliver that was later on under the control of the
new innovator (Alex Hopper) were another innovator (Nigata) and some of his
injured men from a poorly mashed 'destroyer'. Now the deliver is included with
different individualities and lifestyle, therefore, with different kinds of concepts and
elegance. Without understanding the actual potential and plan of the attacker,
Hopper, now the recently hired innovator in control in the warship, tried to come up
with a technique in attack to the opponents. But he realized his programs seem not
to perform out against the aliens when innovator Nigata barged in to recommend a
very aggressive technique better than his.
Water Displacement, the technique Nigata recommended of which he statements to
be surprisingly efficient because of years of encounter of using it. For the benefit of
everybody, Hopper made the choice to provide him the advantage of query allowing
him describe how the technique performs. And later, he discovered out the
recommended strategy appears to be exciting and valuable not only to those who
are in the warship, but such as those that are on the dry areas whose believe in for
security are provided to them.
The scenario in the film looks very identical as that of what is occurring in actual
lifestyle - in organizations and organizations. This content concentrates on showing
some business concepts particularly in authority.
"Captain, My seat is your seat sir!"
While none of them on panel had any concept as to how the Water Displacement in
program performs, Captain Alex Hopper, after listening to the nitty-gritty of
technique, provided no concepts nor tried to query as to how many % the strategy
will win success over the opponents. Looking after not about his pleasure of being
the innovator in control or what his men would say, without a second believed,
Hopper provided way to the innovator Nigata to take over the strategizing briefly.
"Captain, my seat is your seat sir" Hopper whispered. Such act of bravery to forsake
pleasure for the advantage of all is never been easy. That's one need for authority.
Gary Moulton, a CEO compaired authority as that of the floor that's complete of
nutritional value necessary to maintain a plant's development. According to him,
business also includes - even more important - authority that allows personal to
develop and soon brings and not just end up flat. To be a excellent innovator, one
must first be a excellent fan and when he becomes one, he must be willing to take
the fact that authority is "stepping up and getting aside", not the other way around.
Improving, because control really have to be on the greater floor to take someone
up, and getting aside because he has to predict long before that the ones he
teaches will adhere to his paths and become like him.

In comparison, according to professionals, too many organizations handle to identify

a workplace in their organizations under a bad authority and as a outcome, workers
are poorly impacted which in impact convert them into disappointed workers.
Because of inadequate authority, workers begin to encounter from unjust work
methods of control which is totally disallowed by and breach in the work law. This is
one of the factors why every company should be under a excellent authority or else,
disorder will occur.
Team perform and oneness in one purpose
To avoid disorder in company, a excellent innovator should know and be willing to
perform in groups. He must motivate group performance towards accomplishing one
particular goal! Captain Hopper, not only gives purchases, but also proved helpful in
groups and that was frequent when he let the Captain Nigata provide
recommendations in response to the issues they were going through. And one
excellent concept the film showed to the audiences is working with oneness as a
group towards one objective is efficient than techniques alone.
For example, in the area of Individual Source Management, Exercising & Growth is
one of the important actions an HR administrator performs in an company. It is done
to make sure perform strength and efficiency of the workers in the business and
reverse possible issues that each worker may have been experiencing for a
important time interval. However, Exercising & Growth will just be as excellent as
nothing, a pointless, and money if the immediate go or group control allocated to
carefully observe the workers will not function as they are instructed to. Hence, no
issue how useful and highly effective a technique is, it will not function as what it is
developed for without someone to use and realize success the way it should.
Actually, plenty of organizations are accountable of this scenario up to now finishing
up putting things off and sources.

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