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Daily Update

Audit Dates:
13 - 14 July
ISO Recertification Audit: VCE Peenya BNG

QMS- ISO 9001-2008 : EMS- ISO 14001-2004 : OHSAS 18001-2007

Number of days from

Audit date

Todays Date : 7th July 2015

(Starting Jun 17)

Target: Post Audit - Zero NC for the entire Site

BNG Theme for the Audit 2015: New Product Development
To ensure Dept / site preparedness for the RECERTIFICATION Audit by BVCI on July 13th &
14th 2015. To have a smooth audit with Zero Non-Conformance registered against the site

What has got completed :-1. Internal audits completed and NCs noted down for actions
2. HIRA recording for site activity has been conducted and record is available
3. Environmental Aspects and Impacts of the site activity has been identified and record is available
4. Audit Plan received from BV Auditor, reviewed the Audit plan with OMT and Functional heads.
5. MR Meeting highlights circulated to insist on Minor NCRs to attend and document through QRPS
6. EHSMS Manual is published on cOMMon, and all the Volvo CE people can access for view option
7. Quality Manual published on cOMMon and all the Volvo CE people can access for view option
8. OHS and Environmental Objectives and Targets released on cOMMon
9. Review and updation completed on all the existing OCP document, also few more OCPs created to satisfy the
present practices.
10. Flash Audit done on Plant Maintenance,,, noted few improvement areas
11. Flash Audit Schedule released, OMT member along with Internal Auditor leads the Audit team to highlight
Non conformances at Functional Areas for Improvements
12. Quality Procedure Manual Published in cOMMon.
13. Flash Audit is on-going,,, major functional Areas are being flash audited
14. All the NCRs have been addressed through the QRPS and updated in to OPTIMA.
15. Revised Audit plan circulated and meeting request sent to all concerned.
16. Previous Internal Audit points are closed.
17. Re-iterated on Self audit of the Functional Area, highlights provided to the concerned.
18. Customer Complaint handling process reviewed for the Scope of Technical Support offering from BNGPlant Technology team.

What is in progress?:
1. Updation of Org Charts, Functional descriptions and Job descriptions are in progress, 80%
completion by HR
2. MR office documents completion in progressJuly 8th

What Needs urgent Focus?:3. Review of all departmental documents and related records to support the compliance, must be
ensured by all departments,,,, in progress. All depts. To confirm by July 8th
4. New Product Development Process, as this function is main focus area during this Audit,
Technology to self-audit their processes to ensure compliance

Internal Audit Week (Flash audit) : June 29 July 03

Released by MR office R Gopalakrishna

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