SWE Tips N Tricks June 2013 TitleBlock Design in SWE PDF

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SolidWorks Electrical

Tips & Tricks

Titleblock design in SolidWorks Electrical

Drawings (scheme, line diagram, terminal strip, etc.) are created
using a copy of the Titleblock file. It is therefore useful to represent
all the elements you wish to find in the drawings (logo, graphics, etc.) in
the titleblock. The settings (display of the grid, types of lines, styles of
texts, etc.) used in the titleblock will automatically be available in the
A titleblock consists of graphics entities (lines, texts, etc.) and attributes allowing the
propagation of the data entered in the properties of the elements of the project (book, folder,
drawing, etc.).
This article will explain how you can use SolidWorks Electricss built-in feature title blocks
manager to customize existing title blocks and make new smart Title Block.

Titleblock manager
All the titleblocks are stored in a library allowing you to manage existing titleblocks
and also to create your own.

New: Used to create a new titleblock.

Open: Used to open the selected titleblock(s) in the graphical interface in order to modify the

SolidWorks Electrical
Tips & Tricks
graphics and/or the definition of the attributes.
DWG import: Used to import a file in AutoCAD format and transform it into a titleblock.
Delete: Used to delete the selected titleblock(s).
Properties: Used to open the properties of the selected titleblock. Preview:
Used to open the selected titleblock in a preview window. Cut / Copy / Paste:
Used to duplicate the selected titleblock.
List mode / Thumbnails / Configuration: Used to manage the display and display configuration
of the titleblocks in the right-hand part of the dialog box.
Archive / Unarchive: Used to generate a ZIP file of the selected titleblock(s). Unarchiving
allows titleblocks in the archive file to be added to the library. This procedure can be used to
exchange titleblocks between two companies for example. Display sub-classes content: Used to
activate display of titleblocks stored in the lower levels of the classes.
Close the manager when editing titleblock: If this box is checked, the manager closes
automatically when you edit a titleblock.

Editing a titleblock
Whether the titleblock has been imported or created using the Copy/Paste command,
you can edit it to make any changes you wish.

Select the titleblock you wish to edit in the right- hand

part of the titleblocks manager and click on the "Open"
The titleblock opens in a graphical interface.

The "Draw" menu opens, displaying the list of drawing commands available to modify the graphics.
The side panel also changes to display the list of attributes you can insert, and the properties of the
To insert an attribute, double-click in the side panel on the one you wish to insert. Click on a point in
the graphical interface to insert it. Once inserted, the attribute has a contextual menu using which you
can edit the properties to modify the font, justification, height or color or replace it.
The titleblock file is automatically saved when it is closed.
Caution: You are not advised to modify an existing titleblock if it has been used in a project. The
existing drawings will not take the changes into account. However, newly-created drawings will do so
using the modified titleblock.

SolidWorks Electrical
Tips & Tricks
Definition of Title block attributes
The attributes in the titleblocks are used
to propagate data you have entered in
the properties of the different levels of
your project.
Obviously data can only be propagated
if the attribute is present in the titleblock.

Available attributes are:



Project N


Customer name


Customer address (Line 1)


Customer address (Line 2)


Customer address (Line 3)


Design office


Design office address (Line 1)


Design office address (Line 2)


Design office address (Line 3)


Description - Line 1 (Language 1)


L1 : Language 1 of Project / Can be replaced by EN or other language code) to force in English,

whatever Language 1 of the project may be.
Description - Line 2 (Language 1)


User data
User data 1


User 2 data


User 3 data


User 4 data


Translatable user data

Translatable user data 1(Language 1)


Translatable user data 2 (Language 1) ?


Translatable user data 3 (Language 1) ?




Description (Language 1)
User data


SolidWorks Electrical
Tips & Tricks
Drawn by


Drawn on


User data 3


User data 4


Translatable user data

Translatable user data 1 (Language 1) ?


Translatable user data 2 (Language 1) ?


Translatable user data 3 (Language 1) ?


Current No.




The character 0 cnd be replaced by the following codes: an

0 : 1st index / 1: 2 index... / -0: last index / -1: second to last index...
(see at the end of the table)
Creation date


Creation author


Check date


Acceptance date


Acceptance author






Description (Language 1)


Translatable user data

Translatable user data 1 (Language 1) ?


Translatable user data 2 (Language 1) ?


Translatable user data 3 (Language 1) ?




Next tag


Previous drawing tag


Number of drawings into the bundle


Name of the last drawing in the bundle


Scale factor (numerator)


Scale factor (denominator)


Description (Language 1)


Title (1st line) (Language 1)


Title (2nd line) (Language 1)


User data
User data 1


SolidWorks Electrical
Tips & Tricks
User data 2


User data 3


User data 4


Translatable user data

Translatable user data 1 (Language 1)


Translatable user data 2 (Language 1)


Translatable user data 3 (Language 1)


Current No.




Creation date


Creation author


Check date


Acceptance date


Acceptance author






Description (Language 1)


User data
User data 1


User data 2


User data 3


User data 4


Translatable user data

Translatable user data 1 (Language 1)


Translatable user data 2 (Language 1)


Translatable user data 3 (Language 1)




Description (Language 1)


User data
User data 1


User data 2


User data 3


User data 4


Translatable user data

Translatable user data 1 (Language 1)


Translatable user data 2 (Language 1)


Translatable user data 3 (Language 1)



SolidWorks Electrical
Tips & Tricks
SWE version number








When specific revisions attributes, a dialog box opens allowing you to select the index level.
There are two modes (Relative and absolute) used to generate the index rank automatically.

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