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A Customer-Focused Marketing Company

Employee Brand Book

Table of Contents
Letter from Bill Swanson
What it means to be a CustomerFocused Marketing company

How the Raytheon Brand supports our

Customer-Focused Marketing efforts
Definition of a brand
Positioning statement
Communications personality
Brand architecture

Advertising campaign
Brand stewardship

What does it mean to be a

Customer-Focused Marketing
(CFM) company?
It means our customers will view
us as a valued partner that actively
seeks every opportunity to proactively work with them to define and
meet their needs. We will do this by
developing and providing the best
solutions and meeting our promises.
We will do this better than any other
For Raytheon, CFM has three components: Performance, Relationships
and Solutions.

Captain Dennis DuBard (left) greets

Raytheon Chairman and CEO Bill Swanson
(right) on the USS Peleliu during the Navy
League's Navy Days celebration in San
Pedro, Calif., to honor Navy and Marine
personnel who were first on scene at the
Khandahar Airport, Afghanistan.

We need to flawlessly execute and
perform on our current programs
to establish and maintain credibility
and reliability with our customers.
If we cant perform, how can
we possibly expect our customers
to let us shape their future?
Performance is a critical element
in developing trust and credibility
with our customers.
The next component is ensuring we
are building positive, solid relationships with our customers every day.
Get to know our customers by listening to our customers. Let your customers get to know you. The more
we understand who our customers
are in and outside of work, what
their missions are, and how they are

expected to achieve mission success,

the better our opportunity to help
shape the market. Well-established,
predictable and mutually supportive
relationships are built on shared
respect and trust. Our customers
are the reason we exist and must
therefore be our close partners in
absolutely everything we do related
to their efforts.

behaviors we want all employees to

possess. Throughout the year, we will
be communicating to all employees
about what these behaviors entail,
and how they can help in our
journey to be customer-focused.

CFM Brand Initiative

Part of having a successful CFM
culture begins with having a wellknown and highly respected brand
identity. In the following pages, we
will explain our CFM brand initiaRaytheons history is built on innotive and your role in helping us build
vation and providing solutions that
produce positive results for our cus- the Raytheon brand into the industry standard for Customer-Focused
tomers. But, its time to go one step
further. In 03 we are positioning our Marketing.
government and defense business as
an integrator of mission solutions
for our customers. Through CFM,
we will generate and win more
opportunities that require a mission
solution. To do this, we have to work
Bill Swanson
with our customers to shape their
requirements and position Raytheon Chairman and CEO
as the partner of choice for our
customers. This approach helps
our customers achieve success and
allows us to share in that success.
CFM is not something that just
Business Development or any other
single organization is responsible for;
rather it is the responsibility of every
employee and every organization.
CFM in and of itself is a set of

Vision, Strategy, Goals
for 2004
Be the most admired defense and
aerospace systems supplier through
world-class people and technology.







Be regarded as a Customer-Focused

Treat people with respect

and dignity.

Be honest, forthright and


Improve performance continually.

Use straight talk; no hidden agendas.

Stress quality, productivity, growth,

best practices and measurement.


Welcome Diversity and

diverse opinions.

Respect ethics, law and regulation.

Strive to be the best.

Achieve above-market growth in
our four Strategic Business Areas:
Missile Defense
Precision Engagement
Intelligence, Surveillance
and Reconnaissance
Homeland Security

Restore Raytheon Aircraft to

preeminence in aviation,
showcasing the Beechcraft
and Hawker brands.
Be a Customer-Focused Company
based on Performance, Relationships
and Solutions:
Performance - Meet our
commitments to our
Customers, partners and each
other, driving Customer
Relationships - Build positive,
solid relationships with our
Customers, partners and each
other. Listen, anticipate,
respond, follow-through.
Solutions - Develop and
provide superior Customer
solutions, working as One

Grow revenue faster than the

market. Build on good performance
in improving cash flow. Execute well
and with predictability.

Help our fellow employees improve

their skills.
Recognize and reward
Foster teamwork and collaboration.

Improve employee survey results in
all categories. Retain and attract
world-class talent while providing
superior learning opportunities for
employee development. Leverage our
Diversity efforts as a competitive
advantage in everything we do
position Raytheon as a leading
Diversity company.

Take Raytheon Six Sigma to the next
level, further engaging Customers,
suppliers and engineers. Deliver
greater value and predictability
to our Customers through the
Integrated Product Development
System (IPDS), Earned Value
Management System (EVMS) and
Capability Maturity Model
Integration (CMMI).

Honor commitments to Customers,
shareholders, the community and
each other.
Accept personal responsibility to
meet commitments; be accountable.



How the Raytheon Brand

supports our Customer-Focused
Marketing efforts

Our values:


theon Brand
c onceptual


Customer Success Is
Our Mission





Proven process:





A brand is an extremely valuable

asset that encompasses all parts of a
company. It represents who you are,
what you stand for and why customers should choose your product
or service. A good brand creates
demand; provides a competitive
edge; attracts and retains customers;
unites and empowers employees;
focuses communications, decisions
and actions; sets performance
standards; and illustrates corporate
goals and perspectives.


The Raytheon brand is a key component of our Customer-Focused

Marketing efforts. Our brand is a
promise we make to our customers,
our partners and ourselves. The
brand can be expressed in many
ways, but at its core is our focus
on our customers and on their needs
and expectations of us.

Raytheon Six Sigma



logo and



Logo and corporate

identity system:


What is our

A brand is comprised of the

various interactionsconceptual,
visual, verbal, personalof the
audience with a companys
employees, products and services.

The Raytheon brand encompasses

all of these interactions, from
our positioning statement and communications personality all the way
through our approachproviding
systems, products and services.

From the customer point of view,

the desired perception is:


I can trust Raytheon to

help me by providing
superior solutions based
on its proven ability
and relentless focus on
customer success.



we deliver

To be the most admired

defense and aerospace
systems supplier through
world-class people and


To provide superior
solutions that make our
customers successful

we deliver
Processes including Raytheon Six Sigma, Integrated
Product Development System (IPDS) and Capability
Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

Delivering innovative customer solutions yesterday,
today and tomorrow

Close collaboration with and concern for the
needs of our customers and other target audiences

Operational Excellence
Seamless interactions with our customers through
the life cycle of relationships

The personality
of our

Positioning Statement
The Raytheon positioning statement
is a clear, brief statement of our
value proposition, target audience
and market positioning. The role of
our positioning statement is to serve
as a point of reference for the
company. All communications,
products, services, etc., should be
formulated within this context.
Anything that doesnt clearly reflect
and reinforce this brand positioning
is potentially off-strategy.

This does not mean these exact

words must be used in every communication with external audiences.
Rather these words are primarily
for our consideration within
Raytheon and secondarily for new
business development and partnership communications.

Raytheons government, defense

and commercial solutions empower
customers to secure peace and fuel
prosperity at home and abroad.
We instill confidence through our
performance, our relationships and
our solutions.

Our communications personality is
one that encompasses all of our core
values and features. Together, the
characteristics on the facing page
represent a vital personality that we
express every day online, on the
phone, in person and in print. In
order to present a consistent brand
to our customers, we all need to be
familiar with these characteristics
and consider them whenever we
speak, write or create something
for Raytheon.

personality is




We are a proven leader in the

defense and aerospace industries.
Our heritage of innovation and
invention is unparalleled. Our
transformational technology
continues to serve as the catalyst
for smarter, faster and more
powerful systems.

We think three moves ahead to

anticipate technology that aligns
with the rapidly changing defense
and aerospace landscape. We build
increasingly advanced guidance,
intelligence, surveillance, and
precision engagement solutions
and aircraft platforms.

We work in close partnership with

our customers to leverage our
specialized technology and experience to create integrated solutions
that meet their exact specifications.
We understand where they are
coming from because they are the
driving force behind our technological innovation.

lead the charge.
break new ground.
motivate others.
dont rest on our laurels.

anticipate problems.
think together.
develop successful solutions.
dont give up.

stand shoulder-to-shoulder.
have open minds.
share ideas and goals.
stand up for others.




We are widely recognized as a

responsible, ethical corporate
citizen. We adhere to the highest
standards of integrity and honesty
in our communications with
employees, customers and business
partners. Our strong character
and open business practices are
truly rare in todays corporate

You can be confident in your choice

to work with Raytheon. We have
all the right ingredients for stable
operations and positive financial
growthinnovative technology,
global connections, sound ethical
standards and a history of security
and dependability.

We set the standard for precision in

the defense and aerospace industries.
Our benchmark technology is repeatedly chosen for critical situations
where lives depend on exact performance and error-free protection.
We are committed to continuous
process improvement throughout
the lifetime of our contracts and

are direct and clear.
dont exaggerate.
ask questions.
give honest answers.

see challenges
as opportunities.
raise the bar for ourselves
and our colleagues.
trust our instincts.

strive to be on time.
dont take shortcuts.
pay attention to detail.
follow through.
are relentless in ensuring

The strength of a good tagline is its
ability to deliver the essence of a
brand in a brief, memorable, purely
verbal way. Our taglines job is to
connect the dots between our customers and our core offerings, consistently reinforcing how and why
they should interact with our company. It also has to be wide enough
to encompass changing product
offerings and business goals.

This tagline also supports and

communicates our unwavering
commitment to Customer-Focused
Marketing. This consistency in
personality, business goals and
communications is what good
brand management is all about.

Success Is Our


Brand Architecture
The Raytheon logo is the core
component of our corporate identity system. Like the Nike swoosh
or the FedEx logotype, it creates a
distinctive graphic presence for our
company and serves as an instantly
recognizable visual cue for customers. It expresses our brand
through color, line weight, typography, motion, direction and style.

The Raytheon logo is our visual

signature. Just as your personal
signature should always look the
same, our logo should always
appear in a specified and consistent
manner. Please visit the updated
corporate identity section of the
Raytheon employee intranet for
comprehensive, specific guidance
on the use of the logo and other
elements of the identity system.

In our new Customer-Focused

Marketing model, customer success
is our mission. This concept serves
as a way to unify all Raytheon products and services with a common
theme by leveraging the credibility
and market equity carried by the
Raytheon name and the associated
connotations of collaboration and
confidence. However, it is not meant
to limit the Strategic Business Areas
(SBAs), business or product-level
advertising or positioning in any way.

The architecture is designed to

provide flexibility to address specific
audience segments with targeted
messaging that speaks to their
specific needs and preferences. For
example, it allows us to seamlessly
integrate strong product brands
such as Hawker and Beechcraft, both
of which have significant brand
equity in the aviation industry.
Drawing from this architecture, all
communications should reinforce
the Customer-Focused Marketing
approach. The desired result is a
brand architecture based on our
customers needs rather than on
the Raytheon corporate structure.
More specific design, voice and
graphic guidelines are currently being
developed and will be distributed as
soon as possible.

Advertising Campaign
Master Brand (Vision Level)

Shared Mission is the title of a new

corporate awareness campaign that
will help establish the Raytheon
brand by articulating one clear
brand perspective that connects with
our target audience(s) in a personal
and memorable way. This corporate
advertising campaign complements,
supports and draws strength from
the SBAs as well as the business
and product print advertising that
is already in place.

Through language and imagery, the

Shared Mission campaign demonstrates our understanding of, and
insight into, what our customers go
through every day. The challenges
they face. The battles they fight.
And the victories they celebrate
sometimes in silence.
In short, the campaign seeks
to articulate one simple yet broad

You have a mission

to complete.
Raytheon is ready to
share that mission.

Strategic Business Areas (SBAs)

Sub-Branding (Areas of Strategic Focus)

Product Brand (Business Positioning Level)

A Stronger
Brand Position
In asking to share our customers
mission, the new brand campaign
will begin the work of positioning
Raytheon as even more than one
of the worlds largest and most
distinguished developers and producers of government and defense
systems, and business and special
mission aircraft.

This print campaign is one vehicle
that Raytheon will deploy to communicate our brand, and our
perspective, to our customers and
other constituents. However, the
full spectrum of our new Raytheon
brand reaches much further into
our collateral system, customer service practices, Web presence, and all
internal and external communications and customer experiences.

As Raytheon evolves to meet the

needs of the defense and aerospace
industries, it will be increasingly
important to live our values, execute
our strategy and achieve our goals.
We will also stay true to the ethical
and professional standards that
have guided us for more than 80
years. The guidelines and principles
outlined in this book should help
guide our efforts.

Customer-Focused Marketing and

the stewardship of our brand are
important responsibilities shared by
all employees. And consistency is the
key to successful brand management. The Raytheon brand lives in
our hearts, in our minds and in the
decisions we make every day. Its
about how we treat customers and
each other. It vitalizes the relationships we build. Its all up to you.

Every customer, partner, shareholder, analyst, supplier, competitor,

government agency, industry
association and host community
should experience a Raytheon that
is consistently customer focused.

Thank you for playing

such a vital role in
representing, protecting and enhancing the
Raytheon brand.

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