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The Goblet of Fire opens with the Quidditch World Cup - a magically
protected event where no muggles are permitted. Harry attends with the
Weasley family, meeting fellow schoolmate Cedric Diggory on his travels,
and discovers yet more wonders of the magical world from microphone
spells to giant TARDIS-like tents. But the fun everyone is having at this
event is short lived as the dark mark appears above them and
deatheaters start running riot amongst the spectators.

With this dark cloud hanging over the wizarding world, the book sees a
change in tradition at Hogwarts. There will be no Quidditch, no clubs - just
the Tri-Wizard Tournament and some extra students staying all year. The
beautiful French girls from the Beauxbatons Academy arrive along with
the boys from Durmstrang. Ron is massively impressed to discover his
Quidditch idol Victor Krum is still in school and now attending his and all
the boys are impressed with the new girls from France.

The rules are explained that there are challenges which will take place
throughout the year and the goblet of fire will select one student from
each school to take part. As there is an age restriction, Harry and his
friends are relieved to learn that they will not be able to take part and
Harry actually believes he might get a year off from the spotlight of being
'the boy who lived'. Wrong! After the three are chosen from each school, a
fourth name appears... Harry Potter. He claims not to have done it but
nobody believes him, not even Ron who has grown tired of living in his
shadow and the two start to bicker. But the goblet has spoken and believe
him or not, Harry must take part in the tournament.

The new year at Hogwarts also sees the introduction of yet another new
teacher for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class - Mad Eye Moody. One
roving eye can see through invisibility cloaks and through spells and works
independently of the other but the man knows his stuff. Within days of his
arrival at Hogwarts he has turned Draco into a rodent and taught the class
the three unforgivable curses.

As the children are now 14 years old, there are a lot of hormones thrown
into the mix here. There is a formal dance and the boys have to find a
date. Hermione finds her girly side and everyone must learn to dance.

Ron: Oi, Hermione... you're a girl.

Hermione: Very well spotted.
Ron: Come with one of us! It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone, but
for a girl it's just sad.
Hermione: I won't be going alone, because believe it or not, someone's
asked me! And I said yes!
Ron: Bloody hell. She's lying, right?
Harry: If you say so.
The film version saw the rise of another young star. Before he was Edward
Cullen, Robert Pattinson was cast as the hot young stud Cedric Diggory.
Cedric is chosen to be the Hogwarts student in the Tri-wizard cup
(alongside Harry in this case!) and the boy who gets the girl of Harry's
dreams - Cho Chang. He is the stud of the school and Pattinson does the
role well. Brendan Gleeson is suitably wacky as Mad Eye Moody and even
former Dr Who David Tennant joined the cast as Barty Crouch, a
deatheater and son of the respectable Barty Crouch Snr, played by Roger
Lloyd-Pack of Only Fools and Horses fame
The effects continue to amaze from the Quidditch tournament at the start
and throughout the Tri-Wizard Cup tournament (which includes dragon
battles, flying and underwater sequences and the final maze and dramatic
The relationship between Hagrid and Beauxbatons Academy headmistress Madame Maxime
is downplayed and theres no controversy over her suspected Giant heritage, which was
revealed in one of Rita Skeeters new stories. Madame Maxine is described in the book as a
large woman the size of Hagrid (who we now find out is half Giant), but in the movie she is
much taller than him. Also in the film, the two share hardly any dialogue and are seen
together only a few times.

The movie explains only how Harry was able retrieve the golden egg from his dragon in the
first task, without mentioning the others strategies. In the book, we find out from Ron that
Cedric transfigured a rock into a dog, which lured the dragon away; Fleur put her dragon into
a trance-like sleep; and Krum blasted his dragon in the eye with the Conjunctivitus Curse
(Krum got points off because his injured dragon accidentally trampled some of the real eggs.)

Theres no mention of the Marauders Map, which Alastor Mad-Eye Moody borrows
from Harry after catching him eavesdropping. Harry also uses the map to cautiously roam the
halls of Hogwarts and into the Prefects bathroom to solve the golden-egg clue. (The movies
never really went into detail about the origins of the invisible map, which allows the user to
view the location of every occupant at Hogwarts. The map was created by Remus Moony
Lupin, Sirius Padfoot Black, James Prongs Potter, and Peter Wormtail Pettigrew, who
were best friends while at Hogwarts and were known as The Marauders.)

In the last task, the opponents had to navigate through a maze to get to the Triwizard Cup to
win the tournament. This is shown quickly in the movie and the only consistent danger
appears to be the collapsing of the walls, yet in the book Harry is forced to use his wit and
knowledge of spells to plot his course and face a dementor, a boggart, Blast-Ended Skrewt
(like a giant Scorpion), a gigantic spider, and a sphinx.

When Harry is captured in the graveyard after the last task, Voldemort calls upon his Death
Eaters to reaffirm their loyalties. When they arrive, hooded and masked, Voldemort quickly
shouts their last names, but the only one truly revealed is Lucius Malfoy. (In the official
credits, only Jason Isaacs, who plays Lucius, is credited by character name; the other actors
are listed simply as Death Eater.) Without much explanation, Voldemort forgives them and
moves on with his plans to kill Harry. In the book, he tortures some of his own followers as
punishment for abandoning him. We find out what bidding each Death Eater did for
Voldemort (who they killed or tortured). Its also clearly described WHO these people are,
which is important since Harry attends Hogwarts with many of the Death Eaters children.
(These Death Eaters are the ones who somehow escaped imprisonment at Azkaban, mainly
because they denounced their loyalty to Voldemort and/or confessed to the Ministry the
names of other Death Eaters.) These are the DEATH EATERS who appear at the graveyard:
Malfoy, Crabbe, Doyle, Avery, MacNair, Nott, Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail).

When Lord Voldemort calls his servants back to him in the graveyard, all appear except for
those imprisoned at Azkaban (for their allegiance to him). But there are two others who do
not answer their masters call: Professor Snape (who switched his loyalty to Dumbledore
years ago) and Igor Karkaroff, the headmaster for Durmstrang Institute, who years before
betrayed his fellow Death Eaters by revealing their names to the authorities in exchange for

his own acquittal. When this event happens in the book, we find out that when Karkaroff
(who was suspected of teaching Dark Arts not just Defense Against the Dark Arts at his
school) feels the burning of his masters call, he flees in fear, leaving his students to return
home without him.

Left out of the film is the entire dialogue by Voldemort as he awaits the arrival of his Death
Eaters. In the book, this is the time where he explains his family history to Harry as they
stand upon the grave of Voldemorts Muggle father, Thomas Riddle. (The Riddle house is up
on the hill from the graveyard. This is the house we see in the opening of the movie where
Voldemort kills the caretaker Frank Bryce.) Voldemort says his mother fell in love with
Riddle, who then abandoned her after finding out she was a witch. (His father didnt like
magic.) His mother then died in childbirth and Voldemort was sent to live in a Muggle
orphanage. He later vowed revenged on his father.

During the final duel between Harry and Voldemort, their wands connect by a beam of light
and the ghost-like echoes of Voldemorts last kills appear (Harrys parents, caretaker Frank
Bryce, Cedric Diggory; in the book, Bertha Jorkins also appears). In the book, Dumbledore
explains that Harry and Voldemorts wands share a core, each containing a feather from the
same phoenix (in this case, Dumbledores pet phoenix Fawkes). When brother wands meet
in battle, the Reverse Spell takes effect (Priori Incantatem) and the initial spells will not work

Sirius has hardly any role in the events of the film. Sirius (played by Gary Oldman) appears
once to Harry in the Gryffindor Common Room fireplace and sends one message to Harry via
Owl. In the book, there are many Owl posts between the two, where Sirius tries to counsel
Harry and, at one point, Harry starts receiving daily messages from Sirius. In the end, Sirius
arrives at Hogwarts as the black dog Padfoot (the animal Sirius can transform into) to watch
over Harry as he recovers; Sirius also takes human form at that time as well, in order to hear
Harry explain what happened after the last task
At the end of the movie, we find that Barty Crouch Jr. (a convicted Death
Eater, who we see sending up the Dark Mark at the beginning of the film)
has been using polyjuice potion the entire year to disguise himself as the
former Auror and current Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Mad-Eye
Moody. Once Crouch Jr. is captured, hes given a truth serum (Veritaserum)
and reveals where hes concealed the real Moody. After a short speech by
Dumbledore about the death of Cedric, the movie ends rather quickly with
a generic lament from Hermione about how things will never be the same
from now on. In the book, Crouch Jr. gives a lengthier confession before
the authorities from the Ministry arrive. Before he can give official

testimony that Voldemort has returned and is responsible for many

unsolved crimes, Dementors are summoned (on the orders of Minister of
Magic Cornelius Fudge) and take Crouch Jr.s soul, rendering him
Lugo Bagman, former Quidditch star and now the head of Magic Games
and Sports. His serious compulsive gambling problem caused him to go
bankrupt. Hes wanted by many for paying off his debts with Leprechaun
gold, and by goblins creditors after losing his bet on the winner of the
Triwizard Tournament. Throughout the book, Lugo did a lot to help Harry
win his challenges, even though he was a judge for the tournament
The mischievous ghosts that roam the halls of Hogwarts, like Peeves the
Poltergeist and Gryffindor ghost Nearly Headless Nick (played by John
Cleese in the previous movies). Bathroom-haunting ghost Moaning Myrtle
DOES appear in the film and plays a significant role in helping Harry figure
out the clue for the second task.

An entire subplot is missing in the film. Heres what was omitted

Barty Crouch Jr., a convicted Death Eater, was imprisoned at Azkaban. His
dying mother switched places with her son (by use of Polyjuice Potion),
and persuaded her husband, Barty Crouch Sr. (who was the Minister of
Magic at the time of his sons arrest), to protect him. Crouch Sr. then kept
his son confined at home to prevent him from returning to Lord
Voldemorts service. Bertha Jorkins, a witch who worked at the Ministry,
accidentally discovered this secret. To keep her quiet, Crouch Sr.
performed a Memory Charm on her. Bertha was later abducted and killed
by Lord Voldemort after he extracted information from her by means of
torture. Voldemort then finds Crouch Jr. and they plot to have Crouch Jr.
pose as Moody and arrange for Harry to win the Triwizard Cup. (Before the
task, Crouch Jr., disguised as Moody, would convert the Cup into a Portkey
that would send Harry straight into Voldemorts trap. This part is revealed
in the movie during Crouch Jr.s forced confession.) Voldemort also put
Crouch Sr. under the Imperius Curse (one of the three Unforgivable
Curses, in which the victim is under the control of the person who cast the
spell). This is why, in the book, Crouch Sr. is seen acting very strangely on
the grounds at Hogwarts, and later is absent from much of the events due
to his illness. Crouch Sr. eventually went mad from the curse and was
killed by his son after attempting to warn Dumbledore of Voldemorts


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