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School Name: Early College High School

Date of Submission: September 10, 2015

Minor Modification

Table of Contents
Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................2
Section A: Core Questions .................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Section A Core Questions

1. What modifications does the schools Board of Directors want to make to the term(s)
of the charter? Identify the page number(s) on which the term(s) is/are stated in the
currently approved charter. If the term(s) of the charter the school wants to modify
is/are conditions placed on the charter by the Secretary of Education and members of
the State Board of Education, state the condition(s) and the date(s) on which the
condition(s) was/were placed on the schools charter.
Our charter schools Board of Directors wish to modify portions of the educator
evaluation process. Specifically, we wish to modify response H (Describe how the
school will incorporate the Delaware Performance Appraisal System into its teacher and
staff evaluations) under the Administrative and Financial Operations section found on
pages 66-84 in our charter schools application.

2. What is the effective date of this modification?

The effective date for this modification is September 18, 2015.

3. The authorizer will review your most recent Performance Review Reports as part of
your application. Discuss the schools academic performance, compliance with the
terms of its charter, and financial viability as measured by the Performance
Our charter school does not currently have a performance review yet.

4. Describe the rationale for the request(s). Discuss any relevant research base or
evidence that supports this type of request. (Attachments may be provided)
According to Delaware Code, charter schools have the potential to improve student
learning; encourage the use of different and innovative or proven school environments
and teaching and learning methods to enhance student achievement. The Department
of Educations Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Unit (TLEU) presented an application
to propose an alternative evaluation system that will allow schools to maximize
opportunities for educator development. Our charter school requests to utilize a system
that is tailored to our needs and is based on best practices in educator evaluation. This
system was developed for our school in the spirit of increasing educator support and
accountability, and ultimately, student achievement in our school. The teaching
excellence framework uses a coaching model to increase teacher effectiveness.

5. Describe how the proposed modification will impact the operation of the school.
Include how student achievement, staffing, facilities, and financial viability of the
school may be impacted in the current school year and for the remainder of the
schools charter term.
Our school is interested in utilizing our own evaluation system and process in the
spirit of increasing educator accountability and, ultimately, student achievement.
The Student Improvement Component of the current DPAS-II system will be utilized
in order to assist in determining teacher effectiveness. Staffing, facilities, and
financial viability of the school will not be impacted by the proposed minor

6. Indicate the projected impact, if any, of the proposed modification on the schools
present financial position, and its financial position going forward. If the
modification promises to create financial challenges, indicate how those will be
There is no projected impact of the proposed modification on our schools financial

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