Mystical Divine Union

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7:18 am, 3/13/2010 1st, 4 Cimi/Death, Transformer


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I have been on a mystic’s or mystical journey for many, many years; maybe embodiments.
That fire burns strong in me. Maybe that’s part of what makes it so easy for me to be and
remain heart-centered so much, so easily.

Do you know what that mystic’s journey is, what it’s all about? Maybe you’re a secret or
closet mystic, and didn’t know it. This is one of the least reliable places to take words into, to
try to pin down with words, but let me try, because, in a way it is also very simple. The mystic
seeks divine union with Source, with God or divinity.

Now, if we remain on the surface, with the words, that doesn’t sound like much. The mind
can’t grok this; never in a million, in 10 million years. We can, however. The heart can know,
does know this, so let’s go there.

Words are just pointers, as Eckhart says; signposts, indicators. They are not the real thing.
There is nothing real in mind, in thought. Now, if you object to this, may I suggest you are not
in heart? You are in head, so drop down.

You don’t have to, of course...but if you want to get this, if you want the real meaning of it, you
must be in heart to receive it, to perceive it. Heart is a really different space, man. It’s like a
whole nother dimension. No kidding.

Okay, the mystic seeks union with divinity. What is that? (Notice, I don’t say ‘what does that
mean?’ For it is the mind that goes about seeking meaning. Rather, I say what IS that.)
Divine union is a complete merging of being, such that there is no longer two; they become
one. The mystic wakes up one day as God, in God, one with God, merged into divine union.

Don’t think your mind knows what that means. It doesn’t. Please be sufficiently humble, at
least as concerns the mind, to recognize that some things are unknowable. Oh, they can be
experienced, yes. Understood? No way. All we can do is try to clothe such an experience in
words, and you know what? That just proves we are a fool, because it can’t be done, and
we’re guaranteed to be misunderstood...unless our audience is all also awake and in heart.

But anyway, I guess I’m a fool. I haven’t made any claims to the contrary. I do this dance
because I am danced, because I have to. There is no longer any “I” that exists that is
separate from That, from divinity. Some will see. Some will understand. More and more of
us wake-up from the dream state each day, so soon maybe all will know and understand.

It is the heart doing the understanding here, not the mind. The mind exists, and has value, in
support of the heart; not in charge of it. The mind no more runs the show, that’s all. It’s still
there, ho ho; believe it or not.

Anyway, so I’ve told you I’m a mystic. That was my path, as long as I was still on one of
those linear things called a path...but let’s don’t go there. Now, when you’re a mystic--when
you open yourself up to that, and you’re willing to leave all safe (and sane) moorings behind,
you go on quite a journey. I guess we could call it the mystical journey, ;-) You have grand
adventures; and some sad ones, some scary ones, and all that. It’s not a one-sided path.

But anyway...what drives it? It is Love; Love with a capital “L”, and so awesomely
unspeakable that it makes me quiver, just to be trying to put this down in these words.
Please, oh please, be in your heart to hear. This Love is the essence of divinity, Itself; it is
that grand, that far beyond any human conception of love. “Unconditional” only just begins to
give the sense of it.

So this Love drives you. It steers your boat, and you willingly give over the tiller. Oh, you
man the oars, but it goes where It will. You become a new creature, no more your own. Your
very self merges with Source, with His.

Out of this Love came a prayer, about five years ago. From deep within my heart it arose,
coming up as the essence of that Love, and I want to share it, here. Oh, it can’t be
understood--but it can be experienced. I just want to share the flavor of that with you.

You see, the mystic is engaged in a love affair with God, with Source, with divinity. The divine
becomes very personal to the mystical soul, very intimate. The sharing that goes on between
them, before and during the merging process, takes intimacy to a whole new level. It is truly a
love affair, and any mystic worth her salt will unashamedly tell you that she is madly in love
with God.

So, here goes. Each day, on arising, each night on retiring, the mystical soul basks and
bathes in her Love, in the Beloved, with this prayer:
“I dedicate, consecrate, and offer this day/night, this life, this all unto Thee; every thought,
word, deed, feeling, and emotion, body, mind, soul, and spirit; all that I am. Take it and me,
and make us thine and Thee; thine and Thee in conscious awareness.”

Just words, right? But oh, so much more. This is the bonding prayer that arose in this heart.
Over the years, before I yet had the habit of saying this faithfully, regularly, some days I would
miss it, not say it. I began to see that, on those days when I remembered to say it, there was
something almost magical about the day.

There is no proving such things, of course. But then, he who wants proof is lost, stuck in
head, and would not recognize the proof if it bit him. The head doesn’t get this stuff; it can’t.
It’s not head stuff, don’t you see? There’s a head domain and a heart domain, and only a
vesica pisces where they meet. Head, out of heart, cannot understand it.

The proof is the experience, and it’s available to all. I’m no more special than anyone else. I
hope you can feel some of this energy, though, for we’re cruising close to my core with this
stuff. You want to have a mystical, miraculous life? Become a mystic. :-) God is a really
good Lover; the best. ;-)



10:44 am, 3/13 3rd - CONSISTENCY vs SELF-RELIANCE

7:34 pm, 3/13 4th - BLESSED TO BE DISABLED ?

8:01 pm, 3/13 5th - KNOWING WHAT YOU KNOW

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