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A. Observation Result
Table of observation results
Net volume changes in
30 minutes with CO2
absorbed = oxygen
taken in

Net volume
change in 30
minutes with no
CO2 absorbed

Amount of

Vol 1

Vol 2

Vol 1 + Vol 2




(carbon dioxide
(Vol 1 + Vol 2) /
Vol 1

B. Discussion
In this observation, we concern to measure the respiratory quotient of
a plant, in this case used the the sprout of Phaseolus radiatus. Phaseolus
raditus used because it can conduct respiration although the body is not
develope well, yet. In order to measure the respiratory quotient, its used a
device called respirometer that can measure the gases that organism takes in
and express. The respirometer consist of two tube that connected with capilary
U-tube that contain eosin. Eosin used as an indicator of the influx of oxygen
from the outside. One tube contain of potassium hydroxide solution and plastic
containing seeds above it. In the upper part of the first tube placed a syringe
that used to balance the eosin in U-tube. The second tube contain potassium
hydroxide solution plus water to equal the volume of the seeds in the other
tube. Potassium hydroxide used to bind the oxygen that respirate by the seed so
it can be measured. Both of tube filled with filter paper rolled as a medium to
bind O2, so that in the struggle for oxygen tube respirometer occurred between
15% KOH solution with the Phaseolus radiatus.
In the first experiment from balancing process we need 0,5 scale of O 2 in
first balancing and 0,1 scale O2 in second balancing, so totally we get 0,4 scale
oxygen that was inserted in the tube. Oxygen consumption cannot be measured
simply by putting sprout in the test tubes because beans are also producing
CO2. Any change in gas volume will be due to both O2 consumption and CO2

production. In order to minimize the confounding effect of CO 2, KOH will be

added to the tubes. It reacts with CO2 to form solid potassium carbonate. The
solid will not have a measurable increase in the volume inside the tubes.
CO2 + 2KOH K2CO3 + H2O
In 30 minutes, the scale of manometer fluid at regular intervals was
investigate. The data that obtained are volume changes in 30 minutes with CO2
absorbed or oxygen taken in is 0,4 in scale, while volume change in 30 minutes
with no CO2 absorbed is 0,2. From the data above, it can be conclude that final
amount of carbon dioxide that absorbed is 0,6 with the RQ is 1,5 in scale.
According to the theory, if RQ more then 1. It means that the aerob process is
helped by anaerob respiration process so it produce more energy.

A. Conclusion
Based on the observations that have been done, it can be concluded that:

1. Final amount of carbon dioxide that absorbed is 0,6 with the RQ is

1,5 in scale.
2. RQ>1 it indicates that the O2 deficient cells, thus aerobic
respiration anaerobic respiration is assisted so as to add energy,
because the RQ gives clues about the type of substrate that is
oxidized and the type of ongoing metabolism. Respiratory quotient
value of 1 is at the point of compensation, is a point which
indicates the speed of photosynthesis that plants do the same with
their respiration speed speed.
B. Suggestion
The suggestion of this experiment :



Suggestion for laboratory

We recommend that the tools must be provided with well by the
laboratory , so we do not use tools that are less good.
Suggestion for assistant
The Assistant who was guide for this practice is good. So, I hope
for the next practicum the assistant can guide excellently.
Suggestion for the next apprantice
In this experiment, we need required accuracy in the eye to see the
results of our observations and agility in operating the equipment,
beside it we need for attention on the issue of cleanliness and facilities
and infrastructure lab.

1. what respiratory substrate would you expect to find in seeds?
Answer: Seeds such as sunflower contain oils. Other seeds contain more
carbohydrates. All contain proteins raw materials for the initial growth of

2. What would you expect to be the RQ of a growing cultute of yeast?

Answer: If the yeast culture is growing rapidly and respiring anaerobically,
it will take in very little oxygen and so the RQ will be very large and
effectively meaningless.

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