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Chemical Name


Synonyms/colloquial terms

Miaow, 4-MMC, MMCat, MD3, Roxy, Mefedron (N), Krabba

(Sweden), Meow Meow/Miaow Miaow (UK esp. Brighton and Hove),
Bubbles, Meph, Rush, Plant feeder, Challenge (= Mephedrone +




Mephedrone is a phenethylamine research chemical (RC) with a

relatively short history of human consumption. Forum chatter about
Mephedrone seems to have begun in or after 2007.

Active constituents

4-Methylmethcathinone (2-methylamino-1-p-tolylpropan-1-one)

Chemical characteristics of
active constituents


4-METHYLMETHCATHINONE (2-methylamino-1-ptolylpropan-1-one)

IUPAC Name: 1-(4-methylphenyl)-2-methylaminopropan -1-one

Molecular Formula: C11H15NO
Molecular Weight: 177.242 [g/mol]
CAS-Number: 923013-67-6
[1] [2] [3] [4]




In addition to its physical characteristics (white crystalline powder with

a light yellow hue), mephedrone is characterised by a distinctive,
unpleasant odour (vanilla and bleach, stale urine, electric circuit
boards) [15][16][17][18][19] [20][21]
Appearance of commercial

Bubbleluv (


Each vegetable based cap contains approximately

250mg pure, active, plant nutrient powder. Please add
to at least 2 litres water & add to compost! Avoid
contact with skin & eyes. Seek medical attention if
ingested. Bubbleluv is strictly not for human
consumption! (We will not sell to you if we suspect
misuse) Ingredients: 100% ketones [7]

S.C. (Sub Cocas) (

Intended to promote speedy growth in all plants

without compromising quality. Guidance: Large
shrubs use 1 feeder each, smaller shrubs and shoots
use half a feeder. It is not recommended that you use
more than 2 feeders in a single day as this could have
adverse effects on your plants.

Psychonaut EWS Project

colour: White [9]

Spirit (
A feed designed to promote growth and keep your
plants in good spirits. Guidance: Large shrubs use 1
feeder each, smaller shrubs and shoots use half a
feeder. It is not recommended that you use more than 2
feeders in a single day as this could have adverse
effects on your plants. NOT FOR HUMAN
CONSUMPTION. Capsule colour: Grey/ White [10]


Neo Doves (

A good all round feed, giving your plants the energy
they need to grow well. Guidance: Large shrubs use 1
feeder each, smaller shrubs and shoots use half a
feeder. It is not recommended that you use more than 2
feeders in a single day as this could have adverse
effects on your plants. NOT FOR HUMAN
CONSUMPTION Capsule colour: Blue/ White [11]

Video Links [12] [13]

Psychonaut EWS Project [23] [24]
Google insights

Psychonaut EWS Project


Available information on
purchase price

Mephedrone Powder (pure) 13.00 for 1g [15]

Bubbleluv 9.00 for 2 pills (250mg capsules) [7]
SC/Spirit/Neodoves 10.00 for 2 pills [9][10][11]

Modalities of intake

The most common modalities of intake are:

- Oral ingestion by either swallowing capsules or bombing
(wrapping mephedrone powder in cigarette papers and
- Insufflation
Of these two, oral ingestion is probably the preferred method of
administration (but not necessarily most common) by recreational users
due to the unpleasant side effects of insufflation (see Physical/medical
untoward effects).
Less common methods of administration include:
- Rectal administration by either plugging or by administering
an enema of mephedrone dissolved in water
- Smokeable formulation
- IV administration (a more recent/less tested method): It is
recommended that dosage for IV administration be to 2/3 of
a normal oral dose.
It is recommended that mephedrone be taken on an empty stomach.
Redosing in a single session is common, and is recommended prior to
the come-down taking effect, and to be of equal or higher weight than
the previous dose.
20-50mg reportedly elicits some effect. However, doses usually vary
between 100mg 1g over an entire session (including redoses).
[16][17][18][19] [20][21]

Current use/medicinal use

None (Research Chemical).

Psychonaut EWS Project

Information on recreational
use/misuse in the EU (or

Mephedrone is a legal stimulant/empathogen and research chemical,

and has been compared variously to speed (amphetamine), ecstasy,
amphetamine-cocaine, amphetamine-MDMA, bk-MBDB, and
methylone. Mephedrone is not detected via drug tests (according to
online users).
According to online forums, mephedrone is desirable as it elicits
euphoria, sociability, stimulation, and music appreciation, with a
smoother come-up and come-down than MDMA (similar to
methylone) and with the absence of a hangover the following day.
However, it is considered less potent than MDMA gram for gram
(approximately ), and the elicited effects are much shorter in
duration. The duration of mephedrone effects are on average:Come up: 10-20mins
Peak: 45-60mins
Comedown 60-120mins
According to users there is a highly addictive quality to the substance
i.e., a strong compulsion to redose (this may be related to the duration
of effects). This addictive quality means that binges in which large
amounts of the substance are consumed in single sessions are common.
Users also report the development of tolerance to the substance after
prolonged use.
Lack of information about long-term side effects and toxicity, as well
as reports of impurities identified by differences in colour, odour, side
effects etc. in commercially available mephedrone has lead some
online users to label it a dirty drug. However, other forum members
still favour mephedrone due to its effects and accessibility. Indeed,
some forum members are concerned about recent media attention and
YouTube videos about the substance and how this might affect its legal
status. One forum in particular has recently restricted its membership
policy and access to certain forum threads.
Mephedrone appears to be particularly popular in the UK from a
European perspective. In terms of the rest of the world, it does not
seem to have become popular in the USA but is increasing in
popularity in Australia.
MePHedrone should not be confused with meTHedrone, a research
chemical that has become available online recently.
[16][17][18][19] [20][21][22]

Use in combination with other


Mephedrone is taken in combination with a variety of other compounds

- Metamfepramone (Dimethylcathinone; Dimethylpropion)
- Phthalimidopropiophenone
- Kratom (often taken during come-down period)
- Benzodiazepines (e.g., Diazepam) (often taken during comedown period)
- Hydrocodone (e.g., Lortab)
- Viagra
- Cannabis
- Alcohol
- DMAA (1,3-Dimethylamylamine; ClearShot)
- Methylone
- Modafinil
- Adderall

Psychonaut EWS Project

- Nitrous Oxide
- Isobutyl nitrite (Poppers)
- Ketamine (combination also known as Challenge)
- Cocaine
[16][17][18][19] [20][21][22]


Legal status

4-methylmethcathinone is controlled in Sweden. Controlled substance

analogue laws may affect the legal status of mephedrone in the Israel,
USA, Australia, and New Zealand [1].


Toxicological effects

As yet there have been no studies on the pharmacology

(pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics) of mephedrone. Some
conjecture in advanced drug discussion web forums include there is:- 5HT-2b action involved (perhaps agonism) related to the 4methyl(meth)amphetamine
- Little to no effect on serotonin release of reuptake
- Is a reduction of the keto-function into a hydroxy-group, as
well as N-dealkylation/deamination involved in metabolism,
or hydroxylation of the methyl-substituent on the phenyl-ring
As yet no clinical or animal studies have been conducted to assess the
toxicological effects of mephedrone use. However, there has been a
confirmed case of Mephedrone use (not in combination with any other
compounds) resulting in sympathomimetic toxicity reported (Wood et
al., 2009).
Anecdotal reports posted by users on forums indicate the following
potential toxicological effects:
- Potential peripheral neuropathy and/or pronounced
vasoconstriction/ischemia. Reported symptoms include foot
drop/intermittent pain in feet, cyanosis in fingernails/toes, and
numbing sensation/neuralgic-type pain on left side of
head/scalp. Other associated symptoms include, flash
headaches, tinnitus and other audio distortions. As these are
anecdotal reports from users and not the results of scientific
studies it is not certain whether these symptoms are related to
mephedrone use or something other, or if these are the effects
of mephedrone or of rumoured impurities in commercial
mephedrone/mephedrone products [16].
- Immunological toxicity. Reported symptoms include
vasculitis (as opposed to vasoconstriction), infections (e.g.,
influenza), and ulcerations (e.g., in the mouth)
- Other symptoms that may be attributed to mephedrone
toxicity including kidney pain (nephrotoxicity), cardiac
problems (cardiotoxicity), and respiratory problems
Users also report that these symptoms become more pronounced/more
chronic with sustained use of mephedrone. This may indicate
mephedrone toxicity with prolonged use.
[16][17][18][19] [20][21]

Desired psychoactive effects

Desired psychoactive include:- Euphoria

- Empathy
- Stimulation (shivers/rushes/speedyness) (mellow and
relaxed in moderate doses but intense/pushy in higher doses
similar to MDMA)
Psychonaut EWS Project

Intensification of sensory experience stimulation (particularly

auditory e.g., music appreciation)
- Mild sexual stimulation
- Mood enhancement
- Decreased hostility/insecurity
- Increased insight and/or mental clarity
[16][17][18][19] [20][21]
Physical/medical untoward

Reported negative side effects include:- Numbness and lack of tactile sensitivity with very large
- Loss of appetite.
- Insomnia
- Increase in mean body temperature (sweating/mephedrone
sweat and hot flushes)
- Decrease in mean body temperature
- Tense jaw, mild muscle clenching, stiff neck
- Bruxia (teeth grinding)
- Elevated heart rate (tachycardia) and blood pressure, and
chest pains
- Respiratory difficulties
- Dehydration and dry mouth
- Nausea/vomiting and stomach discomfort/abdomen pain
- Influenza like symptoms
- Dermatitis like symptoms (Itch and rash)
- Pimples
- Painful joints
- Discolouration of extremities/joints
- Mydriasis (abnormal pupil dilation)
- Nystagmus
- Painful nasal drip following insufflation is associated with the
presence of blood clots/mucous the day after consumption,
and burns/ulcerations in the mouth
- Light-headedness and dizziness
- Cervicogenic/flash headaches
- Tremors and convulsions
- Inebriation
- Cravings
- Nightmares
- Fatigue
- Loss of concentration and memory loss/amnesia
- Anxiety/paranoia
- Dysphoria
- Depression
- Hallucinations
According to online users, negative side effects increase exponentially
with heavy use.
[16][17][18][19] [20][21]

Psychopathological disturbances
associated with its use

Reported psychopathological disturbances associated with use include,

possible mild dopamine induced psychosis (short-term) and mania. In
addition, symptoms of depression initially reported as side effects
reportedly last for longer periods of time with prolonged/increased use.
Forum users have speculated whether this represents a depletion of
serotonin and/or dopamine as a result of mephedrone use. As yet, none
of these have been supported by experimental/clinical data.

Related fatalities

There are three reported fatalities that have been attributed to

mephedrone:- A teenager in Denmark in May 2008 (Campbell, 2009)

Psychonaut EWS Project

A Swedish woman in Stockholm in December 2008

reportedly taken in combination with Cannabis (The Local,
A teenager (14 year-old, female) in the UK in November
2009 reportedly taken in combination with Ketamine
(McGuiness, 2009)

It is not certain in either case whether or not death was directly caused
by mephedrone consumption. In particular, the Danish teenager was
rumoured to have also been using mephedrone with at least one or all
of the following: alcohol; amphetamine; cocaine; methylone.
Furthermore, it is speculated whether the Danish teenager was using
mephedrone or 4-MTA (known to be dangerous when combined with
alcohol). The LD50 of mephedrone is not known.
[16][17][18][19] [20][21]
There has also been cases of non-fatal overdose reported in the UK
(BBC News, 2009)

BBC News (2009, November 25). Five overdose on bubbles drug. BBC News. Retrieved from
Campbell, D. (2009, March 12). Online sales of legal alternatives to class A drug raise safety fears. The
Guardian. Retrieved from
McGuiness, R. (2009, November 25). Girl, 14, killed by legal web drug meow meow. The Metro. Retrieved
Statens folkhlsoinstitut. (2009). Substansen mefedron klassas som hlsofarlig vara [Swedish]. Retrieved
The Local. (2008, December 15. Teenager dies of net drug overdose. The Local: Swedens News in English.
Retrieved from
Wood D. M., Davies, S., Puchnarewicz M., Button, J., Archer, R., Ramsey, J., Lee T., Holt D. W., & Dargan,
P. L. (2009). Recreational use of 4-Methylmethcathinone (4-MMC) presenting with
sympathomimetic toxicity and confirmed by toxicological screening [Abstract]. Clinical Toxicology,
47(7), 733.
[1] (Accessed April 21, 2009)
[2] (Accessed April 21,
[3] (Accessed April 21, 2009)
[4] (Accessed April 21, 2009)
[5] (Accessed April 21, 2009)
owder__i2008e1484_disp.jpg (Accessed April 21, 2009)
=73 (Accessed April 21, 2009)
[8] (Accessed April 21, 2009)
[9] (Accessed April 21, 2009)
[10] (Accessed April 21, 2009)
[11] (Accessed April 21, 2009)
[12] (Accessed April 21, 2009)
[13] (Accessed April 21, 2009)
[14] - q=Mephedrone,4-methylmethcathinone&cmpt=q (Accessed
April 21, 2009)
[15] (Accessed April 21, 2009)

Psychonaut EWS Project

[16] (Accessed April 21, 2009)

[17] (Accessed April 21, 2009)
[18] (Accessed April 21, 2009)
[19] (Accessed April 21, 2009)
[20] (Accessed April 21, 2009)
[21] (Accessed April 21, 2009)
[22] (Accessed April 21, 2009)
[23] (Accessed December 2, 2009)
[24] (Accessed December 2, 2009)

Psychonaut EWS Project

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