Bcomlgl Assignment

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Enzo Miguel M.

Rengel 11436921 BCOMLGL K33

Proposed reforms as a student running for a position in the University

Student Government

First of all, I am proposing a reformation on the academic assistance that the

University provides its students. There are some students who are already
delayed for years and isnt even well aware of it. There are also some
students whom cannot plan the subjects that they are going to take every
term without the guidance of another person. Some students even entered
into college without knowing a little something about the system in De La
Salle University. That is the reason why I want to improve the academic
assistance services that the University provides to its students.
I will also propose revisions on the student handbook and make it a
requirement for every freshman student of De La Salle University on their
first term here to be well informed of the policies in the handbook and their
rights as a student to uphold students rights.
I would also propose some revisions on how the elections of the student
government officers and the college government officers. Because I noticed
that a big number of students choose to abstain in voting and thats the
reason why I personally think that the results of the elections means nothing
because the majority of the students, who is the most affected and will
actually be the one who may benefit or suffer from the results of the
elections doesnt even care about the elections. Thats why I will fight for a
revision where in, for the results of the elections to be valid, the number of
voters should be at least 60% of the total population of the students.
I want to ensure the transparency of the activities, events and policies of the
University Student Government, so that every student will be well provided
with proper information and school matters. I will also fight for the removal
of the dress code policy, because I see the dress code policy as a hindrance
to the right of the students to be able to express themselves through their
clothing or fashion. I believe that what a student wears to school doesnt
affect his or her academic performance and that every student in the
university is old enough to know what is the proper attire to wear to school,
thus I see the dress code policy as a redundant policy in the student
I believe in the competitiveness of every Lasallian student, may it be in
terms of academic or in terms of sport, thus I am promoting the participation
of academically excelling students of De La Salle University in every
competition may it be big or small. I also want to propose the increase the

budget of the Office of Sports Development in order to help the athletes

compete and to be able to provide them with the best equipment and
supplies they need in order to be able to compete at their best and be the
best among the rest.
I will also propose the idea of inviting more big companies, firms and
corporations during job expos and I will also invite them to do some activities
inside our university, to provide the students the best companies, firms and
corporations in the industry to work in and for the students to be exposed to
the possible companies that they will work in in the future.

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