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Here are some example pictures which I took and I will therefore decide which one

will best represent the college on my front cover.

This picture is a long camera shot of the college main
entrance, it doesnt really say much about the college
and the students who attend, only what the building it
looks like from the outside. Furthermore, it is very
difficult to clearly distinguish the sineage in the
photograph. A typical convention on a magazine
would include a medium camera shot, which shows
clearly the facial expressions of the model or models,
their clothes and in some form or another what they are representing. The image
lacks depth, contrasting colours, an identity and a professional glossy finish.
My research indicates that my target audience would prefer to see images of
students socialising on the front cover of my magazine. Therefore, if my magazine
cover is to appeal to my target audience I will need enure the main image is one that
will engage with them. I do not belive this photograph will do this and I will not be
using it.
On the picture to the left, we can see that it is a
medium-long shot which is not conventional of typical
magazines, although it does illustrate the diversity of
people who attend the college and that all are
welcome. However, I feel that the image fails to
express / suggest what it is depicting and what these
individuals are doing. Are they work colleagues
posing for an offic photograph? The image is just too
nondescript. I will not therefore be using this picture
for my magazine.

The picture on the right is slightly more representative of

City College, we have the logo and familiar colours just
about recognisable in the background. However, a long
camera shot has been used, as a consequence you
unable to adequately see the people in the image or their
facial expressions and how they may be feeling about
attending the college. In fact it the background to which
you are drawn and the individuals in the image are

somewhat lost, when they should really be the focus. As a consequence I will not be
using this image as it is not a typical convention and I feel it would fail catch the
attention of my target audience.
This picture it shows people socialising which is
what my target audience wanted from the results of
my questionnaire. Therefore, I will use this picture
as it shows what the students are like at the college
which is one of the main features of going to
college. However, I am undecided as to whether to
use this photo, like the previous images it lacks
excitement, depth, personality and an identity. The
photograph looks more formal than I would like and
this could hinder sales. Indeed, people could be put off purchasing the magazine as
it appears to represent a more formal setting, work environment and for these
reasons I am hesitant to use it. Will it attract my target audience, probably not!
This was a holiday photograph that I thought
particularly reflected the kind of symbolism that I
wanted for my cover and compliment the masthead
Horizons. The vision of the open road eternally
vanishing into the horizon symbolically suggests
possibilities, opportunities and journeys to come. All
students embark on an uncertain journey of
discovery, one that has such a significant influence
on our future and I believe this photograph is symbolic / representative of this. It is
visually appealing, stimulating and somewhat thought provoking, we are all attracted
to images of sunny, faraway and unusual destinations that offer escapism.
There are elements of yellow, bright white and blue that contrast well with the black
and dark brown bordering the road. The image has depth and a glossy professional
finish, one that I feel will appeal to my audience. I will ensure they will be able to
relate to the image and visualise the symbolism by adding an image of a student in
the foreground. Having such an image for my magazine cover is a break from the
stereotypical norm for a college magazine and perhaps more typical of National
Geographic magazine cover and this will ensure it stands out from the others.
However, I acknowledge that there is a risk that my audience will fail to recognise the
symbolism and therefore make the connection to college, though the feature cover
lines should ensure this does not happen.

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