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Would you fight your nation in order to save it?


INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 3
HERO CREATION..................................................................................................................................... 5
THEORY OF HERO CREATION ..................................................................................................................... 5
STEPS TO HERO CREATION ......................................................................................................................... 6
HOMELAND AND OCCUPATION KEYWORDS ............................................................................................... 6
HOMELAND ................................................................................................................................................ 6
HOMELAND: United Republics of the Red Star (U.R.R.S.)................................................................ 7
HOMELAND: The Citadel, United Republics of the Red Star............................................................. 7
HOMELAND: The Republics............................................................................................................... 8
HOMELAND: Special Labor Camps ................................................................................................... 8
OCCUPATION .............................................................................................................................................. 9
OCCUPATION: Hailer........................................................................................................................ 9
OCCUPATION: Kommissar, 1st Hook................................................................................................. 9
OCCUPATION: Kommissar, 2nd Hook.............................................................................................. 10
OCCUPATION: Kommissar, 4th Hook .............................................................................................. 10
OCCUPATION: Kommissar. 5th Hook .............................................................................................. 10
OCCUPATION – Kommissar, 6th Hook.............................................................................................. 11
OCCUPATION – Party Apparatchik .................................................................................................. 11
OCCUPATION – Red Fleet Officer.................................................................................................... 11
OCCUPATION – Red Trooper ........................................................................................................... 11
OCCUPATION – Veteran of the Great Patriotic War........................................................................ 12
OCCUPATION: Zek .......................................................................................................................... 12
OCCUPATION: Zero......................................................................................................................... 12
MILITARY INDUSTRIAL SORCERY................................................................................................... 13
TELEKINESIS ............................................................................................................................................. 13
SORCERY .................................................................................................................................................. 13
RULES FOR MILITARY INDUSTRIAL SORCERY .......................................................................................... 14
PRAVDA AND KRAZNYPRAVDA......................................................................................................... 16
BECOMING INVOLVED WITH KRAZNYPRAVDA AND PRAVDA ................................................................... 18
Becoming a follower of Pravda .......................................................................................................... 18
Becoming an initiate of Kraznypravda or Pravda .............................................................................. 18
Becoming a devotee of Kraznypravda or Pravda ............................................................................... 19
THE COST OF TRUTH, THE COST OF LIES .................................................................................................. 19
KRAZNYPRAVDA AND PRAVDA KEYWORDS ............................................................................................. 20
HERO POINTS .......................................................................................................................................... 20
KRAZNYPRAVDA, PRAVDA, AND PLOT EDITING ....................................................................................... 21
HERO POINT COST FOR IMPROVEMENT .................................................................................................... 21

Would you fight your nation in order to save it?


An award-winning graphic novel, The Red Star is about an epic battle in a world of
militarized sorcery and monolithic technology, where—unknown to all but a few—the
ghosts of old soldiers continue to fight alongside the living.

In creating heroes for the game, an understanding of a few key game mechanic concepts
may be helpful.

Abilities – an ability in Red Star is any skill, power, personality trait, relationship, item,
or other aspect of the hero that he or she might use to affect the course of the game. The
player decides what sort of abilities his or her hero has. An ability name can be anything
you want, subject to narrator approval.

Each ability has a name and a rating. The name indicates the sort of things that the hero
can do with that ability, and the rating is a number that indicates how good the hero is
with that ability – the higher the number, the better. Abilities in Red Star are open-ended.
Ratings go up to 20, then restart as 1M (‘one Mastery”), then 2M, 3M etc. all the way to
20M, after which comes 1M2 (“one Mastery two”) The number before the “M” is the
number that a hero must roll equal to or lower than in order to succeed, so a hero with a
skill of “17” must roll 17 or lower to succeed at a basic challenge. The number after the
“M” is the number of free bumps on the success chart that a hero gets when using that
skill. For example, a hero with 1M5 at a skill rolls a “12”. This would normally count as
a “failure” but the Mastery level allows that to be bumped up one level to a “success”

It is entirely possible to define abilities extremely broadly in this game. Players should
resist the temptation to take abilities like “Good at everything”. The narrator may require
particularly broad abilities to be narrowed, or disallow completely abilities that do not fit
into the campaign framework.

Some types of abilities include

• Skills – a skill is a mundane ability that allows the hero to do something. This
may be a physical skill, such as “Climbing” or a mental skill, such as “Debate”.
• Personality – heroes in Red Star are motivated by powerful passions. They can
command the heroes lives, causing them to do things that most people would
consider crazy, or to act in unnaturally heroic ways.
• Relationships – your hero’s personal ties and commitments are quantified as
relationships. It is good for your hero to have connections that can bring help in
times of need. Relationships can be with an individual or with a community.
• Followers – minor heroes controlled by the player. For example, your hero may
start off with a bodyguard under his or her command. The relationship’s ability
starts off at a 17, but the follower will have one or more abilities of his own.
There are two types of followers – retainers and sidekicks
o Retainers – have a keyword at a rating of 17. Their commitment is usually
not personal, so they are paid servants, distant relatives, underlings, and

Would you fight your nation in order to save it?


the like. You must have a relationship with your retainers, but if you have
several retainers you may have a single relationship that covers all of them
o Sidekicks – are more individual. They have a keyword at 17 and three
abilities starting at a rating of 13. You can then spend a total of 15 points
to increase those abilities, giving no more than +10 to any single ability.
You must give your sidekick a name and personality. You must have a
separate relationship with a sidekick.
o Supporting character – supporting characters are controlled by the
narrator, and can include your hero’s family, commanding officer,
colleagues, contacts, friends, and even enemies. They are your chance to
help populate the game world with individuals interesting to your hero.
Most supporting characters do not need to have their own abilities, as it is
the relationship that is important rather than what the supporting character
can do. If necessary the narrator will help you to develop abilities for your
supporting character as needed. Supporting characters come in several
types, including –
 Adversary – someone who stands in your hero’s way. Perhaps a
villain, but perhaps an honest, hardworking individual who’s goals
are contrary to your hero’s.
 Ally – someone of roughly equal status and ability as your hero.
An ally has his own life and goals, and is not always available to
come to the hero’s aid.
 Contact – someone with specialized knowledge or skill who can
aid your hero
 Dependant – a supporting character whom your hero is obliged to
 Patron – a supporting character who is of greater accomplishment
and status than the hero. The patron may aid the hero on occasion,
but expects favors and assistance in return.
• Magical abilities – there are no magical abilities per se available to beginning
heroes in Red Star. The exceptions to this are “Military Industrial Sorcery” and
“Truth and Lies”. See below for more information.
• Possessions and wealth – possessions are prized and special things that people
have. Your hero’s possessions include any equipment, clothing, goods, and
money that he carries with him.
o Wealth – each hero has a wealth rating that represents the sum of his or
her assets and social status. Each occupation lists the hero’s starting
wealth under “standard of living”- for example, a Hailer begins with the
standard of living “Poor” (8). Like any other ability Wealth can be
improved by up to 10 points at hero creation. Wealth is primarily a
measure of your hero’s standard of living – how big is his or her house,
how nice are his or her clothes, etc.
o Special items – your hero may have found, been given, inherited, or
otherwise acquired some form of special item. The history of the URRS is
full of such special and unique items that aided the heroes of old in various

Would you fight your nation in order to save it?


ways. In modern times, however, as mythic tradition has been replaced by

the truth of the Party, such items have become rare. Examples of special
items include a particularly beautiful samovar, a specially made hook
attuned to your hero’s particular telekinetic “wavelength”, a dog that can
sniff out treason, and a protocol enhanced greatcoat that can deflect
• Flaws – all heroes are flawed in some way. A flaw is a trait that actively hinders
the hero in most circumstances.

Keywords – a keyword is a hero “template” that includes a set of abilities (skills, magic,
relationships, etc.) that the hero has learned, picked up, or that everyone with that
keyword “knows”. If a hero has a keyword, he or she has all the abilities associated with
that keyword. For example, all heroes with the Hailer keyword start with the abilities
“Athletics”, “Heavy Weapons Fighting”, “Intimidate”, “Listen”, “Melee Fighting”,
“Observe”, “Small arms Fighting”, and “Unobtrusive.”

The abilities of a keyword start at the rating of that keyword (usually 17).

Keywords can never be increased, but abilities under keywords can be increased. For
example, a hero with the “Hailer” keyword at 17 could not increase “Hailer” to 18, but
could increase the “Athletics” ability under “Hailer” to 18.

Think of keywords as being ability packages that cover all of the abilities that would be
subsumed under a given keyword’s area of knowledge and training.

Before getting into the nuts and bolts of hero creation, let’s talk a little about how the
process works in Red Star.

Theory of Hero Creation

Cooperation – Red Star is a very cooperative game, and it works best if the heroes have
reasons to be together, and work well (but not TOO well) together.
For the initial playtest, all heroes work for the Kommissariat of the 5th Hook. This is the
national police organization of the U.R.R.S. that handles unsolvable crimes, supernatural
disturbances, and the like. It’s sort of a cross between “CSI”, and “The X Files” with a
lot of internal politics and inter-office competition thrown in for good measure. Heroes
will all be part of the same investigative squad, and likely have worked together for some
time and know one another.

Sympathy – heroes created for Red Star should not be utterly despicable. Even heroes
who are deeply flawed, and those who accept “Kaznypravda” as the truth, should be
likeable or admirable in some way. Remember, you are all in this together, and if your

Would you fight your nation in order to save it?


hero isn’t likeable then the other heroes won’t risk their necks to save him or her when
danger rears its ugly head.

Indispensability – make your hero unique. This is very important, particularly in the
Kommissariat of the 5th Hook, where all heroes are there because they have some unique
expertise, knowledge, or ability that can help them solve the unsolvable.

Steps to Hero Creation

STEP 1: Choose a Homeland – you receive all abilities for your Homeland keyword at
STEP 2: Choose a profession – you receive all abilities for your profession keyword at
STEP 3: Truth and Lies – all heroes start with a score of 13 in the keyword
“Kraznypravda” See the section “Truth and Lies”: to learn more.
STEP 4: Choose 10 additional abilities – you receive these abilites at 13. You may
spend 3 of these points to purchase the keyword “Pravda” if you so desire. This is the
only way to gain an additional keyword at the beginning of play.
STEP 5: Distribute 20 extra points among abilities – no ability may be raised by more
than 10 points.
STEP 6: Choose flaws - A hero may either take a single flaw at 5m2, or two flaws – one
at 5m and the other at 17.

Homeland and Occupation Keywords

Each homeland keyword comes with a variety of information.

Occupations available: these are the occupations available to heroes from that particular
Native abilities – these are the abilities associated with the Homeland keyword.
Vodka ability or Tea ability: Reds are very fond of both vodka and tea. There are a wide
variety of abilities related to each, but players should feel free to make up their own as
Typical Personality Traits: the typical characteristics of a native of a particular
homeland. Heroes may take any, all, or none of these personality traits as they choose.
Typical relationships: common sorts of relationships possessed by natives of this
homeland. These are for informational purposes only – if a player wants his or her hero
to have one of these relationship abilities, the ability must be purchased.
Military Industrial Sorcery: if the homeland has access to any sort of Military Industrial
Sorcery, it is listed here. See Military Industrial Sorcery for more details.

Would you fight your nation in order to save it?


HOMELAND: United Republics of the Red Star (U.R.R.S.)

This is your typical Red, hailing from anywhere outside the Citadel, but not from the
breakaway republics.

Occupations Available: Hailer, Kommissar (any)

Native Abilites: URRS Geography, URRS Politics, URRS Customs, Speak Native
Language, Read/Write Native Language
Vodka Ability (choose one or make up your own): examples - Disdain Vodka, Drink
Vodka Cheerily, Drink Vodka Gloomily, Get Drunk Quickly on Vodka, Hold Your
Vodka, Keep On Drinking Vodka, Sniff Out Vodka, Vodka Connoisseur
Tea Ability (choose one or make up your own): examples - Brew Delicious Tea, Brew
Strong Tea, Connoisseur of Tea, Drink Tea Gracefully, Drink Tea Greedily, Serve Tea
Typical Personality Traits: Brave, Hospitable, Moody, Patriotic, Sentimental
Typical Relationships: Family, the State
Military Industrial Sorcery keyword: All male heroes receive Telekinesis. All female
heroes receive one of the following: Deck Kaster, Informkaster, Medikaster, Sorceress
Engineer, Supply Kaster, Warkaster. Military Industrial Sorcery begins at 13.

HOMELAND: The Citadel, United Republics of the Red Star

The Citadel is the capital of the U.R.R.S. Reds hailing from the Citadel tend to be a bit
more urbane and pragmatic than other Reds.

Occupations Available: Hailer, Kommissar (any)

Native Abilities: Citadel Geography, URRS Geography, URRS Politics, URRS Customs,
Speak Native Language, Read/Write Native Language
Military Industrial Sorcery keyword: All male heroes receive Telekinesis. All female
heroes receive one of the following: Deck Kaster, Informkaster, Medikaster, Sorceress
Engineer, Supply Kaster, Warkaster. Military Industrial Sorcery begins at 13.
Vodka Ability (choose one or make up your own): examples - Disdain Vodka, Drink
Vodka Cheerily, Drink Vodka Gloomily, Get Drunk Quickly on Vodka, Hold Your
Vodka, Keep On Drinking Vodka, Sniff Out Vodka, Vodka Connoisseur
Tea Ability (choose one or make up your own): examples - Brew Delicious Tea, Brew
Strong Tea, Connoisseur of Tea, Drink Tea Gracefully, Drink Tea Greedily, Serve Tea
Typical Personality Traits: Brave, Cunning, Moody, Opportunistic, Patriotic, Pragmatic
Typical Relationships: the State

Would you fight your nation in order to save it?


HOMELAND: The Republics

The URRS contains numerous semi-autonomous republics. Many of these remain in the
URRS only under duress. Their people tend to be regarded as untrustworthy by the State,
but many great heroes have come from the Republics.

Native Abilities: Republic Geography, Republic Politics, Republic Customs, Speak

Native Language, Read/Write Native Language, Speak Red, Read/Write Red
Military Industrial Sorcery keyword: All male heroes receive Telekinesis. All female
heroes receive one of the following: Deck Kaster, Informkaster, Medikaster, Sorceress
Engineer, Supply Kaster, Warkaster. Military Industrial Sorcery begins at 13.
Vodka Ability (choose one or make up your own): examples - Disdain Vodka, Drink
Vodka Cheerily, Drink Vodka Gloomily, Get Drunk Quickly on Vodka, Hold Your
Vodka, Keep On Drinking Vodka, Sniff Out Vodka, Vodka Connoisseur
Tea Ability (choose one or make up your own): examples - Brew Delicious Tea, Brew
Strong Tea, Connoisseur of Tea, Drink Tea Gracefully, Drink Tea Greedily, Serve Tea
Typical Personality Traits: Brave, Moody, Patriotic, Pragmatic, Rebellious, Stubborn
Typical Relationships: family, friends

HOMELAND: Special Labor Camps

Wherever a Red might have been from originally, time spent in the Special Labor Camps
changes them. The reality of their old life is systematically driven from them by hard
labor, harsh conditions, and ruthless reeducation. Those who come from the Special
Labor Camps have performed some act of near suicidal bravery or great service to the
Republic to win their release.

Occupations Available: Hailer; Kommissar (any)

Flaw: Zek (starts at 5m2)
Native Abilities: URRS Geography, URRS Politics, Zek Customs, Speak Native
Language, Read/Write Native Language
Military Industrial Sorcery: All male heroes receive Telekinesis. All female heroes
receive one of the following: Deck Kaster, Informkaster, Medikaster, Sorceress Engineer,
Supply Kaster, Warkaster. Military Industrial Sorcery begins at 13.
Vodka Ability (choose one or make up your own): examples - Disdain Vodka, Drink
Vodka Cheerily, Drink Vodka Gloomily, Get Drunk Quickly on Vodka, Hold Your
Vodka, Keep On Drinking Vodka, Sniff Out Vodka, Vodka Connoisseur
Tea Ability (choose one or make up your own): examples - Brew Delicious Tea, Brew
Strong Tea, Connoisseur of Tea, Drink Tea Gracefully, Drink Tea Greedily, Serve Tea
Typical Personality Traits: Brave, Opportunistic, Pragmatic, Ruthless, Stoic

Would you fight your nation in order to save it?


Typical Relationships: the State, other Zeks

Each occupation keyword comes with a variety of information.
Abilities: these are the abilities associated with a given occupation keyword.
Typical Personality Traits: typical personality of members of that occupation. Heroes
may take any, all, or none of these.
Typical Followers: if the hero chooses to have followers, common types are listed here.
This is for informational purposes only – if the hero wishes to have followers, they must
be purchased separately.
Standard of Living: this is the basic Wealth ability of the hero. It may be raised just like
any other ability.
Typical Equipment: this is typical equipment of a member of this occupation.

(NOTE: Occupations focus primarily on military and paramilitary professions, which is

in keeping with the comic series. Certainly other professions are possible and readers are
encouraged to make them up)

Hailers are elite Red Fleet soldiers trained to carry and fire deadly telekinetic
machineguns also known as hailers. All Hailers are male, and are generally even more
physically imposing than the typical Red Trooper. Hailers are typically tall, broad, and

Abilities: Athletics, Heavy Weapons Fighting, Intimidate, Listen, Melee Fighting,

Observe, Small arms Fighting, Unobtrusive
Typical Personality Traits: Decisive, Loyal, Patient, Stoic
Typical Followers: Typically none
Standard of Living: Poor (8)
Typical Equipment: dress uniform, several workaday uniforms, sidearm, heavy weapon,
heavy armor, hook (if male)

OCCUPATION: Kommissar, 1st Hook

The Kommissariat of the 1st Hook is responsible for foreign operations and intelligence.
They are the espionage arm of the State, and fight a constant shadow war against their
counterparts in the Bureau of Central Intelligence.
Abilities: Athletics, Escape & Evasion, Intimidate, Listen, Observe, Read and Write
Transnationalist, Speak Transnationalist, Unarmed combat, Unobtrusive
Typical Personality Traits: Decisive, Loyal, Patient
Typical Followers: Typically none
Standard of Living: Common (13)
Typical Equipment: dress uniform, clothing and equipment suitable for their cover.

Would you fight your nation in order to save it?


OCCUPATION: Kommissar, 2nd Hook

The Kommissariat of the 2nd Hook deals exclusively with loyalty within the Red Fleet.
Kommissars accompany all vessels and major units of the Red Fleet, and may be
assigned to monitor important officers as well.
Abilities: Athletics, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Leadership, Listen, Observe, Small arms
Fighting, Strategy, Tactics
Typical Personality Traits: Fanatical, Loyal, Meticulous
Typical Followers: Lesser Kommissars, Zeks
Standard of Living: Common (13)
Typical Equipment: Dress uniform, officer’s greatcoat, several workaday uniforms,

(NOTE: Kommissar of the 3rd Hook, or Third Department, is not an occupation that is
open to players, which is why it is not here.)

OCCUPATION: Kommissar, 4th Hook

This kommissariat deals with internal dissent within the U.R.R.S. and is responsible for
censorship, as well as monitoring religious and artistic types.
Abilities: Bureaucracy, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Interrogate, Listen, Observe, Politics,
Sneak, Torture
Typical Personality Traits: Bland, Fanatical, Unyielding, Remorseless
Typical Followers: Lesser kommissars, Red troopers, Hailers, Zeks
Standard of Living: Common (13)
Typical Equipment: Dress uniform, several workaday uniforms, sidearm

OCCUPATION: Kommissar. 5th Hook

While the 5th Hook is the smallest branch of the Kommissariat, a number of extraordinary
individuals staff it. More than half of the 5th Hook’s Kommissars are sorceresses. The
rest are specialists in a wide variety of specialist pursuits. The 5th Hook deals with
“unsolvable” crimes, supernatural disturbances, and felonies involving the use of illegal
protocols. There are officially no serial killers in the U.R. R. S., but if there were it
would be the 5th Hook’s job to stop them – by any means necessary.
Abilities: Athletics, Bureaucracy, Exert Authority (Zek Kommissars substitute Stoic
Endurance), Investigate, Law, Melee Fighting, Small arms Fighting, Trademark Skill (a
single skill or area of expertise unique to your hero)
Typical Personality Traits: Curious, Driven, Obsessive, Stubborn
Typical Followers: lower ranked Kommissars, police assistants, lab assistants
Standard of Living: Common (13)
Typical Equipment: Badge of Office, Dress Uniform, several workaday uniforms,
sidearm, collapsible hook (if male)

Would you fight your nation in order to save it?


OCCUPATION – Kommissar, 6th Hook

The Kommissariat of the 6th Hook is tasked with providing security for high ranking
party members, visiting foreign dignitaries, and the Citadel. They are also involved in
monitoring communications of other nations.
Abilities: Athletics, Bodyguard, Intimidate, Listen, Observe, Read and write (language),
Small arms Fighting, Speak (language), Unarmed combat
Typical Personality Traits: Focused, Intense, Observant, Quick
Typical Followers: Lesser kommissars, Hailers
Standard of Living: Common (13)
Typical Equipment: Dress uniform, officer’s greatcoat, several workaday uniforms,

OCCUPATION – Party Apparatchik

Apparatchiks are functionaries within the Party that keep the State running.
Abilities: Bribery, Brown nose, Bureaucracy, Extort favor, Gossip, Influence,
Tangle/untangle red tape, Unblinking stare,
Typical Personality Traits: Arrogant, Calculating, Craven, Grasping
Typical Followers: Lesser apparatchiks
Standard of Living: Prosperous (5M)
Typical Equipment: Nice suit, several workaday suits, party pins and awards

OCCUPATION – Red Fleet Officer

This is the profession of anyone holding a commissioned rank in the Red Fleet, from a
deck officer to a lofty Skymarshal.
Abilities: Athletics, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Leadership, Listen, Observe, Small arms
Fighting, Strategy, Tactics
Typical Personality Traits: Brave, Emotional, Heroic, Shrewd
Typical Followers: Lesser officers, troopers, zeks
Standard of Living: Prosperous (5M)
Typical Equipment: Dress uniform, officer’s greatcoat, several workaday uniforms,

OCCUPATION – Red Trooper

Red Troopers are the backbone of the ground forces of the Red Fleet. They are trained to
take the fight to the enemy, to attack without mercy, and to follow orders without
question. The vast majority of Red Troopers are male.
Abilities: Athletics, Intimidate, Leadership, Listen, Melee Fighting, Observe, Small arms
Fighting, Survival, Tactics
Typical Personality Traits: Brave, Heroic, Pessimistic, Stoic
Typical Followers: Other Red Troopers, Hailers, Zeks
Standard of Living: Common (13)

Would you fight your nation in order to save it?


Typical Equipment: Dress Uniform, several workaday uniforms, sidearm, Hook

OCCUPATION – Veteran of the Great Patriotic War

Those who fought in the Great Patriotic War are honored heroes of the Republic, held in
near-reverence by many in the younger generation. For the most part these Heroes of the
Republic were simple peasant farmers, thrown into a war beyond their understanding.
Many were only children when they were issued a gun and sent to the Front. Now they
have grown old in the service of the Republic. Many survive on small pensions, or
continue to work at the government jobs they received when mustering out service.
Abilities: Athletics, Bureaucracy, First Aid, Improvise, Scrounge, Smallarms Combat,
Stoic Endurance, Survival, Unarmed Fighting
Typical Personality Traits: Stoic, Proud, Wistful, Resolute
Typical Followers: Any
Standard of Living: Poor (8)
Typical Equipment: dress uniform (Great Patriotic War era), several sets of clothing or
workaday uniforms, a box of medals and service pins, an old keepsake (player choice)

Zeks are survivors of penal infantry units. As current or former prisoners of all walks of
life (many of the political prisoners never having known their crime) Zeks have a wide
variety of skills. Zeks are typically employed as expendable assets. If there is a madman
barricaded behind a door, you can bet that it’s the Zek who gets to kick it in.
Abilities: Athletics, Hide, Improvise, Rouse Rabble, Sneak Attack, Stoic Endurance,
Trademark Skill (a single skill or expertise unique to your hero), Unarmed Fighting
Typical Personality Traits: Callous, Fanatic, Devil-May-Care
Typical Followers: Other Zeks
Standard of Living: Poor (8)
Typical Equipment: dress uniform, several workaday uniforms

Zeros are assassins, saboteurs, and infiltrators – some of the best in the world. Many of
them are drawn from the ranks of State orphans, and are trained almost from birth.
Others are drawn from the ranks of the Red Troopers, or even from Zeks who have been
reformed. The term “Zero” indicates what remains of the individual’s old life. Zeros
have no name, no past, and no family but the state. Check with the GM before taking this
occupation, as it may not be appropriate for some campaigns.
Abilities: Athletics, Demolitions, Infiltrate, Listen, Melee Fighting, Observe, Small arms
Fighting, Unobtrusive
Typical Personality Traits: Bland, Pitiless, Ruthless, Self-Sacrificing,
Typical Followers: none. Zeros typically work alone.
Standard of living: Poor (8)
Typical Equipment: Two nondescript uniforms with no badges or markings. The State
will issue them with whatever other equipment they need

Would you fight your nation in order to save it?


(Note: the proper form of address for a Zero is “Comrade Zero” always. Zeros have no
rank and no name. Zeros may not begin the game with the keyword “Pravda” though
they may acquire it normally once play begins.)


In the U.R.R.S. what we would consider to be magic is part of the world, and is
considered to be a natural phenomenon which can be tapped by any individual. World
powers exploit this phenomenon as they would any other natural resource. The idea that
sorcery comes from any sort of occult or religious source is considered primitive
superstition, and is dismissed by the State, though peasants throughout the republics
continue to regard sorcerers with a certain amount of awe. Officially, however, the term
“Sorceress” has no more occult connotation than the term “Technician”.

Within the U.R.R.S. proper all men and women receive training in Military-Industrial
Sorcery (this is not true in the Republics, where only certain gifted individuals receive
training). U.R.R.S. educational doctrine divides this training along gender lines: men
receive training in telekinesis, women receive training in sorcery. There is no gender
difference that precludes men from learning sorcery, or women from learning telekinesis
– the only barrier is educational. As with any other learning endeavor, there are those
who excel, and those who show little proficiency for the task.

Sorceries abilities in Red Star are considered to be mundane abilities for purposes of

TELEKINESIS KEYWORD: (Tractor Pull; Hook Fighting; Telekinetic Strafe; Guide

DECK KASTER (Armor Piercing Protocol; Blast Control Protocol; Cooperative
Reinforcement Protocol; Defensive Shield Protocol; Jumpgate Transfer Protocol;
Protocol Resistance Shields Protocol; Vehicular Reinforcement Protocol)

INFORMKASTER (Burst Voltage Protocol; Cooperative Reinforcement Protocol; Jump

Information Protocol; Map Protocol; Reenact Protocol1; Supply Protocol; Stealth
Protocol; Stimulant Protocol; Transpathic Signal Protocol)

The Reenact protocol is an exception to some of the normal rules for protocol use. No more than one
material component is ever issued for a Reenact protocol, no matter how skilled the sorceress. The
energies involved in a Reenact protocol are higher than for most protocols, and the construction of the
material components is more expensive. Thus taking a material component for a Reenact protocol counts

Would you fight your nation in order to save it?


MEDIKASTER (Accelerated Healing Protocol; Defensive Shell Protocol; Diagnosis

Protocol; Final Mercy Protocol; Shield Reinforce Protocol; Stimulant Protocol)

SORCERESS ENGINEER (Armor Piercing Protocol; Burst Voltage Protocol; Defensive

Shield Protocol; Expanse Protocol; Field Repair Protocol; Protocol Resistance Shields
Protocol; Shield Reinforce Protocol; Supply Protocol; Stimulant Protocol;
Transformation Protocol Transpathic Detonator Protocol)

SUPPLY KASTER (Cooperative Reinforcement Protocol; Expanse Protocol; Gate

Transfer Protocol, Jumpgate Transfer Protocol; Krawl Drop Protocols; Protocol
Resistance Shields Protocol; Supply Protocol)

WARKASTER (Armor Piercing Protocol; Autoshields Protocol; Burst Voltage Protocol;

Defensive Shield Protocol; Drop Protocol; Expanse Protocol; Krawl Drop Protocols;
MTK-90 Protocol; Protocol Resistant Shields Protocol; Stealth Protocol; Transformation

Rules for Military Industrial Sorcery

Lets get telekinesis out of the way first. Telekinesis does not follow most of the rules
below for sorcery. There is no material component needed for the use of telekinesis, it
does not require KPS safety wards and so can be used as either a primary ability or an
augment freely, and it cannot be overkast. Telekinesis abilities act in almost every
respect as purely mundane abilities. The exception to this is that telekinetic abilities act
as magic when targeting purely mundane items which are not protocol protected, and thus
are resisted with a base 14 resistance.

All protocols have material components. These are usually small cylinders or grenade-
like objects which contain the power source used to power the protocol, as well as certain
sorcerous “lenses” and “filters” that give the protocol it’s basic shape and purpose.
Because of this the material components for protocols are not interchangeable. Kasters
operating in official capacity for the State (which is the great majority of them) are
usually assigned 5 material components at the beginning of each assignment, plus an
additional material component for each protocol mastery level.

Example: Valentina is going on assignment for the 5th Hook. She is

assigned 5 material components of her choice from among her protocol
abilities. If Valentina’s rating with the MTK-90 protocol is 5M2 she will
be assigned 2 additional components for the MTK-90 protocol.

as two component choices instead of one. Finally, all Reenact protocol components are licensed with the
State, so any time a Reenact protocol component is used, it is logged and reported.

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It is possible to use protocols without their material components, with the following
1. Prococols used without the proper material component may only be used as
augments, never as primary abilities
2. Protocols used without the proper material component suffer a -10 to their
challenge roll.

Particularly well-made material components that add to the kaster’s challenge roll do
exist, but are extremely rare.

All sorcerers are usually protected by a number of passive protocols which are
collectively referred to as KPS (“Kaster Protective Systems”) safety wards. These wards
protect the kaster from the energies used in kasting, and help channel those energies into
the protocol being kast.

While KPS wards are active protocol abilities can only be used as augments, not as
primary abilities. When KPS safety wards are deactivated, a kaster may use a protocol
ability as a primary ability, but there is a risk of physical damage. If the kaster fails the
challenge then the kaster takes damage just as if the challenge had been physical conflict.
This damage is in addition to any damage that might normally be taken as a result of the

Example: Yeva is helping her brother Nikolai with a long stake-out, and
uses her stimulant protocol as an active ability to keep them both awake
for several days straight. She suffers a minor defeat on her challenge.
Normally this would simply result in some sort of failure, but since Yeva
lowered her KPS wards, she also suffers an “impaired” result, and is now
-10% on all her abilities.

Example: Valentina encounters some Nokgorgan terrorists as part of her

investigation and decides to use her MTK-90 protocol as her primary
ability in the ensuing firefight. She suffers a marginal defeat, which would
normally cause her to be “hurt”, giving her a -1 penalty to future
activities. Because her KPS safety wards were down, she suffers an
additional “hurt” result, so she is at -2 to future activities.

Kasters may also choose to overkast their protocols. Overkasting a protocol allows it to
be much more powerful, but at a cost of stress, damage, or injury to the kaster. Each
level of overkasting grants the kaster one free bump, but the kaster takes progressively
more damage.


1 1 Impaired
2 2 Injured
3 3 Dying

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Fatal 4 Dead

This damage takes effect at the end of the conflict, and is cumulative with any damage
taken if the conflict is lost.

Example: the party is pursuing a Red traitor into the ruins of the
Nokgorkan capital, and gets caught at the edge of a ventral furnace blast.
Yelena casts a defensive shield protocol to protect the party. Knowing the
power of a ventral furnace blast, she decides to overkast her protocol at
level 3. Her defensive shield protocol ability will receive three bumps in
the upcoming challenge, but when the challenge is complete, Yelena will
be dying.


There is no religion in the United Republic of the Red Star. Instead there are two
competing philosophies – Pravda (Truth) and Kraznypravda (Red Truth)2.

Pravda is Truth with a capital “T”. It is not varnished, it is not polished, it is not half-
truth or prevarication or platitude. A foremost tenet of Pravda is that everyone is equal
and that no one should have power over another without their consent. .Truth was
divinely given to the Reds by the Goddess Pravda long ago, and it is the duty of all
humans to share this truth, to support it, and to give their lives, if necessary to ensure the
equality of all men and women.

Pravda is the ability to see, recognize, and speak the truth. It is typically used as a call-on
to convince people that something is true, and to inspire others to feats of bravery. At
higher levels it grants the hero access to important secrets of the inner workings of the
Party and the world.

Kraznypravda is the truth as dictated by the ruling party of the U.R.R.S. Since the
Revolution, the Party has increasingly taken on the governance of the people of the
U.R.R.S. As the power of the Party has grown, it has usurped more and more of the
responsibility for determining and disseminating truth, until it now verges on being the
sole arbitrator of what is and is not officially true.

Kraznypravda is the ability to support, believe, accept, or at least mouth the party line. It
is typically used as a call on trait for such things as convincing kommissars of your
loyalty and working within the political system of the Republic. At higher levels it grants
the hero access to important secrets of the inner workings of the party and the world.

For both Pravda and Kraznypravda there are three levels of devotion that a hero may take
– community, initiated, and devoted.

At its heart, Kraznypravda is actually Krivda (“lies”). But of course hardly anyone is going to admit that
they are associated with “lies”.

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• Community – the vast majority of Reds have a community level devotion to

Kraznypravda. It is what is taught to them at the schools, indoctrinated into them
in party rallies, and expected of them by their supervisors and superiors. Many
Reds also have a community level devotion to Pravda, representing their memory
of the truth bestowed on them by the goddess. Individuals with community level
commitment cannot gain any sort of mystical aid, but can call upon their
philosophy to aid them in times of need (though it is rare that such assistance is
• Initiate – an initiate is an individual with formal commitment to his or her
philosophy. It conveys certain responsibilities and limited mystical abilities.
Initiates of Kraznypravda are easily identified by their prominently displayed
Party official badges. Initiates of Pravda are best identified by their devotion to
the Truth.
• Devotee – an individual who has devoted themselves to one philosophy or the
other (never both) has made that philosophy central to their life and worldview.
Those who follow Kraznypravda at this level are high level Party officials, and
those who follow Pravda are known leaders of the revolution. Devotees are
rewarded for their faithfulness by access to serious mystical power. Heroes
cannot begin the game as a Devotee.

All heroes start out with some skill in Kraznypravda, and may begin with skill in Pravda
as well if they choose to take it as a keyword. It is possible to have the “Community”
level of commitment to both Pravda and Kraznypravda simultaneously. However, if a
hero has “Initiation” level commitment to one, he or she may only have “Community”
commitment in the other, and only at the basic level of 13. Any additional points put into
advancement of the Keyword are lost. If a hero ever gains “Devotion” level commitment
to either Pravda or Kraznypravda, he or she immediately loses all skill in the opposing

Abilities – these are mundane abilities possessed by those who follow one of the two

Virtues – virtues are personality traits considered desirable by followers of a particular

philosophy. Your hero may take any, all, or none of these abilities. Heroes are not
required to take these abilities. An exception to this is those who are devotees of a
particular philosophy, who are required to take all the virtues of that philosophy.

Affinities – each of the two philosophies has an affinity (Truth for Pravda, and Lies for
Kraznypravda). An affinity is similar to an ability, but is mystical rather than mundane in
nature. Followers of one of the philosophies draw on the power of that philosophy to
gain mystical aid. Heroes cannot use an affinity directly, but can use it to augment any
appropriate ability. Heroes may improvise any named feat from their affinity and use it
as an active ability, but take a -10 to their roll. Affinities are treated as magic, and are
opposed in most contests with a defense of 14 (note that the affinity of one keyword acts
as defense against the affinity of the other keyword).

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Feats – all affinities have feats associated with them. Feats are specific, mystical powers
associated with a given affinity. Unlike an affinity, feats can be used actively, not just to
augment. Only devotees of a given philosophy may use feats. Feats are treated as magic,
and are opposed in most contests with a defense of 14 (note that the feats of one keyword
may be used as defense against the feats of the other keyword).

Secret – each of the two philosophies has a secret ability, accessible only to those of great
power, ability, and knowledge. In order to gain access to his or her philosophy’s secret, a
hero must be a devotee of that philosophy, and have at least three feats of that philosophy
at a mastery of 20M to access the Secret of his or her philosophy..

Becoming Involved with Kraznypravda and Pravda

As mentioned above, all heroes begin the game with basic knowledge of Kraznypravda,
and can start the game with basic knowledge of Pravda as well at a cost of 3 ability points
(from step 4). It is possible to become an initiate of either Kraznypravda or Pravda at
hero creation simply by declaring it. It is not possible to become a devotee of either
Kraznypravda nor Pravda at hero creation.

It is also possible to develop and improve devotion to Kraznypravda and/or Pravda

during play. This involves passing certain challenges

Becoming a follower of Pravda

Contest: become a communal follower of Pravda
Appropriate ability: any ability related specifically to truth. “Honesty” would work, but
“persuasion” would not.
Typical modifiers and augments: up to two other abilities related specifically to truth
Resistance: 14
Any victory: Pay 3 Hero points to gain the Keyword “Pravda” at 13
Tie, Marginal, Minor,or Major defeat: your hero is not yet ready. He or she may try
again later.
Complete defeat: your hero has, perhaps unknowingly, performed some activity that has
effectively alienated him or her from Pravda. In order to apply again, the hero must
perform some service to Pravda to atone for this transgression.

Becoming an initiate of Kraznypravda or Pravda

Contest: become an Initiate
Appropriate ability: Any one ability from the keyword “Kraznypravda” or “Pravda” as
Typical modifiers and augments: up to two additional abilities from the appropriate

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Resistance: 1M
Any victory: pay 3 Hero points and replace “Community Worshiper of” with “Initiate of”
and receive the appropriate keyword’s affinity at 13. Your abilities in the opposite
keyword are reduced to 13, and can never be raised above that.
Tie, Marginal, Minor, or Major defeat: your hero is not yet ready. He or she may try
again later.
Complete defeat: if a follower of Kraznypravda you have done something to offend the
State or the powers that be tremendously. You can never become an initiate or devotee
of Kraznypravda. If a follower of Pravda you have been led down some wrong path or
somehow lost your way in the search for Truth. You must somehow atone for your
mistake and make things right before you can apply again.

Becoming a devotee of Kraznypravda or Pravda

Contest: become a devotee
Appropriate ability: any one keyword ability
Typical modifiers and augments: none
Resistance: 20M
Any victory: pay 3 Hero points and replace “Initiate of” with “Devotee of” and gain three
of the Feats under the keyword’s affinity for free. If the hero has any ability in the
conflicting keyword he or she loses it.
Tie, Marginal, Minor, or Major defeat: if a follower of Kraznypravda the hero has
somehow been judged unworthy. You may never advance further than Initiate. If a
follower of Pravda the hero is not ready, but may try again later.
Complete defeat: if a follower of Kraznypravda the hero is judged unworthy. The hero is
reduced to “community” level follower status and may never advance further. If a
follower of Pravda, the hero has been led astray, and must atone for this. The follower is
cut off from the Pravda affinity, though he or she is still treated as an Initiate for purposes
of determining how many Hero points must be spent on the Pravda philosophy. Once
atonement is made the hero is reinstated as an Initiate, and can try for devotee status
again later.

The Cost of Truth, the Cost of Lies

Being a follower of Pravda or Kraznypravda carries with it a cost in time and resources
spent. Followers of either philosophy are expected to devote a certain amount of time
and effort to supporting their cause. This is reflected in a hero point cost for each

Heroes who follow one of the two philosophies (or both) must devote a certain
percentage of their hero points to activities that promote their philosophy. These include
• Raising abilities, relationships, virtues, affinities, etc. that are related to that
• Spending points on “plot editing” appropriate to their philosophy

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Having a “Community” level belief requires the expenditure of 10% of the hero’s hero
points in support of his or her philosophy.

Having an “Initiate” level of belief requires the expenditure of an additional 25% of the
hero’s hero points in support of his or her philosophy (35% total)

Having a “Devotee” level of belief requires the expenditure of an additional 50% of the
total earned hero points in support of the hero’s philosophy (85% total)

Kraznypravda and Pravda keywords

Abilities: Devotee of Kraznypravda or Initiate of Kraznypravda, Persuasive, Mythology
of Lies, Refute, Scornful Rebuttal, Power of the Party
Virtues: Arrogance, Contempt for the Sheep, Ruthless, Self-Righteous, Indomitable
Will, Face Adversity
Affinity: Lies [Dictate Reality, Sap Morale, Terrify, Enforce the Party’s Will, Scheme,
Mental Flexibility]
Secret: the storm of souls

Abilities: Devotee of Pravda or Initiate of Pravda, Trustworthy, Mythology of Pravda,
Detect Falseness, Unity, Spirit of the Revolution
Virtues: Honest, Inspirational, Camaraderie, Equality, Indomitable Will, Face Adversity
Affinity: Truth [Expose the lie, Rally, Comfort, Universal Brotherhood, Lead the
Willing, Blessing of the Red Star]
Secret: Eyes of Imbohl

All heroes begin the campaign with 3 hero points, representing their extraordinary
natures. Hero points are used for three things – bumping rolls during challenges, plot
editing, and hero improvement
• Bumps – a player may, during a challenge, spend one or more hero points to
bump up the success level of a die roll on any challenge by one. This may be
done after the die is rolled, and may be done repeatedly (if both sides have hero
points to spend they can go back and forth until one side decides not to spend any
more or runs out).
• Plot editing – a player may spend one or more hero points in the midst of play to
modify the game world or circumstances in some way. Costs for creative editing
are as follows:
o 1 pt – minor. A minor and entirely credible change to the situation which
will not, in itself, change matters but might give the players and edge or an

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o 2 pts –moderate. A substantive change to the situation, but one still in

keeping with the context and backstory and which does not solve the
heroes’ dilemmas in itself, but gives them a new or better opportunity to
do so themselves.
o 4 pts – major. As above, but the dues ex machine is fairly blatant and
o 8 pts – extreme. Quite ridiculous strokes of fortune that either solve the
heroes’ problems at a stroke or have major and direct impact not only on
the current situation but on longer-term game developments.

Kraznypravda, Pravda, and Plot Editing

The Plot Editing rules for Hero Points are slightly modified by the rules for Truth and
Lies. Whenever a hero uses Hero Points for plot editing, he or she must specify whether
the plot editing is supporting “Pravda” or “Kraznypravda”, and the description of the plot
edit must fit with one of the two philosophies. Moreover, heroes are limited in the
amount of plot editing they can do by their mastery level at “Pravda” or “Kraznypravda”.
A mastery level of 1 allows minor editing, while a mastery level of 8 is required for
extreme editing.

• Hero improvement. Hero points can be spent to improve heroes as follows:

o Commitment to Pravda or Kraznypravda. A hero who has the
“community” level of commitment to Pravda or Kraznypravda is not
required to spend any portion of his or her hero points in devotion. A hero
with the “Initiate” level must spend 10% of his or her hero points
devotion, and a hero with A hero with the “Devoted” level of
commitment to either must sacrifice 25% of his or her hero points.
o Adding a new ability to your hero costs 1 hero point (2 hero points if the
new ability cannot be explained by the hero’s backstory). The new ability
begins with a rating of 13. If the narrator decides that the ability is part of
one of your hero’s keywords, the ability begins at 18 (17 for the keyword,
+1 for the ability increase).
o Improving a mundane ability costs 1 hero point (this includes abilities
covered under military/industrial sorcery). Improving an ability of Pravda
or Kraznypravda costs 3 hero points.

Hero Point Cost for Improvement


Gain a new mundane ability, relationship, etc. at 13 1
Improve a mundane ability, relationship, etc. by 1 1
Cement a benefit gained in play (if no other cost applies) 1

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Gain a retainer or supporting hero (with Relationship 13) 1

Gain a Sidekick (with Relationship 13) 3
Change a retainer to a Sidekick 3
Change a supporting hero’s roll 1 or 0, narrator choice
Replace retainer or supporting hero 0
Replace sidekick with equivalent 1+
Gain “Community” level belief in Pravda 3
Become “Initiate” in Pravda or Kraznypravda* 3
Become “Devotee” or Pravda or Kraznypravda** 3
Gain an affinity at 13 3
Improve an affinity by 1 3
Gain a Feat within a gained affinity (devotees only) 1
Improve a feat by 1 1
Gain the Secret of Pravda or Kraznypravda (devotees only) at 3
Gain a natural magical ability in play*** 3
Improve a natural magical ability in play 1
*Gain “Initiate of [Power]” and one Affinity of that Power at 13.
**Gain “Devotee of [Power]” and three feats in each affinity of that Power already
known at 13
***It is required that you have a backstory to develop natural magical powers – you
cannot simply acquire them otherwise. Note that military/industrial sorcery does not
count as a magical ability.
Improvement Multiplier
Improvement unrelated to play Cost x2
Improve an ability by +2 at one time Cost x3
Improve an ability by +3 at one time Cost x6
Improve an ability by +4 at one time Cost x10
*Note that all multipliers are cumulative. Thus, to improve a mundane ability by +2
points costs 3 points if related to play, but 6 points if unrelated.

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