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Updated functions in eta/Post

Since Dec 31, 2013

Jun 30th, 2014

Export Contour Value

1. DYNAFORM now supports Export Contour Value as a CSV file.

Export fas result as e3d File

1. The program now supports Export fas result as an e3d file.

Max/Min Marker
1. The program now supports Max/Min marker to element result
in the contour plot.
2. The program now supports Max/Min balloon title to element.
result contour plot

Undeformed Shape Color Configuration

1. Undeformed Shape Color configuration is now available.

2. Go to Option->Edit Default Config->Draw Setting.

Moved Edit default config menu

1. The menu File>Edit Default Confi was moved to Option>Edit Default Config.

1. The default FLD window was changed
from rectangular in shape to square in

New EFLD function

1. Added an EFLD function in the FLD dialog for the

d3plot result.
2. For more detailed information, please refer to

List Value Option Dialog

Added a Show Area toggle in the List Value

Option dialog.
When the Show Area toggle is on, the list value
area outline is plotted, see the next slide.
When the Show Area toggle is off, the list value
area outline is not plotted.

Plot List Value Area Outline

List Value
1. Made the default of Arrange List By Value (in List
Table dialog) to ON.
2. Added a Show Marker option for stoning contour.

List Value
3. The program outputs the node coordinates when the node is
Select node by cursor and the coordinate
will be printed in message window.

Automatic Plot for Component Switch

Under single frame mode, the program plots the current frame automatically in the
following situations:
1. When the user switches to a different plot method: For example, from deform to
2. When the user switches to a different component: For example, from a contour
component to another contour component;
3. When the user turns the plot option on/off: For example Element Result is turned on/
D3plot result.
Implemented for Deform/Contour/Vector/FLD/Thickness/Major strain/Minor strain/In-plane
INCSolver result
Implemented for Deform/Contour/FLD/Thickness/Major strain/Minor strain.
D3plotInt Result
Implemented for Deform/Contour
Implemented for Deform/Contour/Vector
Nisa Result
Implemented for Deform/Contour/Vector

1. Added the option to Show Stone in the stoning
dialog to show the symbol of the current stone.

User Defined Contour Config File Path

Now included in the current eta/Post application path when searching user
defined contour configure files. The new priorities when reading the the
configuration file are the following.
The current opened model directory
The system home directory
The eta/Post install directory(found from environment variable ETAPOST_PATH).
The application path of the current eta/Post.

The configuration file is only put together with eta/Post and the environment
If ETAPOST_PATH is not set, the configuration file can still be found and used.

Auto Save User Dened Contour

1. An option was added to Auto Save
User Defined Contour in the system
configure dialog (Go to Option>Edit
Default Config).
2. If the value is turned ON, after exiting
eta/Post, the current models user
defined contour data will be written to
the system home directory
automatically. The file name defaults
as userdefcontour.config.

Long le path

The file length limitation was extended to 1024 to support long file path

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