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The Hunger Games & The Amazing Spider-Man

Character list:

Katniss Everdeen: Aged 16 and housed in District 12, gender is female performed and portrayed
by Jennifer Lawrence. Originally, she had no intention of going into the games, hoping it would
not be herself before the female tribute was chosen, but, when her younger inexperienced sister
was picked, she selflessly volunteered to save her.

Peeta Mellark- Portrayed by Josh Hutcherson is a very compassionate person and particularly
good with words. Housed in District 12 and aged 16, his occupations vary from- tribute
(formerly), baker, painter and soldier.

Gale Hawthorne, characterized by Liam Hemsworth, is aged between 18-19 and male. He is
Everdeen's best friend and hunting accomplice, as well as one of the series' main characters. He
is fiercely devoted to his family and to Katniss and is a true rebel and visionary at heart. His
listed occupations are: Government official, Coal miner, Soldier and Hunter. Home: District 2.

Effie Trinket Portrayed by Elizabeth Banks , Trinkets occupation is the escort for District 12,
particularly to allies Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark in The Hunger Games. Her
responsibilities include selecting the Hunger Games tributes' names annually at reapings and
subsequently escorting them via train. She is renowned for her upbeat attitude for the very
dangerous upcoming games, distinct accent, and the Capitol phrase, "May the odds be ever in
your favour!"

Haymitch Abernathy (Woody Harrelson) aged 40-41 was the only living Hunger Games victor
from District 12 before Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark won the 74th Hunger Games under
his mentorship.

Andrew Garfield -Spider-Man- aka Peter Parker (aged 19) was masticated by a Radioactive
Spider during a school science experiment, he soon realised that he had obtained the
proportionate abilities of an arachnid. He is particularly talented with science and his
occupation is to protect vulnerable victims.

Emma Stone, Gwen Stacy, is 19 and has a romantic attraction to friend Peter. Both of her parents
are deceased. She like Parker is highly interested in science as a subject. Tragically to many, a

highlight of her involvement in the movie is her sudden grieved

death as a result of an unprecedented accident. Gwen is also
known for her desirable beauty and intelligence.

Rhys Ifans (Dr Curtis Conners, Lizard) after his arm is amputated; he began to restlessly
experiment against the natural laws of science with various serums in an attempt to reverse the
symptoms and in effect grow a new one. This eventually reacted as a transformation into a
lizard. However after an unbelievable discovery he then loses any good intentions he once had
and attempts to infect the population of Manhattan.

In the Amazing Spider-Man teenagers are represented as independently talented and

resourceful. For example, Peter Parker (aged 19) after a peculiar scenario of being bitten by an
arachnid evolves into Spider-Man, which after considering the circumstances is dealt with very
sensibly when there is a major popularity amongst the fictional media with regards to Parkers
persona. This helps to develop his overall mature attitude, which of course contrasts against the
typical significance of the stereotype that teenagers do not prosper. Brave, selfless behaviour is
also presented as Peters involvement is dedicated to the well-being of New York from
miscreants drunk with power and supremacy.
In The Hunger Games, there is a strong emphasis regarding the misfortune of a young teenager
and their imperative upcoming fate. By this being the case it portrays the young adult as
respectful and mature to say the least. An example of this is Katniss Everdeens selfless and
successful attempt of substitution for her inferred incapable younger sibling. Furthermore, this
helps contribute to the deserving positive reference to modern adolescents.

To conclude, it is visibly justified that the representation of youth throughout both successfulmovies is positive and respectable which should be considered amongst a range of media i.e
magazines etc. if it is to be correctly distributed.

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