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A tale that moved the heart

The adventuring party had just set up their campfire after building their tents in the
camp as they were about to cook their meal and go to sleep for the night. The three
companions were recapping the day and enjoying the spoils of the hunt. The spoils
were good and plenty thus none of them would go hungry this night and the day yet
to come. The sun began to set and the stars were slowly appearing in the night sky,
there were no clouds and there was a warm spring breeze. The fire was providing a
blanket of warmth for the companions that seemed almost as the warmth of a
caring mothers hug. One of the trio was about to take the first bite of his meal as he
noticed a small hooded man standing in the distance looking at the fire.
Immediately he signaled his friends and put a hand on the handle of his sword that
was resting close.

Be warned stranger! He shouts. We are well armed and there is three of

us, whilst you are only one!

The strange man did not reply he simply kept his gaze on the campfire. The second
companion then shouts:

If you wish us harm I recommend you to leave! The tone that he used was
more aggressive than the one the first companion used.

The hooded man took a few steps closer and the trio noticed that he was limping.
They looked at each other and all of them clearly understood that this man would
be no challenge. They remained in silence as he was stepping closer until he was
almost next to their camp. The third companion stood up and crossed his hands
near his chest and in a calm yet stoic manner he asks:

What is it that you want stranger? Have you forgotten how to speak? Or
perhaps you do not know how to speak? Well Which is it?

The strange man looked at the third companion then he gazed and the campfire and
at the food that the trio had. Now he directed his gaze towards the third
companions eyes and with a short sigh he exclaimed:

I mean you three no harm As you can see I am quite old and frail, my
limping has taken away most of my mobility and I have no weapons on my
presence while you three have swords and bows. I pose no threat. He bends
his head just a bit whilst keeping eye contact.

The third companion looks at his fellows and nods. The three of them lower their
guard and they take a more relaxed posture.

Well what is that you want stranger? The first companion asks.
Just to make it clear I still do not trust you old man The second one points
his finger at the hooded man.

Calm yourself the third one looks over his shoulder to his friend. As he looks
at the stranger he asks - Well now, it is rude to ignore the question. What is it
that you want stranger?
All I would ask my friends
Careful with the language you use old man. The second companion
interrupts We are not your friends.

The stranger looks at the second companion with a saddened gaze as he raises his

My apologies I did not mean to offend.

There is no need to worry. The first companions says as he takes a bite of
the bread he held in his hand. Our friend here is the most suspicious of us
Yet suspicion is good in times like these The third companion says while
looking into the eyes of the hooded stranger. Now he puts his hand on the hilt
of his sword and with a more direct tone he asks once more What do you

The stranger removed his hood to reveal a head of long greasy gray hair reaching
his shoulders.

I only ask to share your campfire and for a bit of food as you have plenty and
I have but nothing. For the night is cold for these old bones of mine and I am
almost exhausted from an empty stomach. Surely I will either freeze to death
or die from hunger if you will not show this kindness upon me.

The three companions look to each other. They kept the food in the open and as
such the old man was able to see it. Normally they would probably refuse and lie
about only having enough for themselves, but on this occasion lying would be
pointless. The second companion seemed the least willing to share the food and he
was shaking his head just enough for the other two to notice and yet the third
companion took a step closer towards the old man and he realized that he is taller
than him by almost a head. He looks at him with a smile and says:

You are wizened old man and you must know that nothing in this world comes
for free. He looks back at his friends and as he turns his head to gaze at the
stranger he continues to speak What would you be willing to offer us in
return stranger?

The stranger remains calm takes a deep breath and with a sad voice he says:

I have nothing to offer As you can see I am covered in drabs and have not
even a single coin on myself. The only thing that I can offer is a tale that has
never been told before. He says.

The third and second companion did not seem impressed with the offer provided by
the stranger, yet the first companion seemed intrigued and he asked him:

You claim that this tale has never been told. How can we be certain that after
we share our food and fire with you, we will hear something that you claim to

be never told before? The three companions look at each other and all three
strike a piercing gaze towards the stranger to which he calmly replies.
If you do not share with you your food and warmth. I will die. Thus I have to
offer something of equal value to my life and thus there is only, but one story.

Now the fire of curiosity has been lit in all three companions and after a moment of
silence the third companion walks back to the tent and pulls out a slice of cheese,
ham and bread. He walks back to the stranger and puts everything in his hands.

Come sit with us old man. Tell us your tale as if your life depends on it.

The stranger takes the food from the third companions hands and follows him to
the campfire. He sits in front of the fire with the trio in front of him. He takes a bite
of bread and after chewing it for a bit he tells in the most sincere voice as he could:

Thank you.

He takes a small bite of cheese and begins his tale.


Long ago before the age of man. Spirits roamed this world and none were
their equal. For they did not rule nor have they fought. They lived together
with the peace and tranquility that was everywhere then and is almost
nowhere now.
Wait a second old man The second companion interrupts. As history goes,
it was giants that existed before man. What you are saying now seems to be
Let him speak. The first companion exclaims in a calm manner.
It is true the stranger continues. Giants did indeed walk as the tallest of all
races and ruled this world. Yet this story precedes the time of giants. For
giants are the creation of the spirits.

The second companion was about to speak as he was quickly silenced by the third.
The third companion nods at the stranger, a nod that asked him to continue his tale.

The spirits had no form, yet they were whole. They had no need of physical
appearance to exist, for they all knew where they are and what they are.
They were content with their existence. All, but one. Sol was the name of the
spirit that had started to question this existence. Sol thought that it is unwise
not to be aware from whence came the spirits. So Sol pondered over the
meaning of existence and found no answers. The spirits mind became
troubled with the burden of uncertainty. Why are we here? Is there a purpose
to our existence? Sol wondered. Yet as time went by Sol came to more
questions rather than answers. Thus Sol became keen on finding the oldest of
the spirits that could answer her questions. Sol spent what seemed an
eternity looking for the oldest of spirits. The stranger points to the sky and
the trio looks up. And Sol found the oldest. Yami. Or in other words as we
know it in this time and age. Darkness. Darkness was the oldest of spirits
from it came all others and as such all others came to be his children. Sol
asked Yami Oldest of spirits I come to you asking. What is the purpose of our
existence? To which Yami replied None

The stranger took a short pause as he stared into the burning fire. He looked to the
trio and with slow tonality he said:

Sol was devastated to hear this answer. How can there be no purpose to the
existence of the spirits? How can others be content with this lack of
knowledge? Could it be that others choose to be willfully ignorant? Sol had to
know. This burden of uncertainty stood before Sol as a monument of
insignificance. So Sol came to Yami again and asked Where did the spirits
come from? to which Sol received an answer From me came the first ones,
from them came the others until all of us became present. Sol was not
content and asked once more Where did you come from Yami? Yami did not
know the answer to this question. Sol was left unsatisfied. Not even Yami
knows the meaning to existence As time went by Sol became more and
more devastated these questions were a burden on the spirit. Until a time
came when Sol knew that in order to learn the meaning of existence, other
existence should be observed. Yet other spirits could not be observed since
all of them were content with their existence. None of them had asked the
same question. All simply did as it always had been done. Sol came to Yami
for the third time and asked How did you create the first ones? Yami was old
and wise and thus he knew the intentions of this spirit and therefore the
question remained unanswered. Sol had become bitter because of this and
retreated for a millennia to find the answer and once the answer was found
Sol came back with her creation. The new life that was given. Sol had created
the Giants and in return they have started to call Sol Mother.

The stranger took another bite of bread and remained silent for a moment.

What happened next? The second companion asks.

Well Sol was the spirit of the suns rays. She was the one that was
delivering the light of sun to the earth. Sol was sunshine if you will. The
creation of the giants had drained her strength by a vast amount. Yami was
eternal therefore no strength or energy was required to create. Sol was not
and as such much of her strength was lost. Hence came the night. Sol could
no longer constantly focus her strength on delivering the suns rays. Rest was
required and night was now part of this world. The other spirits were outraged
by this. Sol had forsaken her responsibility and had impacted the world that
every other spirits considered perfect by bringing the night to the world and
to have created giants to roam this world. Creatures that were an
abomination in comparison to the spirits. Yet Sol loved her children. They
were the means for her to find an answer to the questions that plagued her.
Yet love was a new concept for her. Love was alien to her and yet it was so
strong that she could not explain it. Once again another question had come
to her. She decided to ask Yami this of Yami. Yami what is this feeling I have
towards my creation? The ones that call me mother? Yami thought and
answered It is alien, it is not part of me and it is not part of the others, hence
you are corrupted. You gave away your strength for the creation of those
beings and thus you have become imperfect. Sol was struck by his answer.
How could Yami not feel the same thing for the other spirits? Spirits that

came from him? Sol came from Yami thus this sensation that Sol has, had to
originate in Yami as well. You lie! Sol said to which Yami was outraged and
with his rage he grew and grew until the whole world was covered in
darkness. All the spirits had become weary of this and they knew that it was
due to Sol. Your giants have no place amongst us Sol Yami screamed. They
are the imperfection of your own making and thus they shall be purged from
this world and you will be striped of your strengths until they are no longer.
The stranger pauses his tale to look into the sky and the only sound between the
trio and the stranger was the noise of burning wood in the campfire. The trio had
patiently waited for him to finish his tale without saying a word.

Sol Was left powerless to roam the world engulfed in darkness with her
children. Now more than ever the answers to her questions seemed further
away. Yami was slowly, but steadily wiping the giants from existence, one by
one. Sol had lost all hope of ever returning to her previous life. She had
stopped pondering about her questions and was more preoccupied about
keeping the giants safe rather than finding answers. Yet she was alone. No
spirits to help her, she was far away from her kind and pursued by the oldest
and most powerful of them all. Her only conviction was to keep the giants as
happy and as safe as possible. Over time she had become accustomed to
their strange behavior and their strange ways. For they had similarities to
spirits, yet they were not spirits. Over time she began to notice that the
giants had found a way to create more of their own without losing a part of
themselves as she had once did. It would take two of the giants to create
one. Completely differently from what she had did or what Yami had did. Sol
had noticed that each new giant was different in his own way, yet similar to
the ones that came before. After a long time she had met one of the giants
who was called Jikaus. He was unlike any other. He was one prone to make
mistakes and Sol had taken an interest in him. She began teaching him what
she knew and Jikaus eventually became to be the tallest and the most fair
among the giants and yet he had walked with them as equal. Sol was taking
care of all the giants and yet this one was the only one among them to have
tried to take care of Sol. In time he had walked with Sol as an equal even
though they were different. And then Sol found the answer to her questions.
She shared her ponderings with Sol and had given him her answers. She said
Jikaus, the meaning to the existence of all things I have found thanks to you.
It is love. Love is the reason for all to exist and it is something that spirits on
their own lack, yet it is not something that they are unable to learn The
stranger pauses You my creation is able to love because you are a part of
me and I have learned about love by observing what I had created.
Something that I always had and never knew. And I have given it upon you as
you have given it upon me. Remember that. Indeed Jikaus was the only one
amongst the giants that loved Sol more than anything else and he knew that
it is this love that would be the end of him if it is to be required to protect Sol
from all that would harm her.

The stranger for a moment stopped to ponder as he stared deeply into the fire. The
silence was overwhelming not even the burning would could be heard now. As one
of the three companions said silently:

What happened next?

The stranger said:


Emotion was born. In both spirit and giant. It is from that birth that appeared
the being responsible for creating Yami. A being like no other. Words are not
fit to describe him. He had taken notice of Sols actions and of all that Sol had
to endure. He was so touched by her voice and her belief that he told her the
truth. That he was the one responsible for giving Sol the emotion and the
curiosity and that he had nurtured it within her until she was finally ready to
understand what it was and ready to accept his love and love him in return. It
was the challenges of Sols existence that led to her becoming what she was.
The entity had asked Sol whether she would go with him and she agreed
under the condition that life would continue to prosper and thus the entity
put down upon this earth first human. Human that had a weaker body than
giants and yet had the strength of spirit. Something that giants would never
match no matter how physically strong they were

The stranger took a deep sight and he continued.


After that Sol had left with the entity and Yami receded and with him so did
the other spirits. The spirits had left this world for they had no longer a place
amongst the new owners. Sol had loved her children and human and thus she
became the spirits of love, yet she was allowed to stay as sunshine to see her
children during the day and shower them with warmth of the sun that would
be her love and she would go back for the night, which would be governed by
Yami, to spend her time with the entity that loved her and she loved him.
Giants were safe from Yamis wrath and humans began to grow and prosper.
Until their own emotions became the masters of their lives. They have
forgotten about the hardships that Sol had to endure in order for them to
become a part of this world and eventually they became corrupt by new
spawning emotions which ultimately lead to the destruction of the giants. The
rest of the tale is being told to all humans from their birth which you three
already know from your parents as well as the priests

The companions sat there silent. They had noticed that the fire had no longer
burned and that it was already close to dawn. They had remained speechless and
touched by the tale never heard before. The stranger had remained sitting there
looking into them and now he seemed more ominous than ever. Such a tale could
not have been a work of imagination. The first companion broke the silence:

Who are you? How do you know all this? He asks with surprise in his voice
as the second companion notices that the stranger had barely eaten a thing.

The stranger started to stand and as he rose he was no longer the gray haired old
man and he was no longer short. As he started to rise he was less and less of a
human until he stood up as high as the tallest castle and now the trio were looking
at a giant who looked down upon them, a giant that was taller than any ever
described in scrolls or by any human being, and he said:

You know who I am. As he turned around he started to walk away from the
sight of the trio whose camp was now trembling from the echo of his
footsteps and after what seemed like a few steps the giant was gone and so
was the trembling.

The companions sat there stunned, still unable to comprehend the truth of what
happened and yet all of them knew one thing. That it took a myth to remind them of
what is really important in life. With the rise of the sun they have returned to their
families never to tell the tale of what had happened for nobody would believe them,
nor would they retell the tale told by the giant for nobody would be moved by it as
much as they were, since for their hearts to have been moved as they were the tale
had to be told by someone who had lived it.

The end

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