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James Alan Bush

1211 East Santa Clara Street, Apt. 4

San Jose, CA 95116

October 5, 2015
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, County of Santa Clara
70 W. Hedding St., East Wing, 10th Floor
San Jose, CA 95110
To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors for the County of Santa Clara:
This attachment provides an overview of the claim against the County of Santa Clara,
and, in particular, two agencies of said county, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and
PACE Clinic, and two of its employees, Dr. Anitha Gaddipati and Dr. Kavitha
Kambham, both of whom have unlawfully refused to provide essential medical treatment
and care for my life-threatening and terminal condition, HIV/AIDS, and both of whom
have failed and refused to provide any viable and timely alternative treatment in their
stead, even though they are qualified to do so.
For the past six months, I have made multiple requests for treatment and care of HIV/
AIDS to various doctors at VMC, most recently to Dr. Anitha Gaddipati and Dr. Kavitha
Kambham, both of whom have refused, stating that only the PACE Clinic provides such
treatment. After having made multiple referrals to the aforesaid clinic, both doctors were
advised each time that the PACE Clinic refused to accept me as a patient. Even still, the
doctors refused to provide any treatment whatsoever.
After having recently advised these doctors of my intent to pursue the matter with
hospital administration and Anthem Blue Cross (Medi-Cal), my managed care provider,
Dr. Kavitha Kambham requested permission to make a referral to UCSF Berkeley for
such carea hospital nearly 50 miles from my home. Even were the referral accepted,
this commute is untenable, and they were advised accordingly on October 5th, 2015.
Although never explicitly conveyed to me by the PACE Clinic, notes made by the
aforementioned doctors in my medical records state that the PACE Clinic is barring me
from treatment for harassment. While it is true that a claim for such was made against
me in 2013 by a receptionist at the clinic, that claim was dismissed in a court of law, and
both the complainant and his attorneys agreed to peaceable contact, and such was
ordered by the presiding judge, particularly after determining that the clinic was my only
option for treatment and care for HIV/AIDS. Although there has been no direct or
indirect contact between the two parties since the time of the dismissal and conditions of
contact were established, the PACE Clinic is apparently rescinding their agreement, even

in the absence of any clear cause or rationale, and in the absence of notice. This, in spite
of the aforementioned court order, and in derivation of the fact that no claim for
harassment has been made by any medical personnel against me, ever.
Although this claim could potentially be swamped by a morass of other issues, frivolous
explanations, unrelated claims, or even additional accusations, the issue is easily and
simply summarized and resolved accordingly: a sick man needs his medication, and he's being
denied it without viable options; he wants treatment for HIV/AIDS, which since the time of the denial
and until now, has progressed severely, and he wants it now.
Accordingly, I am requesting that treatment and care for my rapidly progressing HIV/
AIDS be provided immediately. You are requested to advise any options appropriate and
available to me in order to preclude any legal action, and to mitigate the damages and
injury now being incurred as a result of the failure and refusal of Valley Medical Center,
PACE Clinic, Dr. Anitha Gaddipati and Dr. Kavitha Kambham to treat my terminal
Following are companion issues to the primary issue presented herein this letter, which are
relevant to the consideration and handling of this claim:
The lack of choice in medical insurance providers is due to the negligent handling of
inmate correspondence by the County of Santa Clara Office of the Sheriff, who failed
to deliver to me a written notice sent by Medi-Cal, informing me that if I failed to
indicate my refusal to transfer my medical insurance to a managed care provider, e.g.,
Santa Clara Valley Health Care Plan, within the requisite time expiry, such a provider
would be chosen for me, absent consent and notice. This failure by the aforesaid county
agency prohibits choosing any other endocrinologist.
Medi-Cal does not allow any other healthcare provider to accept out-of-pocket payment
for medical services from an insured patient.
In the past, a criminal complaint was filed against MaryAnn Barry and Neysa Fligor,
also two Santa Clara County employees, in regards to an unrelated issue; and, an incourt allegation of dishonesty was made against Marcy Berkman, also a county
employee. None of these persons should be appointed to evaluate or process this claim
due to the readily apparent conflict of interest.

Respectfully yours,

James Alan Bush

c: Joseph Nazarian, Attorney-at-law, 27871 Encanto, Mission Viejo, CA 92692

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