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Beah Davee Marie Somozo

Imagine yourself in this scenario. A child of about 5 years old approaches you asking Why is
the sky blue? You certainly wouldnt answer them with explanations of the Tyndall effect, Rayleigh
scattering and all those other mumbo jumbo. You would most likely remind them of the colors they
see in a rainbow then tell them that light has the same colors as a rainbow but the color blue is the
one which is spread the most so the sky blue. Most likely using crayons and even drawing in order to
explain it better. Do you know that you are now paraphrasing? But, what really is the definition of
A paraphrase is a kind of translation from one register of language to another that renders
more transparent the full meaning of a discourse. A paraphrase is an indication of ones level of
comprehension and ability to incorporate into ones own words the views, ideas or information of a
given discourse or multiple discourses. Given that definition, a paraphrase should be easier to
understand since the selection has been transformed into a clearer, uncomplicated version of itself
(Dadufalza, 2014, p. 335). Though, of course, you should take into account that by rewording you
may introduce errors into the selection if you are not careful in its translation.
Expounding on the definition of paraphrasing, translation differs from transliteration and
interpretation. Ortlepp (2010) defined translation as the representation of words and phrases of one
language to words and sentences of another. In contrast, he defined transliteration as the copying a
word in one language by substituting the alphabet of the original word with the alphabet of another.
Which differs from his definition of interpretation, the explanation of the thoughts behind the phrase
or sentence by using the same language or another (Ortlepp, 2010, pp. 35-36, 62).
Translation isnt the only term that can be expounded. The term register has a different
meaning from what we generally know of it. Register and styles usually are interchanged with one
another. However, according to Lee (2001):
Register has typically been used in a very uncritical fashion, to invoke ideas of
"appropriateness" and "expected norms," as if situational parameters of language
use have an unquestionable, natural association with certain linguistic features and
that social evaluations of contextual usage are given rather than conventionalised
and contested. (Lee, 2001, p. 47)


Which differs from style, which according to Lee (2001) we should use the term style to
characterise the internal properties of individual texts or the language use by individual authors, with
"formality" being perhaps the most important and fundamental one. Now we can see that styles
refer to the innate structure of the text while register refers to the situational use of the text.
Communication can be defined as the process of transmitting information and common
understanding from one person to another (Keyton, 2011). (as cited in Lunenburg, 2010). It has two
forms, verbal and nonverbal. Language falls into the verbal form of communication which is the
communication form which individuals communicate with each other by language or written
language characters. Nonverbal communication is the way people convey messages by other
methods aside from language and characters (Wang, 2009, p. 155). According to Carol (1953), A
language is a structured system of arbitrary vocal sounds and sequences of sounds which is used,
or can be used, in interpersonal communication by an aggregation of human beings. Which differs
from dialect, a speech community's system of common linguistic traits (Carroll, 1953, p. 10).
Language is what distinguishes us humans from the rest of the species here on Earth.
Given all these, we now know what paraphrasing is. We also know the meanings of its terms
so we wont get confused. Paraphrasing is different from prcising. And is totally different from
outlining. In paraphrasing, it is advised that one has a background on the subject to be paraphrased
in order to steer away from putting unofficial words into the authors mouth if you are careless.
Though, it will most likely be unavoidable. Just be careful and try your best not to completely erase
the essence of the original discourse. Good luck in paraphrasing! And may the odds be ever in your


Carroll, J. (1953). The Study of Language. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Dadufalza, C. D. (2014). Reading into Writing I. Makati City, Philippines: The Bookmark.
Lee, D. (2001). Genres, Registers, Text Types, Domains, and Styles: Claryfying the Concepts and
Navigating a Path through the BNC Jungle. Language Learning & Technology, 5(3), 37-72.
Retrieved December 1, 2014, from
Lunenburg, F. C. (2010). Communication: The Process, Barriers, and Improving Effectiveness.
SCHOOLING, 1(1), 1-11. Retrieved December 1, 2014, from,%20Fred
Ortlepp, S. (2010). Introduction to the Interlinear Bible. Retrieved November 30, 2014, from
Wang, H. (2009). Nonverbal Communication and the Effect on Interpersonal Communication. Asian
Social Science, 5(11), 155-159. Retrieved December 1, 2014, from

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