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Mark #56

Torah Address

Oral Torah

Mark 8:11-13

Shemot 19:6-20:26

See below

Marks Pericope: Mark 8:11-13 11 - And the Prushim went out and began to deliberate1 with
him (Yeshua), seeking from him a sign from Heaven, testing him. 12 - And having sighed in his
spirit, he said, Why does this generation seek a sign? Amen, amen I say to you, As if this
generation will be given a sign! (In our Torah Seder Ex. 19:9, G-d said to Moses: Behold, I am
coming to you in the thickness of the cloud, in order that the people hear when I speak to you,
and they will also believe in you forever.") 13 - And leaving them, again entering into the boat,
He went away to the other side [of the sea of Galilee].2
1 Noted above: suzhtei/n (syszitein) verb infinitive present active from suzhte,w
[LS] suzhte,w
su&zhte,w, f. h,sw, to search or examine together with another, c. dat., Plat. II. j tini, or pro,j tina
to dispute with a person, N.T. Hence suzhthth,j
[Fri] suzhte,w (and sunzhte,w) impf. sunezh,toun; (1) inquire together, discuss, question (MK
9.10); (2) in a negative sense dispute, debate, argue with (AC 6.9)
suzhtei/n VNPA suzhte,w
[Thayer] suzhte,w
suzhte,w (L T Tr WH sunzhte,w (cf. su,n, II. at the end)), suzh,tw; imperfect 3 person singular
sunezh,tei; a. to seek or examine together (Plato). b. in the N. T. to discuss, dispute (question (A.
V. often)): absolutely (Mark 12:28); Luke 24:15; ti,ni, with one, Mark 8:11; 9:14 (R G L); Acts
6:9; in the same sense pro,j tina, Mark 9:14 (T Tr WH), 16 (where read pro,j auvtou,j, not with
Rec^bez^elz G pro,j au`tou,j (see au`tou/, p. 87)); Acts 9:29, pro,j e`autou,j (L Tr WH marginal
reading or pro,j au`tou,j R^bez^elz G) equivalent to pro,j avllh,louj, Mark 1:21 (where T WH text
simply auvtou,j as subjunctive); pro,j e`autou,j with the addition of an indirect question to, ti,j etc.
with the optative (cf. Buttmann, sec. 139, 60; Winer's Grammar, sec. 41 b. 4c.), Luke 22:23; ti,,
with the indicative, Mark 9:10.*
This word perfectly corresponds to the Hebrew concept of pilpul. A method of Talmudic
study. The word is derived from the verb "pilpel" (lit. "to spice," "to season," and in a
metaphorical sense, "to dispute violently" [Tosef., B. B. vii. 5] or "cleverly" [Shab. 31a; B. M.
85b]). Since by such disputation the subject is in a way spiced and seasoned, the word has
come to mean penetrating investigation, disputation, and drawing of conclusions, and is used
especially to designate a method of studying the Law (Ab. vi. 5; Baraita; B. B. 145b; Tem. 16a;

suzhtei/n verb infinitive present active from suzhte,w

[LS] suzhte,w
su&zhte,w, f. h,sw, to search or examine together with another, c. dat., Plat. II. j tini, or pro,j tina to dispute with a person, N.T. Hence suzhthth,j

hakham Rabbi Yoseph ben Haggai translation

Ket. 103b; Yer. Ter. iv. 42d). For another explanation of the word, as derived from the Hebrew
"pillel," see J. B. Lewinsohn, "Bet Yehudah," ii. 47, Warsaw. 1878.3 (See entire JE article.)
See also Bava Metzia 59A-B
This Generation:
In that, Generation Shammai had established his 18 Middot. The Sages of blessed memory also
teach that the day Shammai and his followers gained control of the Sanhedrin and passed the
18 measures (two which were against Gentiles) was as the day that the Golden Calf was made!4
This generation persisted until just after the crucifixion of the Master. Yeshua talmidim deal
with this generation and the consequences of the Shammite edicts until the end of their lives.
Torah Seder: Shemot 19:6 20:26
Ashlamatah: Yeshiyahu 61:1-62:4
Special Verbal or Thematic Tally: In our Torah Seder Ex. 19:9, G-d said to Moshe: Behold, I am
coming to you in the thickness of the cloud, in order that the people hear when I speak to you,
and they will also believe in you forever."
Halakah: 3 Positive and 14 Negative Mitzvot
#25 (SH)5 Belief in G-d
Torah Address
Oral Torah
#P1 Believing in G-d
Shemot 20:2-3
Berakot 1:1, Berakot 2a Makkot 23b
Special Notes:
The Mishnah opens with the reciting of the Shema. This Mitzvah deals with belief in HaShem
much like the Biblical text (Torah). The Torah takes for granted that G-d exists rather than try
to argue His existence. 6
#26 (Sh) Believe in no other divinity but G-d.7
Torah Address

Oral Torah

# N1 Having no other

Orl. 1:7; San. 7:4,10;8 Av Zar 3-4; Avot

5:9; Zev. 9:3; 14:2; Ter. 6:1; Ker. 1:1

Shemot 20:3 Dvarim 5:7

Special Notes: The first of the negative commandments is not to entertain the thought that
there is any god but the HaShem, as it is written "thou shalt have no other gods before Me"
(Exodus 20:3; Dvarim 5:7).


Shabbat 17a
Sefer haHinnuch
Bereshit 1:1
SH - 26
This chapter (7) of the Mishnah deals with the four methods of execution carried out by a court of seventy.

#27 (SH) Make no graven image

Torah Address
Oral Torah
#N2 Make no graven Shemot 20:3; Dvarim 5:7
Sot 7:5; Av Z. 3:6
Special Notes: Not to make a graven image, neither to make oneself nor to have made for
oneself by others, as it is written "thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image" (Exodus 20,3;
and see Deuteronomy 5:8).
#28 (SH) Not to bow before an idol in worship.
Torah Address
Oral Torah
Shemot 20:5 Dvarim 5:8
San 7:10; Av Z.
Special Notes: Not to bow down to an object of idolatry, even if that is not its normal way of
worship, as it is written "thou shalt not bow down unto them" (Exodus 20:5; Deuteronomy 5:9).
#29 (SH) Not to bow down to an object of idolatry
Torah Address
Oral Torah
Shemot 20:5
San 7:10; Av Z.
Special Notes: Not to bow down to an object of idolatry, even if that is not its normal way of
worship, as it is written "thou shalt not bow down unto them" (Exodus 20:4; Deuteronomy 5:9).
#30 (SH) 62 Not to take an oath in vain.
Torah Address
Oral Torah
Shemot 20:7; Dvarim 5:11
Special Notes: 62 Not to take an oath in vain, as it is written "thou shalt not take the name of
the L-RD thy G-d in vain" (Exodus 20:7; Deuteronomy 5:11).
#432 (SH) Reverential Awe for the Eternal L-RD
Torah Address
Oral Torah
#P7 Taking an oath
Dvarim 6:13, 10:20 Shemot
Ber 2:8, 9:5 Taanit 3:8
by G-ds Name
Temurah 3b
Special Notes: This injunction seems to include the Brachot in G-ds name as mentioned in the
above Mishnaot.
#31 (SH) To Hallow Shabbat in Words
Torah Address
Shemot 20:8
Special Notes: To hallow the Sabbath

Oral Torah
Berachot 8:1; Shabbat

#32 (SH) Not to work on Shabbat

Torah Address
Shemot 20:10
Special Notes: Not to do work on Shabbat

Oral Torah

#33 (SH) Honor mother and Father

Torah Address
Shemot 20:12
Special Notes: Honor Mother and Father

Oral Torah
Peah 1:1; Ned 9:1; Avot 4:12;9 Kerit. 6:9;

#34 (SH) Not to put an innocent man to death

Torah Address
Oral Torah
Shemot 20:13
San 9:1; Mak. 2:7
Special Notes: Not to kill an innocent person.
Note: The power of intention is an integral part of this mitzvah. Another part of this mitzvah is
the right of asylum in one of the cities of refuge. Likewise, the law of the avenger is also
#35 (SH) Not to be immoral with your neighbors wife
Torah Address
Shemot 20:13

Oral Torah
Mak 1:3; Sot. 1:1; 9:9; Teru 7:2; San 9:1;
Eud 5:6; Men 3:2

Special Notes: Not covet thy neighbors wife

The Sages, of blessed memory see Adultery as robbery. This robbery is that of stealing
something that did not belong to the adulterer. 10
#36 (SH) Not to kidnap a Jewish person
Torah Address
Oral Torah
Shemot 20: 15
San 11:1;
Special Notes: Not to kidnap any person of Israel (Thou shalt not steal)
The last chapter of Sanhedrin lists the offences which incur death by strangulation. Several
mishnayot explicitly mention the rebellious elder (or teacher) and the false prophet as those
who would receive the penalty of strangulation. There are six mishnayot in this chapter.11

R. Eleazar b. Shammua says, The honor owing to your disciple should be as precious to you as yours. And the honor owing to your
fellow should be like the reverence owing to your master. And the reverence owing to your master should be like the awe owing to Heaven.
(Spiritual fathers) also see Keritot 6:9
A Concise Guide to the Mishnah and Tosefta, Joseph and Debbie Good, Hatikvah Ministries, Nederland TX, pg100

#37 (SH) Not to bear false witness

Torah Address
Shemot 20:13

Oral Torah
Yev 3.8; 15.4,5; 16.7; Ket. 2.8; 9.7,8;
13.6; Sot. 1.1; 6.2-4; Git. 1.5; 9.4,8; Kid
4.5; B.B. 3.4; 10.2; San 4:4; 5.2; 6.4;
7.2,5; 11:1,6; Mak. 1:3; Shab. 3.8;
4.1,11; Eud. 2.7; 6.1; 8.1; Zev. 8.1; Bek.
5.4; 6.12; Ter. 3.1; Ker. 3.1; Toh. 5.9;

Special Notes: Not to testify falsely

#38 (SH) Not to covet what belongs to another.
Torah Address
Oral Torah
Shemot 20:14: Vayikra 19:13;
Ned. 11.12; Avod Z. 3.5
Dvarim 5:19; 7:25
Special Notes: Not to entertain the thought of carrying out the scheme to take for ourselves
what belongs to someone else.
See also SH #416

#39 (SH) to make NO sculpted Human images, even for ornamentation.

Torah Address
Oral Torah
Shemot 20:20
Sot 7:5; Av Z. 3:6, 10
Special Notes: Not to make a human figure out of anything, be it metals, of wood or anything
else even for mere ornamentation.
See also #27 above

Rambam notes that this Mitzvah does not apply to painting. 12

#40 (SH) Not to build an Altar of Hewn stones
Torah Address
Oral Torah
Shemot 20:21
Tractate Tamid &Middot (3:4)
Special Notes: Not to build an altar of stones, which have been touched by any instrument of
#41 (SH) Not to ascend the Altar by steps.
Torah Address
Oral Torah
Shemot 20:23
Middot 3
Special Notes: You shall not ascend the altar by steps


The 613 Maimonides, Volume #2, The Negative Commandments, Soncino Press (Mitzvah #4 ) pg.3-4, Note and Footnote #2
Also see Hilchot Beit habchirah ii 13

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