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Minutes - CU Dems Executive Board Meeting

Date: Sunday, October 4, 2015 | Time: 5:00 PM 6:00 PM EDT

Location: Lerner 505L
In attendance: Kristen, Isabel, Annika, Adjua, Allison, Alexander, Partha, Dan, Joelle, Shoshana,
Kiana, Mike
Week in Review

Read to the bottom of Kristens emails: there might be prizes!

[According to MailChimp] a lot of people clicked through to the articles we shared
Circle size seemed to work well this time around
o Kristen: two circles works!
o Mike: three circles

Leads check-in

Keep sharing the application with friends, club listservs etc.

Leads to Board: remember to apply!
Recruiting Group Leaders: GL to canvasser ratio is fluid, will encourage G-Body
members to be GLs, and Board is also expected to volunteer for it.
Info Sessions: one big training + two sessions of smaller settings
(only required to attend one)


Councilman Corey Johnson will be speaking

Presents to be given to the Councilman?
VOTE on buying $20 speaker gift: 12/0

Activism Planning

Ideas for this semester:

o City Council Lobby Day
Affordable Housing?
Harlem Grown?
Reach out to alums and ask whats going on?
Will return to this topic next week
o Clinic Defense
o Voter Reg NYC
o Second Amendment Issues
Dan: reframing the issues
Joellle: how does this translate to activism?
Dan: maybe a think-tank?
o Clinic Defense
Isabel reached out to NOW-NYC, but they would need us in Jamaica,
Queens by 7 AM.
Ideas for next semester:
o De Blasio
o Eric Holder
o Voter Reg

Next weeks GBM

Centering it around 2nd Amendment issues?

Majority informally votes to do this within a circle structure
Ideas for a circles:
o Where candidates stand
o The stigma of being in favor of gun control
o International dimension
o History of regulation
o Impact on children
o 2nd Amendment Working Group: where it came from, how we got here, and what
can we do about it?
o Campaign Finance and its implications
o Mental Health

Misc/Open Floor

VOTE to host a debate watch party on 10/13: 12/0 (PASSED)

Dan and Alex are ready to create a video on CT 2015!

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