Empirical Paper

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Based on the preliminary results of the 2009 statically reports
of the students of the Cavite State University-Imus Campus (CvSU) the count of the information
system exist is at zero percentage (0%). There is no such I.S exist. But years goes by, Cavite
State University-Imus Campus has their owned I.S. The group of the programmer/developers
which also graduated in CvSU made it. The developed I.S for the good and benefit of their Alma
matter. Another year gone by many information system developed, then CvSU-Imus choose what
they want to use and to be used in future. So many choices to choose but each I.S exist or
developed contained a good benefit and restriction. Some I.S will cost high price and other cost
minimum price. But CvSU-Imus chose a functional I.S no matter it expensive or a cheap one.
They use two types of I.S one is Enrolment System which collects all the transaction and
Payment in times of enrolment. Second is management information System which provides of
the student who is currently enrolled in schools. It is the commonly used I.S as of now.
Objective of the Study
The foremost purpose of this study is to determine the effects of Information System to
the importance of transaction of Cavite State University-Imus Campus. To accomplish the
purpose of this study, the researchers had to conceptualize specific objectives.
Specific Objectives:

To know how will help the new Information System in CvSU-Imus.

To determine and describe how Information System like Enrolment System and
MIS affects transaction of the school.

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Significance of the Study

Research is the best way to find solutions to the losses of information and most consume
time of enrolment transaction of the school. The issues that have been observed in the transaction
process of Cavite State University-Imus campus led researcher to conceptualize a study that will
answer the curiosity in identifying how these contexts affects school transaction process. The
results of this study will therefore, benefit the following sectors;
Students- Additional knowledge will be gained when they are presented with information
about the advantages of information system.
Staff- Staff of the schools will be able to incorporate results of this study into their free
trial of using information system just to understand how information system affects or implicates
transaction process.

Statement of the Problem

The core problem of this study was to determine the commonly used information System
and to determine the easiest way in alternating some work of the employees.
More importantly, the study aim to:
1). Identify the level of Satisfaction of the employee in terms of:
a). Time Management
b). Service

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c). Technology
2).What is the profile of the administration inside CvSU in terms of:
a). Number of years in operation
b). Number of employees
c). Number of technology inside
Scope and Delimitation
As mentioned, the main objective of this study is to determine how important
Information System in replacing manual transaction of the school. The discussion of this
research will mainly focus on determining the big helps of the information system and how this
affects the growth of the transaction of the school. The information that will be gathered for this
study will be derived mainly from the secondary sources from journals and articles about
different information system and advantages of information system also the benefits of having
information system. The primary data on the other hand will be derived from the interview and
survey questionnaire prepared by the researchers, and distributed to the selected sample.
Time will be the greatest limitation to this research, which may hinder long-term
outcome objectives. Environmental factors, such as socioeconomic factors, are beyond the
control of the researcher and can create many variables within the research. As this study will be
utilizing a small sample of participants, the results may not effectively represent the general

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Coffee drinking is said to have originated in Kaffa, a province in Ethiopia. The Ehiopians
were the first to discover the beverage in the beans of a tropical evergreen tree of the genus
Coffea. They grounded and roasted these coffee beans, then poured boiling water on it. People in
Yemen, Arabia, and Egypt soon learned of this discovery, until coffee drinking spread in many
areas in the West, and became part of the everyday lives of people for around 300 years now.
A lot of management experts have defined demand in the following ways: Mayers
emphasized, The demand for goods is schedule of the amounts that buyers would be willing to
purchase at all possible prices at any one instant of time. In the words of Prof Hanson, By
demand is meant, demand at a price, for it is impossible to conceive of demand not related to
price. As per Prof Hibdon, Demand means the various quantities of goods that would be
purchased per time period at different prices in a given market.
Coale (1960) stated that ever since Keynes set forth his theory of income determination,
demographic variables have been discussed as possible determinants of demand.
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Demand is also affected by the demographics of the population of eligible customers.

How many people live in a region, their ethnic and socioeconomic composition, and age
distribution can explain variations in demand across regions and the ability to forecast in the
future as these demographics change.
Wilson and Marsh (2005) identified the impacts of demographics on meat demand. The
demographics of this country have shifted throughout the last century. There is more
culturaldiversity in the United States today. The percentage of whites has decreased and
percentage ofother races has increased. The age of our population has also varied from the past.
Mortality andfertility rates have both declined. This means there are less people being born, but
people areliving longer lives. In the past most females did not have jobs. This trend has changed
and thereare more women in the workforce than ever before. People in the U.S. are more
educated thanever before. This study concluded that age, residency, household size, education
level, andpercent of women in the labor force had impacts on the demand for meat.
Heien (1988) also looked at demographic effects for beef products. This study concluded
that household size, region, tenancy, and ethnic origin were all significant. Employment status,
shopper, and occupation were demographic effects that were insignificant in this study. The
analysis also proved that there were strong own-price and cross-price effects among meats. This
paper was based on the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS).
A study conducted by Blisard (2003) looked ahead to 2020 to determine the possible
effects of demographics in the future. This study determined that the future population increase
alone will increase spending on food in the U.S. by 26.3 percent. The demographic changes will
increase per capita food purchases by 7 percent.

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Even though meat is not the same as coffee, these studies have major points that are
useful in this study. These studies states that demographics affects demand for agricultural
Suttle contends that demographics are various traits that can be used to determine product
preferences or buying behaviors of consumers.
Suttle stated that income is one demographic variable that can affect businesses. A
company's products usually appeal to certain income groups. For example, premium products
such as high-end womens' clothing usually appeal to women with higher incomes. Conversely,
people with comparatively lower incomes are more senitive to price and, therefore, may prefer
purchasing discount products. People with lower incomes have less disposable income. Value is a
major determinant in the products they purchase. Hence, a company may best reach lowerincome people through discount retailers and wholesalers and attract higher-income buyers in
specialty retail shops.
According to Suttle, age is another demographic element that impacts businesses. A
company's products and services are more likely to appeal to certain age groups. Younger people
under 35 are often the first consumers to purchase high-tech products like cell phones, electronic
books and video games. Certain buying groups also have more buying power than others. For
example, there are about 76 million baby boomers in the United States, according to
"Entrepreneur" online. This is the single largest population segment. These people were born
between 1946 and 1964, according to "Elderly Journal" online. Baby Boomers spent $400 billion
more than any other age group, according to aa June 2009 report by "Entrepreneur." Small
business owners have much to gain by selling products to this population.

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The purpose of this chapter is to present the study on how much important Information System
inside the school than manual. The chapter defines the scope and limitations of research.
This chapter contains 5 sections namely: (1) respondents (2) research instrument (3) Data
Gathering (4) Data Analysis (5) Tools for Data analysis

The respondents of this study are twenty (20) random students and staff of Cavite State
University-Imus Campus who are consuming and using the Information System.
Research Instrument
The research instrument is purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling technique, also
known as judgmental, selective or subjective sampling, is a type of non-probability sampling
The researchers conducted a survey-questionnaire to determine how age, gender, income and
frequency of consumption affecting the demand of coffee of Caf Vinna for the students. This
survey will be used to get the demand of the consumers for Caf Vinna.
Data Gathering
The study was conducted at the room of the staff and at the main hall of Cavite State UniversityImus Campus. We asked our respondents to answer the researchers questionnaire. 20

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questionnaires were given out and all of thosequestionnaires were answered. The collected data
were analysed with suitable tools like percentage analysis and by the help of a statistical
software. The survey will be used and interpreted using concepts in statistics to formulate
Data Analysis
The researchers used concepts in statistics to interpret the answers gathered from the survey the
respondents answered. These responses will be used to get the demand for Information System of
the consumers and user.
Tool for Data Analysis
After the data was collected it was analysed and organized by the researcher. The data was
analysed by using a descriptive statistics; analysis is made through the consideration of different
factors such as the sources choice and their classes. IBM SPSS Statistics was also used by the
researchers to determine a regression model with the data.

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