Nerve Cells

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Why Nerve cells can not regenerate?

Actually, peripheral nerve cells can regenerate.

For instance, when your finger was accidentally cut by a knife and the wound is deep
which hurts muscle and nerve cells, then in early wound healing, if your finger
touches an object, there will be tingling sensation, but after a period of time recovery,
it can return to normal taction and motor function.
Sensory and motor function recovery, it is precisely because of the injured peripheral
nerves regeneration. Severe peripheral nerve damage, such as a cooking chef
accidentally cut off a finger, if it is not too serious, after careful surgical suture (skin,
muscle, blood vessels not require stitches, broken nerves need docking suture),
sensory function may also be restored as ever.
How Peripheral nerve regenerate ? Take the motor nerve injuries for example.
After the motor nerve cell fibers injured, the far ends of the nerve fiber cells gradually
died, and those damaged nerves will be cleared by macrophages, therefore the motor
control muscle cells are gradually shrinking. The next section damaged nerve fibers
will begin to grow, and gradually extend. The growth rate is about 1-2 mm in one day.
Schwann cells provides basic framework for injured nerve fibers continually to grow,
so that the regeneration of nerve fibers follow the path back to the original destination
was. But this regeneration premise is that the injured areas are neuron endings. If the
body of neurons injuries, it will be unable to supply the raw materials needed for the
regeneration process. Entire injured nerve degeneration gradually lose function.
Unfortunately, our central nervous system function in adulthood can not be
regenerated. There are two development paths of immature cells: one is to maintain
the original state, desperate to simply copy the self; another way is to make every
effort to improve its capabilities and functions. The former is called hyperplasia, the
latter is differentiation.
As the fork in the road of life, the cell can only select one direction. The former will
become the tumor when out of control, and the highest position of the latter is to
become the central nervous system cells with highly differentiated cell function, of
course, they also lose the ability to regenerate, or in other words, this regeneration
process is extremely slow for them, and that growth is too slow and too weak to make
up damage caused by the destruction.

Worse, the central nervous system stellate cells after nerve injury may induce the
formation of glial scar. The glial scar ends in protection from further injury, but also
blocked the inherent repair pathways of nerve cells. Those in a car accident causing
trauma brain or spinal cord injuries, their nervous system injury is difficult to restore
the natural function.
Researchers have tried to regulate nerve growth environment and increase a variety of
nutrients to induce CNS cells "fast" regeneration. Currently, the neural stem cells of
the central nervous system regeneration become a hotpot. It may be split into various
types of desired neural cells, and it can migrate with better integration of the
organization. It seems that by transplanting neural stem cells to promote nerve repair,
perhaps is the future treatment of central nervous system injury. Now there are some
spinal cord injury or stroke patient's condition appears to improving after implantation
of stem cells.
Although the regeneration of the central nervous system has many difficulties, but
there is also malignancies,such as the astrocytoma, and oligodendroglioma cell tumor.
In the peripheral nervous system, nerve sheath cells and Schwann cells can form
poorly differentiated tumor cells. In addition, they said the proliferation of cardiac
cells do not divide, but in fact there are primary heart tumors, even it is rare. Due to
the different structure of the heart cardiac, rhabdomyosarcoma tumor, myxoma,
fibroids are also happens.

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