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go to particular cell=F5
2.want to sum entire column=Alt+=
3.format a cell to number=ctrl+shift+1
4.format a cell to percentage=Ctrl+shift+5
5.fill column or row series=enter a value,go to home ,editing section,fill->seri
es in Row or column->step value and stop value->ok
6.sort out blank data->control+g->special->Blank cells d
ata->home->cell styles->color
7.copy all and paste it into new document=control+a+c+n+v as-F12.
9.paste transpose-Alt+H+V+T
10.Insert new work sheet=Alt+Shift+F1
11.move to the right one cell=Tab
12.merge Cells=Alt+H+M+M
12.Split cells=Alt+H+M+U
13.Insert new work sheet=Shift+F11
14.Delete sheet=Alt+E+L
15.insert New sheet=Alt+Shift+F1
16.copy cells down=Ctrl+d
17.Copy cells to the right=Ctrl+R
18.Delete Sheet Rows=Alt+H+D+R
19.Delete Sheet Columns=Alt+H+D+C
20.Draw Grid table=Alt+H+B+G
21.Rename Sheet=Alt+H+O+R
22.Move or COpy Sheet=Alt+H+O+M
23.Convert date to days
enter current date:go to Number Format->custom->select d
then copy and paste the values to the successive cells.Select the cells.type tex
t(C4(cell address),"ddd")
24.Highlight weekends in excel
select the dates,go to conditional formatiing->use a formula to determine which
cell to format.
Go to Format values (comment box)-> type =weekday($A3(cell address),2)>5-For Ver
tical...Donot use $ for horizontal cells
25.convert text into percentage format with two decimals
26.hide certain cells in excel= ctrl+1->custom=;;;
undide cells =ctrl+shift+1
27.insert comment=shift+F2
28.Remove the Inserted Borders in the excel=Alt+H+B+N
29. TO find the no of months between two dates
30.find search=shift+f5
31.Hide column=Control+0
32.For inserting any function,
type the function name preceeding the equal sign
then press tab.the function automatically opens
33.after inserting theunction name, press control+A for opening the function of
the argument.
34.Redit/reInsert arguments in the existing Function=Shift+f3
35.Want to color multiple rows of same color
color one row/ column and second time press F4 function key
36.hide Ribbon key-Ctr+f1
37.Speedily Move and Copy Data in Cells
copy the data? You can press the Ctrl button before you drag to move; the new
column will copy all the selected data.
38.Open Excel Files in Bulk-Select the required excel files in explorer and then
press enter
39.Generate a Unique Value in a Column

Data->Advanced. A pop-up window will show up. As the screenshot shows, click Cop
y to another location, which should be in accord with the second red rectangular
area. T
40.Input Restriction with Data Validation Function
Data->Data Validation->Setting, input the conditions and shift to Input Message
to give prompts like, Please input your age with whole number, which should range
from 18 to 60.
41.Hide Data Thoroughly
Choose the area and go to Home->Font->Open Format Cells->Number Tab->Custom->Typ
e ;;; -> Click OK,
42.Add hyperlink Cntrl+K
43.Insert/Delete Rows or COlumns
Insert-Control+shift++(plus sign)
Delte-Control+shift+-(minus sign)
43.Zoom Option-Alt+V+Z
height - (Alt + H + O + H), Width - (Alt + H + O + W)
45.Remove Duplicates
46.Colored Tabs
47.Data validaion:

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