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Cell Phones and How They Have They Have Impacted How we Communicate Socially in Our
Day to Day Lives.
Throughout our lives the cell phone has impacted our lives in several ways,which are
both positive and negative: including changing our grammar and how we spell, creating less
face-to-face interactions, aiding us in communicating with distant relatives and assisting us in
cases of emergencies.
The ways in which we communicate before the cell phone has come a far way; from
sending smoke signals to the beating of drums to a mobile device.
Communication has existed in various forms since man appeared on Earth. The
methods, however, consisted of a disorganized set of signs that could have
different meanings to each human using them. It wasn't until three million years
after man's debut, around the year 30,000 B.C.E, that communication began to
take on an intentional, manufactured format. The most well-known form of
primitive communication is cave paintings. The artistic endeavors were created by
a species of man that appeared around 130,000 B.C.E, the homo sapiens. The
method involved creating pigments made from the juice of fruits and berries,
colored minerals, or animal blood. These pigments were then used to create
depictions of primitive life on the cave walls. The purpose of the paintings has
been questioned by scholars for years, but the most popular theory states that the
depictions were used as a manual for instructing others what animals were safe to
Other forms of early communication existed, although they were less popular
for a variety of reasons. Story telling was used to pass on important information in

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the days before the existence of the written word. However, since man still lived
in separate tribes, this information could not be applied outside one's own tribal
community. Drums and smoke signals were also used by primitive man, but were
not the most practical means of communicating. Both methods could attract
unwanted attention from enemy tribes and predatory animals. These methods
were also difficult to standardize.
Who invented the cell phone? According to Doctor Martin Cooper the great mastermind
behind the invention of the cell phone;Developed the cell phone while he was working with
Motorola as Director of research and development. AT&T and Motorola were the two companies
at the time competing against each other to find ways in which they could improve the ways in
which we communicate But Martin Cooper was thinking out the box trying to find way in
which we could communicate wirelessly.
Martin Cooper won the competitive race between his company at the time, Motorola and
AT&T in 1973 where he created the first mobile phone. called the DynaTec phone.
During this time the cell phone was only made to communicate wirelessly,overtime various
inventors have created a wide range of features for the cell phone, such as cameras, text
messaging,GPS and internet just to name a few. Since the very first invention of the cell phone
its various features and capabilities have improved dramatically and continues to do so today.
Since the invention of the cell phone social interaction between persons have been
impacted both negatively and positively. There has been less face-to-face


between the ways in which we communicate today, Grammar and spelling has been affected in
schools as well as adults. Despite their negative aspects Cell phones can be positive tools as well.

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They can be used in cases of emergencies and they help us to communicate much easier with
distant relatives.
People tend to have less social interaction conversation because of the convenience of the
device. The fact that a cell phone gives you the opportunity to send an email,talk or send a voice
note to your friends. One does not see the need to go out and visit a friend or do some form of
physical activity together. Hence, you dont see the need to go out and meet with your peers to
socialize and enjoy each others company.
Another negative aspect of the cell phone is that it can affect our grammar and spelling.
Teens and even adults break down words into abbreviations, use phrases or even alter words
when writing a text message because they find that is is more convenient to do so. Practising this
behaviour causes students to incorporate these invented abbreviations created by them into their
work. For example students are writing the letter U for the word you without even
recognizing it.
According to an article written by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
of EducationWorld.com: While this communications boom has been praised for its educational
benefits, some argue that a negative side effect is beginning to take hold in our classrooms.
Cyber slang is suspected of damaging students writing acumen. Cyber slang is a term used to
describe shortcuts, alternative words, or even symbols used to convey thoughts in an electronic
document. Because so many digital media limit the number of characters an author can use at a
time, students are becoming more creative to get the most out of their limited space. Common
cyber-slang terms that have made their way into popular speech include BFF (best friends
forever), and LOL (laugh out loud). This resulting in poor grammar and writing skills. The
Times Daily newspaper cites a recent report from Pew Internet and American Life Project,

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"Writing, Technology and Teens," which found that the cell phone text-based abbreviated
communications teens use are showing up in more formal writing.
Despite their negative usage, due to the increased improvement in technology.Cell
phones can be used in cases of emergencies. A company called Jitterburg5 has developed what is
called the Emergency Cell Phone, where youre able to call agents who will confirm your
location, evaluate your situation and get you the help you need. These cell phones are able to
track via GPS and depending on your needs, these emergency devices can serve a wide range of
purposes beyond simply providing a device to make calls during disasters. Keeping a cell phone
on you allows you to make emergency call such as 911 or 119 calls immediately. with no need to
find a phone box to call from or a landline. The Federal Communication Commission estimates
that 70 percent of 911 calls are made from mobile devices, and recognizes them as an important
public safety tool, It has also developed a text to 911 function,allowing users to request
emergency assistance through text in certain circumstances. The Commission has recently taken
steps to make text-to-911 more widely available in the future. On August 8, 2014, the
Commission adopted an order that will require all wireless carriers and other text messaging
providers that enable consumers to send text messages to and from U.S. phone numbers to
deliver emergency texts to PSAPs that request them. Wireless carriers and other text messaging
providers that are not already supporting text-to-911 must be capable of doing so,Even in nonemergencies, for example if your car is broken down, cell phones can make requesting help
much easier and safer.
In the movie the call: When a veteran 911 operator takes a life-altering call from a
teenage girl who has just been abducted, she realizes that she must confront a killer from her past
in order to save the girl's life.When a veteran 911 operator takes a life-altering call from a

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teenage girl who has just been abducted, she realizes that she must confront a killer from her past
in order to save the girl's life. The fact that there was a cell phone present she was able to aid
them in tracking the location of the killer. IMBD.com

Cell phones make it easier than ever to contact family and friends especially that live
great distances apart. It helps you stay in touch with love ones by communicating over far
distances. Instead of sending letters which may take days or even weeks depending on where
they are been sent from. Today we can talk just by dialing a few numbers. Cell Phones and their
various functions makes it easier to talk on daily basis more. Families can now communicate
with each other on the phone using various technologies such as skype which makes it possible
to see the person youre talking to.
Skype provides an Internet service that enables users to communicate with others
anywhere in the world for little or no cost. Rather than using a standard telephone service, Skype
may be used on the campus network with the settings described below. Skype can be a very
economical way to communicate with friends and family, especially if you are talking mostly to
other subscribers.
The issue of whether or not the cell phone has changed us in a positive or negative way
socially continues to be a debate. However, despite the negative aspects of the cell phone it has
brought a lot of convenience, help and change to our lives. Even though we are not aware how
much more cell phones will change the ways in which we interact socially and communicate in
the future. It is safe to say that they will continue to change in the coming years. The fact that it
has change the ways in which we communicate thus far. There is no telling how advance the cell
phone will get in the coming future or how much more it will impact our lives socially.

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