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English (United Kingdom)

Communication test
This is not a school assignment where we are right or wrong
answers, what is important is to indicate, for each situation
described, what is the phrase that best describes our behavior or
our way of thinking.
Read carefully the following questions and answer scoring, with
an X, only one alternative from among those listed.

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1) In a meeting between friends, to decide what to do on
a Saturday afternoon, an your friend, to speak
continuously, preventing others to intervene and express
their ideas.
What do you do?
a) At the end of the meeting, I will ask anyone who has not
spoken to expose their ideas.
b) I feel sorry for those in the group who have not had the
chance to talk and expose their ideas.
c) Highly appreciated the great ability to emerge who is able to
focus on the attention of all.
2) Which , among the following, there seems to be the
most effective message and communicative?
a) visual (film , slides, documentaries)
b ) auditory ( lectures, conferences and speeches )
c) auditory combined with the visual ( conferences and meetings
enriched by films, slides)
3) Work at a major publishing house in the city.
How will you communicate to a client the temporary
inability of the publishing house , in which you work , to
send him out of a book , which reprints will be ready
within two months?
a) "we are sorry not to be able to send the requested book ,
because it is sold out.
Please let us know your willingness to receive the book in two
months , will be reprinted soon"
b) "First, we want to warmly congratulate you on your excellent
taste and great culture demonstrated by the choice of one of our
We are pleased to inform you that the book required to be
shipped within two months"
c) "We're glad to have you among our customers .

We will send them the requested book as soon as it is finalized

reprint .
Since this can not be earlier than two months , if he could not
wait , please communicate his decision"
4 How should adjust to be sure that those who will
listen, understand your message?
a) it must be able to communicate placing itself at the same level
b ) you have to ask him several times if he understands what he
is told
c ) you have to ask whether you agree with what is being said
5 How should adjust to make sure that whoever listens
to you , you agree to our message?
a) must speak with brevity and clarity
b ) must be able to arouse your interest
c ) you need to speak with a lot of confidence and without
hesitation , using scientific language and thought of quoting the
well-known experts and scholars
6 Do you think that the author of a textbook should be
a) with simple terms and phrases not too long
b ) with simple terms and very long sentences
c) with very specific scientific terms
7 Do you think that the author of a scientific text should
be expressed:
a) with simple terms and very short periods
b ) with simple terms, using specific terms in case of necessity,
always giving a clear explanation
c) with very specific scientific terms and language "experts"
8) What is , in your opinion , the purpose of "public
a) to sell the company's products
b) obtain the consent of the public
c) maintain relations with foreign countries
9) How would you define the "public"?
a) a group of people attending a show
b ) a group of people united by a common interest with respect
to the same object
c ) is a generic term for people who listen to the radio or TV
shows to attend , and who are potential buyers of a product that
is advertised
10) If you were to write a letter of a commercial nature ,

which style would you prefer?

a) confidential
b ) friendly but detached
c) very elegant and polished
11) If you were an executive who needs to make some
arrangements to employees, how would you act to
ensure that the observed ?
a) give them the opportunity to discuss the orders received , in
order to immediately address any difficulties
b ) sent a circular to each of the new provisions , providing a
responsible commissioned to verify that they complied with
c) affix the notices in each department , bearing the new
provisions in force
12) If an employee will report its concerns about the
new rules issued by you , how do you react?
a) tell him clearly to abide by the rules given without creating
difficulties for the smooth running of the company
b ) discuss with him the concerns that warns against the new
provisions, in order to help him to accept
c) there excuse for the inability to listen to it, since you are too
busy and invited to join the new provisions , demonstrating
confidence in his ability to adapt to the new rules
13) When discussing with a friend / a on an important
a) try to prevail and not let you drown by his arguments
b ) clearly expose your opinions , leaving the interlocutor also
the same opportunities to express themselves
c) make sure that once he has won , once again you 're to dull
14) When discussing with an acquaintance on an
important subject:
a) remember its position as a subordinate and invite him to avoid
any conflict against your decisions
b ) clearly expose your opinions , leaving the interlocutor also
the same opportunities to express themselves
c) lend an ear to his arguments rather absent-minded , trying to
cut off as soon as the discussion
15) Are you a public relations officer of a company and
you have to draw up an illustrated brochure for the
launch of a new product.
It is planned to send the brochure to two different
groups of potential consumers, farmers and teachers of
What do you will do for the preparation of the brochure?

a) produced a leaflet with a message written in a very simple

and easy to understand , in order to be accepted by teachers but
also by farmers
b ) developed a brochure specifically addressed to teachers,
using a specific terminology , and another brochure for farmers ,
which bring out the practical aspects and advantages of the new
c ) developed a single leaflet in which you addressed to each
consumer group , but , in particular taking into account the need
to inform teachers , express yourself in a language mainly

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