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September 2012

1. The feeling of political prisoner when the 1987 constitution took effect is
an exercise of the right against:
a. involuntary servitude
b. double jeopardy
c. detention by reason of political beliefs
d. degrading inhuman punishment
2. Respect for parents is shown in various ways by different groups of people
in different places
a. xenophobia

b. ethnocentrism

c. ethical relativism

d. cultural

3. The earliest mode of economic life in human history according to Karl

a. agricultural

b. enlightened self interest

c. reciprocity

d. primitive

4. The Philippines was ruled by Spain through______ until 1814

a. Cuba

b. Puerto Rico

c. Guam

d. Viceroy of Mexico

5. This guarantee given by the Constitution to certain units of government

where their approved annual appropriation shall be automatically an
regularly released
a. fiscal autonomy
b. fiscal discipline
c. internal revenue allocation
d. general appropriation act
6. The basic principle of taxation where the sources of funds revenue should
be sufficient to meet the needs of public expenditures:
a. administrative feasibility b. equality c. basic adequate d. equity

7. Legislation granting special privileges to senior citizens help to neutralize

prejudice and discrimination toward a social category based on:
a. gender

b. race

c. ethnicity

d. age

8. Giving abuloy to a bereaved family an act of hospitality and the

bayanihan spirit prove which Filipino traits:
a. religiously
b. adaptability
pakikipag kapwa tao

c. hard work and perseverance


9. The process in which the members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs
and behaviors of another:
a. cultural relativism

b. acculturation

c. enculturation

d. assimilation

10. The adoption of the behavior patterns of the surroundings culture the
socialization of children to the norms of their culture.
a. assimilation

b. enculturation

c. acculturation

d. cultural relativism

11. This can be identified with public purpose, public interest and public
a. public use

b. property

c. just compensation

d. eminent domain

12. The legislative power shall be vested in the congress of the Philippines
which shall consist of _____ except to the extent reserved to the people the
provision on initiative and referendum
a. House of Representative b. Senate
Representative d. Malacanang

c. Senate and House of

13. The state recognize the Filipino _____ as the foundation of the nation
accordingly, it shall strengthen its solidarity and actively promote its total
a. barangay

b. family

c. school

d. church

14. The people of this country shows courtesy by living their footwear on the
a. Koreans

b. Italians

c. Japanese

d. Americans

15. Violators of RA 9165 are positive with the use and trafficking of ____ and
sentenced to lethal injection before the lifting of death penalty for the
heinous crimes:
a. sleeping pills

b. marijuana

c. shabu

d. antibiotics

16. What values is being promoted by the Philippine government when it

launched the Juan Time projection in 2011
a. austerity

b. punctuality

c. close family ties

d. palara de honor

17. Bahala na is daring attitude out of concern for others. What is/was strong
demonstaration of this trait in our history
b. the abuse of natural resources
c. the Filipino submission to Spain colonial rule for four centuries
d. the division among the Filipino propagandist in Spain
18. In the Philippines, it seems that the best candidates to a position or a job
do not always get hired. Which practice prevents the best and the
brightest from being hired position
a. merit system

b. networking

c. nepotism

d. meritocracy

19. Which contributes to the worsening solid waste system?

a. frequent floods
b. clogged drainage
c. use of paper bags for marketing
d. emphasis on shopping convenience and easy garbage diposal
20. President Magsaysay once said We must give more in law to those who
have less in life those referred to as those who have less in life are:
I. the economically poor
II. the weak such as the aged

III. the defenseless such as children

a. I, II and III

b. II and III

c. I and III

d. I and II

21. Which type of biome are the cities of Moscow and Toronto situated?
a. Tundra

b. Taiga

c. Savannah

d. Deciduous forest

22. Cuneiform writing is for the Sumerians as_____ is for Egyptians

a. stone steal

b. hieroglyphics

c. ziggurats

d. papyrus

23. For which reason was the Southeast Treaty Organization (SEATO) as a regional
organization conceived?
a. to fight communist aggression in the region
b. to assist member nations In international disputes
c. to engage nation in the region in cultural cooperation
d. to help member nations work for mutual economy progress
24. Which issues caused for estrangement of the relations between the
Philippines and Malaysia in the past?
a. terrorist issue
b. the founding of MAPHILINDO
c. shaping of the federation of Malaysia
d. the Philippine claim of Sabah
25. What does the statement today the peso is worth about twenty-five
centavos describe?
a. depression

b. inflation

c. deflation

d. recession

26. From which do archeologist reconstruct pre-history

a. excavated tools

b. ethnic customs

c. written records

d. tribal

27. Which of the following was known to man before the Neolithic period?

a. making pottery b. practice of agriculture c. using of fire d.

domestication of animals
28. Which of the proof that the Philippines was inhibited as early as 21 000
years ago?
a. skull cap discovered in Tabon Cave, Plawan
b. Mummies found in Timbac Cave in Benguet
c. Chinaware unearthed in Calatagan,Batangas
d. Boat fragments excavated in Butuan river banks

29. When I conclude that my students are cheaters because caught one of
them cheating, I commit the fallacy of:
a. false cause

b. fault analogy

c. accident

d. hasty generalization

30. Which fallacy is committed by the following argument; Love is Blind:

God is Love: ergo, God is Blind.
a. accent

b. equivocation

c. division

d. composition

31. Who was the ever present ruler in the history of Cambodia from the time
Cambodia broke away from French rule in 1953 up to the establishment of
democratic kammpuchea?
a. pol pot

b. ho chi minh

c. lon nol

d. norodom sihanouk

32. As a form of government, the barangay during the Spanish period was
a. monarchy

b. obligacy

c. aristocracy

d. democracy

33. Which ones/s is/are in line with the 1987 constitution philosophy of less
govertment and more private enterprise?
I. locat autonomy
II. Strengthening of cooperatives
III. Limiting the powers of the president to incur foreign loans
a. II and III

b. I and II

c. I, II and III

d. I and III

34. Which new development philosophy can be discerned from the 1987
a. programs are initiated from the top
b. programs are initiated from below
c. is the exclusive concern of the state
d. is seen merely in terms of economic growth
35. The following are our constitutional rights except to:
a. form association, labor union
b. have access to the records of government
c. be presumed guilty until proven otherwise
d. be entitled to free legal assistance if we are a pauper litigant
36. What is meant by the workers right to security of tenure?
I. to continue in their jobs
II. not to be contractual after six months
III. may not be dismissed unless there is just or valid cause provided by law
a. I and II

b. I and III

c. II and III

d. I, II, and III

37. In which place in the Philippines is the DOLE pineapple plantation found?
a. Cotabato

b. Zamboanga

c. Cagayan de Oro

d. Bukidnon

38. Agno river delta, Cagayan river delta, Pampanga river delta are good
source of:
a. nipa palm products
mahogany lumber

b. ornamental flowers

c. virgin coconut oil


39. A UNESCO World heritage Site in Ilocos Norte

a. Bangui windmills

b. Paoay Church

c. Currimao rock formation


40. The author of Flora de Filipinas circa 1837, the botanical illustration of
plant specimen that grew into the Philippine herbarium.

a. Gov Polavieja b. Padre Emmanuel Gonzales

Gov. Narciso Claveria

c. Fr. Manuel Blanco


41. The municipal mayor is for today while ______ was during the Spanish
a. Alcalde mayor
b. Gobernadorcillo
Gobernador General

c. Cabeza de barangay


42. After the second World War, which emerged as new powers?
a. Peoples Republic of China and United States of America
b. South Korea and Soviet Union
c. Germany and Soviet Union
43. Legislation granting special privileges to senior citizen help to neutralized
prejudice and discrimination toward a social category based on:
a. Age

b. Ethnicity

c. Gender

d. Race

44. What is the power of the State to keep property for public use with just
a. Taxation

b. Eminent Domain

c. Judicial Review

d. Power Police

45. This can be identified with Public purpose, Public interest and Public
a. Property

b. Public use

c. Eminent Domain

d. Just compensation

46. __________ anthropology, focuses on the study of human population using

an evolutionary framework?
a. Biological and Physical Anthropology
b. Cultural Anthropology
c. Human Anthropology
d. Linguistic Anthropology
47. He coined the term survival of the fittest

a. August Comte

b. Karl Marxx

c. Herbert Spencer

d. Arnold Toynbee

49. The legislative power shall be vested in the Congress of the Philippines
which shall consist of __________ except to the extent reserved to the people
by the provision on initiative and referendum.
a. Senate and House of Representatives
b. Senate
c. House of Representatives
d. Malacanang
50. The people of this country shows courtesy by living their footwears on
the stairs.
a. Italian

b. Japanese

c. Americans

d. Koreans

51. The state recognized the Filipino__________ as the foundation of the

nation. Accordingly, it shall strengthen in the solidarity and actively promote
its total development.
a. Family

b. Barangay

c. Church

d. School

52. Violators of RA 9165 are positive with the use and trafficking of_______
and sentenced to lethal injection before the lifting of death penalty for the
heinous crimes.
a. Antibiotics

b. Sleeping pills

c. Marijuana

d. Shabu

53. The Philippine National Bank has used an action for its advertisement. It
is __________.
a. Pigeon

b. Hawk

c. Eagle

d. Parrot

54. NO country will experience economic progress unless it is part of a world

organization. What international organization this saying is true?

b. WHO



55. It refers to the rightness and wrongness of our decisions

a. Morality

b. Theology

c. Philosophy

d. Values

57. Section 3 Article XIV states that ALL education institution shall include
the study of ______ as part of the curriculum

a. History

b. Science and Technology

c. Sports

d. Constitution

58. Who has the power to declare the existence of the state of war
a. Senate President

b. Chief Justice

c. President

d. Congress

59. How long can an elected President of the Philippines serve under the
1987 Constitution?
a. two terms, 6 years each
b. two terms, 4 years each
c. one term for 6 years
d. one term for 4 years
60. which of the following describes the battle of manila bay between
American and Spanish naval forces?
a. the Americans ships outnumbered those of the Spaniards
b. the Spaniards readily won the battle over the Americans
c. it was a mock Naval Battle between the Spaniards and the Americans
d. the Americans won the battle with great difficulty

61. According to him .this nation will be great again !?

a. Pres. Benigno Simeon Aquino III
b. Pres. Elpidio Quirino
c. Pres. Ferdinand Marcos
d. Pres. Manuel Roxas
62. To insulate the process of appointing judges from political considerations,
which is provided for in the 1987 Constitution?
a. appointments have to be confirmed by the commission of appointment
b. appointments need not be confirmed by the commission of appointment

c. only the President is involved in he appointment of the members of the

d. appointing members of the judiciary does not have involve the President
63. When Senate conducts inquiry and investigation in aid of legislation,
which power does it exercise?
a. General legislative power
Inherent power

b. Specific power

c. Implied power

64. Everywhere in the country, water pollution is one threat to its

biodiversity. The following cause water pollution except_________?
a. agriculture runoff
b. silt from soil erosion
c. inadequate sewerage system
d. CFC compounds
65. The first essay of Rizal?
a. El Amor Patrio
b. A la Juventud Filipina
c. Sa Aking Kabat
d. Mi Ultimo Adios
66. What is Republic Act 9994?
a. Anti-Hazing Law
b. Anti sexual harassment law
c. Law protecting Women and children against all forms of abuses,
discriminatory and exploitation
d. Expanded Senior Citizen Act of 2012
67. Known as the Isla de Pintados by the Spaniards
a. Luzon

b. Visayas

c. Mindanao

d. Isla Verde


68. The process whereby the minority group gradually adapts the customs
and attitudes of the prevailing culture and customs?
a. Assimilation

b. Enculturation

c. Cultural relativism


69. In economics, __________ is a rise in the general level of prices of goods

and services in an economy over a period of time.
a. Inflation

b. depression

c. mercantilism

d. free trade

70. What event in history followed the Katipunan movement was discovered
a. Philippine revolution/ Cry of pugad lawin
b. Treaty of Paris
c. Execution of Rizal
d. Capture of Aguinaldo
71. Are traditional courtship songs in the Mexican-Spanish tradition on the
habanera rhythm
a. Harana

b. Kundiman

c. Jaz

d. Modern

72. The distinct components of music or both Japanese traditional and

modern music
a. Carnatic and Hindustani music
b. Ling Lun
c. Koumintang
d. Ongaku and gaku
73. The legendary founder of music in China.
a. Ling Lun

b. Zhou

c. Shih Huang Ti

d. Koumintang

74. The supreme deity of the ancient Filipino

a. Maykapal

b. Bathala

c. Babaylan

d. Katalona

75. Known as Provincia de Comintang during the Spanish period

a. Bataan

b. Palawan

c. Cavite

d. Batangas

76. The Spanish Governor General who ordered the deportation of Jose Rizal
to Dapitan, Zamboanga Del Norte, Mindanao
a. Gov. Gen. Blanco

b. Gov. Gen.Claveria

c. Gov. Gen.Despujol

d. Gov.

77. In the Filipino-American war, who was called the Tagalog joan of arc
Because of her knowledge of martial arts?
a. Teresa Magbanua
b. Trinidad Tecson
c. Agueda Kahabagan
d. Melchora Aquino
78. Who among the President changed the date of our celebration of
Independence Day from July 4 to June 12
a. Ramon Magsaysay
b. Diosdado Macapagal
c. Carlos Garcia
d. Ferdinand Marcos
79. Which civic society aimed to unite the Filipino people before Rizal
deportation to Dapitan?
a. La Solidaridad

b. La Liga Filipina

c. La Politica de Filipinos

d. La

80. In which country did the Philippines participate in the worlds

peacekeeping operation by sending doctors, nurses, soldiers and police?
a. Israel

b. East Timor

c. Iraq

d. Iran

81. Which of the following practices is NOT an influence of America in the

Filipino way of life?
a. Economic free enterprise
b. Compulsory religious education in the school

c. Universal primary education

d. Political Democracy
82. IN which poem did Rizal write about offering ones life for ones country
a. A La Juventud Filipina
b. Las Flores del Heidelberg
c. Mi Retiro
d. Mi Ultimo Adios
83. The school of the pre-Spanish children in Panay Island
a. Bothoan

b. Bototan

c. Bangka

d. Bandiwa

84. The second group of people who migrated by sea to the Philippines
a. Indonesian

b. Chinese

c. Vietnamese

d. Malaysians

85. The earliest form of writing in the Philippines

a. Alibata

b. Cuneiform

c. Hieroglyphic

d. Baybay

86. He designed the Rizal monument.

a. Deodato Arellano
b. Abad Santos
c. David Nepomuceno
d. Richard Kassling
87. How the so-called colonial mentality manifested?
a. Cultural relativism
b. Cultural diversity
c. Xenocentrism
d. Ethnocentrism
88. The last Filipino who surrendered to the American during FilipinoAmerican War

a. Simon Ola
b. Macario Sakay
c. Miguel Malvar
d. Gregorio Del Pilar
89. He named the Philippines sa Islas de San Lazaro
a. Miguel Lopez de Legaspi
b. Ferdinand Magellan
c. Lapu-Lapu
d. Francisco Dagohoy
90. In changing dynamics society, the trend is to which type of society?
a. Gemeinschaft
b. Sometimes Gesslschaft
c. Gesselschaft
d. sometimes Gemeinschaft
91. Which type of society asserts that all classes should be equal that
eventually all classes would disappear?
a. capitalistic

b. fascist

c. communist

d. feudalistic

92. When recession gets prolonged resulting to a slump in business activity,

we are in a period of:
a. deflation

b. depression

c. inflation

d. economic boom

93. To which Filipino traits does the German gemeinscrft correspond?

a. utang na loob

b. bayanihan spirit

c. inflation

94. The Filipinos ningas attitude points to his _______

a. lack of reflection
b. lack of discipline

d. feudalistic

c. passivity
d. colonial mentality
95. Approximately what percent of the earths surface have low or zero
a. 50 percent

b. 25 percent

c. 75 percent

d. 10 percent

96. Which led to the creation of Pakistan as a nation in 1947? Religious

between ________.
a. Hindus and Christian
b. Christian and Muslim
c. Hindus and Buddhist
d. Hindus and muslim
97. Which can reduce air pollution?
a. Burning of solid garbage rather than burying them
b. Use of liquid Petroleum gas instead of electricity
c. Use of automobile that are propelled by electricity
d. Establishing incinerators
98. What does the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River prove? A chance in
the earths surface can take place by way of_________.
a. chemical weathering
b. water erosion
c. mass movement of rock and soil
d. changes in the earths crust
99. From which country does the world buy its Havana cigar?
a. Colombia

b. Philippines

c. Cuba

d. Mexico

100. An international convention where the Philippines can validate its claim
to the spratly and other territories in the west Philippine sea

a. United Nation Convention on the Law of the sea (Unclos)

b. Geneva Convention
c. Rio De Janeiro Convention
d. Kyoto Protocol
101. Which order of governments correctly applied during the American
a. Civil, Military, Commonwealth
b. Military, Civil, Commonwealth
c. Civil, Commonwealth, Military
d. Military, Commonwealth, Civil
102. In whose presidency was the famous MIRACLE RICE produced?
a. Ferdinand Marcos
b. Fidel Ramos
c. Joseph Estrada
d. Sergio Osmenia
103. If you keep seeing your ways of doing things as the right way and
everybody elses as the wrong way, you tend to have the attitude called
a. Cultural relativism
b. Ethical relativism
c. Ethnocentrism
d. Xenophobia
104. Which has the most important accomplishment of Aguinaldos
dictatorial Government?
a. Separation of church and state
b. Abolition of polo y servicio personal (forced labor)
c. Treaty of Paris

d. Proclamation of Philippine Independence of June 12,1898

105. The employees of MET review center want to associate pool their
savings and use the fund as soon as possible to grant loans to members and
capitalized and operation the canteen of the said review center. What type of
cooperative will they organize and register?
a. Service cooperative
b. Producers cooperative
c. Consumers cooperative
d. Credit cooperative
106. One of the types of positive economics that collects and presents data
that can describe the phenomena
a. Descriptive economics

b. Economic Theory

c. Growth

d. Stability

107. The complex set of relationship with in the agricultural sector and
between tenure attitude production structure and the structure of supporting
a. Land reform
b. Agrarian structures
c. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform law
d. Agrarian reform measures
108. Which is common to Sun Yat Sen and Mahatma Ghandi?
a. Promoted a society ruled by religious leaders
b. Rejected violence as a way to political power
c. Led a successful nationalistic movement in their respective countries
d. Supported Marxist philosophy to change existing governments
109. Nebuchadnezzar was to the Babylonian Empire as Asoka was to the
_______ Empire.
a. Roman

b. Gupta

c. Greek

d. Maurya

110. The Mummies of Kabayan, Benguet must be an influence of the ancient

a. Chinese

b. Indus

c. Sumerians

d. Egytptians

111. The process in which members of one cultural group adopt and beliefs
and behaviors of another group.
a. Acculturation

b. Enculturation

c. Assimilation

Cultural relativism

112. It refers to the full and fair equivalent of the property taken from its
owner by the expropriator, and the gauge for computation is not the takers
gain but the owners loss. In order for the payment to be just it must be real,
substantial, full, and ample, made within a reasonable time form the taking
of the property.
a. property

b. Public use

c. Eminent domain

d. Just compensation

113. Which alliance was formed with its primary aim to prevent further
expansion of communist influence in Southeast Asia after Frances defeat in
a. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
b. Association of Southeast Asian Nation
c. League of Asian Nation
d. Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
114. The Complete name of Dr. Jose Rizal?
a. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda
b. Jose Protacio Rizal
c. Jose Rizal y Protacio
d. Jose Rizal y Mercado
115. Norther Luzon. The longest river in the country originates from the
mountains of Quirino and Nueva Viscaya and drains the whole Cagayan
Valley exiting through the town of Appari and Cagayan
a. Agno River

b. Abra River

c. Pampanga River

d. Rio Grande de

116. He coined the term survival of the fittest

a. August Comte

b. Karl Marxx

c. Herbert Spencer

d. Arnold Toynbee

117. Who said the praise There are no tyrants where there no slaves.
a. Jose Rizal
b. Apolinario Mabini
c. Gregorio del Pilar
d. Graciano Lopez Jaena
118. The 1987 Constitution created a body with the power to confirm major
appointment of the president. What is this body called?
a. Commission on Appointment
b. Blue Ribbon Committee
c. Civil Service Commission
d. Electoral Tribunal
119. What is meant by SONA
a. Speech of Noynoy Aquino
b. Speech of the Nation Address
c. State of the Nation Address
d. Status of the Nation Assembly
120. Pro-environmental people believe that_________
a. Opening dumping site will solve problems in waste disposal
b. Burning plastic will ease the clogging of water canals
c. Classifying garbage identities biodegradable an non-biodegradable waste
d. Burning of garbage is the best approach
121. Today the capitalistic countries of the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United
States of America are mainly________ economy.
a. market

b. mixed

c. communist

d. traditional

122. The following are components factor that make possible the flow of production
EXCEPT ________.
a. capital

b. investment

c. labor

d. land

123. The maximum price that can be legally charged for a good and service is
called ________.
a. minimum wage

b. price floor

c. legal wage

d. price ceiling

124. The theory that population increased by geometrical ratio while the means of
substance increase by arithmetical ratio is attributed to _____________________.
a. Marx

b. Malthus

c. Durkheim

d. Aristotle

125. To which can we partly attributed the Filipino tendency to be indolent?

a. The Filipino Intelligence

b. The colonial history of the Filipino

c. The abundance with which nature has endowed the country
d. The poor economic condition of the country
126. In this reasoning logical: Of course, he thinks fraternities are great. He
is a Phi Delta
a. YES
b. NO. it is argument ad Baculum
c. NO, it is argumentum ad hominem
d. YES, only if he changes the fraternity of which he is a member
127. When one appeals to the opinions or passions of the multitude to
establish a conclusion, i.e. Let us vote for him who belongs to us, our
townmate, barkada the fallacy is _________.
a. appeal to person

b. appeal to pity

c. appeal to people

d. appeal to

128. Unlike other primates, which do human beings have in common

a. Acute vision b. Depth perception

the supernatural

c. Grasping hands

d. beliefs about

129. The way of Arabian dignitaries to a great friend

a. Hand grip

b. Embrace

c. Kiss

d. Hand shake

130. Jose Rizal faced the firing squad in Bagumbayan de Luneta on

December 30, 1896. This is genuine manifestation of Rizals strong sense of
a. Honesty

b. Fidelity

c. Patriotism

d. Loyalty

131. In line with the foreign policy on cultivating closer relations with Asian
countries, then Pres. Diosdado Macapagal looks leadership to bring together
the peoples of malay stock. Which countries were these?
a. Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore
b. Philippines, Borneo, Indonesia
c. Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia
d. Philippines, Sarawak, Malaysia
132. Which is considered to be the international war between Communist
and non-Communist?
a. North Vietnam South Vietnam War
b. The Korea War
c. Afghanistan versus leftist military leaders
d. Iran Iraq War
133. The father of social justice
a. Claro M. Recto

b. Sergio Osmenia

c. Manuel L. Quezon

d. Jose P.

134. The leader of Sakdilista uprising

a. Benigno Aquino

b. Benigno Ramos

c. Isabelo delos Reyes

135. The Rizal day Celebration reminds us about heroes with

d. Isabelle

a. appreciating

b. reading about

c. emulating

d. studying

136. The old name of EDSA during early part of American occupation?
a. 19 de Junio

b. Highway 54

c. Highway 53

d. Highway 52

137. RA 9155 also known as ___________________

a. Basic Education Act of 2001
b. Restructured Basic Education
c. Education for All
d. Bridge Program
138. RA 4670 also known as ___________________
a. Board of Higher Education
b. The Magna Carta for Public school teacher
c. State of National Emergency
d. Calibrated Pre-Emptive Response
139. Historically. Why does the Philippines have a claim over Sabah?
a. The Sultan of Sulu, who received the territory as a gift, has given the
Philippine Government power to reclaim his territory
b. The Malays, the third wave of migrants to the country ,own the territory
c. Sabah was formerly part of the Philippines archipelago
d. The Philippine government bough if rom the Sultan of Brunei
140. Who was the president of Republic of the Philippines when
independence from America was granted on July 4, 1946?
a. Pres. Corazon Aquino
b. Pres. Elpidio Quirino
c. Pres. Ferdinand Marcos
d. Pres. Manuel Roxas

141. He has promised sweeping changes, and he did make progress in land
reform, opening new settlements, outside crowded Luzon island. His death in
an airplane crash March 1957, was a serious blow to the national morale
a. Pres. Ramon Magsaysay
b. Pres. Elpidio Quirino
c. Pres. Ferdinad Marcos
d. Pres. Manuel Roxas
142. With peace education in mind, what is NOT included?
a. dialogue

b. meditation

c. cooperation

d. conflict

143. The first essay of Rizal

a. El Amor Patrio
b. A la Juventud Filipina
c. Sa Aking Kabata
d. Mi Ultimo Adios
144. What is the China policy
a. the Republic of China includes mainland China, Peoples Republic of China,
Hongkong and Macau
b. One China excludes Hongkong and Macau
c. Peoples Republic of China includes mainland China, Republic of China,
Hongkong and Macau
d. TO relate to China, maintain relation with Republic of China
145. Which has a highly controversial issue in the 1973
a. Removing the presidential and senatorial term limits
b. Reducing the voting age to 18
c. Removing the presidential term limit
d. Introducing absentee voting

146. Which correctly describes the term of the Philippine president?

a. Non-renewable six-year term
b. renewable, six-years for each term
c. Non-renewable 4-year term
d. renewable 4 years for each term
147. The following are state policies EXCEPT ______________.
a. strengthening the family as a basic autonomous social institution
b. giving priority to the teaching of the English language
c. Freedom from nuclear weapons in the Philippine territory
d. giving priority to the education, science, arts, culture and sports
148. The Philippine archipelago is locate between ________ and ________
a. Japan Korea
b. Vietnam Thailand
c. Taiwan Borneo
d. South Korea Japan
149. Which province in the western coast of Luzon in virtually surrounded by
sea waters and has become a center for big business and development
projects like an export processing like an export processing zone?
a. Mindoro

b. Bataan

c. Pampanga

d. Zambales

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