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more than just numbers.

You could be sitting on

a capital goldmine
By Barry Laurie
IMAGINE your business starts to
receive substantial payments
from HMRC rather than the other Barry Laurie:
way round. It may sound like check out ‘integral
every business owner’s fantasy, features’ in hotels
but through making full use of such as a water
the tax system’s rules on capital heating system
allowances it is possible not only
to reduce the amount of tax you
This is because the capital
pay after undertaking investment
allowance rate for plant and
projects but to get retrospective
machinery is 20 per cent.
payments from the taxman.
By skilfully presenting a case
The capital allowances sys-
to the Revenue which incorpo-
tem, one of the few really big tax
rates a full understanding of the
breaks available to businesses,
capital allowances rules – it is
has undergone a shake-up in
emphatically not a box-ticking
recent years, and there is scope
exercise – it is possible to max-
through insightful consideration
imise the sums you can claw
of the regulations to optimise the
back from HMRC.
tax breaks your business might
F rench Duncan has a long
track record of success in assist-
There is no rule of thumb on
ing businesses, large and small,
what the allowances are worth
as 40 per cent of the capital o n ‘ i n t e g r a l f e a t u re s ’ w h i c h to make the most of the capital
since it depends on the tax rate
expenditure. That applies also to include items in a hotel, shop or allowances system.
of the business, and there are

transactions that may have commercial property develop- Our role is to guide our clients
also so many different types of
taken place some years ago. ment such as a water heating and to help them present the
allowance. But in the best case,
U s i n g F r e n c h D u n c a n ’s system. best possible case of maximised
the tax saving could be as much
proven skills to reconsider past Now, whereas the rate of cap- capital allowances whenever
transactions it may be possible ital allowances here is usually 10 they have undertaken or are
to create opportunities for per cent, by including the boiler about to undertake a major cap-
In the best greater capital
allowance tax relief.
of the water heating system as
an item of plant and machinery
ital investment project.
To discuss capital allowances
case, the tax T h e re are many
possibilities –
rather than as an integral fea-
ture, there can be an overall
opportunities further, feel free
to contact me on 0131 243 0172
saving could be as take for exam-
ple the rules
uplift in the total value of the
capital allowances available.
or Ann Somerville on 0141 271
much as 40 per cent
 With the Internet an indispensable tool of global business communication, French Duncan is
launching a Twitter facility http://twitter/French_Duncan to keep clients and the business com-
munity generally up to speed with developments impacting on how they run their businesses.
Barry Laurie, above right, Already a participant in the Linked-In network, http://www.linkedin.com/companies/470116
Tax Partner, French Duncan LLP French Duncan’s Twitter facility will give followers up-to-the minute news on business and tax
issues and guide users to the firm’s website where a fuller briefing is provided.
SPRING 2010 Page 2 .

TRUSTS: the top tips to act on

By Gillian Wrigley trusts whether or not
the beneficiaries are in
MANY family businesses use trusts to protect family assets, the UK.
particularly on behalf of children and vulnerable adults. A num-
ber of trusts, however, are inadequately drawn up and adminis- Trustees should
tered and, as a result, can cause a great deal of unnecessary 5 meet at least once a
heartache and expense. Here are seven helpful tips... year – and minute
their meeting.
A trust deed should be drawn Ignoring changes in
1 up by a solicitor and should
 Trust me... circumstances over the
state very clearly what has years can cause big
been set up and why. it’s never too
early to financial problems as
Many trusts are first set up in well as family heart-
wills but are never reviewed. put your
affairs in order ache. The costs of
As a result, cash might be sorting it all out can be
given to people who were substantial.
not intended to benefit.
consider the tax position of the The trust deed should be
2 It is very important the beneficiary of the trust. 6 reviewed regularly as
tax authorities are Otherwise, someone entitled to circumstances change.
informed of the formation a benefit may be required to It is relatively easy to add or
and existence of any trust. The pay tax even though they have remove beneficiaries. Older
trust is then on a proper tax not actually benefited. In trusts can be more difficult.
cycle. certain circumstances,
There can be big problems trustees, too, may find them-
A trust should always be
when, for example, a benefici- selves facing a tax liability. 7 wound up if there is no
ary dies and HMRC does not
know about it. Trusts pay the same rates of longer a need for it.
4 IT and CGT as would an At least 10 per cent of the
Gillian Wrigley, trusts I have to deal with have
Tax Partner, French Duncan LLP 3 The trustees should have
a relationship with
There are, however, IHT served their purpose and are
Tel: 0141 221 2984 someone whose role is to benefits to be derived from effectively redundant.

Don’t miss out on the new

ISA deadline
By Peter Haveron
WHEN the Chancellor
announced last April his
changes in the amount that
could be invested in an ISA, it
was only the second increase
in almost a decade. You can invest up to the full the possibility of an increase
But the rise, when it came, £10,200 in a stocks and in Capital Gains Tax, currently
was worth waiting for – the shares ISA. Alternatively, up at 18 per cent, any sum that
level of contribution went up to £5,100 of the new ISA can be removed from the tax
from £7,200 to £10,200 in allowance can be saved in a environment will be of bene- Peter Haveron,
October 2009, after allowing cash ISA with one provider. fit. Financial Services Manager,
providers six months to get The remainder of your If an individual investor had French Duncan Financial Services Ltd
their houses in order for the allowance can be invested in taken advantage of his full Independent Financial A d v i s e r s
change. a stocks and shares ISA. PEP allowance – the forerun- – authorised and regulated by the
Initially – that is from We are now nearing the ner of ISAs – he or she would Financial Services A u t h o r i t y
October 6 last year – the end of this year’s ISA season have been able to shelter a
increase was available only and it would be a grave mis- total of £82,000 from the dend re-investment over the
for those aged 50 and over, take not to take advantage of taxman from their inception in period. This figure doubles up
but from April 6 this year the the opportunity to shelter as 1987 to their abolition in for married couples.
increase applies to everyone. much of your money as pos- 1999. However, the deadline for
It is an opportunity not to sible in this totally tax-free Taking full advantage of this year’s ISA applications is
be sniffed at: the changes environment. ISAs in the succeeding approaching – April 5 – and
mean individuals will be able As a medium to long-term period would have salted dispositions must be in hand
to invest up to £3,000 more investment, equity ISAs can away in excess of £70,000. in advance of this date.
into this tax-efficient vehicle, generate competitive growth, That’s a tax-free total of more So, to avoid missing out on
subject to some basic and at a time when there is than £150,000 – excluding the ISA opportunity, contact
limitations. market nervousness about investment gains and divi- me on 0141 221 2984.
Page 3 SPRING 2010 .
Smart way
Deals are still being clinched Bargains:
THE recession continues to investing in
bite but a number of French property can FRANCHISING is an increas-
Duncan clients have been be beneficial ingly important business
able to expedite their invest- at present sector for entrepreneurs,
ment plans with the help of offering excellent opportuni-
Regional Selective Assistance ties and defying current
(RSA) grants. In a recent case, economic vagaries.
Euan Ferries and Graeme Eight out of 10 start-ups
Smith of French Duncan fail in their first year, yet more
helped a foreign investor than 90 per cent of top
secure a grant of just under franchises survive and thrive
£10 million towards a major over the same period.
capital investment project. The reasons are not hard
As ever, RSA applications to find: franchises provide
need to be presented in a access to an established
skilled and knowledgeable brand and concept; the
manner as part of an overall autonomy of self-employ-
investment funding package if to an end.” possible, which might in the ment; and ongoing logistical
they are to be successful. Added Euan Ferries: “RSA recent past have seemed help as well as business
Their use in challenging times, is an important part of the over-ambitious.” support and guidance.
such as those businesses package but there is also French Duncan considers As our case studies on the
face at present, is fundamen- other non-bank funding assis- itself to be the leading adviser Back Page show, franchising
tal if the economy is to tance available from bodies in Scotland on RSA applica- creates opportunities for
prosper as the economic such as the West of Scotland tions, having been involved in commercial success when
climate improves. Loan Fund, UK Steel and DSL raising more than £60m in backed by the right brand
Graeme Smith said: “We Business Finance. By using RSA over the last five years, and the right tools plus
have been assisting some these sources alongside the and our corporate finance support.
large international companies tax benefits from capital team is always available to French Duncan has a
looking to invest in the UK, allowances and research and talk to clients about ways in proven track record in
creating prosperity and jobs. development expenditure, which various sources of supplying expertise, business
“At the same time, we are clients are out there making funds can be assembled to advice and professional
finding a greater degree of things happen. secure long-term investment guidance to both franchisees
confidence amongst some of “One example is in relation projects. and franchisors.
Scotland’s indigenous busi- to projects which involve the Find out how French
nesses who want to take acquisition of property where  To discuss RSA grant Duncan’s franchising unit can
advantage of current market there are currently a number opportunities further, call help you: call Kevin Booth on
conditions by taking steps of bargains available at lower Euan Ferries or Graeme Smith 0141 221 2984 or email:
now so that they will be in a prices which, alongside the on 0141 221 2984. Or email: k.booth@frenchduncan.co.uk
stronger competitive position RSA grant and other funding, e.ferries@frenchduncan.co.uk
once the recession has come can make expansion plans g.smith@frenchduncan.co.uk  ON THE UP & UP
– Back Page

Opportunity knocks on
By Robert Clark
AFTER 10 years of sometimes
controversial application,
research and development tax
relief has become part of the

SME tax relief

UK’s innovation culture, receive on any one project.
encouraging business growth These reliefs are not straight-
and creating high value jobs. forward: professional advice
And in a sign that the relief should be sought if you believe
continues to evolve, a restric- your company is eligible.
tion which had impacted on At French Duncan, we have
SMEs was lifted in the Pre- much experience of submitting
Budget Report at the end of many such claims for clients,
last year, opening up further claiming the credit at a total expenditure is allowed as a achieving significant tax
opportunities for qualifying value of more than £600m a deduction against the benefits for them in the
firms to claim. year. According to a CBI company’s taxable profits. process.
Until the 2009 PBR, SMEs survey, 80 per cent of That means for each £100 If your company is involved
were denied the enhanced tax companies said the tax credit spent of qualifying costs your in research and development
relief for R&D expenditure tangibly benefited their overall company or organisation could work involving development of
unless the claimant company R&D activity and more than a have the income on which innovative new products, we
held the derived intellectual third increased their R&D Corporation Tax is paid would thoroughly recommend
property. This caveat has now spending as a direct result. reduced by an additional £75. consideration be given to
been removed for expenditure Fifty per cent said the credit Companies must have a looking at the eligibility for R&D
incurred by an SME. directly helped maintain their minimum spend of £10,000 in relief – considerable tax bene-
With the right guidance, this UK R&D spend, and 76 per any year on qualifying R&D fits can be obtained as a result.
has the potential to significant- cent reported indirect benefits. expenditure and there is an
ly add to the 6000 UK compa- From August, 2008, 175 upper limit of €7.5m on the Robert Clark,
nies who currently benefit from per cent of eligible R&D total amount of aid you can Partner, French Duncan LLP
P int

On the up and up
MARTIN Brown is on the brink of Martin said: “The potential for crucial start-up period.
something really big – and he has expansion with Howard’s Storage “French Duncan were invalu-
all his plans for the future neatly World is enormous.” He turned to able with early-stage support.
packaged. French Duncan, he said, not just They gave me excellent help with
The go-ahead French Duncan for professional services, but for the business plan and how to
client has been awarded the UK its unique brand of advice, structure the business.”
master franchise for Howard’s guidance and support in the www.howardsstorageworld.co.uk
Storage World, an international
retail franchise operation provid-
ing all forms of storage and Glasgow
organisational products for the
55.86°N, 4.26°W
home and office.
He is now rolling out the 375 West George Street
concept across Britain, providing
Len, top, and Kevin G2 4LW
solutions in a world where living
space is at a premium. Tel: 0141 221 2984
Len, Kevin Scots entrepreneur Martin won
the master franchise last May
on the move from the Australian-based
organisation, which operates
55.95°N, 3.22°W
across the globe.
LONG-SERVING French He opened his first store in 56 Palmerston Place
Duncan partner Len Livingston last October and is on
target to launch his second in
EH12 5AY
McGuire is stepping On the crest
down as a partner in Aberdeen in April. In an adjunct of a wave: Tel: 0131 225 6366
French Duncan on 30 to the High Street presence, Martin, above,
April and will enter into a Martin recently launched his all- and Gordon
two-year consultancy important online operation, allow- Falkirk
agreement with the firm. ing customers access to the vast
range of products while they wait
56.00°N, 3.78°W
He follows in the
footsteps of Kirkintilloch for a branch to open in their area. 39 Vicar Street

Driving to
based French Duncan FK1 1LL
partner Kevin O’Sullivan
who exited last year and Tel: 01324 634111
is also now serving a
period as a consultant.
Managing Partner
success Kirkintilloch
GORDON Gibson is busy teeing up a
Robert Kerr said: “Their 55.93°N, 4.15°W
master franchise which could see
collective knowledge and
him climb the Scottish business
insight into clients’ affairs cleaning system can restore a full 74 Townhead
and wider business leader board. set of clubs to pristine condition in G66 1NZ
matters is immense. WeThe entrepreneur – who has been just five minutes. Ultrasonic cleaning
helped along the way by French
will miss it greatly once of the club heads improves both Tel: 0141 777 6226
Duncan – has landed the Scottish
Len and Kevin conclude grip and ball control.
rights for Sonic Golf, an international
their consultancy roles The golf portable mobile simulator,
within the firm. franchise which offers tailored pack- which allows golfers to play some of Dumbarton
ages to golf clubs and golf event
“Meantime, clients and the world’s most exclusive and pres- 55.94°N, 4.56°W
organisers, including ultrasonic golf
staff will continue to tigious courses, has attracted con-

club cleaning, golf simulators and
benefit from their wisdom siderable interest. 85 Glasgow Road
and experience.” electric buggies. Gordon hopes to have Sonic Golf G82 1RE
Gordon is also offering franchise products installed in between 40 and
and business licensing opportuni- 50 golf clubs in Scotland, including a Tel: 01389 765238
ties to individuals looking to few reputable household name
invest in the lucrative courses, within the coming year.
Scottish golf business. He said: “I was fortunate to have Hamilton
He said: “We have French Duncan as my advisers. As 55.77°N, 4.03°W
The team at French set up a main office well as thoroughly professional
and demonstra- accounting advice, the franchising 104 Quarry Street
Duncan were invaluable tion suite, show- unit under Kevin Booth has been ML3 7AX
with early-stage support. They ing franchisees
and clients the
invaluable in working up the financial
modelling for the business.” Tel: 01698 459444
gave me excellent help potential of Call Gordon on +44 7545 697 808
the product.” or email:
The Sonic gordon@sonicgolfscotland.co.uk www.frenchduncan.co.uk

Martin Brown,
Scots franchise entrepreneur
more than just numbers.

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