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The South Beach Rebecca Towers Flap

6 October 2015
By David Arthur Walters
Clinton pal, real estate developer, and professional propagandist Mayor Philip
Levine of Miami Beach has vehemently denied that he is in league with his
political consultant David Custin to sell one of the towers of Rebecca Towers
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behind the South Beach Marina, throwing the elderly Section 8 residents out on
the street, and perhaps sell the marina as well to a Chinese developer for the
development of a high-end condominium with a private yacht basin. With that
being done, the other tower would probably fall or be converted. Thus far the
whole thing is a conspiracy theory based on sketchy information.

Of course he would deny it whether true or false. How could he do such a

dastardly thing after wooing senior citizens to vote for him and the slate of
candidates that would continue his commission majoritys reign over city
government? Rebecca Towers, owned and operated by the citys housing
authority and regulated by HUD, has 400 units in two towers with spectacular
views, where residents at least 62 years old can reside for 30% of their adjusted
income. This is truly the last resort in what used to be a poor mans paradise, with
multimillion dollar condos now selling like hotcakes to ultrahigh income
individuals from all over the world with the help of their political cabinet.
Someone sent me a copy of an invitation to attend the mayors campaign gala for
seniors at his convention center, called his because he managed to push
through his plan to give it a $500 million dollar facelift, with perhaps $100 million
going out in fees. The developers will erect a 30-story hotel to tower over the lowrise area. Of course a big parking garage will be needed. The traffic jams created
by contributions from developers to the politicians will allow more politicians to
put solving the traffic problem on their platforms.
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The invite asked seniors to contact their social coordinator to get invited. I do not
have a social coordinator, nor was I very much interested in the gala because it
was just another Roman ruse to buy votes with bread and circus, something that
Cato the Younger abhorred for good reason. Cato will be spinning in his grave on
his sword if this pompous little Caesar wins the election, as he most likely will.

Rebecca Towers is the ideal last resort for poor seniors. I happen to be one by
choice with my Extremely Low Income for Miami-Dade County. I feel rather
sorry for rich people, as one should if he knows a few. Yet I certainly would like to
live in better quarters, but not to live large as realtor Saul Gross advertises.
I did not apply at the Rebecca when I turned 60 back when they were keeping
lists. The word was that the list was two or three years long, and one had to be
Hispanic to get in. Apparently HUD allows discrimination in certain places, like
South Beach, in order to favor the majority.
City commissioners confirm the mayors appointment of the board members of
the local housing authority. City officials can get people put ahead of long housing
lines. A.C. Weinstein, may he rest in peace, offered to get me in front of a line for
so-called artist housing on the basis that writers are bullshit artists.
A now deceased Rebecca resident who spoke not a word of Spanish told me that
he had his girlfriend fill out his application in Spanish. He was called in fairly
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quickly. He said the person interviewing him was shocked to discover he spoke no
Spanish, but he got an apartment.
A black fellow who lives in his car told me that one must see the black Hispanic
woman to get ahead of the line providing one speaks Spanish, which he does not.

A white fellow who has done a great deal for the community without asking for
anything in exchange said he was told there was no longer a list, and that he
would have to wait for an opening, yet a woman he knew went over there and
got an apartment right away.
Based on a plethora of such anecdotes in the community, everybody knows that
the Rebecca is mainly for poor old Hispanic folk. Not that there is anything wrong
with that. They have worked for rich people their whole lives, and they have done
a lot to make the city a world-class city. So it would be a crying shame to move
them out of the towers. Developers should have to wait until the last one of them
goes to Heaven.
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I went over to take a few pictures of the towers yesterday. Just as I was about to
snap the first shot, two young men bicycled past. One pointed at the towers, and
yelled with a thick accent:
This is Section Eight for the Spanish people!

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