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Machines, noise, and some media archaeology by Jussi Parikka

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Home > Geology (of Media), German media theory, guattari, Kittler, Medianatures, weird
materialities, Zielinski > A Geology of Media

A Geology of Media
January 17, 2014 jussiparikka Leave a comment Go to comments
I am pleased to announce that I have signed a contract with University of Minnesota Press
for a new book tentatively called A Geology of Media.
Planned for 2015, A Geology of Media forms the third, final part of the media ecologytrilogy. It started with Digital Contagions: A Media Archaeology of Computer Viruses
(2007) and continued with Insect Media (2010). This book on the geophysics and the nonorganic ground of media complements the earlier takes by offering a media materialism
from the point of view of geological resources, electronic waste and media arts. Through
engaging with several contemporary art and technology projects it provides a media
theoretical argument: to think of materiality of media beyond the focus on machines and
technologies by focusing on what they consist of: the chemistry and geological materials
of media, from metals to dust.
In short, I am interested to see if what pejoratively sometimes is called hardware
fetishism is not hard enough, and even media and cultural theorists need to focus on the
rocks and crust that make technical media possible. Earth history of deep times mixes with
media history, which becomes a matter of not only thousands, but millions of years of nonlinear history (to modify Manuel Delandas original idea). This way media materialism
becomes a way to entangle media technologies, environmental issues and themes of global
labour. Perhaps instead of the Anthropocene, we should just refer to the Anthropobscene.
Ive been in recent talks and short posts been addressing the geological in media, and my
piece in The Atlantic offered a short preview of whats to come. In addition, below a very
tentative table of contents. This project (and the Erkki Kurenniemi book I am working on
with Joasia Krysa) will keep me busy for a while.
A Geology of Media

1) Introduction: Grounds of Media/Culture

2) An Alternative Deep Time of the Media
3) Psychogeophysics of Technology
4) Dust and the Exhausted Planet
5) Media Fossils
Afterwords: Half-Life
Zombie Media, by Garnet Hertz and Jussi Parikka

From the Crystal World-project (Howse,

Jordan, Kemp)

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A Geology of Media - out and

In "academic research"

UNSW Distinguished Scholar

In "Cultural techniques"

Geology of Media Launch

In "Anthropocene"

A Geology of Media - out and

In "academic research"

UNSW Distinguished Scholar

In "Cultural techniques"

Geology of Media Launch

In "Anthropocene"

Categories: Geology (of Media), German media theory, guattari, Kittler, Medianatures,
weird materialities, Zielinski

Comments (1) Trackbacks (5) Leave a comment Trackback

January 28, 2014 at 8:50 am
Reblogged this on Progressive Geographies and commented:
Jussi Parikka with news of his forthcoming book. Lots of links to my own interest in
the Geo part of geopolitics, geometrics, geopower
1. January 28, 2014 at 4:19 pm
A Geology of Media - forthcoming book - GeoCritique
2. April 17, 2014 at 12:11 pm
Medya Jeolojisi | Machinology
3. May 16, 2014 at 6:37 am
A Fellowship at MECS | Machinology
4. October 30, 2014 at 11:37 am
Media Fossils and the Anthropocene: A Production of an Archaeological Future,
lecture by Prof. Jussi Parikka | The Hub
5. October 31, 2014 at 6:33 am
The Anthropocene to the Anthrobscene | Machinology

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Jussi Parikka
is a writer, media theorist and professor in
technological culture & aesthetics at Winchester
School of Art (University of Southampton). He is
also Docent of Digital Culture Theory at
University of Turku, Finland and Honorary
Visiting Fellow at Anglia Ruskin University,


academic research affect


biopolitics Cambridge CoDE

cognitive capitalism creative industries

digital economy Geology (of Media)

German media theory insect

archaeology media
media Kittler

art Media ecology Medianatures

media studies network

politics new materialism postfordism security

social media software

studies Uncategorized viruses visual

culture weird materialities
Winchester Wolfgang Ernst
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