Nota Open Channel Flow

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Specific Energy

E= Y+
= Y+
2 g A2

1. Specific energy is the velocity head and the pressure head, the elevation head is
usually not included.
2. It is typically used to calculate the alternate depths upstream or downstream of an
open channel transition.
3. The solution of the specific energy for a given flow usually results in two possible
or alternate depths.
4. Only at a reservoir (velocity = zero) or at minimum energy (critical velocity) is
there only one depth with no alternate depth.
5. The critical depth and velocity are calculated from continuity and the Froude
number equal to unity (one).
6. Applying specific energy across a transition (E1 is upstream and E2 is
downstream) includes any head loss (hL)and change in channel bottom elevation

E1 = E 2 + h L + z
7. A plot of channel depth versus specific energy demonstrates that two alternate
depths are possible for any given specific energy except for minimum specific

Y1 alternate
Minimum energy
Critical Depth Yc
Y2 alternate

Froude Number for Open Channel Flow

Fr =

g A / Tw

Fr =

only for very wide channels and
g Rh

Fr =

only for rectangular channels

g A 3 / Tw

for all channels

Critical flow
From the above discussion of specific energy, for a given energy, flow can exist at
two different depths except at the minimum energy level which has only one depth,
critical depth, Yc. Flow at critical depth is referred to as critical flow. The Froude
number for critical flow is Fr = 1.
Critical depths is then calculated from the Fr = 1
where A and Tw are functions of Yc

Sub-Critical and Super Critical Flow

From the above discussion of specific energy, for a given energy, flow can exist at
two different depths except at the minimum energy level which has only one depth,
critical depth, Yc. The two depths are called alternate depths, and one depth is at subcritical flow and the other depth is at super-critical flow.
Sub-critical flow is the larger alternate depth and super critical flow is at the lower
alternate depth. Sub-critical flow is deeper with lower velocities. Super critical flow is
shallow with higher velocities. Sub-critical has Froude numbers less than one. Super
critical flow has Froude numbers greater than one.

Normal Depth
Normal depth is the depth of flow in an open channel that results from a long
reach of channel in which friction has stabilized the flow at a constant depth where the
water surface slope is the same as the slope of the bed of the channel. The energy slope
Sf then has to be the same as the water surface slope.
Normal depth, Yo or Yn, is typically calculated form either Mannings equation
or the Chezy equation. It can also be calculated from the Darcy equation using the
friction factor f and the hydraulic diameter which is equal to 4 times the hydraulic radius.
Cu A5/ 3

The Mannings equation is Q =
n P 2/3
where Cu or Kn = 1 for metric and Cu = 1.4862 for English units (cfs and ft),
and A and P are functions of Yo.

Normal depth can occur for sub-critical flow where Yo > Yc and Fr < 1
Normal depth can occur for super critical flow where Yo < Yc and Fr > 1
Normal depth can occur for critical flow where Yo = Yc and Fr = 1

Channel Slopes

If normal depth is greater than critical depth, Yo > Yc, the channel slope is
referred to as mild. Flows at normal depth will be sub-critical on a mild slope.

If normal depth is less than critical depth, Yo < Yc, the channel slope is referred
to as steep. Flows at normal depth will be super critical on a steep slope.

If normal depth is equal to critical depth, Yo = Yc, the channel slope is referred to
as critical. Flows at normal depth will be critical on a critical slope.

A horizontal slope is a channel that the slope is equal to zero. There is no normal
depth for an adverse slope (cant have a zero energy slope). However, there is
still a critical depth for a horizontal slope. These means that a constant depth is
not possible for a horizontal slope.

An adverse slope is a channel that slopes up. Yes, flow can flow uphill. There is
no normal depth for an adverse slope (cant have an adverse slope for the energy
slope). However, there is still a critical depth for an adverse slope. These means
that a constant depth is not possible for an adverse slope.

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