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It is interesting to see how the human mind works at par with time.

People of diff
generations have different wishes which arise with the change in their lifestyle
and surroundings. This change can be transformation in the place they live or in
their education system, the people they live with.. In general their environment
and this change is nothing but development.
In the past, maybe during our grandparents time, the people were content with
the resources around them and believed in being one with the earth. Their
requirements and desires were satisfied with the stable relationship they had
with mother nature, but soon realization dawned upon them that they could have
their resources developed to such an extent that their increasing desires could
be met and they could live a luxurious life. In their early stage, this idea was
something everyone was excited about as it brought hope of progress in the
world. Technology was a catalyst to this idea and helped immensely in creating a
lifestyle which was comfortable. In short, their life was at ease. People thought
that development was a solution to all their problems and was a high form of
Metropolitan cities arose, villages developed, economy of countries took giant
leaps and thus a revolution came that changed the world and its perspective. It
was a floating world ruled by passion, creativity, innovation and freedom of
information. However, in this quest we let ourselves be slaves to our inner
conflicts, to our growing greed. Just like how we cut trees to make paper, and
write save trees on those very papers, The pursuit for success, name, fame
and money let us to believe that further advancement would be the solution to
all our problems .
But you know, the earth does not behave like an electric bulb. A common belief
is that if we increase the current of an electric bulb, the light produced will be
more. So, at first we would increase the current a little bit, and when we see that
there is no problem, we keep increasing the current. But at a certain point, due
to the excess current, the bulb would undeniably fuse out. Now what would we
do in such a situation? --well, just buy another bulb. But, we were living under
the impression that the same could be done with the earth as well. However, in
reality there is just one earth.. Once when destroyed, can never be recreated.
Unfortunately, living with this electric bulb ideology, has caused irreparable
damage to the earth.
The humans undying appetite for petty numbers printed on paper, money as we
call it.,the lust for power among various social groups, the pointless race for
attaining a status that disappears in a blink of an eye all led to nothing but
chaos, sorrow, despair. Take the example of nuclear power stations, setting them
up was a sign of development

and all those feelings opposite to what we expected to feel.

1) Nuclear power
4) over-optimistic attitude

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