Invisible Cities: Online Greenlight Review

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Online Greenlight Review

Invisible Cities- Initial Thumbnails

Invisible Cities- Thumbnails

Invisible Cities- Baucis and Despina Thumbnails

Invisible Cities- Esmerelda and Isaura Thumbnails

Invisible Cities- Moriana Thumbnails

Invisible Cities- Digital Thumbnails

Invisible Cities- Thumbnails

Invisible Cities- Digital Thumbnails

Invisible Cities- Baucis Thumbnails

Invisible Cities- Baucis Thumbnails

Invisible Cities- Baucis Thumbnails

Invisible Cities- Baucis Thumbnails

Invisible Cities- Baucis Thumbnails

Invisible Cities- Baucis Thumbnails

My chosen city: Baucis

AFTER A SEVEN days march through woodland, the traveler directed toward
Baucis cannot see the city and yet he has arrived. The Slender stilts that
rise from the ground at a great distance from one another and are lost above
the clouds support the city. You climb them with ladders. On the ground the
inhabitant rarely show themselves: Having already everything they need up
there, they prefer not to come down. Nothing of the city touched the earth
except those long flamingo legs on which it rests and, when the days are
sunny, a pierced, angular shadow that falls on the foliage.
There are three hypotheses about the inhabitant of Baucis: that they hate the
earth; that they respect it so much that they respect it so much they avoid
all contact; that they love it as it was before they existed and with
spyglasses and telescopes aimed downward they never tire of examining it,
leaf by leaf, stone by stone, ant by and, contemplating with fascination
their own absence.

Baucis Development

Baucis Development

Baucis Development

Baucis Development and Studies

Baucis Studies

Baucis Studies

Influence maps

Mission statement
Out of all the cities, I chose to take on Baucis. I was drawn to this one due to its short,
yet highly descriptive passage detailing the ins and outs of the inhabitants within the city.
My initial ideas for the city involved a very naturalistic feeling scene. The inhabitants
would live within hand built huts and a simplistic village.
This then changed, my thumbnails began to look deeper within the city and I looked at
building a hectic, yet natural city above a tranquil earth. I wanted the city to have the
look and feel of cities we see day to day yet give it a handmade and caveman-esque vibe. This
would be done by creating buildings that have the look and feel of modern city structures but
making it simple with simple construction, simple shapes and rough outlines that loom over
the earth below.
For the exterior I am working towards a simplistic colour palette that focuses on the plants
and over growth of the forest and woodlands below. I want to work towards a very blue/green
palette within the exterior whilst still getting the colours of the tree bark and stones to
come through.

The overall look for my city will be a mix of 3D and 2D looking buildings. I like to play with
both proportion and composition in a way that it will give it a very un-natural feeling and
sense of depth yet still captures the intentions of the city.

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