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Eastern Shore


By Gina Dunn

Volume 2 Issue 4 August 2015

Porters Land Rezoning Exposes Council Failure
By Richard Bell
The controversy over the proposed rezoning of land in Porters Lake to house a
construction waste recycling facility has laid bare a gaping inequity in the City
Councils provisions for recycling.

But the Council has failed to use the zoning process to identify the best
locations for siting C&D transfer stations, recycling facilities, and land
disposal sites.

On the one hand, the city is deeply committed to encouraging the expansion of
recycling in order to reduce the amount of material going to landfill, of which
construction materials make up almost one-third of the total volume.

This failure guarantees that the people of Halifax will be faced, again
and again and again, with David & Goliath struggles like one the one
now playing out in Porters Lake, pitting the well-lawyered corporations against far less well-funded neighborhood groups, who find
themselves bearing the burden of the Councils failure to act on behalf
of all the citys residents.

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It is unfair and unjust to use this inherently inequitable process to

make such important decisions about the quality of life in Halifax. Instead of grinding citizens into the ground fighting one inappropriate
proposal after another, City Council should get to work and adopt a
city-wide plan for locating all future waste-handling and recycling facilities.

Surfs Up

new Uprooted Market and Caf open in Musq Hbr

Truck 7 Music Fest a success

new Thrift Store open in Musq Hbr

new Trunk 7 Pickers store open in Porters Lake

Federal Election called for October 19

Surfs Down

NOTE: Prices Do Not Include HST

Please contact Jacqueline Sanford for all your advertising needs.

902-414-7942 or
We will work with you!

Construction and Demolition processing site (C&D 2) proposed

for Porters Lake / Lake Echo / Mineville / Preston area

Masons Convenience Store Closed

Artsy Fartsy & Bennets Barbershop and their troubles with

government Red tape.

DISCLAIMER: This publication is owned by the Eastern Shore Cooperator and is published monthly. No part of this publication may be reprinted unless written consent is given
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contributors/letters to the editor, do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the publishers. The publisher reserves the right to edit letters/submissions where necessary.


Coast Guard Will Continue Petpeswick Inlet Buoys

By Richard Bell
Lynn Cragg, the Commodore of the Petpeswick
Yacht Club, had recently circulated an email in
which she warned that the Coast Guard would stop
maintaining buoys in waters that are not commercial fisheries. This means that the Petpeswick Channel from the government fishing wharf inwards
would not be marked.
Cragg pointed out that the loss of these navigational aids would be devastating to local boaters
and the future of the club: The result of this [loss
of buoys] could be that the yacht club can no longer
be a boating facility, the junior sailing programme
will be lost to the community, tourism will be lost.

Aerial view of Petpeswick Inlet

The Coast Guard has confirmed that it will not be

discontinuing its support of all of the buoys now in
Petpeswick Inlet.
In response to a request for the latest information
on the Coast Guards plans for Petpeswick Inlet,
Stephen Bornais, Communications Advisor for the
Maritimes Region of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
sent the following email on July 29, 2015:

In a phone conversation, Cragg said that she was

delighted to hear that the Coast Guard would be
maintaining all of the existing buoys. She explained
that the club had been engaged in an extended discussion with the Coast Guard about the future of
the buoys, but that the Coast Guard kept saying
that the decision would come down next month.

12 Month Mailed Out Subscription

$36 + HST = $41.40
Mail to: Eastern Shore Cooperator
14 Earl Court
Porters Lake, NS B3E 1H8



News.............................................................3, 4, 5
Community .........7
Out and About......................................................................9
Book Review........10
Federal Election.........11
Councillors August Communiqu..........12

We heard about the commercial consultation from

the fishermen, Cragg said, but from the Yacht
Clubs perspective, there was no public consultation. Were the only boating organization on the
inlet, so youd think they would have notified us of
any public hearing. They didnt.

The safety of mariners is the Canadian

Coast Guards top priority. In line with this
priority the Coast Guards Aids to Navigation
branch conducts periodic reviews of Aids systems in its area of responsibility to ensure
the service meets the latest standards.

Letters to the Editor .......13

Around Town..........14
August Events PIN IT Up ......................................15
The Eastern Shore Cooperator is published by:
The Eastern Shore Cooperator Publications
Cooperative Ltd.
Managing Editor & Designer & Distribution
Gina Dunn:
Senior Writer & Editor:
Richard Bell:

A review was begun in East Petpeswick NS

in 2013. Two public consultations were held
with commercial (2013) and recreational
mariners (2014). That review is now on hold.

Advertising Manager:
Jacqueline Sanford:
Copies of the Cooperator and distribution
locations can be found on our website at:

There are no changes planned to navigational aids currently in place.
Petpeswick Yacht Club Youth sailing program (FB)


Rezoning Porters Lake and the Necessity of Neutrality

By Richard Bell
The controversy over the proposed rezoning of land in Porters Lake to allow a construction and debris (C&D) recycling plant has focused attention on the equally
controversial issue of what Halifax Councillors are allowed to say about matters
pending before Council. At the heart of this issue is a fundamental conflict between
the right of petitioners to receive a fair hearing from Council, versus the voters belief that their Councillors first duty is to represent the interests of the voters who
elected them to office.
Councillor David Hendsbees insistence that he is required to be neutral until after
the conclusion of the public hearings has been met with anger and skepticism, both
in public meetings and in social media discussions. What happened to the common
sense understanding that councilors are supposed to represent the positions of the
voters who put them in office?
As it turns out, federal and provincial courts have issued a number of rulings exploring this question, causing Halifaxs Director of Legal Services, M.E. Donovan, to
issue specific instructions to councilors to stay neutral.
The Cooperator has acquired a previously classified (now officially declassified)

October 9, 2007 legal memorandum to Council from Donovan, who concludes with the following recommendation in regard to questions from
the press about Councillors voting intentions on issues before Council:
Therefore, in future, it is highly recommended that councilors decline any request to respond to a poll [a question] on how they intend to vote on an issue involving a public hearing.
In the past, plaintiffs across Canada have gone to court to overturn legislative actions by claiming that those actions were not legal because one
or more of the councilors involved had demonstrated bias by announcing
an intention to vote for or against a proposal before the conclusion of
whatever process of public hearings was involved.
Both the Supreme Court of Canada and the Nova Scotia Court of Appeals
have issued rulings in which they attempted to establish ground rules
about what kind of support or opposition councilors can express about
proposed votes before those councilors have gone through the entire
public hearing process.
Heres some guidance from one Supreme Court of Canada justice. On the
one hand,
The legislature could not have intended to have a hearing before
a body who has already made a decision which is irreversible.
But on the other hand, this same justice provided wide leeway in determining whether a councillor has in fact demonstrated a closed mind:
In this regard it is important to keep in mind that support in favour of a measure before a committee and a vote in favour will not
constitute disqualifying bias in the absence of some indication that
the position taken is incapable of change.
But how do you go about proving that a councillors support is, or is not,
incapable of change? This subjective standard is an open invitation to
endless litigation whenever a councillor declares her position before the
conclusion of the legislative process.
So its not surprising that the citys attorney reached the conclusion that
he did: Councillors should maintain neutrality. If councillors follow this
rule, then opponents of whatever actions the councillors vote for may still
appeal, but they will not be able to appeal on the basis of bias.


Moving the C&D Plant to East Chezzetcook?

Probably Not
By Richard Bell
In the heated
debate over
Kiann Managements proposed rezoning
of land in Porters Lake to allow the operation of a construction & debris recycling
East Chezzetcook Industrial Park plant, opponents of rezoning have suggested that the operation would make
more sense in the Eastern Shore Industrial Park in
East Chezzetcook .
But an investigation by the Cooperator has determined that adopting this seemingly common-sense
approach would not be as straightforward as it
might seem.
The park began in the early 1980s, along with the
neighboring Musquodoboit Harbour Industrial Park.
Companies bought land from the park authority to
build their facilities, and the park authority provided water and a sewage processing plant. The

fallen far short of its promise: there are only four

companies there today. (The parks current owner,
Nova Scotia Business Inc (NSBI) took over the management of the park in 2001.)
Obstacles to a C&D Facility
The first obstacle is that the parks current I-3
(General Industry) Zone does not allow C&D
facilities of any sort. So the land would have to be
rezoned from I-3 to CD-2. (In fact, under Halifax
zoning, there are no areas that are zoned for any of
three C&D zoning categories: CD-1 for transferring
C&D materials, CD-2 for processing
and recycling C&D materials, and CD3 for landfill disposal of C&D materials. Establishing any new C&D operation always requires rezoning land.)
The second obstacle is that NSBI currently does not have an inventory of
lots for sale. The four companies
there now own the titles to their
properties. NSBI now holds title to a
single 84-acre lot. But the only road
into this lot does not meet current
road standards, which means that
NSBI cannot subdivide the property.

Please Support Your Local Food


Providing adequate roads is the responsibility of the

property owner, who must pay for building the road
and then turn the deed for the road over to the municipality or the province. So if a company wanted
to buy land from NSBI now and seek a rezoning,
that company would have to buy the entire 84-acre
parcel and pay for building an adequate road. Given
these obstacles, the odds are long of successfully
negotiating with Kiann Management to abandon its
rezoning request in Porters Lake in favour of locating instead in the Eastern Shore Industrial Park.


Something New at the Musquodoboit Harbour Farmers Market

By Megan Ashworth Hartlen
With summer finally here,
many of us with backyard
vegetable gardens are starting to harvest the fruits of
our labour. If you're lucky
you might even find yourself with a bumper crop of
one thing or another - more lettuce than you could
possibly eat or herbs growing out of control! If that
is a situation you find yourself in, and you feel like
making a few dollars by selling your produce, the
MH Farmers Market will soon be introducing a new
concept that may be of interest to you.
Tentatively named the ' Backyard Abundance Table', this will be a table where anyone who would

Win a Free Subscription for a year!

Its Summer Time




















Word List : Beach


like to sell produce from their garden on a given

week can do so, sharing the table fee and time
spent manning the table. Maybe you have a fruit
tree on your property - don't let that goodness go
to waste! Bring what you can't handle to the market to sell and spread the joy of a fresh local piece
of fruit. If you enjoy picking berries this could be a
money maker for sure. We have so many blueberries, blackberries and raspberries growing wild in
this area, and there is certainly no comparison between them and the store bought ones. The same
goes for wild harvested herbs and flowers, if this is
your thing, this could be an opportunity to share
this wild bounty with others.




The Eastern Shore Cooperator will be mailed

directly to your home.

Congrats to Julys winner

of Tangier

Mail to: Eastern Shore Cooperator
14 Earl Court, Porters Lake, B3E 1H8



Swimming Festival
Playground Lake

If this sounds like something that interests you,

please contact me at If you aren't someone who
regularly attends the market, let me encourage you
to do so! Every Sunday from 9-1 at the Eastern
Shore Community Centre you can find such a great
bunch of farmers and artisans. We are so lucky to
have fresh organic veggies and happy meat brought
right into our community - take advantage! Guaranteed feel good food.
The MHFM will be hosting a corn boil August 23rd
from 11-2, mark your calendars.
Megan is a Board member with the Musquodoboit
Harbour Farmers Market.


Mackenzie Myatt Makes Canadian National Mountain Bike Team

By Richard Bell
Musquodoboit Harbours
Mackenzie Myatt has been
selected as a member of
Canadas National Mountain
Biking Team, and will be going to compete in the Junior
World Mountain Bike Championships in Vallnord, Andorra, in September, 2015.

Mackenzie Myatt takes

home 3rd place in the
U19 Nationals. All
medalists--male and female--also received a
stuffed baby polar bear.
Photo By Simon Myatt

Myatt took a big step upwards in her mountain bike

career by winning a bronze
metal at the U-19 (under
19) national championships
in Saint-Felicien, Que. on
July 18th.

Cyclesmith Junior Racing Team based out of Halifax,

coached by Andrew Feenstra. She participates
weekly in Cyclesmiths Short Track Series, and also
competes in Bicycle Nova Scotia's provincial series.
She was also a Nova Scotia Canada Games team
member in 2013 where she finished 10th in the individual cross-country, and 4th in the team relay
with teammate Odette Comeau of Porters Lake,

Sports Around the Community

With her medal-winning

finish, Myatt also won a
place at a special selection
camp in
Mont-Sainte-Anne, Que., where she was selected
for the national team.
Mountain biking is not a sport for the faint of heart.
Myatt said that she had set a goal back in December
of winning a medal at the national championships.
But the day before the race, she had a bad, over-the
-handlebars crash that could have knocked her out
of the race altogether.
Pointing out a rainbow of bruises on her elbows and
knees, Myatt said I hit just about everything
shoulders, knees, elbows, my ribs were bruised, my
neck hurt, even my quads were traumatized. After
the crash, I wanted to do the descent again, but my
legs hurt so much I couldnt get back up the hill.
She found some consolation comparing this crash to
her crashes last year: I didnt have to get any
stitches! In the race itself, Myatt started in the 2nd
row, and came from behind to take the bronze.
Myatt has trained for years as a member of the

If you catch some local action, send your photos


Out and About

Enjoy Scottish Country Dancing In Seaforth

By Elsie Ferguson
Looking for a great way to expand your social horizons,
get your body moving, and share some laughs? Then join
the Scottish Country Dance Group that meets every
Wednesday from September to April at the Seaforth
Hall. As one of the
groups members
told me, "I can't stop
smiling when I am up
dancing. I love the
feeling I get when I
am moving with the
music and the laughter when we make
mistakes. "

Scottish Dance

Scottish Country Dancing is often confused with Highland Dancing, but its more similar to Square Dancing in
the way the dancers dance formations around each
other. There are 3, 4, or 5 couple sets, with the men on
one side and the women on the other. Some dances are
quick and are called Jigs or Reels; others are slower and
are called Strathspeys.
We belong to an International Organization called the
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS) and the
dances we learn are the same ones that are danced
around the world. For example, some of our "Snow
Birds" dance in Florida during the winter months.
One of the advantages of this type of dance is that you
don't need to come with a partner and you will likely
dance with everyone in the room by the end of an evening. In this way it is very social and we share many
laughs as we work out the formations in the dance.
Its a little like solving a puzzle together. We welcome
couples and families with teenage children. You can see

some SCD if you look up Thistle Scottish Country Dancers on YouTube.

We have an experienced teacher who teaches beginners
and experienced dancers alike. The group meets every
Wed 7:30-9:00 at Seaforth Hall, 6060 Highway 207, and
the cost is minimal.
For more information, please contact (827-3842) or Glenda Thompson 889-2484


By Maelissa Watson with Bernice Logan
role of wife, mother, teacher, community organizer,
fundraiser, and volunteer gardener at the Sheet Harbour
Hospital. Valerie greeted guests at the front door, while
Sterling received his neighbours in his armchair in the

Sterling and Valerie Prest celebrate their 60th wedding

anniversary. Photo by Dan Hutt
On Saturday afternoon July 18th 2015, the Eastern Shore
Community flocked to the home of Sterling and Valerie
Prest to celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary. What
a lovely country custom to have to have survived! I first
became aware of this ancient Eastern Shore tradition as
part of the entire Tangier Community to attend Hilda
and Charles Doucette s 50th Wedding Anniversary a few
years ago.
Valerie Prest is a member of the deep rooted Eastern
Shore Kennedy Clan, and is an icon in her own right. For
Valeries married sixty years, she has officiated in the

I was familiar with Sterlings community reputation as a

good businessman, politician, and socialite. He earned
his reputation as a businessman by years of hard work
and success; as a politician when his brother Sidney was
elected to The Nova Scotia Legislature; and as a socialite
through Valeries dedicated charity work.
When I sat down with Sterling, he had already received
over a hundred guests in the previous three hours. While
younger men might have been tired, he was energetic,
alert, and charming as he told me about his familys history on the Shore. Three of Sterlings ancestors moved
from Popes Harbour to Mooseland. Sterling explained
that people flocked to Mooseland for gold. I asked him if
the Prest family found their gold in the old growth lumber, and he smiled.
Boyd Prest, Sterlings father, was born in 1898 in Mooseland and he married Alice Mitchell. Boyd Prest played a
major role in helping free the survivors from the 1936
Moose River Goldmine cave-in. Sterling explained the

history behind several family photographs to me, starting with one of the house of Albert White. White was
sent to Canada as an orphan through the British Home
Children program that brought tens of thousands of
orphans to Canada starting in 1869; John Prest adopted
White as a 12 year old.
In the same photo is the distinctive Mooseland Anglican
Church Steeple. Bernice Logan, the organist for the
seven Anglican churches, including Mooseland, told me
later that the steeple was designed by the renowned
Simon Gibbons, an Inuit, also an orphan. Simon Gibbon
was the first Inuit priest and was a unique clergyman
and church builder. Simon Gibbons artistic abilities are
extolled by Leonard F. Hatfield in a book titled Simon
Gibbons First Eskimo Priest published in 1987.
Sterlings brother Murray Prest has self-published a
book, The Long Flight, on the Prest familys genealogy, addresses cultural, social, and economic developments on the Eastern Shore; the effects of World Wars I
and II and their impact on Nova Scotia.
At 4:00 p.m. Sterling was ushered outside to the garden
to join Valerie for pictures of their day happily prolonging this community inclusive ancient custom.


Book Review

Review: Sharing the Journey by Jim Lotz

By Phil Thompson
good idea. His letters were extremely effective and his
work for non-profit associations and cooperatives
helped establish some of the most successful examples
of community action in this province.
Jim valued everyone, learned from all, and this combination was his rare gift.

Canadian Author Jim Lotz

Passed away January 2015
Photo courtesy of Pottersfield Press
Jim Lotz wrote in his own obituary that he popped his
clogs in Liverpool, England, in 1929. His working class
upbringing in this tough wartime city gave him the blunt
sense of humour and rebel attitude of John Lennon, but
his ramblings through the Scottish countryside as a child
created the soft heart of Paul McCartney.

One example from my own experience came in 1989,

after going north to work in Yellowknife in a job requiring experience with community development, I read his
Northern Realities as a guide to program development,
policy writing, and program coordination. It turned out
one of Jims friends had become the NWT Premier, so
Jim asked me to meet with her and share his good
This introduction turned out to be invaluable for my
work later. When an abusive alcoholic boss, who believed Inuit dont have brains as good as ours tried to
fire me for doing too good a job, the Premier supported me and fired the boss.
Jim Lotz had something to do with that, although later
he claimed he had to keep me North to reduce the
competition in Halifax from good freelance writers!.
Imagine this kind of support given to hundreds of people
over decades.

Lotz often said that academics thought he was a journal- Although Jim disliked pompous ceremony, he was
ist, and that journalists thought he was an academic. Jim pleased when St. Marys University awarded him an honorary doctorate for his quiet work.
was both.
In his final article, entitled Lets develop from within
and quit endless studies, published shortly before he
died, Jim wrote, in response to the Ivany Report: If, in
the afterlife, Nova Scotians saw two signs, one saying
Heaven, the other Consultation on Heaven, they would
follow the latter one.
In his most serious books, Jim Lotz quoted widely from
great writers of the past, current thinkers he admired,
and from people he met - rich or poor, academic or labourer, sinner or saint through a long life well lived.

Sharing the Journey fuses together a lifelong interest in

community development and northern frontiers, starting with Understanding Canada and Northern Realities,
two essential works about this country, and ending with
The Moral Equivalent of War, The Lichen Factor, The
Gold of the Yukon, and Pilgrim Souls , a touching account
of caring for his wife as she died of dementia, which he
himself considered his most important book.
(These last four I had the honour to review for various

Although Lotz wrote many mystery novels, in a desperJim valued everyone, learned from all, and this combina- ate attempt to survive as a freelancer, he did not consider them his best work. I agree.
tion was his rare gift. The forty years he spent working
for others in Halifax, nestled in historic Thorndean near Now Jim Lotz has left us, dying on January second at the
age of 86, with a razor sharp mind and wit glowing
St. Marys University with his beloved Pat, touched the
through his memoir like embers in an open hearth.
lives of thousands of Nova Scotians in subtle ways.
Sharing the Journey is about such a life.

When there was a problem, Jim would always go directly Phil Thompson is a poet and writer who has lived off the
to the top to defend a friend, neighbour, or just a damn grid on Cross Island in Petpeswick Inlet since 1994.

Send your articles to
August 15

Federal Election
Federal Election Called for October 19
There are four candidates for the Central Nova seat of retiring Justice Minister Peter
MacKay, who won 57% of the vote in the 2011 election. Although the seat has been a
solid Conservative seat (MacKays father also held the seat), Stephen Harpers declining poll numbers have raised hopes among the other parties.
The candidate selection process was marred by the Conservative Partys refusal to
allow press coverage of its nominating meeting, a decision that echoed Harpers
highly criticized efforts to restrict the flow of government information to the public.
There are two candidates nominated for the Sackville - Preston - Chezzetcook riding
so far. This riding has lost parts to Central Nova. Peter Stoffer is the incumbent , winning in 2011 with 54% of the vote.

Federal Candidates For

Central Nova
NDP - Ross Landry

Liberal - Sean Fraser

Landry is a 34-year veteran of the

RCMP who served as Minister of Justice and Attorney General during his
one term in office. He won the Pictou
Centre provincial seat in 2009 by a narrow 131 votes. In the legislature, he
authored one of Canadas first cyber
bulling laws. He lost his seat in the Liberal landslide of 2013.

Fraser is a lawyer who grew up in Pictou County and has worked in litigation and international dispute resolution. He holds a Masters degree in
public international law from Leiden
Universitys Advanced Studies program
in the Netherlands, where he specialized in peace, justice, and development. He also holds a law degree from
Dalhousie University with a specialization in business law, and a Bachelor of
Science from St. Francis Xavier University, where he graduated with distinction.

Conservative - Fred Delorey

Green - David Hatchey

DeLorey, who was born in Nova Scotia

and graduated from St. Francis Xavier
University, is a long-time Ottawabased Conservative staffer who got
started in politics in 2003 with Peter
MacKay. In 2007, he became an advisor on Atlantic affairs in the Prime
Ministers Office. He became communications director for the Conservative
Party in 2009, and was national campaign spokesperson for the party in
2011. In 2013, he became the director
of political operations for the Conservative Party.

Hachey, who was born and raised in

Bathurst, New Brunswick, operates a
small farm in Meadowville, Nova Scotia. He studied Environmental Economics at Harvard, followed by a ten-year
stint on Wall Street trading equities.
He moved back to Nova Scotia in 2008.
He is president of the Scotsburn Community Coalition, was treasurer of the
founding board of Creative Pictou
County Arts Society, serves on the
board of the local conservation group
Friends of Redtail, and is a member of
Slow Food Northumberland Shore and
was its delegate to Terra Madre 2014
in Turin, Italy.


Federal Candidates for

Sackville - Preston - Chezzetcook
NDP - Peter Stoffer

Liberal - Darrell Samson

Stoffer was first elected to office in

1997. He is currently the Official Opposition critic for veterans affairs. He has
previously served as the critic for fisheries, shipbuilding, seniors, amateur
sport, Canada Post, the Atlantic Canada
Opportunities Agency and defence. In
the Macleans Parliamentarian of the
Year Awards, Stoffer has been awarded
Parliamentarian of the Year in 2013. He
is the only member of Parliament to
have been named by the Netherlands
as a knight of the Order of OrangeNassau. (Stoffer was born in the Netherlands in 1956, and became a Canadian citizen in 1980.)

Samson is an educator who has lived in

the riding for 30 years. Darrell is currently the Superintendent of Schools
for the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial Nova Scotias only French school
board. He has been the National President and Vice-President of all French
school board superintendents outside
of Quebec, an active member of the
National Committee for Early Years,
and a member of the Provincial Advisory Council to the Minister of Education on Early Years in Nova Scotia. He
received his Bachelor of Education and
Masters in School Administration from
Universit de Moncton.

Conservative - TBA

Green - TBA

Letters to the Editor

It has now been over one year that my small business, Artsy Fartsy, has been closed due to governmental red tape. I started this business in 2013
teaching art lessons to elementary aged children.
Artsy Fartsy was shut down over one year ago by
the Municipal and Provincial governments after
complaints from a vindictive, local resident about
our signage and usage of our laneway for commercial purposes. The reasoning from the Department of Transportation was that the private, shared laneway which the business is located on, Upanover Lane, ...does not meet
the Departments stopping sight distance requirements (150mm target).
Another business located on our same laneway, Chris Bennetts Barber Shop, was approved and granted an operating permit in 2012 by the Municipality.
Now, just one year after our closure and in fear of retribution due to inequality, instead of
correcting this issue our government has decided to shut down the other small business
located on Upanover Lane. Chris Bennetts Barber Shop received notice of closure by the
Municipality this past May. Both Artsy Fartsy Studio and Chris Bennetts Barber Shop are
being bullied by the government after receiving multiple complaints about both businesses from a single, local resident.
We have had meetings and discussions with more politicians and other government officials than you can shake a stick at. We have even been to province house with this matter. We have been fighting to re-open Artsy Fartsy as the bills keep piling up, and we are
nearing our last breath.
What kind of a world do we live in where our government has nothing better to do than
bully small businesses? I think its time for change, and hope that others will stand up with
us before we lose other small businesses along the shore.
For more information about this story, or to contact Rhonda Frank, please

Rhonda M. Frank

Good day,
We want to add our voice in opposition to the
proposed rezoning application.
This community is growing to be an attractive
place to work and live. We have new residential
developments at Nature Ridge and Seven Lakes.
Placing a dump in the heart of these growing areas will be devastating to current residents, community growth and property values. We need to
remain a residential zone to protect these communities future growth and our current essence.
This C & D facility belongs in an industrial park,
not in backyards.
James & Joann Lowry

Letters to the Editor send to



Around Town

Trunk 7 Music Fest pics by Gina Dunn

Musq Hbr parade pics by Richard Bell

August Pin It Up
August 2-9
Lake n Shore Days
August 8
3-5pm Battle of the Brushes
Old School Musq Hbr. 902-889-2736

August 6-17
Sheet Harbour Seaside Festival
ESC Website for full schedule
August 10
11am-5pm BBQ & Seafood Event
Port of Sheet Harbour - 17 McInnis Drive
Rain or Shine - All welcome
August 11
2pm-4pm Seniors Information Day - Porters Lake Community Centre (PLCSA) 4693 Highway 7, Porters Lake.
Come out and meet with MLA Kevin Murphy and representatives from various NS government departments
with seniors programming such as Housing, Pharmacare,
Homecare, Seniors Secretariat and more. For more info
call 902-281-3005 or email
August 13 and 14
7:00 pm - 11:30 pm Sealight Skylight
Celebrate the night sky and ocean phosphorescence
with family and friends.
Where science, art and the magic of the Persiad Meteor
Shower collide. Astronomers wanted!! Call or email for
more information. 902-845-1888
email: and facebook
August 15
11:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Atlantic Canada Harmonica Festival
Memory Lane Heritage Village,
Lake Charlotte, Eastern Shore, enroute to Clam Harbour
Beach 1-877-287-0697
August 16
11:30 - 1pm, drawing at 12:30pm
St Dennis Penny Auction
St Denis Hall East Ship Harbour
Chicken burger will be available

August 16
Clam Harbour Beach Sandcastle Contest
All Day Event - Gates Open at 9am
August 17-18 and/or August 20-21
9:30 am- 3:00 pm Super Cyclers Summer Camp $40 at
the Deanery Project, Lower Ship Harbour
Ages 6 - 10
Two Camps to choose from:
Bicycle, art and adventure activities for all skill levels
(training wheels and 2 wheelers)
For more information and to register call 902-845-1888
or email: and FaceBook

Aug 19-22
131st Halifax County Exhibition
Middle Musquodoboit Harbour
August 22
2pm-4pm Old School Reunion 1940s & 1950s
Old School, 7962 #7 Highway, Musquodoboit Harbour
Contact Cathy: 902-889-2534
or for information.
All Welcome.
August 22
Adult Dance at the Eastern Shore Wildlife Lodge, 200
Pool Road, Sheet Harbour
Music by DJ - Craig Cole. Admission $8.00 per person age
19 and older.

August 30
12-4pm Hope for Wildlife Annual Open House
5909 Highway 207, Seaforth
Get a "behind-the-scenes" look at wildlife rescue and
rehabilitation with access to bird and mammal nurseries, recovery units, marine unit, and flight cage; there
will also be wildlife displays and demonstrations, kids
activities, live music, barbeque, and silent auction, as
well as local exhibitors, crafts, and food. All funds raised
support Hope for Wildlife's efforts to help injured and
orphaned wildlife in Nova Scotia. Rain or shine, FREE

Local Famers Markets

Musquodoboit Harbour
Sundays 9am - 1pm
August 9, 16, 23, 30
67 Park Road, Musquodoboit Harbour at the Bingo Hall.

August 23
11am - 2pm
Corn Boil Fundraiser for the MHFM

Sheet Harbour
Saturdays 9am - 1pm
August 15
200 Pool Road. Crafters welcome too.
Sandy Moser (902) 885-2395 or

St Genevieve's Church 99th Annual Picnic.

715 East Chezzetcook Road
August 28
The Variety Show starts at 7:30pm. The cost is $7
per person, or $4 for children under 12 years of
August 29
Grounds open at Noon. Come enjoy games, chip
bingo, giant flea market, canteen, crafts, raffles,
bluegrass & gospel music at 4pm Holy Mass, followed by a chowder supper at the hall. The cost is
$8 a bowl, and you can choose from lobster, fish or
corn). Merchandise bingo 7:30pm.
August 30
Grounds open at 1pm. Come enjoy chip bingo,
canteen, crafts, 50/50 and other draws, hot turkey/
ham dinner from 3:30-6pm at a cost of
$14 each, or $8 for a childs plate. Then, well
have 45s card games at 7pm (cash prizes).

For more info visit

FREE Community Listings Page Send to

Deadline August 15 for paper anytime for online . Paper & Online - more info about the event online.
Updated List of community events on our web site

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