It's Time To Eat Rightly January 23, 2012: Terry Bennett

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Its Time to Eat Rightly

January 23, 2012

Again we are looking into the spiritual reality of eating, especially eating rightly. As
certainly as our natural bodys health is affected by our eating habits, this is equally true
of the Body of Christ.
The Lord says very clearly in John 6:55 that His flesh is true food, and His body is true
drink. When we look closely at this revelational declaration, the word true has
directional and instructional truth. This is not the first time nor the last that Christ
delineated by using this word true. I will simply reference John 15:1 where He calls
Himself the true vine, but also He uses the words truly, truly repeatedly throughout
this book to bring greater emphasis to Himself and the Fathers purpose. So true must
be seen and understood, spiritually speaking, to carry a tremendous weight that is
beyond even the value of all languages. The Lord is revealing Himself as true food,
versus all others. So we are brought again to the absolute supremacy of Christ, or His
coming to have first place in everything (Colossians 1:18). In speaking this way, it is
notable to whom this is immediately spoken. This is to the Jews who were already
grumbling about Him because He said He was the bread/manna that came down out of
heaven (John 6:41). Their diet had been something other than the Lord, the Son, the
True! Because of this spiritual fact, they simply could not see Him as to His
eternal trueness. This is an internal, eternal, life-based, experience-based principle. We
must taste/eat in order to see The Lords goodness. It will help us greatly to remember
or be awakened to this reality: we will never truly know Him unless we are or become
partakers of Him. To taste is to see, but to see without eating will almost always lead to
spiritual blindness and misrepresentation of the True One that He is. Things become
unbalanced, disjointed, misconfigured, and disconnected parts when Christ is not eaten
as the True, the fullness, the wholeness, the supreme to which all the various aspects
are only an unveiling of Him in His wholeness. We are not to see the various parts as
complete within themselves; this will always lead us into error, no matter how prophetic
it may seem. The Holy Spirits declaration through the prophetic or prophesy is entirely
concerning Him, the testimony and witness of Jesus. He alone is the anchor for our
souls and our human reasoning is bound to our souls. The need is for spiritual
understanding which the soul cannot fathom, it is revelational and it is by the Spirit to
our spirits.
It is this that the natural-minded Jews were unable to comprehend and were therefore
grumbling about. But this is not simply a Jewish condition, this is an Adam creational
issue. The natural man or soulical man cannot understand nor accept the things of the
Spirit for they are spiritually examined (1 Corinthians 2:14). So what we are really
seeing in this 6th chapter of John is the truth that God alone can and must make
Terry Bennett

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Its Time to Eat Rightly

January 23, 2012
Himself and the fullness of His life and intention known. He must say by revelation,
Here I am, to our spirit man, even though our natural soulical intellects find this truth
offensive. However, it is His eternal joy to reveal Himself, to let us humble ourselves
and intentionally ask for Him to reveal and remove the veils of our natural
Now for the Jews, their diet had been the law, the scriptures, tradition, and teaching
from teachers who had never eaten of the person Himself, so to introduce an absolute,
a must, was to disrupt all that they based their spiritual lives, purpose, and works upon.
These things will not die naturally in any of us, it comes from internal disruption known
as transformation which occurs when we behold the Lord as He is. It triggers then the
necessity of partaking of Him, eating Him, He becoming that which nourishes us,
sustains us, fills us, satisfies us, and yet creates a greater hunger to known Him.
We will continue to humble our hearts before Him in these next several sharings and
acknowledge that He is who we wish to be partakers of. We will ask that He remove all
veils so that we can behold, eat, and understand Him as He desires, in a revelational
way, but let me again emphasize to us the absolute necessity of eating of Christ, for
there is no true life but Him, and it necessitates eating. My intention is the revelation of
Him, especially as the Lamb who is in the center of the eternal heavenly throne. So next
we will turn out hearts, our inward spirit man, toward Him as such.
May the Lord grant to us by His Spirit a great eternal, internal desire to become
partakers of Him who is the Lamb. Amen.

Terry Bennett

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