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Name: ______________________________________________ Date: ______________
Teacher: _______________________________________
I. Direction: Match Column A and B.
___1. Antonyms
a. shortened form of word
___2. Synonyms
b. words with opposite meaning
___3. Abbreviation
c. words with the same meaning
___4. Syllabication
d. General name for person, place of thing
___5. Noun
e. Name of a person place or thing
___6. Proper noun
f. Particular name of person place or thing
___7. Common Noun
g. are nouns with the plural form ending in is or es
___8. Regular Noun
h. change spelling from singular to plural form
___9. Irregular Noun
i. Noun expressing ownership
___10. Possessive Noun
j. Dividing words in to syllables
II. A Circle the synonym of the underline word.
11. Christmas is coming soon (near, far)
12. We should leave now. (go, stop)
13. Please shut the door quietly. (bang, close)
14. His pillow fell below his bed. (over, under)
15. I will see you tomorrow evening at the concert. (afternoon, night)
B. Give the antonyms of the words below:
16. black: ______________________
17. thick _____________________
18. sad ______________________
19. ugly _________________________
20. long ________________________
III. Identify the following: L for letters, W for words, S for syllables, P for phrase and S for sentence.
______________21. I love reading
______________22. L, M, Q
______________23. Fa, fe,fi,fo,fu
______________24. Green leaf
______________25. Ball pen
IV. Match the page where the following information can be found
___26. Complete title
a. index
___27. List of contents
b. copyright pages
___28. Meaning of words
c. table of contents
___29. Copyright date
d. glossary
___30. Topics and their pages
e. tittle pages
V. Underline the subject and encircle the predicate
31. She is honest.
32. Sampaguita is our National flower.
33. Eating leafy vegetable is good to our health.
34. The bird is plating around the tree .
35. Michaela sells grocery items.
VI. Identify the sentence a simple or compound
36. Rita plays the organ, and Margie beats the drums
37. Emie dropped his guitar, but it didnt break.
38. Must he try again, or must he quit.
39. Juan collects empty bottle.
40. Rica plants vegetable.

VII.. Complete the table

41. flower
42. school
43. Perez
44. Pilipinas
45. paper
VIII. Write the parts of friendly letter




Name: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Teacher: ________________________________
I. Write on the answer line before each number the letter of the correct answer.
___1. The part of the reproductive system which produces the sperm cells is the __________.
a. penis
c. scrotum
b. foreskin
d. testes
___2. Which is the male sex hormone?
a. prostate
c. estrogen
b. testosterone
d. insulin
___3. The organ responsible for secreting the semen is the ________________.
a. prostate gland
c. foreskin
b. penis
d. testes
___4. The part where the zygote stays until birth is the _____________.
a. vagina
c. uterus
b. cervix
d. ovary
___5. The process by which the egg cell and the sperm cell are united is called ______________.
a. reproduction
c. asexual
b. fertilization
d. bisexual
___6.The process by which an organism produces its own kind is known as ______________.
a. reproduction
c. asexual
b. fertilization
d. bisexual
___7. The determiners of heredity are the _________________________.
a. chromosomes
c. egg cells
b. sperm cell
d. genes
___8. The fertilized egg is called a ______________.
a. fetus
c. embryo
b. zygote
d. newborn
___9. What kind of cell does the father produce?
a. cellular
c. sperm cell
b. testicular
d. egg cell
___10. Another name for puberty is ___________________.
a. childhood
c. teen years
b. adulthood
d. sexuality
___11. The main function of the respiratory system is to facilitate ______________________.
a. talking
c. eating
b. breathing
d. taking out carbon dioxide
___12. We inhale ___________.
a. carbon
c. oxygen
b. polluted air
d. carbon dioxide
___13. The _____________ is composed of two chambers separated by a cartilage.
a. nose
c. pharynx
b. mouth
d. larynx
___14. The throat is also known as _______________________.
a. nose
c. pharynx
b. mouth
d. larynx
___15. On inhaling, the diaphragm ___________________.
a. relaxes
c. contracts
b. retracts
d. shrinks
___16. Another name for the wind pipe is _______________.
a. voice cords
c. bronchi
b. trachea
d. alveoli
___17. What happens to the air that passes through the nose?
a. It is warmed and moistened
b. It is immediately expelled
c. It is prevented from entering the lungs
d. It is converted top oxygen

___18. The chemical found in the nose that destroys the bacteria is the ______________________.
a. lozenges
c. lysozyme
b. lymph
d. Lysol
___19. The early sign of ______________________ is a watery discharge from the nose.
a. pneumonia
c. common cold
b. laryngitis
d. bronchitis
___20. ____________ is an infection of the lungs caused by a virus and characterized by fever and chest
c. laryngitis
b. pneumonia
d. Emphysema
___21. The human body needs its main fuel in the form of _____________________.
a. water
c. minerals
b. vitamins
d. food
___22. Part of the food we eat is reduced into _____________ which must be eliminated from the body.
a. waste material
c. oxygen
b. gaseous chemical
d. carbon dioxide
___23. The __________ maintains/maintain water balance in the body.
a. abdominal cavities
c. kidneys
b. ureters
d. urethra
___24. The ________________ carries/carry the urine from kidneys to the urinary bladder.
a. ureters
c. urethra
b. bladder
d. prostate gland
___25. The amount of ____________ we take determines the color of the urine.
a. water
c. food
b. snack
d. sugar
___26. The practice of __________ helps keeps the urinary system healthy
a. drinking plenty of water
b. eating raw food
c. drinking coffee
d. drinking iced tea
___27. The average menstrual cycle is __________________.
a. 14 days
c. 24 days
b. 18 days
d. 28 days
II. Identification: Choose your answer in the box
a. deep breathing
b. discipline
c. good healthy habits
d. exercise
e. balanced diet

f. harm drugs
g. polluted area
h. water
i. oxygen
j. smoking

It is composed of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin c.

It is also called a dusty or dirty area
This should be taken in big quantities to bring oxygen to the blood
It helps clean our lungs and improve our health.
It needs water to get into the blood.
It is needed to develop health habits.
It strengthens our respiratory system.
They destroy our future
They help maintain a healthy body

III- Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if is incorrect..

___37. The kidney is the main excretory organ of the urinary system.
___38. The person with only one kidney will no longer to survive
___39. Blood in the urine is an indication of urinary disease.
___40. When egg is fertilized , menstruation does not occur.
___41. The umbilical cord serves as a passageway of food from the mother to the

V. Write the parts of the following system.



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