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Phillipine crocodile(Crocodylus mindorensis)

The Philippine crocodile is a crocodile found only in the Philippines. It is also known as
the Mindoro crocodile and the Philippine freshwater crocodile. In the Philippines, it is
strictly prohibited to kill a crocodile, but its status is critically endangered from
exploitation and unsustainable fishing methods. Although this species was once found
over the whole of the Philippines, it is now critically endangered. In addition to this,
very little is known about the natural history or ecology of the species.

PHILIPPINE COBRA(Naja Philippinensis)

The Philippine Cobra can be found on the northern regions of the Philippines. They
can be found on the Islands if Luzon, Mindoro, Catanduanes, and Masbate. This
Cobra's habitat include low-laying plains and forested regions along with open
fields, grasslands, dense jungles, agricultural fields and human settlements. They
can also be found close to any bed of water particularly because they are fond of it.


also known as Philippine Hornbill and, locally, as Kalaw (pronounced kah-lau) is a
large species of hornbill endemic to the Philippines, where it occurs in primary,
mature secondary and disturbed forests on 11 islands: Luzon and Marinduque (race
hydrocorax), Samar, Leyte, Bohol, Panaon, Biliran, Calicoan and Buad (race
semigaleatus), Dinagat, Siargao, Mindanao (plus Balut, Bucas and Talicud) and
Basilan (race mindanensis).
This is the most majestic and biggest of all Philippine Hornbills. hey are Farmers of
the Forests as hornbills distribute the seeds of the fruits they fed on. Hornbills are
characterized by the huge and often colourful bills and they have this fascinating
breeding behaviour of sealing the female inside holes of giant trees, while the male
gathers food for the female and the chicks.

SINARAPAN (Mistichthys luzonensis)

the Worlds Smallest Edible Fish
The sinarapan (Mistichthys luzonensis) is the worlds smallest commerciallyharvested fish located only in the Philippines. They are endemic to the Bicol Region,
specifically in Lake Buhi, Lake Bato, Bicol River and other bodies of water in
Camarines Sur province.

Blue-capped kingfisher (Actenoides hombroni)

The blue-capped kingfisher is a stunning bird named for its dark purple-blue crown.
It has a moustache of the same colour, and a prominent, dagger-shaped, red bill.
Its cheeks and underparts are burnt-orange and the throat is white. The plumage on
the back and tail is greenish-blue. The colour of the females plumage is duller than
that of the male and is more olive-green on the back (2). Despite its conspicuous,
colourful plumage, the blue-capped kingfisher is reportedly difficult to observe and
easily overlooked (2), but its long melancholic whistles can be heard just before
sunrise (3).Classify as vulnerable

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