Analytical Marxism Reading List

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Analytical Marxism

Anderson, Perry. 1974. Lineages of the Absolutist State. London: New Left Books.
. 1976. Considerations on Western Marxism. London: Nlb.
. 1980. Arguments within English Marxism. London: Nlb.
. 1996. Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism. London: Verso.
Aston, T. H., and C. H. E. Philpin, eds. 1985. The Brenner Debate : Agrarian Class Structure
and Economic Development in Pre-Industrial Europe, Past and Present Publications.
Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Ball, Terence, and James Farr, eds. 1984. After Marx. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New
York: Cambridge University Press.
Bhaskar, Roy. On the Possibility of Social Scientific Knowledge and the Limits of
Naturalism. In Issues in Marxist Philosophy V. 3, edited by Mepham and Ruben.
Bowles, Samuel, and Herbert Gintis. 1976. Schooling in Capitalist America : Educational
Reform and the Contradictions of Economic Life. New York: Basic Books.
Braybrooke, David. 1986. Marxism and Technical Change: Nicely Told, but Not the Full
Contradictory Story. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):123-36.
Brenkert, George G. 1983. Marx's Ethics of Freedom. London ; Boston: Routledge & K.
Brenner, Robert. 1976. Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in PreIndustrial Europe. Past and Present 70:30-75.
. 1982. The Agrarian Roots of European Capitalism. Past and Present 97:16-113.
Buchanan, Allen. 1979. Revolutionary Motivation and Rationality. Philosophy and Public
Affairs 9 (1):59-82.
Buchanan, Allen E. 1982. Marx and Justice : The Radical Critique of Liberalism, Philosophy
and Society. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield.
Carver, Terrell. 1982. Marx's Social Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
. 1984. Marxism as Method. In After Marx, edited by T. Ball and J. Farr.
Cohen, G. A. 1978. Karl Marx's Theory of History: A Defence. Princeton: Princeton
University Press.
. 1988. History, Labour, and Freedom : Themes from Marx. Oxford; New York:
Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press.
Cohen, Marshall, Thomas Nagel, and Thomas Scanlon, eds. 1980. Marx, Justice, and
History, A Philosophy & Public Affairs Reader. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
Elster, Jon. 1985. Making Sense of Marx. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
. 1986. An Introduction to Karl Marx. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York:
Cambridge University Press.
. 1986. Three Challenges to Class. In Analytical Marxism, edited by J. Roemer.
Farr, James. 1983. Marx No Empiricist. Philosophy of the Social Sciences 13:465-72.
. 1984. Marx and Positivism. In After Marx, edited by T. Ball and J. Farr.
Gould, Carol C. 1978. Marx's Social Ontology : Individuality and Community in Marx's
Theory of Social Reality. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Hodges, Donald Clark. 1981. The Bureaucratization of Socialism. Amherst, Mass.:
University of Massachusetts Press.
Hudelson, Richard. 1983. Marx's Empiricism. Philosophy of the Social Sciences 12:241-55.

Little, Daniel. 1986. The Scientific Marx. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Lukes, Steven. 1985. Marxism and Morality, Marxist Introductions. Oxford [Oxfordshire]
New York: Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press.
McMurtry, John. 1978. The Structure of Marx's World-View. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press.
Mepham, John, and D.-H. Ruben, eds. 1979. Issues in Marxist Philosophy. Vol. 1. Atlantic
Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press.
Miliband, Ralph. 1977. Marxism and Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
. 1982. Capitalist Democracy in Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Miller, Richard W. 1984. Analyzing Marx : Morality, Power, and History. Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press.
Morishima, Michio. 1973. Marx's Economics; a Dual Theory of Value and Growth.
Cambridge [Eng.]: University Press.
O'Connor, James. 1973. The Fiscal Crisis of the State. New York: St. Martins.
Parkinson, G. H. R., ed. 1982. Marx and Marxisms, Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture
Series ; 14. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Peffer, R. G. 1990. Marxism, Morality, and Social Justice, Studies in Moral, Political, and
Legal Philosophy. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
Przeworski, Adam. 1985. Marxism and Rational Choice. Politics & Society 14 (4):379-409.
. 1986. Material Interests, Class Compromise, and Socialism. In Analytical Marxism,
edited by J. Roemer.
. 1985. Capitalism and Social Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
. 1991. Democracy and the Market: Political and Economic Reforms in Eastern
Europe and Latin America, Studies in Rationality and Social Change. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Roemer, John. 1981. Analytical Foundations of Marxism. New York: Cambridge University
. 1982. A General Theory of Exploitation and Class. Cambridge: Harvard University
, ed. 1986. Analytical Marxism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
. 1986. 'Rational Choice' Marxism: Some Issues of Method and Substance. In
Analytical Marxism, edited by J. Roemer.
. 1988. Free to Lose : An Introduction to Marxist Economic Philosophy. Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Sayer, Derek. 1979. Marx's Method. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press.
Sensat, Julius. 1988. Methodological Individualism and Marxism. Economics and
Philosophy 4:189-219.
Shaw, William. 1984. Marxism, Revolution and Rationality. In After Marx, edited by T. Ball
and J. Farr.
. 1978. Marx's Theory of History. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
Steedman, Ian. 1977. Marx after Sraffa. London: Nlb.
Thompson, E. P. 1995. The Poverty of Theory, or an Orrery of Errors. New ed. London:
Merlin Press.
Ware, Robert, and Kai Nielsen, eds. 1989. Analyzing Marxism : New Essays on Analytical
Marxism. Calgary, Alberta, Canada: University of Calgary Press.

Wood, Allen W. 1981. Karl Marx, The Arguments of the Philosophers. London ; Boston:
Routledge & K. Paul.
Wright, Erik Olin. 1978. Class, Crisis and the State. London: Verso.
Wright, Erik Olin, Andrew Levine, and Elliott Sober. 1992. Reconstructing Marxism: Essays
on Explanation and the Theory of History. London, New York: Verso.

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