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MICA (P) No: 131/02/2013 ISSN: 0219-5704 KDN: PPS 1453/11/2012(022879) www.panelsfurnitureasia.

com JULY/AUGUST 2013

New, innovative
wood surfaces
MDF goes eco-friendly
Hemais fast track to
business success
Alder is what you want

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download eBook

Herman Miller Eames Chair (Photo credit: Danzer)



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Built to last
Last May I attended the 20th LIGNA trade
show, the worlds largest and most important
event for the timber and woodworking
industry worldwide, in Hanover, Germany.
I also attended interzum in Cologne, billed
as the worlds biggest trade fair for suppliers
to the furniture industry and interior finishing.
I wont dispute both statements because
they are indeed the biggest exhibitions
Ive ever attended. Both shows were eyeopening for many reasons, including the
Denice Cabel
difference in trade show culture in Germany
vs. that seen in Asian exhibitions.
I got the impression that the Germans
believe that attending trade shows is part of
their jobs, a way to meet with suppliers and customers, stay abreast
of the latest technologies, and so on. They block off the time for
the important events and show up like its mandatory. Conversely,
most of the participants in the Asian trade shows are inclined to
attend only when there is a current need for information or business.
Another eye-opener for me was finding out that so many
German companies in the woodworking machinery sector are
family businesses (a family owns either the whole company
or a significant share). Successful German companies like
Dieffenbacher, Wemhner, Wilhelm Alterndorf, to name just a
few, are family businesses which have been passed down through
Family firms are sometimes overshadowed by publicly
owned companies because they dont provide huge returns
on investment. Rather than seek a quick killing, the strategy of
family firms is to generate sustainable profits over the long term.
On the flip side, family firms do not have the short-term focus on
shareholder value like public listed companies, and therefore not
constricted by immediate market demands. Family businesses see
the benefit of thinking not in months, but in generations. Since the
global financial crisis, more people have come to value stability
and resilience of family firms.
Dieffenbacher (read story on page 32), BOERE (page 28)
and Electronic Wood Systems (page 20) are examples of family
businesses which are thriving by remaining true to the family culture
and values. I hope that you will learn from their successes. Have
a good read!

Panels & Furniture Asia

is the official publication of

Malaysian MDF Manufacturers Association

Singapore MICA (P) No. 131/02/2013
Editor | Denice Cabel
Assistant Editor | Andrea Clara Sim
Contributing Editor (Surfaces & Design)
Kenn Busch |
Editor (Chinese Edition) | Chris Si
Feature Writer | Gao Shang Cui Shun Shun
Graphic Designer | Edwin De Souza
Circulation Executive | Shu Ai Ling
General Manager,
Pablo Beijing & Shanghai | Ellen
Sales Manager, Pablo Shanghai | Ara
Industry Consultants
Winston Chiu
Associate Publisher | Pamela Buckley
Executive Director | Alistair Bryson
Publisher | William Pang


Panels & Furniture Asia is a member of
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Tel: (65) 6396 7877 Fax: (65) 6396 7177
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Printed by Stamford Press Pte Ltd


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Strong specifier
relationships begin with
honest introductions
Successfully marketing decorative surfaces and components continues to be a mystery
for many in our industry. Where to advertise? What exhibitions to attend? Whats the
key to establishing a long-term, profitable relationship with users of your products?
Kenn Busch
The word relationship itself is the key.
Contributing Editor
Ive been talking to several materials specifiers recently about why they choose their
materials they do, and how they find out about and are made to feel comfortable
Kenn Busch is also publisher of
specifying something new.,
With almost no exceptions, that answer is always We work with reps and vendors
that we know well and trust...that we have strong relationships with.
and contributing editor to Wood
The answer is the same, no matter if Im speaking to a cabinet showroom, a store
Digest and Interiors & Sources
fixture manufacturer, or a commercial interior designer. They all rely on their long-time
suppliers because they know that they wont be steered wrong. And if a new product
or material doesnt perform, they know that supplier (whether its a manufacturer, a
distributor or an independent rep) will handle any problems that may arise.
The flip side of that coin, of course, is that any material or supplier that fail for them
will be permanently blacklisted. The reason for this is simple installation failures damage
the reputation of the manufacturer or design firm in the eyes of their customers. The relationship dynamic at that
stage of the value chain is the same as it is between the materials suppliers and the designers.
So, do relationships trump price? Yes, they do. Trying to save a few pennies per square metre isnt worth risking
a failed product or installation. Every specifier Ive ever talked to has had an experience theyll never forget a
material that simply failed to perform as advertised, or a surface that was recommended for an application for
which it was not engineered.
Either way, the after effects are the same: That brand, that material, or even that whole category of materials,
is then avoided for the rest of that designers career, and maybe even for the rest of that firms existence.
Forging successful relationships begins with making a powerful first impression, putting your products in a relevant
context, and offering an honest assessment of its strengths and limitations.
The photo accompanying this article is a snapshot of the Material Intelligence Materials Pavilion at NeoCon in
Chicago this June. NeoCon is North Americas premier exhibition for commercial and contract furniture and interior
design, and is supported by sponsoring suppliers of decorative materials. In many cases, this is the first time these
suppliers have come into direct contact
with the high-caliber specifiers that attend
the show, so its a crash-course on how
to communicate on their level.
The great news is, designers are very
direct about the information they need
and how they prefer to receive it. After
hosting the Pavilion for four years now, Im
happy to report that after making dozens
of these high-level introductions, several
of my sponsors have since forged longlasting relationships with some of the most
powerful firms on the continent.
Its all about taking the high road,
and understanding that so many design
specifiers laminates is just one large
category. When one supplier fails a client,
we all suffer. PFA

Suppliers of decorative surfaces meet design

specifiers on their own turf at NeoCon 2013.



What in the World

is going on?
Malaysia has recently published
its timber industry figures for the year
2012. Total exports for the year was a
commendable RM20.2 billion (US$6.6
billion), up slightly by 0.8% on the
previous year. Exports of MDF increased
by 1.9% in terms of volume and 1.8% in
terms of value. This translated into 1.13
million m of MDF, with a value of RM1.15
billion (US$377 million). The main export
markets for Malaysian MDF by region
were the Middle East, Japan and other
Southeast Asian countries.
The Southeast Asian MDF market
remains very quiet at the time of writing
this article. This is due to the approach
of Ramadan in our major markets of
By Mr. Peter Fitch,
the Middle East, Pakistan, Indonesia
Chairman of the
and Malaysia. In this issue I would like
to recap on what is happening globally
and what could affect the future trade of
Malaysian MDF. I have broken these down into eight key
issues. These have not been ranked in any particular
order of importance;1. The US Federal Reserve gave a signal that it
was considering scaling back its Quantitative Easing
(QE) through the Tapering of its Bond buying. Just the
slightest mention of this tightening of the monetary policy
by the US was enough to send shock waves through the
financial world of Bonds, Shares and Exchange Rates.
To calm markets the Federal Reserve quickly stated that
this was a misunderstanding and monetary policy will
remain accommodative. In other words the QE will not
end any time soon but at least the Federal Reserve now
understands how markets will react when it finally decides
to Taper its Bond buying. This was probably a useful dry
run for a probable tightening in 2014 as the economy
improves. The lesson learned for us was the appreciation
of the US dollar which is good for the industry.
2. Growth within China looks to be slowing. There is
mounting evidence that the growth rate in China is slowing
with industrial output figures being called into question
and there being talk about the unsustainable nature of
the Shadow Banking sector, leading to concerns about
general liquidity. China is getting more expensive.
3. Europe remains very much challenged economically


with the prospect of no or very little growth until well after

the German election in September. Rising unemployment
will probably be the greatest problem facing the Eurozone
moving forward. After the German elections, Europe
will need to tackle its economic problems much more
aggressively and this could see a competitive devaluation
of the Euro and a European version of Abenomics.
4. The jury is still out on the merits of Abenomics.
This policy has inadvertently introduced volatility into the
local Japanese Share and FOREX markets. At the same
time it appears to have improved both producer and
consumer sentiment which is a good thing. It is hoped
that the Japanese consumer will now start to spend more.
5. The United States remains the largest and most
important single market. House prices are increasing,
unsold housing inventories are decreasing, and housing
starts are rising. These are translating into more demand
for wood panels and an increase in prices. Significantly,
industry players are returning to profitability and are
looking at new investment opportunities. Imports will
strengthen but will remain well short of the 2007 hey days.
6. In the Middle East there is some cause for optimism
as the reform minded cleric Hasan Rowhani won the
Iranian Presidential election with the hope that sanctions
could be lifted sooner rather than never. Unfortunately,
many concerns remain over the future of Syria and the
growing unrest in Egypt.
7. The era of China being the manufacturing power
house of the world and the USA being the ultimate
consumer are probably over. China will need to develop
its service sector and become a net consumer to ensure
future growth. The US will need to scale back on its debtdriven consumption and work toward a more balanced
economy. This could open up some opportunities to
re-establish consumer orientated exports to China as
opposed to just commodities.
8. Of future interest will be the new trade agreements
being proposed. There are currently many bilateral
agreements under negotiation but by far the most
significant would be the proposed EUROPE/US Free
Trade Agreement with the possibility of Japan joining
as the third partner. If successful this will certainly be
The Trade Block to be part of. For it to be implemented
successfully would require a harmonisation of all the
related industry standards including those applicable
to the timber sector. We hope that Malaysia will keep a
watchful eye on developments and will become an active
partner if invited to join. This begs the question as to where
this will ultimately leave China and other excluded export
dependant economies?
To all our Muslim readers Ramadan Kareem,
Ramadan Mubarak and to all the rest of the readers I wish
you a profitable and productive second half of the year.



Travelling the world in

search of wood

My current location at the time of writing this article

is Bosnia and Herzegovina where I just visited a
beech sawmill. Bosnia used to be part of the former
Yugoslavia, which was broken up in various countries
such as Croatia after the war in the early 90s. This
part of Eastern Europe has good beech and oak
resources , and we source a fair bit of our timber from
this region. Part of my job is to visit our current and
potential suppliers operations, bringing me to many
parts of the world. For example, this trip in June I visited
a beech sawmill in the Ukraine (FSC certified), another
beech sawmill in Romania, the previously mentioned
mill in Bosnia, and a beech and oak sawmill in Croatia
(FSC certified).
Next month I will be in Brazil visiting various pine
sawn timber mills and a MDF operation as well a few
pine sawmills and a Lenga (hardwood) mill in Chile. In
August and September I will visit customers in China,
India, Indonesia and Thailand.
So what does all this travelling provide me? For
one it keeps me updated with the supply situation
worldwide. The supply of raw material such as logs
is changing; operational costs and domestic and
sea-freight logistic costs are also increasing. The mills I
visited a few years ago are not producing the exact
same timber products as before; they are continu-

ously optimising their operations to become more

cost effective and to increase yield. Travelling also
provides me the opportunity to advise our suppliers
about the economic changes in Asia and, as a result,
the changing raw material product demands.
I can proudly say that I have travelled the world,
but looking at the above map there is still a large
part of the world I did not cover, such as:


Surely Russia has the largest untapped timber

resources in the world which, in the future, could
play a more important role for exports to Southeast
Asia. China has for many years been buying
large volumes of Russian softwoods and hardwoods
(mainly logs), but this reduced substantially in
the last few years due to the Russian export duty,
resulting in higher prices. That opened the door
for increased imports of softwoods from other sources
around the world.
We currently source some softwoods from West
Russia via our Finnish suppliers. I have never been
to Russia but did book a trip with a Canadian timber
consultancy firm about six years ago, but it was
cancelled due to lack of participants. I am pretty
sure that next year I will visit Russia.

Countries visited by the writer in red, not yet visited in green.





Central and North-West Africa

There are a few countries in this area

which are at present not high on my list of
places to visit (e.g. Democratic Republic
of Congo, Nigeria, etc.), but we do source
a good volume of timber from several
countries in this region. But the situation is
changing for example, African hardwood
from Ivory Coast is becoming an issue
as the mills in this country are unable to
provide proper documents to comply with
the EUTR due diligence. One interesting
new resource is teak from FSC-certified
plantation in Southern Sudan which, after
the split with Northern Sudan, seems to be
a safer place to visit. I am sure I will visit
Southern Sudan early 2014.


To be honest I know very little of Greenland and always thought

that it is mainly covered with ice, but I am probably wrong and
think that large parts are covered with softwood forests. I guess
the lack of infrastructure makes it expensive to source from
Greenland, but that might change in future.
If anybody fancies travelling the world, I suggest you join
our industry as it is a must to be part of the global economy.
One has to be fully aware what is going on in the world to be
successful. PFA

Central America

Our current resources from South America

are predominantly teak logs for export to
India, which is still a growing market not in
the least due to Myanmars log export ban
scheduled for 2014. A visit to South America
is still on the charts, the problem is that is
takes such a long time to reach there (one
and a half days) from Southeast Asia. There
are also several countries to visit, so the trip
should be at least two to three weeks.

Central Asia

This area will not be able to generate

any substantial export timber resources,
but there are a number of emerging
economies in this region. A visit to Central
Asia would be mainly to find new export
markets for our current products as well as
for semi- or finished products produced in
Southeast Asia.

About the


Dutch-born Michael Hermens is

Managing Director of APP Timber, a
timber importing company that he
founded nearly 18 years ago on the
conviction that Southeast Asia will
grow increasingly short of raw material
as it develops. The company
is now the leading regional
distributor of imported
timber, employing people
in Malaysia, Indonesia,
Thailand, Vietnam, India,
USA and Europe. He
permanently lives in
Kuala Lumpur with his
Singaporean wife and
two boys.





Industry at a Glance

Getting to know the Malaysian Timber Legality

Assurance Scheme (MYTLAS)
Much is currently spoken about legal verified
forestry schemes in Southeast Asia at the moment,
particularly in the light of the new European Union
Timber Regulation that has come into force. MYTLAS
is the Peninsular Malaysia Timber Legality Assurance
System and the following information was provided
by the Malaysian Timber Council (MTC):

What is the origin of the MYTLAS?

Malaysia continues to negotiate with the EU on a

FLEGT VPA, which is in the process of being finalised.
Malaysia is committed to concluding the FLEGT VPA
negotiations later this year. The MYTLAS is based on
the current status of the Timber Legality Assurance
System (TLAS) under the EU-MY FLEGT VPA.
Does this mean the MYTLAS is the FLEGT VPA?
No, but the mechanism that is being implemented
under the MYTLAS is based on the current status of
the EU-MY FLEGT VPA negotiations.
Does this mean the MYTLAS is EU-endorsed? No.
The MYTLAS is NOT EU-endorsed as Malaysia is still in
the process of finalising the FLEGT negotiations with
the EU. The EU is fully aware that Malaysia is currently
in the process of testing the MYTLAS, currently
involving only exports from Peninsular Malaysia to
the EU. This testing of the MYTLAS exercise is purely a
Malaysian initiative.
If Malaysia has not signed the VPA, why is it testing
the MYTLAS? The main reason for testing the MYTLAS
is so that Malaysian exporters to the EU may offer the
MYTLAS to EU importers as Malaysias Due Diligence
efforts in meeting the requirements of the EU Timber
Regulation whilst Malaysia finalises its FLEGT VPA.
The Government of Malaysia through the
Ministry of Plantation Industries & Commodities is
the government authority negotiating with the
EU on the EU-MY FLEGT VPA. MTC, the Malaysian
Timber Industry Board (MTIB), and the Forestry



Malaysian sawn lumber ready for shipment to EU

Department of Peninsular Malaysia are amongst the

key organisations involved in the negotiations. The
MTIB is the government body currently in charge of
Malaysias timber export licensing system. Under the
EU-MY FLEGT VPA negotiations, the MTIB is entrusted
to put into operation the Malaysian Timber Legality
Assurance System (TLAS) which encompasses
several other elements as required by the FLEGT
VPA process. The MYTLAS being tested currently is
the implementation of this TLAS on the ground and
MTC is confident that the MYTLAS will meet the Due
Diligence requirements under the EUTR.
In order to distinguish the two processes between
the FLEGT VPA and the EUTR, we have abbreviated
our TLAS to MYTLAS i.e., Malaysian TLAS. The intention
to test the MYTLAS will be to offer it as Peninsular



Industry at a Glance

Malaysias form of Due Diligence in the interim, at least for the

EUTR, until the EU-MY FLEGT VPA is finalised and signed. The
MYTLAS covers all the elements under the requirements of the
EUTR (as the EUTR was formulated to support the FLEGT VPA
process). The MYTLAS, after testing, we hope, will graduate
into the FLEGT VPA Legality Assurance System for Malaysia
once both parties sign and ratify the VPA.

The testing of the MYTLAS

This commenced in February 2013. Although the plan was

to test some shipments from Malaysia in time for the entry
into force of the EUTR on 3 March 2013, some unexpected
delays occurred. What matters more is whether the MYTLAS
addresses the key elements of the EUTR. A Compliance Audit
is currently being carried out in Malaysia.
Most will be aware that there are currently two application
processes via MTIB running in parallel to cater for varying
procedures for different product sectors. MTC has advised
on the need for a standard application process for all timber
products destined for export under the MYTLAS and expressed
a preference for Application Form B as this Form provides
most of the information expected under the EUTR. MTIB is in
the process of upgrading its online application system and
until this is finalised, the current MYTLAS application process
is being conducted manually.
Until there is evidence that the MYTLAS is acceptable as an
interim measure under the EUTR or EU-MY FLEGT negotiations
finalised, MTC has advised Malaysian companies that
they have no option but to adhere to the Due Diligence
requirements of the EUTR. Most Malaysian companies
should not face any problems in applying for a MYTLAS and
providing the information that the MYTLAS process or the EUTR
requires (i.e., source of materials, likely species etc). Most
importantly, they should focus on showing that the products
are at least legally sourced (originating from legal sources)
if not certified sustainable and all legal provisions in terms
of taxes, royalty etc., have been complied with. MTC will
continue to advise Malaysian companies as much as possible
through this process but advise all of those who are certified
CoC holders to actually utilise them as the safest option.

PEFC endorsement

The MTCS achieved PEFC-endorsement in May 2011. A total of

4.64 million hectares of forests in Malaysia are PEFC-certified,
the bulk of which consist of the 8 Forest Management Units
(FMUs) on Peninsular Malaysia, totalling 4.58 million hectares.
Hence, Low/Negligible Risk category under the EUTR. For
the purposes of the EUTR, it is safe to assume that logs and
timber from non-certified log resources such as stateland
forests and alienated land areas are still legally harvested as
all log movement in Peninsular Malaysia are accompanied
by Removal Passes.
For the purposes of the EUTR, all Malaysian companies are
advised to use the MYTLAS when exporting to Europe, even if
exporting PEFC-certified materials (declared on the MYTLAS).
The MYTLAS is backed by the Government of Malaysia in
ensuring that timber and timber products exported from
Malaysia are produced in line with the applicable national
laws and legislation, as required by the EUTR. PFA





Industry at a Glance

American Hardwoods exhibiting at

VietnamWood 2013

AHEC reception at VietnamWood 2011

AHEC Seminar at VietnamWood 2011

VietnamWood 2013 is the 10th edition of the

International Woodworking Industry Fair which
returns from 25 28 September at the Saigon
Exhibition and Convention Centre (SECC). It is the
fundamental platform for reaching target customers,
forging business relationships and promoting
new technologies to the worldwide wood-based
industry. Vietnam Wood attracts strong support
from international key exhibitors and delegations
which reinforce Vietnams position as a regional
production, trading and distribution centre for the
wood-related industries in ASEAN.
One of these key exhibitors is the American
Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) who will have 23
American hardwood companies exhibiting their
products including Shannon Lumber International,
Missouri Walnut LLC, Baillie Lumber Company,
Wheeland Lumber Company Inc., Robinson
Lumber Company, Sonoking Corporation, Snowbelt
Hardwoods Inc., Somerset Wood Products, Anderson


Tully Lumber Company Inc., Turman Trading LLC,

Clark Lumber Company, Kretz Lumber Co. Inc,
Muth Lumber Company, Lawrence Lumber Inc.,
TRN USA Forest LLC, Cummings Lumber Co Inc.,
C/K International LLC, Hardwoods of America LLC,
American Hardwood Industries, Macdonald ad
Owen Lumber, Amos Hill, Indiana State Department
of Agriculture and Hardwood States Export Group.
AHEC staff will also be on hand to give technical
advice and to provide brochures and literature on
the different species and environmental credentials
of American hardwood.
On the 25th September, AHEC intends to host
a seminar aimed at furniture producers, designers
and architects and interior designers which would
be followed by a networking reception for local
traders to meet with AHECs member companies.
The proposed seminar will include an introduction
to the US hardwood industry as well an introduction
to the US lumber grades to be conducted by Dana
Spessert, Chief Inspector of the National Hardwood
Lumber Association (NHLA). The seminar will be held
at the Sheraton Saigon. For more event details,
please visit
2011 VIETNAMWOOD was a great success with
245 exhibitors from 19 countries and regions and
about 12,000 visitors. The 2013 event has already
started getting confirmation for group participations
& country pavilions from China, Italy, Germany,
Taiwan & USA. PFA



Industry at a Glance

IMAL-PAL Group North America

appoints new president
panel sizing equipment, in Nottingham,
IMAL-PAL has announced a major
England. In the early 90s, while still with
change at the North American
Giben, he initially came to the USA on
headquarters of the IMAL-PAL Group
secondment to help establish the newly
based just outside Atlanta, Georgia
incorporated Giben America, and
with the recent appointment of
subsequently accepted a permanent
Andrew F. Jowett as President of IMALposition and transferred to Atlanta,
PAL Group North America. Jowett
Georgia in 1994 as V-P Systems and
takes over from Michael McNeley, the
Engineering. Since that time he held
companys previous US representative,
positions as sales director at Globe
and whose work was very much
Machine Manufacturing Company in
appreciated during his 20 plus years
Mr Andrew F. Jowett
Tacoma, Washington. In more recent
with the IMAL-PAL Group.
times he was once again back in
Mr Jowett has a long experience
Atlanta with SCM Group USA a subsidiary SCM who
in manufacturing, project, service, engineering
are the largest Italian manufacturer of a wide range
and sales management. After starting his career
of small, medium and large woodworking equipment
in industrial engineering, he became production
and fully integrated automatic manufacturing lines.
director at variety of large kitchen cabinet, office
Working with large companies on major projects he
furniture and upholstery manufacturers in the
developed special solutions and the equipping of
UK before establishing a subsidiary for the Italian
complete factories. PFA
company, Giben International a worldwide leader in





ry at
att aa Glance

PEFC Forest Certification Week 2013

to be held in Kuala Lumpur
The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest
Certification (PEFC) has posted the details of its
Forest Certification Week 2013 online; http://www. This 5 day event will
be held from 11 15 November 2013 in Kuala Lumpur.
The PEFC Forest Certification Week 2013 is
organised in cooperation with the Malaysian Timber
Certification Council (MTCC). It will be centred
around the 4th Annual PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue
(14-15 November 2013), open to everybody - as
well as the 18th PEFC General Assembly, associated
workshops and auditor trainings, open to PEFC
Council members and invited guests.
This is a very important week in the forest
certification calendar in which PEFC aims to join
concerted efforts to foster and expand sustainable
timber supply chains in Asia, to learn about the
opportunities and enabling conditions to mainstream
sustainable production and trade in the region and
discuss how current bottlenecks can be addressed
to drive sustainability solutions forward.
PEFCs Stakeholder Dialogue will bring together
up to 250 diverse stakeholders and key players across
the forest sector landscape to engage in solutionsoriented discussions. Participants will represent
businesses and non-governmental organisations who
share an interest and commitment to advancing
sustainability in the forest sector.
Participants attending the Stakeholder Dialogue
can expect to meet regional and global experts on
sustainable forest management, forest certification
and supply chain management, hear perspectives
from different sectors along the timber supply
chain. It will be an opportunity to discuss the status
and forecast for sustainable forest production and
trade in Asia and share views on how to increase
awareness of and benefit from domestic markets for
responsibly sourced products.
Highlights of the week will include training
seminars on learning about implementation and
auditing of Chain of Custody and looking back at
past Stakeholder meetings.
PEFC is the worlds largest forest certification
system, and it continues to make great strides
in Asia. Building upon PEFCs endorsement of
Malaysias certification system, the assessment is now
underway for endorsement of Chinas certification
system. Additional progress is on-going in national
certification system development in a number of


PEFC Certified Forest in Malaysia.

Photo credit: MTCC

PEFC Certified Plywood from Malaysia.

Photo credit: MTCC

countries including Indonesia, Japan, South Korea

and Myanmar. Alongside national system growth
is an increase in private sector interest for pursuing
Chain of Custody certification, stimulating further
demand for certified forest products. PEFC hopes
to further cultivate this positive dynamic by hosting
its annual event in Asia and putting the spotlight on
issues of importance for the region. PFA



Industry at a Glance

Baillie Lumber Co. Designing hardwood

lumber solutions
Baillie Lumber Co. works with customers to co-create
custom hardwood lumber products that help their
business succeed. Designed specifically with the
customers manufacturing process in mind, these
custom lumber solutions offer more usable lumber
to maximise efficiency, guarantee lumber yields per
load and offer full clear face lumber, all resulting
from their five step Custom Lumber Solution process.
Baillies Custom Lumber Solutions Programme
centers on the principles of a five step review and
evaluation process, with no obligation to their customer. Designed to work jointly with their customers to
co-create unique lumber solutions that meet specific
production needs, their programme provides careful
consideration and analysis to the customers environment, capabilities, expectations and requirements.
For more information, please visit or email PFA





Industry at
at aa Glance

Hamilton Conte launches new furniture

collection at Marquis
For the first time in Singapore,
designs to complement
Hamilton Contes founders
the natural tone of wood
Creative Director, Fabin
or other accented pieces
Pellegrinet Conte and
made from materials such as
General Manager, Ross
stone, metals, iron, brass or
Hamilton Englisbe, flew
resin, which could be visually
down to Singapore to debut
stunning in any modern
a new furniture collection
home interior.
at Marquis@QSquare last
For over a decade,
Marquis has established
Located at Tai Seng,
its position as one of the
Marquis re-launched their
leading furniture brands
newly renovated showroom
and collaborates with
Photo Credit: Marquis
and expanded its floor space
skilled furniture artisans to
by another 5,000 square
bring the best of furniture
(Left to Right) Wan Xuan and Fabian Conte.
feet, which now totals up
craftsmanship, designs and
to about 25,000 square feet and accommodated
elements to appeal to its customers.
Hamilton Conte, an established Parisian furniture
Exclusive areas were created in its showroom to
feature each key mono-brand
Hamilton Contes brand Customers may still want to retain a where customers can walk
philosophy and identity center
within the spaces and
contemporary look, but with touches about
around three key concepts
truly see and experience the
of story-telling, eclecticism of vintage or rustic elements for a
stylish and exorbitant statement
and proximity. Inspired by warmer atmosphere...
the Scandinavian design of
With the latest renovated
- Jean Wee, showroom, Marquis takes a leap
Americas influences from the
CEO of Marquis Furniture Gallery shared her forward in the furniture business,
50s to the 70s, each bespoke
thoughts on emerging furniture trends offering another a brand-new
piece narrated the different
cultures, rich family histories
line of modern and timeless
during that period, and paying a brand tribute to the
furniture collection with exquisite designs to put
founders respective grandmother - Carol Hamilton
together a dream home for the luxurious market in
and Magdalena Conte.
Singapore. PFA
For more information, please visit or contact:
Marquis@QSquare 16 Tai Seng Street, Level 1 Singapore 534138
Tel: +65 6383 0119

Photo Credit: Marquis

Ross Hamilton spoke to guests on the newly launched Hamilton Conte
furniture collection at Marquis.

The new creations are designed for comfort,

functionality with intricate detailing. The Hamilton
Contes furniture collection not only brings back
the touch of Parisian flair, but also the eclectic
combination of Americans influences and
Europeans sensibility. These can be seen in the
simple and fluid lines that set the scene and tie in
with this chic-stylish pieces for a warm feel and a full
sensory experience.
Homeowners can select from a diverse range
of upholsteries from the patterned or textured



Photo Credit: Marquis

Photo above (clockwise from top right)
1. Brushed brass wall sconce UXMAL;
2. Customisable FULLERTON cupboard in veneer, suede or fabric selection;
3. THAS lounge chair;
4. Imbuia wood JASPER coffee table;
5. SAINT MARTIN resin side table or stool;
6. 1960s inspired OLAF lounge chair;
7. SAVIGNY lighting, all are available from Marquis (Price upon request.)



Industry at a Glance

Advanced hardwood ripping programme

American Lumber Company has expanded their
hardwood ripping services at their Smyrna, New York
and Leitchfield, Kentucky facilities.

American Lumbers customised hardwood

ripping program for production of ripped-to-width
strips is ideal for manufacturers across multiple
industries including cabinetry, furniture, moulding
and flooring offering additional benefits that increase
yield and reduce cost.
With the expansion of this programme into two
facilities, American Lumber can now offer maximum
volume of ripped strips from our entire inventory of
species, grades and thicknesses available.
Please visit for more information
or contact:
American Lumber Company
707 West 38th Street Erie, PA 16508
Phone: 814-438-7888, (International)
888-438-7888, (USA)
Fax: 814-438-3086
e-mail: PFA





sparks innovation, success

in many ways
By Denice Cabel

Panels & Furniture Asia visited Electronic

Wood Systems GmbH's new premises in
Hameln, Germany. Take a look at this
futuristic eco-friendly building and learn
more about the future of measuring systems
for the panel industry.

German company Electronic Wood Systems

GmbH (EWS) is a supplier of measuring systems for
quality control and optimisation of the entire panel
production process. The Company also supplies spark
extinguishing systems used in production plants to
avoid fires and explosions.
Founded in 1996 by Mr Hans-Peter Kleinschmidt,
EWS is run today by the managing directors Mr
Matthias Fuchs (R&D, Technical) and Mr Hauke
Kleinschmidt (Sales). This globally-operating company
currently employs 40 people.

Building upon the future

EWS recently moved into new eco-friendly premises
in Hameln, an hour drive South of Hanover,
Germany. The entire building is made of wood
frame construction, solid wood beams, OSB panels
and wood fibre insulation.
Triple-glazed windows, wood pellet heating
system, LED lighting, rainwater harvesting and
landscaping/tree planting complete the eco
credentials of this site. High-tech BUS electrical system
allows remote control of building services from
Mr Hans-Peter Kleinschmidt,
everywhere by computers, iPads or iPhones. Solar
Founder Chief Representative of EWS
panels will soon be installed on the roof for shading
south-facing windows. Moreover, expensive climate
control systems are not necessary by the careful design of the building.
Our company building reflects our demand in quality, actuality and technical feasibility same as the
demand for our products, said Mr Hans-Peter Kleinschmidt. Modern, aesthetic and functional the new
building shall show our expression of high demand for quality. The use of wood we owe to our customers.




New EWS office in Hameln

Front view of
EWS building

EWS supply

Side view of new office

The utilisation of regenerative

energies and state-of-the-art
house automation shows our
understanding of sustainability.

thick and low density boards.

Thickness Gauges: Measure
the thickness of panel boards
during production. Non-contact
measurement also is available for
Product development
soft insulation boards.
EWS is committed to providing the
Weight per Unit Area Gauges:
best products and technology
Measure the weight per unit area
expertise to clients across the
of a mat cross wise to production
globe. The range of products
direction before entering the hot
developed and manufactured
in the German EWS facilities
Board Weight Scales: Evaluate
include Moisture Measurement
the weight of the finished board.
General Managers: Mr Matthias
of particleboard chips and MDF
Mechanical and non-contact
Fuchs and Mr Hauke Kleinschmidt
fibres; Weight per Unit Area
systems are available.
Gauges to be used to control the mat before the
Lab-Density Profile Analysers: The vertical density
press; Thickness Gauges for accurate thickness
characteristics of a board sample can be measured.
control after the press; various Blow Detection Systems
Moisture Analysers: Measure the moisture content
to detect and avoid blisters and delaminations;
of wood chips, particles and fibres non-contact.
and mechanical Board Weight Scales as well as
Measurement also works on drop chutes.
laboratory equipment.
Blow Detection Systems: Detect blows, blisters
Thinking together sparks innovation
and areas with no bond and air pockets during
In 2007 EWS began collaboration with the German
production. Special designs are available for every
OEM Siempelkamp and its SicoScan division.




This collaboration meant

that EWS sensors interface
with the Siempelkamp line
control software for the
whole production process
all integrated into the overall
visualisation system.
"Our systems include
leading technology, and our
innovations are influenced by
Siempelkamp," said Mr HansEWS SicoScan manufacturing
Peter. "The trend now is having
more and more automation in
the lines. Thanks to our partnership with Siempelkamp,
we are ahead of development.
The companys turnover last year was 3.5 million
euros 15% of which was reinvested on R&D.
Our company is devoted to inventing and
developing new ideas and concepts of technology.
We will continue our success by putting innovative
research and development, high quality and best
technical service first. The exchange of knowledge
with our business partners is fundamental to achieve
this success.
EWS also stands out in technical service all over
the world. According to Mr Hans-Peter, more than
80% of their technical service goes via Internet.

Whats new?
EWS has recently developed a continuous inline

EWS Blow Detector

EWS production,
inside view

Photo credit: EWS




Production hall

non-contact system
X for evaluation of
the panel weight
requiring only 300mm
of space. When
combined with a
thickness gauge,
the system also gives
Laboratory Density Analyser DENSE-LAB
density distribution
data. Two systems
have been supplied to Georgia Pacific in Hosford
and Brookneal (USA). Systems recently started up
Another brand new development from EWS is
an inline measuring system for evaluation of the
panel geometry of finished boards (width, lengths
and rectangularity) named DIMENSION-SCAN. First
installation is at Pfleiderer Particleboard, Baruth
This new extension of the EWS facilities is mainly to
house the future production of what has been the
companys latest R&D project, a new generation of
spark detection. After four years of development, EWS
proudly launched the system at LIGNA. The company
also introduced a new generation of laboratory
density analyser with x-ray technology on LIGNA for
measurement of panel board samples especially for
At the LIGNA fair, EWS sold three Thickness Gauges
THICK-SCAN and one Weight per Unit Area Gauge
MASS-SCAN to Kronostar, Russia for their particleboard
and MDF lines. They also received an order of a
19-channel Blow Detection System PLY-SCAN for
plywood inspection from German company Westag
& Getalit AG; one Thickness Gauge THICK-SCAN
from REPHINHO, Brazil; and two Laboratory Density
Analysers from EWS agent EURO-CHINA, Beijing for
supply to MDF factories.
EWS offers a wide range of quality control systems
and spark detection/extinguishing. This is a company
which has grown from humble beginnings into a
high-tech provider of measuring technology to the
panel industry which today has installations in 35
countries. PFA



Experience, technical expertise

and skills are essential. Employees
are sent for training and on-job
observation to remain relevant
in the ever-changing face of
technology and environment.
(From Left to Right)
Hideaki Shinna, Tony Hwang Huat Bing,
Takashi Nakamichi, Kajihara Zenichi


goes eco-friendly

By Andrea Sim

Panels & Furniture Asia visited Daiken Corporations manufacturing plant in Miri, a city
in northern Sarawak, Malaysia, and spoke with the team to gain insight into its on-site
manufacturing process of medium density fibreboard (MDF). The Company also presented its
eco-friendly MDF called Tekwood. Through Daikens innovation, research and development,
customers can expect a quality MDF with unique advantages in furniture applications.
Since its inception in 2005, Daiken Miri has been a
leading manufacturer of medium density fibreboard
(MDF) in Malaysia. The company nurtures its brand
with the aim of producing only the best quality
MDF boards under the prestigious brand name of
Tekwood, said Mr Takashi Nakamichi, President of
Daiken Miri. Tekwood possesses a natural attribute of
hardwood characterised by low moisture absorption,
enhanced dimensional stability, high tolerance of
relative-humidity fluctuation, not prone to insect
attack and fungus growth, and extended life span
of finished products using MDF.
The company produces a total of 110,000m3 MDF
boards per year, with 70 per cent of its Tekwood


supplied to Japan. About 15 per cent of its total

exports go to China, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia,
Thailand, Vietnam and Philippines. The domestic
markets account for the rest of the 15 per cent.
Mr Nakamichi said that the core values of Daiken
Miri and its other associate establishments are ecofriendliness, customer centric, consistency and
performance driven.

It is the depletion of the plywood from the tropical
hardwood species and the fluctuating prices of
wood that made Daiken Corporation take a step
towards an eco-friendly approach of producing MDF



used for doors, flooring, ceiling, wardrobes, cabinets,

etc. As most doors and core material of the frames
are made of lumber and Daiken Miri produces its
MDF using Dipterocarp Tropical hardwood residues
by first sourcing raw material from sawmills, chipping
companies and other wood processing operations
in Malaysia.
Daiken Miri aims to integrate sustainable wood
species from planted forest such as acacia into
MDF to create a more advanced and eco-friendly
base material, said Deputy Factory Manager, Tony
Hwang Huat Bing. We fully utilise the use of wasted
wood material, otherwise it will be abandoned,
thrown away or left to be decomposed, said
Mr Nakamichi, attributing these wasted woods
as precious sources of Daiken Corporation. He
added, We also purchase wood material from Sibu,
Kuching, Miri and Bintulu, where timber is one of the
main industries in Sarawak.
Bearing an Eco-Mark certification under the
Japanese law on promoting green purchasing,
MDF boards are used instead of plywood. This
way, Daiken is reducing the amount of natural
south-sea wood it uses, thus helping to protect the
forest. Besides ecological issues, there has been a
growing concern for healthy living and the key to a
healthier environment is to regulate the usage level
of formaldehyde emission, explained
Mr Hwang. Daiken Miri manufactures
the MDF boards with a lower level of
formaldehyde emission (at 0.3 miligram per
litre or below), compliant to the Japanese
Industrial Standard (JIS A5905), Super E0,
in accordance to the European EPF-S
standard, as well as the control measure
of formaldehyde emission by California Air
Resources Board (CARB) Phrase II. Thus, the
interior material companies in Japan who
were certified F4 stars were not restricted
in its area of usage.

Feeding area

Outfeed area

At the continuous hot press, the mixture of fibres and adhesives form a
continuous fibre mat, which is pressed together at a high pressure. They
use machinery from Metso Kuster Press and Siempelkamp.
Photos courtesy of Daiken Miri

for any form of impurities, where wood chip are

transformed into fibres via the thermo-mechanical
process. From the fibre bin to the mat forming
conveyor, the fibres are mixed with adhesive to form
a continuous fibre mat, which is later rolled out to the
continuous hot press. The long boards are sawed to
standard length and width unless specified, and go
through the cooler before reaching the final stage,
which is the sanding facility, an important part of the
process which determines the quality.

Manufacturing process
Mr Tony Hwang Huat Bing conducted the
plant tour and explained each step of
the manufacturing process thoroughly,
from the drafting of the masterplan to the
washing and screening of waste woods

Inspecting incoming materials: Each level needs

to meet specific properties and operational
standards. Thorough checks and material analyses
include material analysis of natural wood under the
microscope and universal tester for internal bond
and modulus of rupture.

Photo courtesy of Daiken Miri





Photo courtesy of Daiken Miri

Daiken Miri prides itself on unmatched commitment and fine

detailing, excellent products and services which go beyond
customers expectations.

Current challenges of MDF

As pricing still remains a major concern for many
investors, Mr Nakamichi said, We are not getting
into a pricing war, but we try to create a new
market using our unique production technique. Our
production capacity for MDF is limited. Rather than
trying to increase the market share, we need to take
steps ahead to address the pressing issues through
continuous innovations, analyses, and understanding
the process control and the monitoring needs.
Mr Hwang affirmed, We are producing high-end
MDF, so our quality control is more stringent and we
hope that our products can meet up to consumers
requirements. To meet consumers requirements,
Daiken Miri has to ensure a continuous fresh supply of
raw wood material by buying them at a reasonable
price and keep the cost low to construct their MDF

In the business of promoting the use of MDF as

a preference over plywood, Daiken Miri needs to
study the market demands. Even if we have good
quality products, we still may not meet our targets.
Through studying the market trends, understanding
customers behaviours, needs and wants, then can
Daiken Miri be truly successful, said Mr Nakamichi.
Although the production technique may seem
easy and requires a low skill level, getting the desired
shape of the board, creating a smooth finish and
producing boards that are consistent year after year
is not an easy challenge.

Making MDF the preferred choice

According to Mr Hwang, most of the wood-based
companies in Japan are still using a large quantity
of plywood made from hardwood, but there is a
global trend to steer the market to using MDF. He
added, We need to study and develop strategies
in this area of business.
A report on Acacia Mangium Plantation in
Sarawak and its Wood Quality by Ismail Jusoh
and Nur Syazni Adam from the Faculty of Resource
Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
stated that Sarawak is committed to establish one
million hectares (ha) of commercial plantations by
the year 2020. At present, about 290,000 ha have
been planted with mainly acacia mangium and
the remaining 710, 000 ha need to be planted...

Stamped with an Eco-Mark certification

under the Japanese law on promoting
green purchasing.




Mr Hwang elaborated, The Malaysian government encourages local

companies to invest in timber-related businesses and promote ecology
through sustainability, which means we grow trees to produce the MDF
coupled with the Japanese technology.
The Daiken Sarawak (DSK), which was established in 1994 also produces
MDF and it had started its own plantation about 10 years ago. The plantation
size sprawls over 5,500 ha growing acacia mangium, and Mr Nakamichi
said Daiken Miri buys acacia logs for their MDF production to keep up
with the growing demands and use these planted wood species in line with
environment-friendly issues.

Future plans
In the future, Daiken Miri will strengthen its collaboration with Daiken
Sarawak, another subsidiary of Daiken Corporation, in MDF production and
Looking through Daiken Miris list of accolades attained over the years,
perhaps the company has made its mark in attaining a new level of
achievement towards the betterment of the global environment. This
venture in Miri has enabled Daiken Corporation to stay on the competitive
forefront, with its goal in producing premium and quality MDF and supplying
them to local and international markets. PFA


Quick facts
Daiken Miri designs and manufactures
Utype medium density fireboard (MDF) and
high density fibreboard (HDF) from Dipterocarp
tropical hardwood, at the production capacity
of 110,000m3 per year with production sizes
ranging from 2.5mm to 18.0mm, and the
width and length maximum of 2,800mm and
5,600mm respectively. The factory also tailors
MDF board size according to consumers needs
and specifications.
Daiken Miri has attained notable
achievements certified to Japanese Industrial
Standard (JIS A5905) Fibre Boards Certification
in March 2004, California Air Resources
Board Certification for Composite Wood
Products (CARB P1 & P2) in February 2009,
and ISO 9001:2008 Certification in October
2009. Daiken Miri is striving towards ISO
14001:2004 Environmental Management
System Certification.



Seventy years - a long or a short time? If its to be
measured by progress and achievement then, in the
case of the Dutch world leaders in widebelt sanding
technology, Boere has set a front running pace.
Quality in sanding solutions is a motto that the
company has been able to adopt with confidence. And,
when one looks at a world map where sales reach more
than 46 countries from one factory in Waddinxveen near
Amsterdam, the question has to be: How?
It really is a story of dedication, hard work and
innovation that have sprung from natural opportunities.
But, above all, an understanding of what customers need
and will need in the future.
By 1942, when Peter Boeres father J. Boere set up
in business, the area had a thriving industry in wooden
furniture, toys and the like. While initially gearing his
workshop to repairing woodworking tools, J. Boere quickly
identified the need for new machines and was soon
producing equipment like frame clamping machines,
carcase presses and small routers.
The progression to small sanders like centreless belt
sanders, rotary belt and drum sanders as well as profile
and edge sanders came sometime later and led to the
landmark date in the companys history, 1952, when
J. Boere developed and constructed the first widebelt
sanding machine.
Today, widebelt sanding machines are common
place and available from many sources. But it would
be a grave mistake to think that they are all the same or
even similar. The concept involves a complex application
of combining a number of actions. Essentially applying
the abrasive material (which is the tool) to the workpiece
via different systems of pressure, movement, speed and
control. It can be a very complex scenario that only
few manufacturers really master to attain consistently
excellent results over a huge variation of workpieces and
materials. Boere machines remain peerless among these
and continue to take the lead in pushing the frontiers of
widebelt sanding technology.
Over the years Boere have developed a tried and
trusted solid frame construction which can be adapted,
on a modular basis, to the specialist units and systems that
they develop for individual customers. The sturdiness and
reliability of their machines has become a cornerstone
of their reputation.
In terms of the basic sanding program, theres nothing
basic about it! Calibrating, pre-sanding, fine finishing, denibbing, sanding rather than planing, planing-sanding,
knife planing, structuring, cleaning and brushing, sandingsawing are all methods and combinations of methods
offered by Boere.
Over the years they have extended their expertise in
to many other areas where abrasives or other systems can
be used within the context of the Boere machine frame:



Boere machines are used for the precise removal

of the aluminium surface from poly-carbonate
CD blanks for re-cycling. They sand plastic and
rubber for the automotive and other industries.
They have major customers in the foam insulation
sectors as well as for calibrating re-constituted
paper and waste into notice boards. A Boere
machine has been specially developed for the
cleaning and brushing of carpet tiles for re-use
at exhibitions. The scaffolding industry is using
a Boere system for the cleaning of cement,
paint and other residue from scaffold planks for


in sanding
for more
70 years
re-hiring. Their sanders are also widely used in
the luxury boat and yacht building industry for
the precise manufacturing of teak and teaklike decking, as well as for the very accurately
fine finishing of delicate veneers used in luxury
boats and yachts. A major trend is the structuring
(texturing) of wooden planks to give them on old
rustic look, not only for the flooring industry but
now for the furniture industry as well.
For a magnificent and natural look on
wooden surfaces, Boere launches the X-line brush
texturing machine. By texturing the wood, this

gets a magnificent and natural look because of
the to this end especially developed oscillation
system which follows the wood grain. This results in
a stripeless and soft feeling surface. This machine
has been sold and delivered worldwide for several
purposes for both solid wood and veneered
panels in the meantime. Also in this field Boere has
an excellent reputation. The specially developed
X-line unit can now be built in the texturing brush
machine. This unit works cross the wood grain
and therefore you will obtain a surface which
looks very much on scarved wood. More and

Boere solutions


Boere machine

Texturing brushes

more you will come across this application in the

flooring, furniture and joinery industry.
Much of Boeres business comes via first hand
product and sample testing. They have a number
of machines on permanent display in a test and
demonstration centre and regularly receive
samples of products and visitors from around
the world to personally discuss their particular
Quality in sanding solutions has always been
the goal at Boere. After more than 70 years it still
be readily adopted as a fitting motto. PFA

Boere training




Dragon press:
Quality and versatility
at an affordable price
This year Siempelkamp took the LIGNA fair as an
opportunity to present its new low-budget press
concept: With the 4' Dragon press, press operators
receive Siempelkamp quality at an attractive
price. The intelligent control technology ProdIQ
is part of the scope of supply and guarantees
cost-efficient production.
With the new Dragon Press, a 4' ContiRoll
press, plant operators will be able to provide
a broad product spectrum. The flexible infeed

head of the ContiRoll allows the production off

particleboard, MDF and OSB with a thickness
ranging between 2mm and 40mm. The smaller
press type also allows the production of highgh-quality thin boards. The 4' concept combines al
the features of the larger Siempelkamp presses
including unsurpassed high availability, best
pressure distribution, low thickness tolerances,
quick start-ups and stable ramp-up curves.



Ecient, intelligent and economical

At optimum operation the Dragon Press
guarantees plant operators a 30% higher
capacity potential. This increase literally pays
off for Siempelkamp customers. The scope
of supply includes the intelligent control
technology ProdIQ . Connected to an ERP
system, ProdIQ covers the areas of production
data management, quality control, servicing
and maintenance. The system's different

modules are essential tools for systematic

increases in productivity.
The press is manufactured completely at
Siempelkamp's production location in Wuxi,
China. This is especially appealing to Asian
customers. Siempelkamp's manufacturing
location ensures short delivery distances and thus,
reduces transport costs. PFA



it in the
At Ligna 2013 Panels & Furniture
Asia, along with other leading
international panel industry
trade magazines, was invited
to a fireside chat with Mr WolfGerd Dieffenbacher, President
and CEO of German-based
wood products machinery
manufacturer Dieffenbacher,
and his successor, Mr Christian
Here are some of the highlights
of that conversation:

Dieffenbacher is a family business since its founding in 1873. Mr Wolf-Gerd Dieffenbacher, President and
CEO, announced that he intends to keep it a family business. The elder Dieffenbacher used the occasion
of the Ligna fair to announce the eventual transition of the Companys leadership to his son, Christian

Is the next generation ready to fill your role?

Wolf-Gerd: I would say its nice, first as a father and
second as a representative of the fourth generation,
to see this long tradition being carried on. Its good
to grow this family business and see continuity,
reliability and credibility to be conserved. We have
grown pretty fast and sometimes I ask myself if the
way we are organised as a private-family company
is still the right model. But the answer has always
been yes we are sure it is! We have no intention to
sell or to talk to investment partners. We are going
to stay a family company. We have a solid financial
basis and many good products. My son Christian is
building strong relationships with customers. With his
double studies in economics and engineering from
a good university, hes well prepared.


Christian: Ive come here in Ligna for the seventh

time first at the age of 16. Its quite a while ago,
and I always enjoy being part of it. I did my studies in
Business Engineering and now work as a consultant
for a year and a half, mainly for BMW.
The plan is to finish this by end of this year and get
into the Dieffenbacher Group by beginning of 2014.
We are still in discussion on what might be the first
step to get into the company. Ive been involved in
the Groups projects before; its not like Im starting
from zero.
Ive been in China in 2004, so I know how to build
the press line up, from the customers side at least.
Ive been involved in customer trips and trade fairs
as well. The plan is I should start in technical sales first
and then well see.


Do you have a timeline in your mind in

stepping away?
Wolf-Gerd: Im 61 now, so in the next few years we
will undergo a generation shift in the organisation.
I would say that we are through 80%. The biggest
challenge now is to concentrate not so much
on the market anymore, but concentrate on the
organisation. Get good people in all important
positions that fit him. We are really through two-thirds
and he was involved at almost every decision. I
believe this will work well. At the moment I have one
operational responsibility and this is the United States.
We have to build a new organisation there and raise
the brand identity of Dieffenbacher North America.
Our reputation is okay in the U.S., but it needs new
people and engineering group. I would be happy to
say goodbye at the age of 65, although this puts me
a little but under pressure. I am very grateful to my
father. He retired when he was 68, and I was 33 when
he handed the responsibility to me. Looking back I
think this is the right thing to do. Christian just turned
30. As a young man he should feel the responsibility,
have new ideas, and possess the courage to push
the new ideas. Im looking forward to this transition

Since the beginning of 2013,

Dieffenbacher has sold over seven
MDF and two particle board plants
in China all of which will go into
operation in 2014. Dieffenbacher has
also delivered all 8 and 9-feet wide
continuous OSB plants in China.
You received a lot of orders from Asia, mainly
China. Whats the reason behind the sudden
surge of demand in the region?
Wolf-Gerd: The market was rather quiet until the
third quarter of last year. It had to do with financing
and maybe political reasons. We saw that China is
moving from MDF, so there is definitely an oversupply
of particleboard. In the old days our main business
was MDF only, today its almost only particleboard

and a little bit of OSB. Baoyuan is the first OSB plant
we built in China. We have an order for a continuous
OSB plant in Eastern China. Particleboard is doing
great in Asia. The VECO plant in Vietnam, a Sumitomo
Forestry subsidiary, is running quite well. Business in
Asia is really good so I cant complain. The last Ligna
was a difficult time, but now our problem is process
management and engineering because of many

Can you tell us more about your new alliances

with Holtec and Carmanah?
Wolf-Gerd: The alliance between Siempelkamp
and Pallman triggered off some decisions in
Dieffenbacher in terms of OSB flakers. The result is
this teaming up with Carmanah, an old friend, in the
OSB sector. Weve done a lot of projects in the U.S.
making good flakers and stranders.
We also have the new alliance with Holtec for
log handling and processing. If we sell complete
lines mainly OSB, we said we needed a woodyard
concept. We do have engineers who can design
that but our expertise is not in this area, thats why
we have done projects with Holtec. They are really
professional people. I like their equipment and
the attitude of the people. I think its a very good
marriage. So if we get turnkey orders, we will do
jointly with Holtec.

What are your strategies in growing the

Wolf-Gerd: We will grow in China. Our plant in
Shanghai is huge and can be fed endlessly.
Another strategy is to have more people abroad.
We are also recruiting more engineers in our Czech
plant. We are collaborating with Brno University
of Technology in Czech Republic in tapping into
their bright engineers. Right now we have 10 or 12
engineers from that university.
Last year our turnover was 415 million euros, and
we are heading towards 500 million euros in the next
two years. Growth will come out frm many areas.
China cannot grow forever. India, Pakistan and Iran
are growing significantly in terms of panel boards.
We have also decided more than a year ago to get
active in Africa. PFA





Hemais fast track to

business success with
support from HOMAG
By Lian Ying

Mr Zhou Huangshun, General Manager of Hemai, Taiwan

Since its founding in 2012, Hemai has already gained

a firm footing into Taiwans furniture market. Last
June Panels & Furniture Asia visited the Company
in Taiwan and met up with Mr Zhou Huangshun,
General Manager of Hemai System Furniture, and
Mr Shi Zhongyuan, Sales Manager, to discuss about
the Company's complete line of machines from
HOMAG [Haomai] and also its operations and
market strategies.

Factory founded in one step

Before the foundation of Hemai, many industrial

peers were doubtful of Taiwans market because
many of the companies dealing with the distribution
of woodworking and tools machinery neither
invested in opening their own factories nor owned
an office building for their daily business operation.
Moreover, customers would normally hold back on
their investments until a new company is able to
assure its buyers that the products they are selling are


durable and stable. Now, the question on everyones

mind is this would Hemai succeed in a furniture
industry with low operating cost?
"Theres a saying that if one wants to do his job
well, he must sharpen his tools. Most often when
people set up a new business, they start small.
They build a small factory for trial. Hemai did the
opposite. The company took a big step forward
by applying a one-step deployment, which means
Hemai invested on its own factory and adopted
a practical management approach to run the
company, said Mr Zhou. From the beginning,
we only used advanced equipment rather than
gradually introduce high-end machines over time.
Since Hemai is a relatively new company, there are
no historical burdens. What we are thinking now is
how we can work and develop pretty quickly, how
to get away from the homogeneous competition,
and how to find a unique path for our development."
It took eight months to plan and set up the
company before its official launch in 2011. By then,
the Hemai factory was already fully equipped with
the right machinery for full production. HOMAG also
hired a team of highly-qualified professionals who
helped in the selection of the most appropriate
equipment needed in the factory.
In 2010, having accumulated 10 years of
industry experience, we decided to pull out from
our collaboration with another panel furniture
manufacturer and formed the new brand Hemai.
When searching for a qualified equipment supplier,
we thought of HOMAG immediately," explained Mr
Zhou. "Some of the key strategies in setting up Hemai
in Taiwan included discussion on what we would like
to do, what our target productivity levels were, the
size of manpower, etc. Because of the high degree
of automation of the machines from HOMAG, our
production line is operated by only six workers. We
save a lot on labour costs because fewer people
are needed to operate the machines. Needless to
say, we are very impressed with the quality of the
machines, said Mr Zhou.
"Although we didnt have huge funds in the
beginning, we did have a well experienced team.



(L-R) Mr Shi Zhongyuan (Hemai), Mr Zhou Huangshun (Hemai), Ms Lian Ying (PFA), Mr Chris Chan (HOMAG) and Mr Matthew Sng

In addition, HOMAG provided us with not only

machinery, but more importantly, they offered
tailored solutions. This was one of the reasons
why we chose HOMAG. Our goal was to achieve
maximum productivity with a limited budget, as well
as to install the most appropriate production line,
Mr. Zhou said. "Currently over 90% of our products
are sold in Taiwan. The popular mantra in Taiwans
system furniture industry is small amount and high
productivity. HOMAGs equipment fits the market
requirement perfectly.
"During the planning stage we considered
many factors, including the requirements for future
operations, choosing the right equipment, and
designing the whole technological process," said Mr
Zhou. "We purchased the whole line of equipment
from HOMAG, including high-speed panel saw,
edgebander, multi-functional machines, CNC, etc.
Taking into consideration the industry experience our
staff had acquired, HOMAG suggested we choose
a semi-automated production line, which turned out
to be our final choice. Currently the production line
is in service with satisfactory flexibility and stability."
We strive to make stable, high-quality products.
For example, by using HOMAGs cutting machine, we
could input digitalised data such as product quantity
and specifications into the computer for automatic
typesetting and calculation. This minimises instability
and error rate which are common with manual
calculation. The high-speed panel saw also greatly
improves work efficiency.
HOMAG's equipment features a user-friendly

interface to guarantee simple operating process and

low error rate. The software has a learning feature
which means past experiences or commands are
stored in, and recognised by, the computer.

Bold designs to grab market share

Taiwans local designers are very bold when

it comes to their creations and they are not
constrained by common practices. At the same
time, they are well trained in customisation and
adding practical elements to their designs. Having
these design advantages helps in Hemais brand
building and business development. Zhou said, We
must first consider how to draw attention from the
market, then we focus on making profits.
Given that many customers do not know us
well, we are faced with the challenge to make the
new company be quickly accepted by the market,
Thus we made many painstaking efforts on the
design and R&D of our panel systems for furniture
products. By adopting various innovative panel
processing methods, we strive to address the specific
requirements of local designers here in Taiwan,
Zhou said. In Taiwan, system furniture refers to dull,
boxy and flat products. Since creative styles are
valued in Taiwans design circle, solid wood is the
preferred material of choice due to its application
flexibility which can be used for a broad range of
three-dimensional and streamline shapes. Hemai has
developed several patterns for creative designing,
which will soon be noticed by the industry."
Mr Zhou believe that exquisite designs are




possible in system furniture production. Highly

creative and design-oriented products may greatly
rely on handwork, so its difficult to achieve mass
production and only a few peers are willing to try
this out. On the other hand, nowadays consumers
put higher requirements on beauty. To draw the
designers' attention and attract them to cooperate
with us, we must present them with beautiful
designs. This is the way to stand out in the crowded,
homogeneous market.
"With HOMAG's machinery equipment, we can
find ways to achieve new designs and processes;
and by reasonably scheduling the timetable of
the equipment and setting the most suitable flow,
we are be able to optimise the productivity of the
machines. Perhaps complex designs would add to
time cost and task cost in the short run, but if several
independent/individual designs succeed to attract
attention from the market and lead to production
orders, it would be worth our efforts," he explained.
To optimise the whole production process, Mr
Zhou consulted with the technicians of HOMAG on
how to employ digital and intelligent operations
of the equipment to decrease pressure on the
production line caused by complex production
processes. In the near future, another HOMAG panel
saw will be installed in Hemai's factory.

First project in Mainland China market

Mr Shi Zhongyuan began doing business in Mainland

China market three years ago. Now he is Hemai's
backbone in the China market and overseas.
Same as Mr. Zhou Huangshun, Mr Shi is aiming to
capitalise on the booming real estate market and
the numerous building projects in Mainland China.
In view of geographical reasons, we chose Fujian
and Guangdong as the point to enter the market.
These two provinces share similar customs, language
and culture as Taiwan. In addition, the location is

HOMAG's equipment features user-friendly interface to

guarantee simple operation and low error rate

convenient for transportation. In March 2013, the

Xin Jing Guan designing project, our first project in
Mainland China, was implemented successfully in
Dongguan City," Mr Shi said.
The competition in Taiwan is extremely fierce,
while the market in Mainland China is so much larger
than Taiwan's. The China market is very important for
our overseas development. Although it is very difficult
to compete in that market, we still believe that we
have established a favourable impression to Chinese
clients. They know that we offer quality system
furniture. Either in designing and producing system
furniture products or site installation, we always have
special teams directly appointed from Taiwan to
oversee the completion of the project. And through
the first project we did, we had accumulated
valuable experiences and knowledge of the market
in Mainland China, said Mr Zhou.
"Currently we are under the testing phase
in the Mainland China market. We have been

Hemai factory




Hemai uses machines from HOMAG

appointed as the general agent of Europlak an

Italian brand in the Asian-Pacific region. The
brand boasts of design excellence, influenced
mainly by original designs imported from Italy. Italian
designs are different compared to German designs

with respect to shapes, styles,
colour mixtures, and choice
of materials. As the general
agent of Europlak, Hemai is
further enhanced with this
competitiveness. We believe
that this unique product series
will meet the high-quality
demands of customers in
Hemai product ready for delivery
Mainland China, where the
residents living standards are getting higher and
Hemai plans to officially launch the project
in August 2013. They are still consider enlisting
distributors in the first-tier cities in Mainland China.
"We will rely on local network resources and
enter the market based on customer relations and
resource conditions," said Mr Zhou. "We believe that
this will produce a fairly good outcome. Meanwhile,
we wish to get more designers from Mainland China
so that we can go deep into the designing concepts
that better fit the market there. We also want to learn
more of the trends of the system furniture market in
Mainland China." PFA





Danzer Roug
h Cut Oak

Global hardwood and veneer specialist Danzer

presented its innovative wood surfaces at Interzum
2013. With the new materials and visual appearances,
customers can turn their ideas into reality which
explains Danzers fair booth slogan: Imagine.
Our customers are first looking for ideas and
then they wish to actually have their concepts
realised. Thats why we offer new materials and open
up new applications; but we put as much emphasis
on how to industrialise new ideas and implement
them in a reliable and economic way, explains
Danzer Speciality Divisions CEO Eckart Schmitt.

Danzer Linea Walnut

For Danzer Figura, a technical process creates

highly decorative figured veneers, which can virtually
not be distinguished from a natural grown figure.
The Danzer method mimics the natural process that
results in figured veneers. This ensures that the grain
structure of the wood is persistently altered and the
visual appearance will not fade over time. Danzer
Figura Anigre and European Sycamore were both
presented at Interzum.
Danzer Vintage Style
Veneers overcome the
traditional limitations of
genuine vintage wood
to be best suited
for individual projects
they allow industrial
applications with this
kind of rustic veneers:

MGM Film
Studios - Oscars
- Danzer Vinterio

Linea, Figura und Vintage Style

Examples for new surfaces are Danzer Linea und
Danzer Figura. Danzer Linea is a cut-to-size high
quality veneer, which exhibits an attractive rift cut
appearance. Made from the real species, industrial
process ensures a reliable and cost-effective supply.
Danzer presented Linea in Cologne in four wood
species: American Walnut, American White Oak,
European Birch and Silver Birch.


Danzer Figura Sapele



the production process just accelerates the natural

ageing process. Vintage Style is currently available
in European Oak.
At the fair, Danzer also showcased examples for
various applications. For example, Metro Goldwyn
Myers film studios in Beverly Hills, California have
been fitted with Danzer Vinterio Sapele; the studios
present their Academy Award Oscars in front of
this high-quality wood surface. Danzer Vinterios
product range is newly completed with the
wood species Eucalyptus und Anigre.

Herman Miller Eames Chair

- Danzer 3D-Veneer

HermanMiller Eames Chair

- Danzer 3D-Veneer

Geiger Clamshell Best of NeoCon Gold Award Danzer 3D-Veneer

Photo credit: Danzer

Industrial Danzer 3D-Furniere

Furniture brand Herman Miller recently introduced
in North America an iconic design for first time
made of wood: the Eames Molded Wood Side
Chair realised with Danzers patented 3D-Furnier.
More than 70 years ago, Charles und Ray

United Nations Headquarter New York Danzer White Oak and 3D-Veneer

Eames experimented with molded wood. As the

designers pushed the material as far as it could go
at that time, they surrendered to the design process
that ultimately led to their Molded Plastic Chair.
With Danzer 3D-Veneer, the classic shell has now
been realised in wood and is being produced at an
industrial scale in the USA.
Danzer 3D-Veneer also allowed to realise USfurniture company Geigers Clamshell chair family,
which instantly won the Best of NeoConGold
Award in the seating category.
The ever broader usability of 3D-Veneer is
supported by a completely new development
of 3D-inner layers. They exhibit
superior physical properties and
make 3D-moulded parts more
cost-effective. Danzer is going to
expand their production capacity
for the new 3D-inner layers step
by step.
An impressive example for the
use of 3D-Veneers is showcased
in an assembly hall at the United
Nations HQ in New York. Danzer
donated American White Oak and
3D-Veneers for the furniture in the
Trusteeship Council Chamber. They
are being used in three different
ways: plain, as form following
3D-Veneer on the curved table
tops for the delegates, and as
3D-mould for the chairs of the
Danish brand One Collection. PFA




Surface design trends

from Interzum
Decor printers like Schattdecor take their design leadership role seriously

In the laminates world,

design begins with the
decor printers. But they
want you to know that
they dont pull their
inspiration from thin air...
their new introductions are distilled from observations
gathered at the worlds great furniture exhibitions,
mainly Milan and Cologne, held early each year.
The materials and trends witnessed there are
interpreted for the different materials that use their
decors HPL, thermally fused laminates (TFL, also
known as melamine panels) and decorative foils,
and introduced at major events like the recent
Interzum fair in Germany.
While there are several high-quality decor printers
based in Germany, one stands out not only for its
on-target trend introductions, but for its ability to
continually innovate and push the boundaries of
what laminates are Schattdecor.
First, the major trends for 2013-14 all revolve around
decors with natural authenticity and surface realism.



And rooms, once

again, express their
individual character,
with each living space
demanding its own
individual touch,
revealing a greater influence of creativity, emotion
and personality. In essence, home furnishings are
mainly characterised again by a stronger focus
on individual and modular ways of shaping living
spaces. And as a way of underscoring individuality
and creative freedom, use is being made of strong
touches of colour.
Schattdecors design team, headed by Claudia
Kchen, once again demonstrated its proficiency
in wielding dependable trend research tools by
coming up with themes provided such thoughtprovoking titles as Ready for Progress?, Isn't it
Poetry? and Longing for Comfort?
Yet conducting research is one thing; being
able to translate findings on textures, colours and
surface finishes in a contemporary and effective way
is another. Mastery of both
reflects not only expertise
but also a sure touch and a
profound understanding of
decors, colour and space.
The many small and large
decor highlights whether in
woodgrain, stone, abstract
designs or Unique Colours key
solids, whether for furniture
or flooring use, produced in
rotogravure or digital inkjet
printing or provided a foil or
melamine coating made a
powerful impression on visitors
to Interzum.



Ready for
The furniture in the PROGRESS trend makes a
fascinating impact with bright colours and modular
material combinations. Individual furniture elements
provide plenty of scope for singular solutions.
Wooden items are simple, but offer unexpected
colour details. Unusual forms and lines, and daring
material mixes give the furniture its unmistakable

look. Intensive colours are used for accents, yet

are never overdone or too garish. Light shades of
grey and extraordinary contrasts shape style. This
furniture trend is characterised by light Nordic woods
in natural colours and matt surface textures. Typical
exponents of this trend include:

Tokaj is a fine-grained decor offering elongated flame figures,

partial rays and attractive colour treatment. Lighter streaks
introduce a touch of interest in the balanced composition.

Rustic oak table-boards provided the inspiration for this decor.

The lively grain in the broad planking and the large and small
knots all contribute to an extremely natural look.

Isn't it
This trend is characterised by individual furniture
items that take their cue from the Scandinavian
country house style. Simplicity and longevity are
the fundamental criteria in a look that can best be
described as POETRY coupled with modernity.
Nevertheless, the furniture never makes an
austere impression, but captivates with an air
of casual chic. At the same time, it also creates
contrasts of light and heavy. A modern effect is
created by combinations of white-stained items with

various pastel hues for a dream-like touch.

The wood surfaces are primarily an encounter
with white and grey stained wood; these panel
woodgrains have a used look which embody
character and longevity.
The colours principally include white and a
broad palette of pastels, including ros and mineral
pigments with black as an accent. The following
decors represent this trend:

Faint cracks and a multitude of lively details lend this furniture

decor its distinctive character. The planking is subtle in effect.
Crossfires, small knots and narrow side-cut narrow crotch figures
are further features.

This larch decors wire-brushed look provides a striking threedimensional effect. Alternating sections of densely-packed and
wide-spaced grain, various knots and side-cut crotch figures
lend the planked layout a lively and rustic touch.





Longing for
The living ambience is determined by masculine
colours, as well as solid-looking furniture accentuated
with metals such as copper, brass and steel. Classic
items and new, modern designer furniture are
combined with each other. Concrete surfaces

Developed in line with the trend for using concrete in interior

design, this decor shows fair-faced concrete in a somewhat
structured layout featuring many of the details typical of the
material. Created for various applications, it is suitable for
worktops, wall surfaces and furniture elements alike.

are particularly in evidence in the interiors. Reddish

timbers in particular make a daring appearance with
vintage surfaces. This trend is typified by heat-treated
wood and dark oak. It also includes:

Thanks to its arresting 3D look, Sheffield Oak makes a powerful

visual impact, with striking negative pores in the growth lines
and narrow figures further contributing to this effect. The decor
is particularly attractive in dark colours.
Indigo, teal, cinnamon, graphite and subtle concrete grey
are the colour schemes of this furniture trend.
With its new 2nd Unique Colours by Schattdecor collection,
the company is presenting a range of new highly current trend
colours in line with the latest trend themes, and which are
perfectly matched with the new modern wood decors.

Schattdecor has also focused on the implementation
of industrial digital printing for furniture and
flooring sur faces since 2009. The technology
offers tremendous innovation potential, and rapid
technological progress is being made.
The company has since developed over 80
digital decors and presented an initial collection
at Euroshop 2011. A further 40 decors have been



developed by the design team in Thansau over the

past two years, which were featured in Interzums
Innovations of Interiors in Hall 4.2.
With its two decors Giant Wood and Paint
Splatter, the company has repeatedly been
honoured for its creative ideas with the prestigious
international Arena Design Award.



Interzum visitors were treated to some of Schattdecors
vision for the future of decorative surfaces.
One example was a Postfoil capable of heating
up the air around it, shown as a fireplace mantle

surface. Another is a Smartfoil that glows in the

dark as well as one that gets darker or lighter
depending on the ambient temperature.

See the light bulb in the panel,

center left? Thats actually a
glowing Smartfoil surface.
(Photo by Kenn Busch)

Ideas that seemed pure fancy at first soon revealed

themselves to be opening up new dimensions in
the use of furniture surfaces. Schattdecor regards
such exploratory work as part of its role as market
leader, as proved by its pioneering efforts in the
digital-print decor field. Innovations and visions for
the future are also encompassed in its Made by
Schattdecor quality strategy.
As the creators of decorative surfaces emerge
from their cocoons, evolving from followers to
leaders, Schattdecor is certainly a company we
can rely on to set the pace into the future. PFA





Alder is what
you want

Introducing alder, a hardwood

species that offers a versatile quality
and a unique textured look
By Annie Lian

The Northwest Hardwoods Company (NWH) was

founded in 1967 as a single mill producing alder
lumber. The company has expanded its business
over the years and today it manages 12 sawmills
in the US and manufactures more than 14 types of
kiln-dried hardwood lumber. NWH is also the first to
develop alder, a native species from the Pacific
Northwest, as a viable commercial hardwood
and to ship it to Asia for furniture manufacturing.
Recognised as one of the most preferred hardwood
lumber brands around the world, the consistent
quality and grades profited many buyers who have
used this wood to manufacture cabinetry, furniture
and millwork.
Todays consumers are in search of quality
products that are eco-friendly as well as aesthetically
pleasing. NWH manufactures one of such beautiful
species, called, alder. Alder lumber has many
intrinsically beautiful qualities; it is easy to work with
and it comes from a resource that regenerates itself
naturally and abundantly.
Last May, Panels & Furniture Asia visited the

The PEFC certified alder lumber are used to produce furniture,

millwork, flooring, cabinet and doors

Eugene, Oregon mill (located about 100 km from

the Pacific Coast) and spoke with Stephanie
Happer, Director of Marketing and Mark Hayes,
Market Development Manager in an interview to
find out more about alder and get industry insights
from the experts.

High yielding grades: Building more with

less yield

(From Left to Right) Stephanie Happer, Annie Lian and Mark Hayes



Alder lumber is used all over the world because it

possesses several characteristics that are ideal for
many types of wood working applications. Mr Hayes
referenced its use in high-end hotel room doors,
in remodeled European villas and furniture and
cabinetry in expensive homes. Knotty alder is used
in applications that make furniture and cabinets
look antique. He went on to explain, We took a
wood species that was once regarded as only good
for firewood and showed manufacturers that alder
has excellent machining and finishing properties in
addition to its consistent colour and texture.
Before selling the products, Ms Happer said
the sales team works closely with customers to
understand their production process, and then let
the consumers select from the array of hardwood
species that are Graded for Yield, which offers



customers flexible options.

and the older boards have a
She cites the companys
uniform honey-brown colour
grading system, which was
that alder is well-known for. As
first developed for alder,
there is little colour variation
specifically helps customers
between the heartwood and
to minimise waste in their
sapwood, alder has a pleasing
production processes, thus
and unifor m appearance.
contributing to customers
These similar qualities give the
woodworker ample flexibilities
As we toured around the
to stain and finish the alder
NWH Eugene mill, we observed
with an exceptional look,
the green alder lumber are
resembling species like cherry
well-supported in stacks
and maple wood.
before being loaded into the
Manufacturing process:
kilns. Ms Happer explained,
Advanced technology is
The sticks between the layers
High-tech laser sawing
of boards are carefully aligned
To continue keeping up with
to allow better airflow around
consumers expectations and complying with highthe lumber and to insure the boards are as flat
quality production and grading standards, NWH
as possible." As you take a closer look, you will
employs advanced technology in its sawmills. The
notice theres a colour difference between the
technology NWH uses to produce alder lumber
batch of freshly-cut boards and the batch of
helps maximise production and keeps the cost
boards that have already been air-dried over a
low. Ms Happer shared this, The laser-guided
few days; the newer boards have a whiter tone
Alder lumber; loading of the harvested logs, removing the bark
and then treat the wood before the kiln-drying process





The alder are graded accordingly

after the drying & sanding process

Alder lumber in a dry-kiln at Eugene

technology, abrasive planers and the latest

kiln-dried equipment help ensure the lumber is of
consistently high quality.
Alder is a quick drying species yet, the wood is
known for having very good dimensional stability.
It is recommended for nailing, screwing, gluing,
sanding and painting. She added, By grading
the lumber after drying and sanding, our graders
are able to see defects more easily (than in
rough lumber) and grade them accordingly. Our
customers have come to rely on our consistently
yielding product shipment after shipment.

A green & sustainable promise

Each year, it is estimated that more than 175 million
tons of carbon are stored in trees and the wood
products made from them. And so, by harvesting
the prolific alder tree and manufacturing it into
furniture, cabinetry and millwork, carbon remains
sequestered for the life in the finished product itself.
NWHs alder and other western species are certified
to the PEFC (Program for the Endorsement of Forest
Certification) Chain-of-Custody standard. Mr Hayes
said, Northwest Hardwood wants to do our part for
the environment, it shows our commitment to the


environment since PEFC is the worlds largest forest

certification standard promoting sustainable forest
management. PEFC works throughout the entire
forest supply chain to ensure good forest practices
and wood sourcing.

Insights: Balanced development strategy

During the recent worldwide economic recession,
NWHs sales to Europe have declined but they
have seen increased sales to Asia Vietnam,
Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. In China as well,
sales are strong as its domestic markets consume
more US Hardwoods. The legality and sustainability
of US hardwoods have helped increased Asias
We are optimistic about the Asian markets.
We think highly of them and especially of the
Chinese market; we have established two sales and
procurement offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou,
four sales regions in China, we are represented
through distribution customers in Qingdao, Xingang,
Shanghai, Ningbo, Chengdu, Yantai and Hong
Kong. We strongly recommend our alder products
to customers in China and throughout Asia. PFA



in the Gulf
Atlantis Hotel on The Palm in Dubai, shortly
to be joined by a huge luxurious a Sofitel

MTC Team at Dubai WoodShow 2013

The Gulf region of the Middle East, particularly the

trading hub of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, has
shown remarkable resilience in recovering from a
severe economic and property downturn and price
collapse just a few years ago. Today construction
activity is buoyant and the Gulf is benefiting from
an influx of new capital and consumption by those
fleeing from the political turmoil elsewhere in the
region. A well-attended Dubai WoodShow in April
was also one of the beneficiaries, at which Malaysian
wood industries were represented.
The 8th Dubai WoodShow, held in April, featured
a number of wood supply national pavilions including
Malaysia, Canada, USA and several African countries
all key suppliers of wood products to the Middle


East. Visitors were drawn from all over the region, and
as far away as Pakistan and Turkey. The Malaysian
pavilion was led by the Malaysian Timber Councils
(MTC) Dubai-based Director Khairul Anwar and his
team. Corporate exhibitors included Carl Ronnow
Malaysia Sdn Bhd, HeveaBoard Bhd and Segamat
Panel Board Sdn Bhd. The Sarawak Timber Industry
Development Corporation a State government
agency which represented Sarawak-based wood
producers also exhibited.
Speaking at the show, Sue Lim Siew Eng, General
Manager Sales for Segamat Panel Boards said, The
Dubai WoodShow is always good for Segamat Panel
Boards as a high quality show, compared to others,
and this was no exception. The Middle East is a major
market for us and our customers come to the show
from all over the region.
Also attending the show was Yong Teng Koon,
recently elected CEO of the Malaysian Timber
Certification Council (MTCC). Mr Yong and Michael
Buckley of Turnstone Communications paid a courtesy
visit to the Dubai offices of MTC at the Jumeirah Lake
Towers. Director Anwar confirmed the importance
of the Gulf (GCC) market to Malaysia. The most
recent data shows that the value of Malaysian sawn
lumber to the GCC countries (UAE, Qatar, Kingdom



MTC staff at Dubai with Yong Teng Koon, CEO of MTCC in Dubai

Peter Fitch and Sue Lim of Segamat Panel Boards meeting with visitor at
Dubai WoodShow 2013.

of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait

and Oman) amounted in 2012
to MY283 million (US$93 million)
and all wood products including
furniture was valued at MY1,201
million (US$395 million).
He also confirmed the general
view, widely expressed by many
residents and the business
community of Dubai, that there
has been a huge improvement in
the economy and one that is now
more sustainably anchored than
the former speculative market
that collapsed at the time of the
global financial crisis. The UAE is
the largest market in the GCC for
Malaysian sawn lumber at MY112
(US$36.8 million).
Promoting Wood Solutions
in the GCC was the title of a
one-day seminar held during the
show. It aimed to explore and
promote wood solutions in the
design and construction sectors,




Many projects are now complete in UAE

trading issues in the morning and technical issues for

architects and contractors in
the afternoon.
The MTCC and its
endorsement by PEFC was
presented by Yong Teng Koon,
who gave the background to
the development of Criteria
and Indicators for tropical
forests and discussed the
need to demonstrate SFM
on the ground for different
types of forest. He described
the MTCC and its original
objective to create and
develop a voluntary,
independent certification
scheme for natural
and plantation forests in
Malaysia. He explained the
endorsement by PEFC, how
it works and its acceptance
by governments of the 4.65
million ha now PEFC certified
and the 198 Chain of Custody


certificates that have been issued to Malaysian

companies. He concluded by calling upon the
LEED green building rating system to give credit to
the efforts of the forestry sector by accepting PEFC
equally as FSC certified wood currently the only
scheme to qualify for LEED points.
The Middle East a key market for Malaysia
was presented by Mr Anwar for MTC, who described
the wood products of Malaysia and the work of
MTC. He discussed the standard specifications for
lumber and defined the Malaysian Grading Rules;
as well as providing details of the availability of
Malaysian plywood and panels. He continued with
a details of the main species exported to the GCC
and their uses.
Turning to the market, Mr Anwar demonstrated
the fall in volume from 2008 to 2011 and the
encouraging upturn in the GCC during 2012. He
also indicated the improvement developing in other
Middle East markets and concluded by outlining the
benefits of Malaysian timbers.
MTCs continued commitment to the GCC
countries is evidenced by the promotional
programmes it has lined up for promoting Malaysian
timber products to the market. In 2013, apart from
the Dubai WoodShow, MTC will also be participating
in Gulfbid (Bahrain, May 2013), Building Erbil (Iraq,
September 2013) and the Cairo WoodShow (Egypt,
October 2013). There is also a Marketing Mission
to Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE planned for
December 2013. PFA

Construction in UAE has re-started



Low cost, high return technology

you can use in your sawmill
business now
By Norman Murray, CEO U-C Coatings Corporation

Competing in the global marketplace is a challenge.

The forests of Southeast Asia are a treasure house
of raw materials, and hardwood products are a
profitable export. This fine timber is sought after by
customers throughout the world for furniture, flooring
and decking. Companies work hard to provide the
hardwoods to brokers and furniture and flooring
manufacturers, but there is powerful competition.
Top performing sawmills can consistently produce
more lumber, higher-quality lumber and market it
more easily than ever before. There is impressive
equipment enabling the harvesting of timber quickly,
by single operators. Skidders, loaders and debarkers
quickly move and process logs. Laser scanners and
optimisers are used for accurate sawing, grading
and tallying of lumber.
Trade expositions that demonstrate of this type of
technology draw great numbers of sawmill managers
to the displays. Unfortunately it is not always easy to
utilise this equipment. The first difficulty lies in the
large capital outlay to purchase the equipment as
well as to maintain it. The second major problem is
the specialised training required to teach workers to
operate these systems.
What methods are used by the top tier producers
that are economical, effective and require minimal
training? What significant operations can be
performed without major technical training by
dedicated, responsible workers who take pride in
their work? To help answer these questions, we can
use benchmarking the process of evaluating and
emulating the products, services and processes of
best performing organisations in a business sector. This
business management tool is described in the Best
Practices in Rubber Wood Process Industry-Thailand
Competitiveness by Suttapong Ketsaraporn and
Zhilong Tian of the Huazhong University of Science
and Technology, China*.
If we look to high-performing North American
hardwood lumber producers as an example, we
can determine what some of their best practices are
and emulate the methods that would also benefit
sawmills in Asia.
Wood protection is one area that can be utilised
everywhere and is used by virtually all hardwood
producers in North America. Protecting hardwood
veneer logs, luxury wood saw logs and freshly sawn
hardwood lumber maintains value and improves
profitability. The use of wax emulsion end-coatings is

Spraying Anchorseal end sealer on logs with hand pump sprayer

the primary method of wood protection used by top

performing sawmills. End coatings, also called end
sealers, are used to control the drying process of logs
and lumber during storage, during transport, or for
air- or kiln-drying. This prevents costly cracking and
splitting on the ends of freshly sawn logs and lumber.
By eliminating end splitting, each piece of wood
has more usable material: more wood products can
be made from each piece of wood. There is less waste
and more profit. Using an effective wax-emulsion end
coating is the most efficient method of coating the
ends of logs and lumber. It is ready to use right out
of the container and is easily applied by any worker
with a brush or sprayer. No technical education is
required and training is quickly accomplished with
any dedicated, responsible worker.
Ninety per cent of North American veneer loggers
and sawmills use ANCHORSEAL end sealer. This sealer
prevents up to 90% of end checking (drying cracks).
It is a safe, non-hazardous material that does not
require special handling.
ANCHORSEAL is shipped to Asia, Africa, Europe,
South America and Australia as well as throughout
North America. Many international companies order
directly from the USA. Other companies join their
timber associations or sawmill cooperatives to make
a combined purchase. Still others purchase from a
local ANCHORSEAL distributor. Whether exporting
hardwood or processing hardwoods for domestic
use, leading sawmills use end sealer to protect the
quality and value of their wood, and to maintain the
profitability and competitiveness of their business. PFA
*Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business,
Vol. 4, No. 3, July 2012





markets for
Mike Snow has worked for AHEC for so many years and has been Executive Director since 2000. In
that time he has driven many initiatives and with the help of the US Department of Agriculture, Foreign
Agricultural Service, he has steered the Seneca Creek study on the legality of US hardwoods, initiated
the current LCA research, given dozens of presentations and attends AHEC events all of the world,
almost monthly. Here are some of his insights into the growing markets for American hardwoods:
We hear a lot about hardwood material supplies as
the US construction demand improves. What is your
take on this issue?
If the market is there, domestic or export, then I am
confident the supply will also be there. The market
has always found its equilibrium. The weather this
year has not helped with log supply but that may be
temporary. One issue for industry has always been
prices which are sticky on the way down because
the industry does not control forest lands; and
when prices rise, the supply and demand balance
implications are well known!
You have been Executive Director for 13 years
and there have been some major changes in the
geographical profile of US exports in that time. What
do you see next?
There are certainly new emerging markets for existing
products. The biggest change has been the reduction
in re-exports to the USA from third-party processing
countries. Now we see consumption in China
growing much faster than re-exports from China,
for example. This points to new real consumption
of products made with American hardwoods, not
just a shifting of manufacturing from one location
to another. We see this continuing, especially as
demand develops in the 200 inner cities. Mexico
is another major market to keep your eyes on. The
country is coming on fast as a manufacturing and
consumption market as the economy there improves
and its fiscal house is in order. Wages are competitive
and there are signs of a reversal in immigration to
the USA, and geography gives Mexican exporters
a clear shipping advantage to the US markets for
finished goods. Mexico has more international Free
Trade Agreements (FTAs) than any other country.
Finally, I don't think we can underestimate the
potential that new technologies such as modified US
hardwoods and cross-lamination can have on the
consumption of American hardwoods around the
globe. European architects and engineers are now


using increasing volumes of American hardwoods

in structural and exterior applications that require
technical performance as well as aesthetic beauty.
I believe that these trends, as well as increased
concerns over legality and sustainability, bode well
for the continued growth of American hardwood
exports. Interestingly, of the top 10 hardwood
exporting countries, recently only the US has grown
its exports.
AHEC has invested heavily in promotion in India. How
do you see that working out in the future?
India will never be the new China for us. India
lacks timber trade infrastructure and it is difficult to
convince Indians to buy lumber, not logs, despite
the yield implications and uncertainties. We do,
however, see India as a market for products made
elsewhere, of American hardwood, such as furniture
made in Malaysia or Vietnam.
How about your feeling on markets in the Middle East
and North Africa (MENA)?
That is rather a mixed bag, but in general a success
story for us. We have seen significant growth in
many markets there is still a lot of potential. Political
uncertainty in the region has taken its toll, however.
It would be very good to see Egypt come back as
a market.
What else do you have on your mind these days?
Currently there are separate rules for wood
compared to other extractive industries where
environmental costs are huge but they are not
held to the same standards. LEED is a primary
example as wood has to go beyond other materials.
Not only does wood have to be certified, but only
by one scheme (FSC). One monopoly scheme is
indefensible. However ENGOs could be important
allies in this respect, and working with them on Lacey
Amendment Act for wood was a good example of
cooperation that gives me hope. PFA



NHLA Annual
Convention &
Exhibit Showcase
Everything is bigger
and better in Texas:
2-4 October 2013
In two packed days, the NHLA Annual
Convention & Exhibit Showcase will
bring together hundreds of companies
from around the world involved in the
trade of North American hardwoods.
The global gathering of the hardwood
community will provide attendees
the opportunity to make new industry
contacts and strengthen existing
business relationships; connect with
buyers and sellers from around the world; attend
educational seminars that will help their business
prosper and avenues to help promote and market
their business.
Highlights of this years event include two keynote
speakers; Mr Roger Staubach, Heisman Trophy
Winner and legendary Dallas Cowboys Hall of Fame
quarterback and Mr Mark A. Williams, AIA Principal
of HKS Architects, Designers of the Dallas Cowboys
Stadium. As part of Mr Williams address, attendees
(who register) will be treated to the Dallas Cowboys
Experience, an exclusive behind the scenes tour of
Dallas Cowboys Stadium.
Also of note this year is the Rules Open Forum
on Thursday, October 3 at 3pm. As 2013 is a Rules
Change year for the Association, the Rules Forum
will allow for open comment and discussion on the
proposed Rules changes. NHLA Chief Inspector,
Dana Spessert will facilitate the open forum.
Other education seminars are already outlined to
include presentations on the following topics:
Ways to Lower Business Insurance Premiums
presented by Lumbermens Underwriting Alliance.
State of the Hardwood Industry presented by
Hardwood Market Report.
Hardwood Forest Foundation presentation of
the "Truth About Trees".
International Buyers Panel presented by
American Hardwood Export Council.

Early Bird registration is now open at www. In addition, reservations for
accommodations at the Omni Fort Worth can
also be made through the convention website.
Remember, attendees who stay at the official
convention hotel receive a $100 discount on
convention registration fees. Complete details of the
convention are posted on the website and updated
frequently so please visit often. For continuous
updates and breaking news, please subscribe to
the NHLA Convention E-Newsletter and follow us on
The 2013 NHLA Annual Convention & Exhibit
Showcase is presented by Lumbermans Underwriting
Alliance. The Association is once again honoured to
have such a valuable and long-standing partnership
with LUA and looks forward to continuing this
relationship for years to come.
Mr Mark Barford, Executive Director of NHLA,
encourages other companies who may be interested
in sponsoring to contact Ms Lisa Browne, Convention
Director at For those companies
looking to grab one of the few remaining exhibit
booths, contact Mr John Hester, Marketing Director at as soon as possible. PFA




FMC China 2013

Concurrently with FMC Premium 2013 and Furniture China 2013 from
11-14 September 2013, Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Centre
Furniture Manufacturing and Supply China 2013 (FMC
China 2013) will be staged at the Shanghai World
Expo Exhibition and Convention Centre (SWEECC)
from September 11-14, 2013 concurrently with FMC
Premium 2013. The total surface area of FMC China
2013 will be 71,000 sqm, and it is expected to attract
850 domestic and overseas exhibitors.
FMC China 2013 will be held across two venues.
The main venue is the Shanghai World Expo
Exhibition and Convention Center (SWEECC), and
will feature exhibits in over 80 categories products
including Woodworking Machinery and Tools,
Furniture Hardware and Fittings, Furniture Inspection
Design and Services, Cabinet/Wardrobe Fittings
and Furniture Lighting Accessories, Furniture Panels
and Surface Deco, Furniture Fabric and Leather,
Upholstery Furniture Components and Supplies,
Semi-finished Furniture, Office Furniture Supplies
and Gas Springs, Furniture Coatings, Adhesives and

Chemicals Products.
The second venue is the Shanghai New
International Exhibition Centre (SNIEC), which will
host industry-leading brands concentrated on
showcasing leading-edge products as well as a large
market in the forecourt.

Seven associations and six overseas purchasing

Trade buyers from Brazil, Vietnam, India, Korea,
Malaysia and Turkey will be organised through our
worldwide agent network, and national industry
associations from across the world will come to visit
FMC China 2013 to fulfill their purchasing needs.
Eight groups and associations will share their
new technologies and products onsite. These are
the States of North Carolina Pavilion, the American
Hardwood Export Council, the Swedish Trade and
Invest Council, the French Timber Industry Association,
the Taiwan Woodworking Machinery Association, the
Yuhang Home Textile Industry Association, the Asia
International Furniture Material Trading Center, and
China Haining Home Textile Association.

Asia Start gets ready

In September, the Asia International Furniture
Material Trading Centre will organise a group of wellknown furniture material enterprises in Guangdong
to participate at FMC China 2013. This is the third
time for Asia Start to organise joint pavilions for this
exhibition, and this shows the brand strength and
image of Guangdong furniture material enterprises.
This exhibition will adopt New Technology,
New Material as its theme, and scientific research,
innovation and practical environmental protection
will form the core, with displays of new products
developed by Guangdong furniture material
enterprises. In terms of leather and hardware



accessory materials, there will be a batch of highquality products developed by new technologies
which will be exhibited at this event. Compared
to similar products, these will have the advantage
in the field of user-performance, environmental
performance and appearance, and will be highly
regarded by furniture production enterprises.

sophisticated technologies and
products. Dealing with over
100,000 trade buyers from
160 countries and regions, this
kind of showcase will certainly
enhance your business
opportunities and company
Up until the present time,
Langfarbe Power Coating
TTechnology Co., Ltd., Jieyang
City Canhuang Hardware
Products Co., Ltd., Shanghai
Chunky Industrial Co., Ltd.,
the DIDC Decor Interior
Design Center, Beijing Jin
Bo Xiang Qi Cloth Co., Ltd.,
Zhejiang Innovation Textile Co. Ltd., Xin Dong Sheng
Decoration Material Co., Ltd., Linak (Shenzhen)
Actuator Systems Ltd. and Kaiping Ruixin Furniture
Component Co., Ltd. have all agreed to participate.

Chinese furniture and raw material assembly

FMC China 2013 will focus on downstream industry
linkage for the furniture manufacturing industry
together with the China Furniture Association, and
40 professional forums and conferences will be held
onsite dealing with subject matter such as intelligent
management, smart coatings, green panels and
innovative design.
The Assembly will invite several famous speakers
including the following: Xue Yu, holder of a U.S. MBA
and a professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University;
Yang Mingjie, the famous industrial product designer,
and the winner of the German Red Dot Award,
the iF Award, Japan's G-Mark Award and other
international renowned design awards; Shi yeping,
the design consultant for Dutch fashion trends
institution, KET; AJ Schep, the famous Dutch designer
and fashion trend forecasting expert, and other
famous guests from overseas. From macro to micro,
the assembly will share information about the status
of the Chinese furniture production industry and new
trends, along with discussion on how to face the new
challenges for upgrading the industry.

New products, new technology showcase at

There will be a 20 sqm booth at the entrance
to each hall for FMC exhibitors to display their

Technical seminars and new product launches

From September 11-13, Technical Seminars will
be held by exhibitors to create the latest industry
trends, explore the upgrading of industrial structure
and develop industry market demand. Langfarbe
Power Coating Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou
Tianye Jacquard Co.,Ltd., Okin Refined Electric
Technology Co., Ltd., the Hangzhou Xiaoshan Meixin
Decorative Fabric Plant, Hangzhou Dongya Textile
Co.,Ltd., Shanghai Chunky Industrial Co., Ltd., Young
Hangzhou Industry Co., Ltd., and Hangzhou Xiaoshan
Rongli Clothing Co., Ltd. will all release their new
products and hold seminars onsite. PFA
For FMC online pre-registration, please visit:




Surfaces Asia
set in Kuala Lumpur
in September
Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur

The first Asia Surfaces conference will be held at the

Grand Hyatt Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 23
to 24 September 2013. The event is organised by TCM
Asia, a cooperation between Bridges for Concepts
and Technical Conference Management KG (TCM).
The topic of this conference is about Decorative
Surfaces for both interior and exterior applications.
It will cover the entire production process from the
raw materials to the final product. The conference
will be a new platform for the exchange of ideas
and information.
Our purpose is to create an effective scientific
conference, so the programme includes experts
from around the world to place a strong focus on
the Asia-Pacific region, said Dr Kurt Fischer, Founder
and Managing Director of TCM.

Hot topics in the dcor industry

There will be a 60-minute presentation dedicated to
the recent developments in the market, given by Mr
George Goroyias of Pyry Management Consulting,
one of the international consulting companies based
in Melbourne, Australia.
On the technical aspect, one of the latest
developments is the new technology of multilayer
modular floor coverings, where invited speakers
such as the Managing Director of the new European


Industry Association will give a talk on this line of

products. Also speaking is Mr Peter Meyer of PH
Meyer Wirtschaftsberatung, who will discuss the new
multilayer modular floor coverings.
Another hot topic is digital printing. Despite the
number of presentations on digital printing over the
last few years, the development is still in its infancy.
We plan to welcome between 100 and 150
delegates to the conference, said Dr Fischer. Most
of them will be coming from all over the Asia-Pacific
region, but we also expect delegates from Europe
and North America.
Conference attendees will consist of suppliers,
users and manufacturers of raw material, additives,
coatings and machineries, treaters, decor printers,
manufacturers of thermoplastic foils and board
The organisers chose to hold the conference in
Kuala Lumpur due to the close proximity to the many
dcor companies in the region, especially the ones in
Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. Moreover, Kuala
Lumpur is very well connected to the rest of Asia
and to Australia. It offers state-of-the-art conference
facilities such as the newly opened Grand Hyatt
Hotel, and it is also an attractive place to visit. TCMs
Asian Partner, Bridges for Concepts, is also located
in Kuala Lumpur.



From left to right: Bernd Rademacher, Willow Ng, Kavitha Rajendran, Kurt Fischer

More than a decade of proven track record

TCM has a proven record of successful conferences
held in Europe and North America for more than
10 years.
Our conferences are unique opportunities
to meet up with key experts from the industries,
exchanging ideas and learning about the latest
developments. The technical conference is the
most effective way for people to gather and
communicate in spite of its short duration, explained
Dr Fischer.
Asked if there are similar conferences in Asia,
Dr Fischer replied: We are not aware of any
comparable conferences in the region with the
exception of our Laminates Conference held in
Shanghai in 2003. Since then, we have been asked
many times about our plans for Asia. We are certainly
glad to be back after such a long time. There are no
doubts that Asia is a booming market and there are
a lot of interests in the region, so it deserves to have
its own dedicated conference.
TCM Asia is a joint-venture between Bridges for
Concepts and Technical Conference Management.
We have been organising similar events in Europe
and North America since 2002, which gives us a vast
experience in establishing our company as one of
the leading conference organisers in the field, said
Dr Fischer. However, we were missing of a local
expert in Asia and we were very fortunate to have
found an ideal partner in Bridges for Concepts.
Dr Fischers business partner, Mr. Ber nd
Rademacher, from TCM Asia, not only represents

Dr Kurt Fischer

several leading European companies in Asia, he

also co-organises local trade fairs and sets up a local
production site for a major player in our industry. This
partnership seems like a perfect match.
Surface & Panel International is the collaborative
media partner for all of TCMs conferences worldwide.
It is published by Bedford Falls Communications,
who is a partner of their North American
conference. Now, TCM is also glad to have Panels
and Furniture Asia Magazine as their new media
partner for Asia. PFA
For more information,




Chief Minister of Sarawak, Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud

toured the booths at the Sarawak Expo & Conference 2013

The Sarawak
Grand Timber
Expo &

Sarawak Grand Timber Expo and Conference 2013

in conjunction with STIDCs 40th anniversary and
Sarawak Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Expo
2013 was held from June 7 to 10, at the Borneo
Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK). Chief Minister
of Sarawak, Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud,
officiated the grand opening of the event.
Distinguished speakers were present to share their
experiences and knowledge during the International
Conference from June 7 to 8. These events were
jointly organised by The Sarawak Timber Industry
Development Corporation (STIDC) and the Ministry
of Industrial Development (MID).

and strengthen trade networking within and outside

Innovative timber products including furniture
made of Acacia were on display. The House of
Acacia was specifically built to showcase the value
of Acacia timber products, said the Second Minster
for Resource Planning and Environment, Minster for
Public Utilities and Minister for Industrial Development,
Sarawak, YB Datuk Amr Haji Awang Tengah Ali
Hasan during his speech. I believe these products
utilising green materials will have a promising and
competitive edge, and will constantly find itself
evolving to meet market demand.

Innovative product showcase

SMEs contribution

During the four days exhibition, over 200 booths

showcased a wide variety of products from sawn
timber to plywood furniture, and furniture parts as well
as products of SMEs. The expo aimed at providing
an avenue for local manufacturers to promote trade
and sales of locally manufactured timber and nontimber products.
At the same time, this platform also served a
purpose for local businesses to forge partnership



As Sarawak Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Expo 2013 ran in conjunction with SMEs week,
YB Datuk Amr Haji Awang Tengah Ali Hasan added,
SMEs have been recognised as the backbone of our
economy and they have accounted for about 97% of
our total business establishments, at both international
and state level. It has generated employment and
economic growth. Thus, in recognition of their
contributions towards the economy of the nation,



The furniture design contest

was organised by the
Sarawak Timber Industry
Development Corp.

Entries in the furniture design contest

the government has designated the fourth week

of June as 'SMEs Week', which was held throughout
The Malaysias government has formulated
the SME Master Plan 2012 to 2020. By 2020, the
government hopes to see a more enhanced
contribution from SMEs in terms of economic
growth, income and overall prosperity of the
country. The target is for SMEs to achieve above
40% of the contribution to GDP (32% in 2012), 62% of
employment (59% in 2010) and 25% of total exports
(19% in 2010).
To further support the growth of SMEs on a longterm plan, the government has also enhanced
access to financing, encourage innovation and
promote entrepreneurship among Bumiputera,
women, rural community and microenterprises. On
SMEs effort, they must fine-tune their business models,
redefine business strategies, ensure workers are
equipped with new skills, adopt new technologies,
as well as venture into new and emerging markets.

Sarawaks timber export contribution

House of Acacia

7.5 billion or 7% of the total export earnings in 2012,

an increase of 5% compared to the previous year. At
the national level, Sarawak timber sector accounted
for 36% of Malaysias total timber export earnings of
RM 20 billion in 2012.
The demand for Sarawak timber has gained
successful access to many emerging markets in the
Middle East, Asia and Africa amidst stiff competition
in the global market. Today, the industry is capable
of producing diversified timber products and cater
mainly to the export markets, enabling Sarawak to
become the biggest producer of tropical plywood
in the region.
Sarawak produced about 3 million m3 of plywood
in 2012. The timbers are produced from logs
according to the laws and regulations of the state
and comply with existing legal process and system.
Lastly, the participants of this conference were
able to establish many personal connections and
strengthened their global timber-based network. It
is hoped that this will contribute to the growth and
development of the timber industries, including the
SMEs in Sarawak. PFA

The Sarawak timber industry contributed about RM





brims with high-tech

innovations and global participation
The 20th LIGNA drew to a close on 10 May, scoring
impressive results across the board. This event has
resoundingly reaffirmed its status as the worlds
foremost trade fair for the forestry and wood industries
and extended its lead on the competition, stated Dr.
Jochen Kckler, member of the Managing Board at
Deutsche Messe AG. Over 40% of the shows visitors
came from abroad, topping the figure from the last
LIGNA in 2011. And LIGNA once again lived up to its
reputation as a showcase for innovations and global
meeting place for industry decision-makers.

Closing press conference

All the pieces were in place: outstanding exhibitors,

high-caliber trade visitors, an abundance of innovations
and outstanding international turnout on the part
of exhibitors and visitors alike. More than 90,000
professionals from 100 nations attended this years
LIGNA. Any company aiming to boost its international
business was sure to be here in Hannover, commented
Kckler. A particular highlight was the 52% upsurge
in attendance from North America, to more than
3,000, establishing a new record for LIGNA. Russian
attendance was also found to be notably on the rise.
Visitors were particularly impressed with the scope of
solutions on offer: With everything from high-powered
forestry machines to iPad-controlled furniture fabrication
systems, the 1,637 exhibitors from 46 countries filled the

Machinery, plant and facilities for

industrial furniture production



124,000 square meters of display space with a stunning

array of high-tech innovations, remarked Kckler.
We are highly satisfied with the run of the show, said
Dr. Bernhard Dirr, Director of the German Woodworking
Manufacturers Association within VDMA, based in
Frankfurt/Main. LIGNA 2013 has demonstratively
underscored its standing as the global marketplace
for machinery and fresh ideas. In 99% of all cases, our
members have found that the appreciable time, effort
and money they invested in LIGNA have produced a
major return on investment, he added. The revamped
site layout, featuring a more compact treatment of
topics throughout halls 11 to 17, proved to be the right
move, and could well be retained for future events, he
indicated. Both exhibitors and visitors welcomed the
shorter walking distances.
Wolfgang Pschl, CEO of Michael Weinig AG and
Chairman of the German Woodworking Machinery
Manufacturers Association, sized up LIGNA 2013
as follows: We were especially impressed with the
caliber of the international visitors. We experienced
a major turnout by professionals from Eastern Europe,
particularly Russia, and huge attendance from the
US and other key export markets. We are seeing
strong demand for advanced machines with new
functions, and are pleased to note that a great deal
of momentum is coming from the wood construction
sector, as a result of its efforts to take sustainability to
new heights.
Across every display category at LIGNA, decisionmakers were found to be making excellent use of the
shows potential for growing their international business.
Markku Koivisto, Sales Director at Veisto Oy a global
Finnish manufacturer exhibiting its sawmilling technology
endorsed LIGNA by saying it delivered the right
type of visitor. Lars Schmidt, General Manager and
Secretary to the Board of the German Association of
the Sawmilling and Timber Industry, agreed: We see
LIGNA as the central industry networking hub in Europe.
This is the only forum where suppliers can meet all their
potential customers face to face.
And in the words of Hubertus Fltotto from chipboard
specialists Sauerland Spanplatten Consulting: The
many talks with top managers I have had at this event
will save me months of travelling around the world. In
view of the fact that 80% of our business is done with
foreign clients, LIGNA is absolutely vital for us as a global,
high-quality showcase.



Making more out of wood

Efficiency was a keynote theme at this years fair. In the

Wood Materials, Veneer Production and Solid Woodworking display categories, leading suppliers revealed
how high tech mixed with a little ingenuity can improve
a companys competitiveness. Cut your costs, was
the watchword.

New and lightweight: Surface

technology and innovative
materials for the furniture industry

Other hot topics included a diverse range of printing

processes, seamless veneer systems and adhesive-free
plasma processes in the surface technology sector.
The special showcase at LIGNA
focused on efficient lightweight construction. The
displays included lightweight construction solutions
which weigh up to 30% less than conventional chipboard
and ideally suited to a wide range of applications in the
furniture and interior finishing sector. LIGNA provides an
ideal platform for us to get our innovations out in front
of a global audience, said Stefano Porcellini, CEO of
Italian furniture manufacturer Biesse S. p. A.

Show within a show:

Handwek, Holz & mehr

The Handwerk, Holz &

mehr showcase served as
a networking
hub for skilled
trades professionals who
were primarily interested in
machines that
could boost productivity and profitability. To quote
Hansjrg Felder, proprietor and CEO of the Tyrol-based
Felder group: LIGNA provides an outstanding opportunity to showcase our woodworking machines to an
international audience, particularly the skilled trades
and wood crafts sector.
This years Handwerk, Holz & mehr focused more
than ever on window production technology. Heinz
Blumenstein of the ProHolzfenster wood window association described the show as a perfect setting for us,
made possible by the joint efforts of window manufacturers and component suppliers from Germany, Austria
and Switzerland.

Exciting trends for the future

The Bioenergy from

Wood segment at
the event put the
spotlight on uniform
quality and processing standards for
wood fuel materials,
heat and electricity generation, enhanced logistics and
services, and ensuring a secure supply of raw materials.
Meanwhile, under the EXPO canopy and in the
pavilion buildings, the focus was on sustainable forestry
and forest technology. This included the sixth special
presentation by the German Forestry Council (KWF).
Topics covered included digitisation and high-speed
data flows along with a wide range of applications for
convertible forestry vehicles and getting the most out
of wood through optimum material flow management
as well as sorting and processing. The many and varied
uses for wood chips were the keynote theme under the
EXPO canopy.
The next LIGNA will be staged from 11 to 15 May
2015, once again in Hannover, Germany. PFA
Photo credit: Deutsche Messe


5 9 October

9 11 August
Sri Lanka Wood International Expo
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Furturex Trade Fair and Events Pvt Ltd

Intermob Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey
TYAP Fair Convention and
Congress Centre
24 27 October 2013

3 5 September
WoodExpo 2013
Albury, NSW, Australia
Forest Industry Engineering
Association (FIEA)
11 13 September
WoodExpo 2031
Rotorua, New Zealand
Forest Industry Engineering
Association (FIEA)
11 14 September
FMC Shanghai
Shanghai, China
UBM Sinoexpo International
Exhibition Co., Ltd
13 16 September
Southeast Asia Furniture &
Interiors Import-Export Exhibition
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
25 27 September
Moscow, Russia
Deutsche Messe
25 28 September
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Chan Chao International Co., Ltd

Cairo WoodShow
Cairo, Egypt
Strategic Marketing and Exhibitions

8 11 November
DOMOTEX Middle East
Istanbul, Turkey
Deutsche Messe
11 14 November
Indonesia Woodshow
Jakarta, Indonesia

January 2014
11 14 January
Hannover, Germany
Deutsche Messe
13 19 January
Imm Cologne
Cologne, Germany
28 30 January
Last Vegas, Nevada USA
Hanley Wood LLC

February 2014
10 13 February
ZOW Bad Salzuflen
Bad Salzuflen, Germany
Clarion Events Deutschland GmbH

11 15 November
PEFC Forest Certification Week 2013
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
PEFC International
14 17 November
Mumbai, India
Index Trade Fairs
18 22 November 2013
ZOW Moscow
Moscow, Russia
Clarion Events Deutschland GmbH
15 18 November
Yangon, Myanmar
Yorkers Trade & Marketing Service
Co., Ltd

March 2014
4 8 March
Malaysian International Furniture Fair
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
11 14 March
Jakarta, Indonesia
PT. Kerabat Dyan Utama
12 14 March
Thailand International Furniture (TIFF)
Bangkok, Thailand
Department of International Trade
Promotion, Ministry of Commerce
13 16 March


2 4 October

25 28 November

NHLA Convention
Texas, USA
National Hardwood Lumber Association

The Big 5 Show

Dubai, UAE
dmg events

IFFS / AFS 2014

Singapore International Furniture Fair
Singapore Pte Ltd

If you would like to add your event to our calendar, please contact
Ms. Denice Cabel (


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