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MICA (P) No: 131/02/2013 ISSN: 0219-5704 KDN: PPS 1453/11/2012(022879) www.panelsfurnitureasia.

com MARCH/APRIL 2013




Its show
March was a very busy month for furniture
makers in the Southeast Asia region. Trade
exhibitions were the order of the day. It started
with the 18th Malaysian International Furniture
Fair (MIFF) in Kuala Lumpur, continued on to the
Export Furniture Exhibition (EFE), also in Kuala
Lumpur. These were immediately followed
Denice Cabel
by the International Furniture Fair Singapore
(IFFS) in Singapore, the International Furniture
Fair Indonesia (IFFINA) in Jakarta, the Vietnam
International Furniture & Home Accessories Fair
(VIFA) in Ho Chi Minh, and ended with the Thai International Furniture Fair
(TIFF) in Bangkok.
Phew! My fingers are tired from typing these exhibitions, so Im pretty
sure anyone who attended all six shows had sore muscles and achy feet.
Wood industry consultant Mr. Michael Buckley did just that, and survived
to tell us what happened in a special post-show report which we are
featuring on Page 20.
One of the trends evident in the wooden furniture offerings in these
shows is dark stained furniture. There was not much showing of natural
wood colours except for some white and grey furniture, popular in the
bedroom, living and patio sectors. The main material used is still tropical
wood, Mr. Buckley observed, although the usage of imported wood can
be seen increasing. Also interesting to note were the expanded display of
Palm-wood furniture in Malaysia and an impressive exhibition of plantation
Acacia at EFE, among other showcases.
Countdown to LIGNA and interzum
Speaking of exhibitions, the largest and most important events for the
timber and woodworking industry worldwide as well as the furniture and
interior furnishing industry are just around the corner. The biennial LIGNA
and interzum shows will take place in May, with LIGNA running May 6-10
in Hannover, and interzum scheduled from May 13-16 in Cologne. Show
organisers Deutsche Messe AG and Koelnmesse GmbH are coordinating
activities to make visitors travel to the German shows more worthwhile
than ever. Take a peek at what exhibitors have in store for you at LIGNA
in our special show preview on Page 58.
We know we say it every trade show season but we actually mean it
each and every time: The Panels & Furniture Asia team will be treading
the pavements and looking to get around as many booths and
demonstrations as possible. So stay tuned over the coming weeks as we
release interviews and overviews of some of the cool things we will see.
Happy reading!

Singapore MICA (P) No. 131/02/2013
Editor | Denice Cabel
Contributing Editor (Surfaces & Design)
Kenn Busch |
Editor (Chinese Edition) | Chris Si
Feature Writer | Gao Shang Cui Shun Shun
Graphic Designer | Edwin De Souza
Circulation Executive | Shu Ai Ling
General Manager,
Pablo Beijing & Shanghai | Ellen
Sales Manager, Pablo Shanghai | Ara
Industry Consultants
Winston Chiu
Associate Publisher | Pamela Buckley
Executive Director | Alistair Bryson
Publisher | William Pang


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bi-monthly magazine. It is mailed free-of-charge to readers who meet
a set of criteria. Paid subscription is available to those who do not fit
our terms of control. Please refer to subscription form provided in the
publication for more details.

Malaysian MDF Manufacturers Association




Give evolution
a chance
Kenn Busch
Contributing Editor
Kenn Busch is also publisher of,
and contributing editor to Wood
Digest and Interiors & Sources

Sometimes a disastrous setback gives us the impetus to reconsider and reconfigure

the systems that envelop us.
For instance: When the western Norway town of lesund burned to the ground in
1904, 52 young architects were given carte blanche to re-imagine the town, resulting
in the most modern settlement in Europe (at the time), with electricity, running water,
indoor plumbing and street lights. From tragedy, progress.
We know this from nature, where forest fires are a necessary part of the renewal
process. When fires are unnaturally suppressed, new growth remains stunted and
the natural evolutionary cycle of the entire ecosystem is retarded for generations, if
not permanently.
The same is true in markets, where catastrophe is often self-inflicted. This is what I
fear is happening in the panel industry. Limited vision for the value of our own products
has created a pricing debacle, discouraging investment in the next generations of
wood-based decorative panels.

Why is vinyl a better wood?

The delegates at this years European Laminates Conference, held in Berlin and organised by Technical Conference Management (, got a disturbing
dose of reality from a German flooring distributor.
To paraphrase: Consumers who want the look of a wood floor but dont want
to buy solid wood prefer vinyl over laminate flooring. Even though vinyl is twice the
price, they prefer the warmer feel, quieter sound, and say that the visuals are better
than in laminate.
Laminate flooring, at its birth, was seen as a boon for the decorative panel industry.
Sadly more effort has been spent reducing costs than responding to the markets
desires for a better product. In the end, we have a material that the market isnt
very excited about no matter how much we drop the price. Consumers are willing
to pay twice as much for a non-wood material because they find its wood properties more appealing.
There are many lessons to be learned from this irony. I had several conversations
with delegates and speakers at the conference, mostly suppliers to the panel industry,
and the consensus is that our industry lacks a consensus about its own future.
Its time we shifted our focus from competing on price to developing superior solutions for current market challenges (reimagining a better laminate floor, for instance),
and to carving out the role of our materials will play in the built environments of the
We need to gather the best minds from the R&D departments of every category
of supply to the panel producers wood fiber, adhesive and resin systems, production technology, and decor and texture suppliers, and begin to hold workshops
with designers connected to the contract and consumer markets with the goal of
developing radical new ideas.
I welcome your thoughts on this. Lets not limit ourselves to flooring. Everythings
on the table millwork, furniture, ceiling systems. The future is ours to make. Or lose.


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A very unique opportunity

but with very high risk
In the last edition we discussed the consequences
of the stagnant demand for MDF and other wooden
panel products and the subsequent increase in the
supply capacity. This has caused an imbalance between supply versus demand and the recent collapse
in prices. As a reminder for readers, economic recovery
in key markets such as the USA, Europe and Japan
have at best been slow, and real growth in developing markets has not been able to off-set this decline.
This has been further influenced by problems in the
Middle East and a general slow-down in South Asia.
Investments in new capacity which were based on
optimistic demand forecasts from five or six years ago
are now coming on stream. As a result, both MDF and
particleboard prices are at historical lows especially
when inflation is taken into consideration. I would say
that most mills have now reached a point where they
are only recovering their variable costs and have to
manage their cash flow very tightly to survive.
The industry is now approaching a turning point.
If the current low prices cannot stimulate more demand then within the next 12 to 18 months, we could
see some plant closures and/or more major consolidations within the industry.
Unfortunately it is very difficult to see where this
increase in demand is going to come from in the short
term. But the fact is MDF and particleboard prices
have never been so low before, so this is the unique
opportunity to find new uses for this versatile material.
Manufacturers in Malaysia have recently been
affected by the newly implemented minimum wage
for all workers. This has had the immediate effect of
increasing the cost to all industries. The labour intensive furniture manufacturers have been particularly
affected and this has reduced the demand for wood
panels and other furniture components in Malaysia.
We hope that the regional furniture fairs will stimulate


By Mr. Peter Fitch,

Chairman of the

new orders and demand will pick up.

Malaysia and Asia in general needs to be very
careful on how it manages its currency exchange rate
against the US dollar and how far it lets wage costs
increase. Without the necessary increases in productivity and value addition, Malaysia and Asia could see
themselves priced out of the global market. One only
needs to see what is happening in Europe to see what
could happen in Asia with more dire consequences.
With the introduction of the single European currency,
countries like Greece, Spain and Portugal were put on
an equal cost structure as Germany. Unfortunately,
those economies were not as productive as Germany
resulting in an economic recession and austerity cuts.
Unemployment in Germany is only 4%, in Greece,
Spain and Portugal they have unemployment of over
25%, even France and Italy has unemployment of over
10%, the potential political turmoil this will cause is yet
to be played out fully.
Near full employment in Asia is critical as most Asian
countries do not have the social welfare infrastructure
in place like in Europe and the USA. Unemployment
rates of more than 5% would be unimaginable for Asia!



What imported sawn timber species

are hot at present?

Many suppliers and customers alike keep asking

me what are the current hot imported species in
Southeast Asia. And of course with hot they mean
those imported species in most demand. The answer
is not so straight forward as each country in Southeast Asia has quite specific demands. For example,
at the recent MIFF exhibition in Kuala Lumpur one
could notice a greater number of suppliers displaying
furniture made from European beech and American tulipwood but, surprisingly, there was hardly
any furniture made from American white oak. Yet
at the IFFINA show in Jakarta there were hardly any
products made from imported species except the
occasionally rustic pine and some veneered white
oak panels. But at the TIFF in Bangkok, one could see
a wide variation of mostly designers furniture made
from, for example, American ash, walnut, white oak,
European beech as well imported veneers, etc. Unfortunately I was unable to visit the IFFS in Singapore
but understand from my colleagues there was the
usual display of both solid and panel American white
oak (mainly from China) and some walnut furniture.
So what causes these vast differences in the use
of imported raw materials in these countries? For
one it surely is related to the previous and current
availability of local timber species. For example, most
furniture manufacturers in Malaysia have been, and
still are, using rubberwood and cater for the relative
low-end export retail markets. So any imported material demand is predominantly driven by price and
suitability to produce cheap dining sets or mediumend bedroom sets.
European beech is most favourable for dining
sets and American tulipwood for bedroom sets since
the bedroom sets will be stained in dark mahogany
colour. Indonesian furniture has always been using

European beech



a wide variety of local species such as mahogany,

mindi, sengong and, more high-end, teak. All these
species are still in reasonable supply but prices are
increasing so some customers are developing new
lines in, for example, American white oak, walnut
and both clear and rustic pine. Thailands TIFF is, from
a design point of view, always the most interesting
show as the range of furniture is very wide from the
usual lower-end rubberwood dining sets to very upmarket designers furniture made up of any type of
imported timber, adding value and setting it apart
from the rest. Many of the displayed furniture were
designed by very creative designers targeting not
only the local expat market but also the high-end
export markets in Asia, Europe and Japan.
Coming back to the original question about the
species in hot demand in Southeast Asia, I can list a
few as follows:
American white oak The sudden increased
demand since the fourth quarter of 2012 came as a
surprise. It might have been a result of the poor supply
that is probably hastened due to the bad winter in
the eastern and mid USA. The demand continues to
grow but regretfully the supply seems to get tighter
during the next few months, especially in the lower
grades. Just a friendly advice: we have been stocking up all the white oak we could get our hands on
to serve our customers in the next few months.
Radiata pine Many of the mills in New Zealand
are struggling to survive due to the high log prices,
unfavourable exchange rate, high freight costs, and
some face production problems. We have started
to ship larger volumes of pine from South America to
make up for the loss of exports from New Zealand.
American tulipwood (yellow poplar) This species has for many years been a red hot favourite
across Asia due to the relative
low price. The demand is very
good but the supply is low. My
guess is that this will improve
over the next few months.
African Sapelli FSC certified Not for furniture, but
more and more Southeast
Asian engineered door manufacturers are looking for
alternatives such as African
Sapelli to replace the local
meranti to be able to comply
with the EUTR. The demand for
Radiata Pine



a steady long-term supply of sapelli is also good. The

problem is that most African sawmills are fully sold out
on either FSC or non-FSC certified sapelli, and are only
willing to accept new orders for shipment in the third
quarter 2013. And even then many of them seem to
be able to guarantee timely shipment.
European beech Not really red hot yet, but
certainly we noticed a steady increased interest
in the last few months. Local manufacturers start
to see the advantage of working with this species
compared to, for example, rubberwood. The good
news about the European beech is that the supply
is very stable and there wont be any short supply in
the next many years to come.
Based on AHECs export data, one has to agree
that American red oak should be number one on
the above list with exports mainly to China and Vietnam. Regretfully we, as APP Timber, seem not to
be part of that business and we hardly export any
red oak neither to those countries nor to other Asian
countries. This does not mean that it still is THE most
popular export species from the USA.
So at the end, what does the above mean? It
surely means that prices of the mentioned species will
keep increasing except maybe for European beech,
which makes it a perfect timber to use for furniture
manufacturing. I also think that we, as suppliers and
overseas buyers of furniture, have to focus on the
promotion of other species suitable for furniture production and to be less dependent on these hot
species. This will reduce the pressure on the limited
range of species and ensure a more balanced supply
and use of raw materials.

About the

Dutch-born Michael Hermens is
Managing Director of APP Timber,
a timber importing company that
he founded nearly 18 years ago on
the conviction that Southeast Asia
will grow increasingly short of
raw material as it develops.
The company is now the
leading regional distributor of imported timber,
employing people in
Malaysia, Indonesia,
Thailand, Vietnam,
India, USA and Europe. He permanently lives in Kuala
Lumpur with his
Singaporean wife
and two boys.





Industry at a Glance

NHLA to host Chinese Inspector Training Class in July and August 2013
The one month class will be held from 15 July to 15
August 2013 at the NHLA Headquarters in Memphis, Tennessee with the use of Chinese language
interpreters. Since the National Hardwood Lumber
Association (NHLA) was founded in 1898, it has been
striving to establish a uniform system of grading
rules for the measurement and inspection of American hardwood lumber. The growth of the NHLA is
clearly evident and none more so than through the
announcement that they are to launch their first
Chinese Inspector Training School Class in the USA.
It is important to note that Memphis has a major
international airport serving more than 10 million
passengers per year.
The NHLA Inspector Training School was founded
in 1948 to fill an increasing demand for skilled hardwood lumber inspectors. The programme teaches
the rules and application of the NHLA hardwood
lumber grading system and prepares participants
for a career in the hardwood lumber industry. Since
its founding, the School has graduated more than
7,100 registrants from around the world.
During the programme, there will be instruction
on the grades that are most widely used for the
production of hardwood flooring. Participants will
be taught the best grades for flooring such as #2A
Common and #3A Common. These are the best fit
due to their adequate yield at lower cost than higher
grade material. Hardwood lumber for flooring has
been one of the most widely used and consistently
made products in the US domestic industry, due
mainly to its durability and the ability to still look good
after many years.
During the one month course, class hours will be
from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday. Participants
of the programme will also join in scheduled NHLA
member company visits and have the opportunity
to network with North American suppliers which will
gain valuable experience for their future within the



hardwood trade.
The Chinese Summer Programme will deliver the
same knowledge and opportunities as the full 14week programme, but the enhanced schedule and
streamlined curriculum will make the most of the Chinese registrants time while in the United States. Upon
successful completion of the programme, graduates
will be expected to gain an in-depth knowledge of
the Standard NHLA Grades and general overview of
the species exceptions and will receive a certificate
of completion.
Tuition for the programme is US$5,000 per student
and is limited to NHLA Members Only. This fee will include tuition, housing, local travel, lunch, airport pick
up and drop off and school supplies. Tuition does not
include airfare and personal expenses.
NHLA Chief Inspector Dana Spessert says, Over
the last few years, NHLA has raised its international
efforts to help improve the demand for North American hardwoods globally. Our efforts have led us to
increase our presence in China and Southeast Asia,
mostly through the Inspection Services Programme.
We have spent many hours of one-on-one training
with a number of NHLA Partner Members based in
China, teaching and explaining the NHLA hardwood
lumber grading Rules. We are very pleased to be
able to offer our first ever Chinese Inspector Training
School Class to be held at the NHLA headquarters
in Memphis. The class is our latest effort to increase
the knowledge and skill of the hardwood lumber
grading process in China, in an effort to better serve
all of our members.
The NHLA Inspector Training School is part of more
than 110 years of history and has a growing global
future which has become evident through this upcoming 2013 summer programme.
To d o w n l o a d a n a p p l i c a t i o n f o r m i n
English and Chinese, please go to:



Industry at a Glance

Re-Think: a new paradigm for Malaysian timbers

A new book from the Malaysian Timber Council and co-published with MPH aims to inspire architects and
designers to push the boundaries for using timber in construction.
The prologue and epilogue sections give a worldwide tour of exciting and inspiring projects from New
Zealand through Europe to Canada, from a whimsical Tree House to massive gridshell structures demonstrating new perspectives for using timber in creative and ingenious ways.
The central sections showcase the beauty and durability of Malaysian timber through projects which
re-appreciate, renew, re-imagine, re-interpret and redefine mans relationship with his environment. Some
of the heritage buildings featured are over
a hundred years old while modern projects
such as the avant-garde Henderson Waves
bridge in Singapore are testament to the
versatility and flexibility of timber for innovative uses. Reinterpretations occur when
architects and designers take a fresh look
at vernacular or traditional architecture
and create new expressions sometimes
using new materials and technology.
Many resort projects featured in the book
celebrate local indigenous buildings reexecuted with high quality finishes and
exquisite craftsmanship.

The authors, Lee Chor Wah, architect

and Suria Zainal of MTC conclude it is time
to re-think not only the use of Malaysian
timber but timber in general for a richer
built environment and a greener future
specifying timber from sustainably managed forests.
The book is available at MPH (www.
mphonline) and leading bookstores in
Malaysia and Singapore.





Industry at a Glance

Stakeholders show strong interest in

forest certification in China
The China Forest Certification Council (CFCC) has
established a platform to facilitate interaction with
and between Chinese stakeholders interested in
promoting forest certification. The CFCC Stakeholder
Forum, which was inaugurated recently in Beijing, will
meet several times per year to provide information
and updates about the continuous development of
the China Forest Certification Scheme (CFCS). The
Forum is designed as a mechanism to encourage
knowledge and information exchange, enhance
transparency, foster discussions, and ultimately aims
to ensure that forest certification requirements address the unique Chinese conditions and are aligned
with local management practices and culture.
The inaugural meeting of the Stakeholder Forum,
which was chaired by the Secretary General of
CFCC, Ms. Yu Ling, was attended by a wide range of
organizations, included NGOs, companies, certification bodies, forest industry associations, researchers
as well as government representatives.
CFCC Chairman, Wang Wei, outlined progress,
key developments and next steps in the development of the national Chinese forest certification
system. Participants welcomed the presentation
of two draft standards on Plantation Management
and Bamboo Management by Mr. Lu Wenming,
who leads the standard setting working group, and
offered a number of suggestions and potential improvements, which will be considered by the working group in due course. Technical discussions also
focussed on the impact of PEFC Internationals 2013
Chain of Custody standard on its Chinese equivalent.
In an open exchange, stakeholder representatives shared their views on various issues and brought

forward comments and suggestions concerning the

future of forest certification in China. In his concluding
remarks, Mr. Wang Wei expressed his desire for future
CFCC Stakeholder Forum meetings to be conducted
in a similar cooperative spirit and for the vitality and
enthusiasm that participants have shown to be sustained. CFCC joined PEFC International in 2011, and
submitted the China Forest Certification Scheme for
PEFC endorsement and mutual recognition in 2012.
The endorsement process is ongoing.
Participants of the CFCC Stakeholder Forum
Meeting included representatives from MeadWestvaco China; Bayer Crop Science China Co. Ltd;
UPM China; Stora Enso Guangxi Forestry Co. Ltd;
APP China; Bureau Veritas China; SGS-CSTC; Beijing
ZhonglinTianhe Forest Certification Centre; Heilongjiang Forestry Industry Group; Jilin Forestry Industry
Group; Inner Mongolia Forestry Industry Group; WWF
China Office; The Nature Conservancy (TNC) China
Office; International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN) China Office; China Wildlife Conservation
Association; Team of Green Field Ark, Beijing Green
Cross Center of Ecological Cultural Communications; PEFC China Initiative; European Forest Institute FLEGT Asia Programme; China Timber & Wood
Products Distribution Association; Anti-counterfeiting
Packaging Committee of China; Packaging Federation; Chinese Academy of Forestry; Beijing Forestry
University; Hebei Agricultural University; Forest Survey
and Planning Design Institute, State Forestry Administration; Division of Certification Management,
Science and Technology Development Centre of
State Forestry Administration, China; China Forest
Certification Council (CFCC)

Advanced hardwood ripping programme

American Lumber Company has expanded their
hardwood ripping services at their Smyrna, New York
and Leitchfield, Kentucky facilities.
American Lumbers customised hardwood ripping program for production of ripped-to-width strips
is ideal for manufacturers across multiple industries
including cabinetry, furniture, moulding and flooring
offering additional benefits that increase yield and
reduce cost.
With the expansion of this programme into two
facilities, American Lumber can now offer maximum
volume of ripped strips from our entire inventory of
species, grades and thicknesses available.



Please visit for more information

or contact:
American Lumber Company
707 West 38th Street Erie, PA 16508
Phone: 814-438-7888, (International)
888-438-7888, (USA)
Fax: 814-438-3086



Industry at a Glance

A single source provider for American and

exotic hardwoods
Baillie Lumber is North Americas largest hardwood
lumber manufacturer, distributor and exporter, providing hardwood logs, lumber and proprietary grade
products. Founded in 1923, Baillie has grown from
a regional supplier of American hardwoods to an
international manufacturer offering a full range of
North American and exotic species shipping to any
region of the world.
Baillies manufacturing facilities are located
across the eastern United States. The companys
partner mills and suppliers in the US and internationally supplement its hardwood manufacturing capabilities allowing for specie availability unmatched by
other hardwood manufacturers. With a full range of
exotic species from Africa, Asia, and South America
and a sales staff strategically located worldwide,
Baillie is well positioned to be your single source for
the worlds hardwoods.

Please visit for more information or

Baillie Lumber Co.
4002 Legion Drive
Hamburg, NY 14075
Phone: 716-649-2850 (International)
800-950-2850 (USA)
Fax: 716-649-6212





Industry at a Glance

Homag holds its first In-house Flooring Days in Shanghai

HOMAG double end tenoner

Since 2002, HOMAG has built over 550 double

end tenoners for the world market in its factory in
Shanghai. Together with its partners, Homag is also
supplying equipment for the surface treatment,
sanding and packaging of final products such as
laminate flooring, cork flooring, engineered wood
parquet, LVT-flooring and other flooring elements.
In China, the main production site for flooring
within Asia, HOMAG is now coming to the third generation of production method. In the 90s, many of
the machines were imported from Europe. Chinese
companies started producing entry level machines
only at the beginning of the century. Now, due to
rising labour, space and energy costs, more and
more companies are acquiring automated production lines, e. g. vacuum handling systems for stacking
and destacking. Homag is working closely with its
customer base. For this reason, Homag designs and
produces their new types of production lines and
machines locally at HOMAG Machinery Shanghai.
The company will hold its first HOMAG In-house

Flooring Days on 25- 28 March 2013, at 685 Fang Ta

Road North, Songjiang County, Shanghai, China.
You are invited to attend the seminar on advanced
production methods for the flooring industry, featuring professional lectures and speeches about topics
such as:
Tooling on LVT and on Laminate Flooring (Leitz +
Automation and cost saving for better competitiveness (Dr. Stein, Nanjing Forestry University)
Sanding technology for Engineered Wood Flooring (BTFERING)
Finishing Technology for Engineered Wood
Flooring (Brkle)
Innovation of Flooring Technology and machines
Market Trend in Flooring in the USA
Introduction of the demonstrated lines: Splitting
line, laminate line and narrow chain line
(R. Dengler, HOMAG)


Electronic Wood Systems appoints

sales director
Electronic Wood Systems GmbH
(EWS) of Germany has named
Burkhard Engelien to the position of
sales director, supporting EWSs general manager Hauke Kleinschmidt
in worldwide sales and marketing
activities. Hell start work in April.
Thanks to the cooperation with
Siempelkamp and because of newproduct innovations, EWS became
market leader for quality control
and measurement systems for the
wood panel industry. The Siem16


Mr Burkhard Engelien

pelkamp measuring system SicoScan includes EWS technology and

has been standard component of
Siempelkamp plants for a long time.
Based on his work experience
in R&D and after sales service with
Siempelkamp Energy Systems, Burkhard Engelien will now strengthen
the EWS team for new product sales
and for modernising existing panel
production lines by implementing
modern EWS measurement technologies.



Industry at a Glance

Shanghai Rocky: Choosing

the right adhesive in plate
furniture production
Plate furniture has become more popular because
of its economic and environmental features. In plate
furniture production, edges, edge banding equipment and hotmelt adhesives are indispensable. Using
the right adhesive can help improve the production
capacity and product quality.
Choosing the glue is mainly decided by the speed
of the edge-banding machine, the tank temperature and the different materials of the edge bands.
To cater to different requirements of plate furniture
manfuacturers, Shanghai Rocky Adhesives Co. Ltd
has developed three ranges of hot melt adhesives
for different application temperatures low, medium
and high.
For low-temperature operation ranging from 130C
to 150C, Shanghai Rocky recommends its RY9390. For
medium temperature ranging from 160C to 180C,
the RY7542 is recommended. For high temperature
operation ranging from 190C to 210C, the Company
has developed three machines with different running
speed. The RY7650 applies to operating speed of 1525 m/min. The RY7680 applies to operating speed 25
m/min. And the RY7696 is suitable for machines with
edge band width of more than 30mm or thickness of
more than 5mm, and machine operation speed is
above 25 m/min.
When choosing the right hot melt adhesives for
your operation, it should be clear to you what your
machines capabilities are, especially the operation speed, temperature and technique, as well as
material, width and thickness. Only by taking into
account these conditions can the right adhesive be
For more information, visit





a Glance

U-C Coatings

LogSavers from U-C Coatings improve safety

and performance
LogSavers are used to control existing splits in valuable logs to prevent splits from increasing in size.
As a professional logger in Pennsylvania, USA, Jim
Higgins created the original LogSavers in 1987 to be
safer and easier to use. Traditionally a piece of steel
shaped like an S was used in the end of a log to
hold splits together. Swinging the backside of an axe
towards his left hand holding a steel s-iron, in order to
drive it into a log, never seemed like a great idea to
Jim. After dislocating his index finger on his left hand
while working, he knew there had to be a better way.
The innovative idea was to let the hammer hold
the fastener, instead of the logger. Instead of a steel
S-Iron staple, he designed a plastic staple called
the LogSaver that clipped into holes on the face of
a special hammer. This kept the loggers hands out
of the striking zone. The holes on the hammer face
allowed the LogSavers to be held by the LogSaver
hammer at a variety of angles. The LogSavers staple design yielded many other benefits. By using a
special high-impact plastic, all the problems caused
by metal parts in logs were prevented. There was no
need to remove LogSavers from the log; you could
cut right through them with no damage to saws
or veneer knives. Black iron stains in log ends were

The LogSavers System was quickly accepted by

numerous logging operations and in 1992, Higgins
approached UC Coatings to sell and distribute his
new invention.
Since UC Coatings was the leader in wood
protection products, and Id used ANCHORSEAL for
many years, said Jim Higgins, I knew it would be
a good fit.
While maintaining his job as a logger/buyer, Higgins collaborated with UCC President Tom Johel
and CEO Norman Murray to bring LogSavers to a
wider market. U-C Coatings added LogSavers to their
product line and sales increased. From the outset,
it was a win-win situation for UC Coatings and our
customers, said Tom Joel.
Over the years, customer response led to various
refinements in the design of the system. A smaller
version, called the FlitchSaver was developed,
the I-beam configuration was re-engineered to a
curved version, and circular grooves in the hammer
faces replaced the holes. This customer-centered
approach improved the ease of use and increased
the accuracy of staple placement; thereby providing the premier system to control existing checks and
stress splits in logs.

LogSavers are made to be used with a special LogSavers

hammer. The plastic LogSaver staple fits into the circular
groove at any angle.

FlitchSavers applied to a log end to prevent splitscracks from

getting larger.





a Glance

In 2012, U-C Coatings Corporation was pleased to welcome Jim

Higgins to the U-C Coatings sales team. Working in the lumber industry
since he was a teenager, Jim brings over 30 years of practical logging
knowledge and sawmill experience to its account team. Our 20-year
history with Jim Higgins and the LogSavers product line, remarked Norm
Murray, is another example of the way we strive to build strong relationships and provide the best wood protection products for our customers.
Today, LogSavers are sold all over the world and U-C Coatings is looking
forward to expand sales of LogSavers and ANCHORSEAL end sealer in Indonesia, Southeast Asia
and China. Video demonstrating the use of the
LogSavers System and
ANCHORSEAL end sealer
can be viewed at www. More information
You can saw right through Logsavis available at www.ucers, with no harm to saws or veneer
knives. or e-mail
You can see how S irons create iron
stain on logs, while there is no stain
with plastic LogSavers.





Southeast Asia
furniture round
In early March, six out of the seven ASEAN regional furniture shows in Southeast Asia were visited
for this report which focuses on wood-based furniture. Each show was significantly different
from the others, reflecting the materials manufacturers use, the markets they are aiming at, and
the degree to which design is a primary driver. Michael Buckley of World Hardwoods reports:

MIFF & EFE Malaysia

Malaysia in March effectively had
ha three shows; the
18th Malaysian International Furniture Fair (MIFF) still at
the Putra Trade Centre in KL and now run by UBM, with
most of its traditional exhibitors; MIFFs second venue
at the MECC (Matrade) on the edge of KL to which
the Muar-based manufactures from Johor state have
de-camped for the first time; and the Export Furniture
Exhibition (EFE) in Serdang well away from KL. The net
result is a serious hardworking challenge for anyone
wanting to make a comprehensive tour of the whole offering from Malaysia which would definitely benefit from
one show in one location. Many visitors are frustrated
at the time spent between shows and even between
halls, in the case of the EFE. Some say they leave with
the feeling that they have not been able to see all the
exhibits in the time they allot, before heading off to
other shows in Southeast Asia and then to China. The
challenge is made worse by the fact that much of the
furniture displayed is familiar, or slightly modified, and a
complete tour is required to discover any new, innovative or fresh collections on offer. The lack of a modern
venue and need for one comprehensive unified show
was the subject of much discussion by foreign visitors
and specialist media.

Acacia drew
great interest
at EFE



MTC staff at MIFF

In 2011, Malaysia exported RM19.8 billion (US$6.33

billion) of timber and wood products. Furniture
accounted for about 33%, exported to around 160
countries. In 2012, it was the 8th largest furniture
exporter in the world and about 78% of shipments are
estimated to be wooden. Under Malaysias National
Timber Industry Policy, a target of RM53 billion by
2020 of timber and wood products has been set
according to the current Minister of Plantation
Industries and Commodities YB Tan Sri Bernard
Dompok, who opened both MIFF and EFE in March.
(A general election is expected in April 2013.)
He stated that the government will plant a further
375,000 ha of forests over a 15-year period. He called
on Malaysian manufacturers to .adopt creative
marketing strategies and .. more original designed
furniture products He concluded by suggesting
that the next step is to develop Malaysian brand
into famous world names. The Minister referred to his
launch of the Malaysian Pride quality mark a year
ago and noted that, while the US had been the major
market for Malaysian furniture, others from Russia to
Asian markets were now growing. The Malaysian
Furniture Promotion Council (MFPC) is a specialised
promotional body that promotes and develops the
Malaysian furniture industry to establish Malaysia as
a globally recognised source of world-class furniture
and operates the Malaysian Pride scheme.


Council (MFIC). MFEAs President, Lor Lean Sen, welcoming all to the Malaysia Furniture Week called on
manufacturers to work on more innovative designs.
and he addressed the strong competition faced in
the region from lower cost countries. Much discussion
throughout both shows focused on Malaysias shortage
of affordable labour and raw material needs.

Russian Ash chair by Korea Tech & Art at EFE

MIFF included three design events a design

competition, furniture excellence award and
best presentation award. The 2013 Furniture
Excellence Gold Awards were won by Hin Lim
Furniture (Household) and NCOMPAS Asia (Office), and a special Judges Commendation was
awarded to SJY Furniture.
At MIFF, bigger by 25% than 2012, much of Malaysias furniture is still manufactured from Rubberwood,
stained dark in colour for markets in the USA, Middle
East and, to a lesser extent, Europe. Although American
hardwood shipments to Malaysia have made progress
in recent years (lumber up 50% in volume in 2012), it still
only represents a small percentage of the raw material
supply. Despite the import figures, which show White
Oak furniture as Malaysias leading US species, there
seemed to be less Oak on display in KL than in previous
years. Yellow Poplar/Tulipwood, as number two species
imported from the USA, is making inroads into the Rubberwood sector and despite dark staining was identifiable in more furniture offerings than usual. At MIFFs
second venue at MECC, many of the Muar Furniture
Associations 500 members exhibited, specialising in
Rubberwood, and are estimated to account for 45%
of Malaysias production.
EFE, a third the size of MIFF, maintained its high
standard of presentation despite the transfer of many
Muar-based businesses. EFE represents two furniture
associations, the Malaysian Furniture Manufacturers
Association (MFEA) and the Malaysian Furniture Industry

Stain it dark brown and stack it high in Malaysia

During the KL week, APS Media organised the

Furniture Leadership Awards dedicated to the
global furniture trade and industries, as one of the
worlds most prestigious international furniture award
programmes. Its objectives are to identify and honour
outstanding furniture and related companies and
entrepreneurs around the world; to build business
and industry role models and set benchmarks; and
to promote the development and advancement of
the international furniture trade. All entries to FLA are
judged by a special independent international panel
that comprises industry authorities, management
strategists and renowned academics. Scored
using a comprehensive evaluation system devised
by Professor KC Chan, a renowned management
expert, the criteria included considerations of each
companys leadership and strategies, marketing
and branding, human capital and development,
business process and execution capabilities,
financial and wealth management. APS states that
only companies that met the high standards of the
programme are awarded.



IFFS Singapore

(L-R) Ambar Tjahyono, ASMINDO, Wong Jia Wei, SFIC,

Mark Morrison, Cypress Creek Hardwoods, Austin, Texas,
and John Chan, AHEC Hong Kong at IFFS

By contrast to Malaysia, the International Furniture Fair

Singapore (IFFS), which was smaller than last year, displayed huge amounts of temperate hardwood, in both
solid and veneer as well as regional tropical species,
but less dark staining than seen in Malaysia. The shows
theme was Be part of the new design revolution at
IFFS. The Singapore Furniture Industries Council (SFIC)
makes huge efforts to promote design-led furniture,
and this year was no exception with its now established
DSpace, Platform and annual Furniture Design Awards,
and a materials workshop onsite at a new Green
Pavilion. There, materials expert Chris Lefteri hosted a
workshop at which industry consultant Michael Buckley presented the environmental credentials of wood,
and Genevieve Chua, a director of PEFC, presented a
paper on the positive use of certified paper and board.
Off-show design events took place all over the city
under the banner SingaPlural. In one regional initiative,
13 designers and design studios from Singapore, Indonesia as well as Swedish design studio, FormUsWithLove,
launched their creative works developed during their


workshop in Solo City, Indonesia. Titled FutureCraft,

the workshop aimed to create new approaches towards modern-day design using traditional materials.
This initiative by SFIC and Himpunan Desiner Mebel
Indonesia (HDMI) aimed to encourage designers to
create new approaches towards modern-day design
using traditional materials such as teak, bamboo, rattan, recycled wood and ceramic, the results of which
were shown at IFFS.
In this show week, design ruled and variety was the
name of the game from over 500 exhibitors from 26
countries, most of which were Asian. Singapore companies now represent almost 1% of global furniture production valued at S$6.7 billion (US$5.4 billion), mainly made
offshore, thus exerting an inversely proportional regional
influence by this tiny island state. Footfall at the show
was brisk and exhibitors reported good results. Many of
them are turning their attention to Asian markets including Japan, Korea and China, from where there came
significant numbers of buyers and exhibitors, making this
a more Asian-focused show than ever before.

Green Pavilion Panel at IFFS: (l-r) Chris Lefteri, Michael Buckley

and Genevieve Chua at IFFS

IFFS was opened by the Minister for Trade and

Industry, Mr Lim Hng Kiang, who announced that
in the face of headwinds the government would
increase funding from 50% to 70% for selected
capability development programmes in design,
intellectual property, branding and mergers and
acquisitions. The government has a target to support
Singapore companies, most of which manufacture
offshore, to achieve at least 1.5% market share of
global furniture production by 2015. He also referred
to the many green initiatives by the Singapore
Furniture Industries Council (SFIC) including the
Green Pavilion and the release of its first electronic
edition of Green Handbook on International Green
Certifications and Standards. He also commended
the Furniture Design Week SingaPlural and
congratulated SFIC on its achievements.

(L-R) Designers John Kelly, NY, Nathan Yong and Jarrod Lim from
Singapore, all known for their American hardwood furniture designs




American Black Walnut by Hup Chong, Malaysia

Twenty companies featured their exhibits under the

national brand Singapore MOZAIC. Overall the IFFS offerings ranged from the new collections from leading
players of the industry in Singapore in Oak and Walnut
by leading manufacturer KODA, to a set of custommade White Oak furniture by Jarrod Lim and exhibited
by the American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC).
White Oak and Black Walnut, high-gloss white melamine
faced MDF and some dark-stained local species represented the majority trends in wood-based furniture.
Combinations of painted and raw wood were also
popular and recycled wood furniture continues to find
buyers. Given the large number of overseas exhibitors
from China, Vietnam, Indonesia and elsewhere, this
truly international fair is also a showcase for the wider
trends and styles in the region.


White Oak set by KODA, Singapore

Jerry Low's 'Jotter Goods' for Star Furniture, Singapore

IFFINA Indonesia
The opening ceremony of the International Furniture
Fair Indonesia (IFFINA) included some English language
for the first time and Ambar Tjahyono, President of
ASMINDO, burst into his own personal welcome song
to much applause, which rather set the tone of the
show. In the past it has struggled to present itself as
international and still no press release in English.
However one innovation was an ASMINDO-funded
show magazine produced in advance with some
informative and useful copy. It was welcomed by far
more overseas visitors than ever before, reflecting an
increasingly greater interest in Indonesia as a furniture
manufacturing country.
IFFINA was well interspersed with more contemporary designs than usual, suggesting it has moved on from
being regarded solely as a traditional Teak show, as
previously perceived by many. Even the contemporary
Teak furniture has developed further and is leading to
more modern styles with both Teak and other local
plantation species (Mindi, Sungkai and Mahoni in particular) and imported species mainly American and
European Oak. This trend may be influenced by the
many overseas investors now operating joint ventures
in Indonesia, who may also be part of the reason for

the increased interest by foreign buyers.

Differing from other shows in SE Asia, IFFINA focused
a great deal on Verified Legal products at all levels
with signage, labels, workshops and publications widely
promoting the Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK)
now in place to licence Indonesian exporters of timber and wood products. The system has not yet been
implemented with a Voluntary Partnership Agreement
(VPA) with the EU, which is still in process. However,
at a workshop during the show, Bayu Krisnamurthi,

ASMINDO President
Ambar Tjahyono
sings a welcome to



IFFINA Indonesia



Deputy Minister of Trade, Indonesia, on behalf of SVLK

announced that we love our forests and so SVLK is our
own legislation and we are grateful for the support of
our overseas friends, especially the UK. He hoped that
signature of the timber trade agreement with the EU
would come in April and that there would be no delay
as we need to get an advantage from SVLK while
we are ahead. There are 27 countries that I have to
convince so I will start with buyers, not politicians, he
added. Dwi Sudharto of the Ministry of Forestry provided
comprehensive statistics of Indonesias trade and fight
against illegal logging, which is now showing a declining trend. SVLK has had a long journey but now has
12,120 V-legal documents issued to 125 destinations as
at 12 March 2013; and he closed with a plea for further
progress to be made.

Writing in the Official Message bulletin, Minister

of Trade Mr Gita Irawan Wirjawan confirmed that
Indonesian furniture exports had suffered in 2011
and were down from a peak of US$2.25 billion in
2008. But exports had improved by 4.26% in the first
11 months of 2012 to US$1.62 billion for the period.
He commended ASMINDO the furniture association
for its work.

Teak still being featured

strongly at IFFINA

Bothwell contract
furniture for
Maldives hotel

Indonesian furniture
retaining an Asian



FrenchTimber Group exhibited at IFFINA

American hardwood winners of IFDC 2012 at IFFINA

Notable at the show was a huge improvement of the

display of prototypes in what might be called the
designer alleys at the registration areas. Even more
impressive were the extensive offerings of furniture
with imagination and contemporary appeal within
the exhibition halls. Talking with designers and judges
from the most recent annual Indonesian Furniture
Design Competition (IFDC), there is a growing understanding that Indonesia could benefit from retaining
an element of Indonesian style while offering contemporary furniture made to high woodcraft standards.
Two long-term initiatives by AHEC are the IFDC
and a design camp in Java. This year the winners of
IFDC III and some designer prototypes from the recent
design camp Hands of Jepara formed an important
part of AHECs IFFINA presentation showing US hardwood material. It also exhibited at the tiny inaugural
Indonesian Woodshow that reportedly left its small
band of exhibitors less than satisfied.
Design-led development will undoubtedly offer
opportunities for imported hardwoods, especially as
the industry becomes more aware of legislation to
eliminate the use of illegal wood. With that in mind
there were more wood suppliers exhibiting in Jakarta
than at any other furniture show in Southeast Asia this
year, including AHEC, FrenchTimber, exporters such
as Baillie Lumber, Sonoking Corporation, and Missouri
Walnut; and specialist import stockist APP Timber.

No added formaldehyde.
The natural choice.
I-BOND resins are the natural choice when trying to satisfy
emission standards like CARB II and the Japanese F**** standard.
I-BOND methyl diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) resins from
HUNTSMAN are a family of powerful and fast curing, no added
formaldehyde resins for the composite wood industry. They
are used for bonding oriented strand board, medium density
berboard, particleboard and wood ber insulation boards.
To find out more about the many benefits of the I-BOND
range of resins, please contact us: Huntsman, No 452 Wen jing
Road, Minhang Development Zone, Shanghai China 200245.
Email: Telephone: +86 21 2403 7288.

I-BOND is a registered trademark of Huntsman Corporation or an afliate thereof in one or more, but not all, countries.

Come and m NA 2013,
team LIG
the I-BOND 10 May
6d G05
Hall 27, Stan any



TIFF Thailand
In Thailand, the Thai International Furniture Fair (TIFF)
is generally smaller than other ASEAN shows, design
led and focused heavily on Japan and Europe, two
of its main markets. The fair is strongly supported by
the Ministry of International Trade Promotion. Its theme
SOOK or, in other words, Small Order OK adopted
last year was coupled with this years theme Inspire
inside out to convey the message of Thai furniture
makers capabilities to inspire and respond in design,
raw material selection and production. TIFF featured
over 167 top furniture makers from Thailand and
overseas at IMPACT Muang Thong Thani.
At the opening ceremony, Mr. Nattawut Saikuar,
Deputy Minister of Commerce, stated that, After
coping with a series of natural disasters and the
Eurozone economic downturn in the previous year, in
2013, the exports of furniture and furniture parts from
Thailand are expected to have a bright future with an
expected total export value of 1,125 Million USD. He
said that Undoubtedly, TIFF 2013 will play a key role in
helping us achieve that goal. Its a great platform to
demonstrate to the world the outstanding design and
quality of Thai furniture, as well as to boost furniture
export growth and promote Thailand as the production
and export hub of quality furniture items in the region.
As in previous years, the US Foreign Agriculture
Service, in cooperation with AHEC and the Thai Furniture
Industries Association (TFA), funded a furniture design
camp providing a valuable display of 20 pieces of
American hardwood furniture, on which AHEC is
able to develop substantial publicity. This was greatly
enhanced at the show by the participation of H.E.

Deesawat Industries at TIFF



At TIFF: (L-R) Jirawat Tangkungamwong (TFA) with John Chan

(AHEC) and Ms Kristie Kenny, US Ambassador to Thailand

Teak oval table

by Toiuchable

Hard Maple dining

for Japan by

Oak, Walnut
and Grey by



Bangkok Design Camp participants

Ms Kristie Kenny, US Ambassador to Thailand, who

attended the official opening, later toured the AHEC
exhibit and engaged with the designers and a huge
press corps present. American hardwoods are popular
and in 2012 Thai imports of US hardwood lumber rose
well over 60% in volume and value to become the
second Southeast Asian market for the USA after
Other highlights of TIFF 2013 included T-Style Project

exhibition by world-renowned Japanese designer

Toshiyuki Kita, who featured various furniture items
specially designed for the Japanese market; DEmark
2012 exhibition which showcased award-winning ecofriendly furniture items from the 2012 design contest
under the theme of Unlimited Power of Design; and a
Waste to Wealth exhibition aimed to educate visitors
on how seemingly waste items can be turned into
practical, unique furniture items.

VIFA Vietnam
Traditionally a small show, the Vietnam International
Furniture & Home Accessories Fair (VIFA) was busier
than in previous years with more optimism amongst the
buyers. However, because the large Taiwanese-owned
factories and other large producers do not exhibit at
VIFA, the fair cannot be regarded as representative of
the Vietnam industry. From those present, large amounts
of rubberwood were on offer despite being disguised
by heavy staining. Other species being exhibited were
Acacia, recycled Vietnamese Pine, Yellow Poplar (Tulipwood) and American Oak, as well as plywood which
has become more popular as a featured material for
furniture seen at several shows.
The industry is centred on Ho Chi Minh City for interior,
mainly dining/living; and in Central Vietnam for outdoor
furniture and more recently in Hanoi to service the capitals development. In HCMC, the industry association
HAWA plays a leading role including the organisation
of VIFA. It is interesting to note, given that Vietnam is
largely an OEM industry, that HAWAs activity in design
competitions has not been evident this year.

Vietnam still
using a lot of





Vietnam has enjoyed a continuous growth of

furniture exports, valued at US$3.9 billion in 2011, up
from US$435 million ten years ago, according to the
National Statistics Office. Europe, USA and Asia are
its key markets. This makes Vietnam #1 in Southeast
Asia, #2 in Asia and #6 or #7 furniture producer in the
world. The industry is heavily controlled by foreign
investors in joint ventures and very dependent on
raw material imports. In recent years, Vietnam has
also experienced a fast growing domestic market.

American White
Oak by Boa
Hung at VIFA
in Saigon

Southeast Asia Trends

There were many conflicting trends evident in the Southeast Asian offering of wooden furniture in March 2013,
as evidenced by these shows. Dark stained furniture
rules and there was not so much showing of natural
wood colours, limited mainly to Oak and mainly in
Singapore and Thailand. The main colour exceptions
were white and grey, popular in the bedroom, living
and patio sectors.
In terms of species, local tropical wood remains the
main material, with imported wood a small but increasing player. Plantation and natural forest species from
Malaysia and Indonesia are dominant. This year saw an

Palm furniture from


Beech by Bow
in Malaysia



Grey was all around

in SE Asia 2013

expanded display of Palm-wood furniture in Malaysia

and an impressive and comprehensive exhibition of
plantation Acacia at EFE showing the raw material,
laminated panels and finished furniture.
There was a noticeable increase in the use of certified European Oak and Beech, explained in some
cases by a desire to comply with the new EU Timber
Regulations, which is seen as providing safe options.
Oak was less in evidence this year at the shows overall
but American Oak was still very strong in Singapore
and Thailand. There were far less variations of finishing
in Oak mainly natural waxed or bleached and very
little stained. Some manufacturers are using Ash from
China (grown in Russia?) as well as Ash from Europe and
USA. Flat-surfaced bamboo furniture was noticeable
generally by its absence.
However there are also a number of common
threads. In Malaysia where Rubberwood still rules and
despite predictions by some buyers that it has had its
day, there are very many manufacturers still wedded
to the material. In Malaysia there was a noticeable
absence of American Oak, at least by those producers
exhibiting at the three venues, but at the other shows
Oak and Walnut were the key temperate species. Teak
was well to the fore in Indonesia but no longer totally
dominant. Shows were smaller in some cases, but generally a little more optimistic than in 2012.
No report of furniture export industries would be
complete in 2013 without mention of the new EUTR and
Australian Illegal Logging law on imported (and domestically grown) wood products. However this was not a
subject individually publicised by exporters, except at
IFFINA in Indonesia, although surely discussed privately.
Nor was there much public evidence for visitors of certified wood under FSC or PEFC labels.



eMDI for
MDF: are
you missing
Panels & Furniture Asia speaks to leading
resin manufacturer Huntsman on the uses of
Emulsifiable Methylene Diphenyl Di-isocyanate
(eMDI) in MDF manufacturing and their latest
technological advances.

Ms. Berliana Harnadewi from Huntsman

MDI has long been the resin of choice for MDF production, however, some manufacturers still labour under
misconceptions of the versatile, formaldehyde-free
adhesive. Berliana Harnadewi, Huntsman Marketing
Manager for Asia, explains some of the benefits of MDI
and what manufacturers should be looking for from
their resins partner.

Quality assurance

Medium-density fibreboard



As with any chemical manufacturing process, it is important to ensure the right adhesive is chosen for the
job at hand, comments Berliana. In MDF production,
the number of variables to consider is increased by the
need to take into account the species of wood used
and how it will dictate the chemical composition of
the required resin. A reputable supplier will work with
manufacturers to ensure the adhesive mix is optimised
for use.
Once the chemical ratio is confirmed, its time to
look at how the new resin can be incorporated into
the existing operation. Huntsman has a technical support team on hand that can offer a realistic trial within
the manufacturers own production plants. This helps
customers understand the benefits of switching resins,
including any associated productivity increases.
A further benefit of in-house trials is the opportunity
to put the finished product through quality assurance
testing. This is often the point at which the superior product performance of panels bonded with MDI comes to
the fore, such as improved moisture resistance and an
excellent strength to weight ratio.



Chemical versus physical bond

Much of MDIs superior performance can be traced to
the bonding process itself. The chemical weld which
is created when the resin is put under intense heat
results in a supreme bond with the wood particles or
strands. This allows penetration depths of up to 1 mm,
well beyond the 3 cell depths commonly assumed to
be needed for wood resins to provide adequate adhesive strengths. Chemical welding is a key feature of
Huntsmans I-BOND resins.
The mechanical weld provided by formaldehydebased products makes it clear to see where one material starts and another ends. In contrast, in the diffusion
interface of MDI the resin effectively becomes one
with the wood and this, along with the penetration and
spread, is responsible for the high quality performance
of MDI bonded wood, including resistance to thickness
swell and the high strength of the finished product.

Cutting costs
Costs remain a predominant consideration throughout
the composite wood industry. Fortunately, switching
to MDI need not be cost prohibitive. In fact, thanks to
lower dosage requirements, MDI could be a cheaper
alternative to other resins on a cost per m3 basis. To better communicate this with potential customers, Huntsman has created detailed cost models, which can be
tailored for producers specific needs.

Safety first
As with any chemical there are certain environment,
health and safety practices that wood panel manufacturers need to adhere to when using MDI. Because
of this, Huntsman offers Walk the Talk training for new
customers at the start of any contract, providing them
with a dedicated team of industrial hygiene specialists
to help ensure complete compliance with all necessary
procedures and regulations.

Technological development and the future of MDF

Huntsman has been working in partnership with MDF
producers for more than 30 years, says Berliana. The
key to this relationship has been Huntsmans commitment to providing tangible benefits to the production
process compared to melamine urea formaldehyde
(MUF) resins.
One product that has been developed as a result of
this collaboration is the I-BOND MDF EM 4330. Designed
specifically for MDF applications, I-BOND MDF EM 4330
ensures that issues of blow line blockages are avoided.
The resin offers the important advantage that it forms a
stable emulsion with water, which in turn provides better distribution on the wood fibers in the blow line, the
result being a significant increase in panel production
and overall performance.

The latest developments include I-BOND MDF EMFC

4332, which delivers a line speed increase of 10 to 15%
compared to current eMDI resins, further closing the
gap between eMDI and traditional MUF resins.
Since its launch, the I-BOND MDF EMFC 4332 resin
continues to be well received by many of Huntsmans
current MDF customers as well as capturing the interest
of new contacts. This latest development exemplifies
the opportunities MDI has to offer and in a very timely
manner, considering the wider legislations impacting
manufacturers worldwide. I-BOND MDF EMFC 4332 is
another step forward in terms of cost effective use of
MDI in MDF production, it aids compliance with new
legislations that are directing the market towards a no
added formaldehyde future.
In addition to innovative bonding technologies,
Huntsman has launched its new I-RELEASE brand of
associated release agents, which can be applied either
internally or externally during production. Internal release agents are mixed in-line with the resin and added
directly to the blowline, whereas external applications
are applied directly to the press belt.

The ever increasing legislation concerned with formaldehyde emission levels is a key driver for the increased
popularity of MDI. The no added formaldehyde I-BOND
resins are exempt within the requirements of section
93120.3 of the California Air Resources Board (CARB)
standards. Using MDI will also help ensure end products
attain CARB I, CARB II and Japanese F**** compliance.
Recent recommendations from The European Risk
Assessment Committee are also likely to lead to more
rather than less restriction on products containing
formaldehyde when EU legislators look to update the
European EPF-S Standard.

MDI, the resin of choice for MDF manufacturers

MDI continues to gain in popularity throughout the
composite wood panel manufacturing industry, concludes Berliana. Its versatility, continuous development,
cost and product performance has seen it become the
resin of choice for MDF producers.
As one of the worlds largest chemical manufacturers, Huntsman is committed to innovation. The
company is positive that MDI represents the future of
the composite wood panels industry. MDIs no added
formaldehyde composition makes it the ideal adhesive
for manufacturers targeting markets throughout Asia,
Europe and the United States in the face of increasing
regulation. Huntsman continues to work with partners
throughout the global MDF industry to develop better
resins that can deliver competitive advantage.
For further information on Huntsmans products and
services, visit



are OUT


Mr. Yue Qunfei, China FOMA

Group Deputy GM, during a
media interview held recently,
shared their companys
experience and role in the
development of Chinas
wood-based panel industry.

Mr. Yue Qunfei, China FOMA Group Deputy GM

It is well known that China is now the No. 1 wood-based

panel producer in the world, but the industry is facing a
lot of challenges, such as structural problem of supply
and demand; shortage of raw materials; panel variety
and quality, etc. It must be stressed that there is a need
for structural adjustment and upgrade of Chinas woodbased panel industry. Outdated methods of production are now being replaced with high-efficiency and
environmentally friendly equipment. During the next five
to 10 years, the fiberboard industry will be re-adjusted
and optimised.
In order to adapt to the technological changes and
market trends, China FOMA actively innovates and
improves on the machine performance of its continuous press and multi-opening hot press technologies.
The company has developed various models of its
continuous press for different sizes. There are models
which cover 8 feet and 9 feet with annual production
capacity from 150,000 cbm/yr to 400,000 cbm/yr. There
are also MDF, PB and OSB series to meet the customers
different requirements.
The 8 feet MDF continuous press production line
is equipped with the 58-inch advanced de-fiberator,
inclined fine sanding and polishing wide-belt sanding
machine, flexible sawing and trimming system. China
FOMA holds proprietary intellectual property rights for


the continuous press infeed section, board thickness

and shape automatic coordinate adjustment, on-linespeed-supervision for steel belt and roller rod carpet,
self-adaption structure for heat expansion, etc. China
FOMA has obtained dozens of invention patents, including some European patents.
Moreover, China FOMA has made every effort to improve the quality of the key machine quality and whole
line, ensure smooth connection, and reach maximum
efficiency. Focus is on the technical process data of
large production capacities, wide size and high-quality
production lines. China FOMAs de-fiberator, forming
machine, pre-press, sanding machine, etc., meet the
high-quality manufacturing standards and clients
technical requirements.
According to Mr. Yue Qunfei, training employees
is also very important. He trains his team of mechanical, hydraulic and electrical engineers, as well as the
customers operations personnel. China FOMA also
developed an expert-remote-assistance system based
on the information platform to ensure standardised
solutions for the customer.
China FOMAs slogan Independent Innovation,
Pursuit of Excellence will hopefully change the history of
Chinas wood-based panel industry, and bring win-win
results to both customer and the company.


with the
MSR 130ds


Italian company ZAFFARONI has introduced their Double Spindle Multi-rip Saw for panels model MSR 130
ds, a machine borne from the need to make incisions,
multiple longitudinal grooves or cuts simultaneously on
both surfaces of the panel processed.
The MSR find its applications in the world of furniture,
building and construction materials in general where
the wood-based panels can be used raw or coated
such as MDF, HDF, plywood, particle board, then cement fibreboards, plastic laminates, and extruded
plastic materials such as PVC, PP and XPS, polyurethane
foams and extruded panels, composite panels such as
gypsum board or mineral fibres with surfaces already
finished or coated with different decorative materials.
Made in different variations and processing capacities from 80, 130 up to 160cm, the MSR can be

View of the tools-holder shafts

View of the tools set-up desk



equipped with special equipment according to different production requirements that will determine the
different versions.
Equipped with throughfeed advancement for the
workpieces, the MSR is a high-performance machine
that can be easily integrated into a production line
or interlocked with automatic loading and unloading
devices for panels.
This model is equipped with a special group of feeding rollers, in the specific compound from the lower and
free rectified rollers to the driving upper and rubber
coated rollers. All rollers fitted to this machine were
generously sized, considering all the involved mechanical tensions during the use.
As demonstrated by the generous mass of which
is equipped (4,600 kg), the MSR 130 ds is definitely a
robust machine, built with care, and is an equipment
that retains many of the hit series MLS as well the system for the regulation of the cutting depth that does
not change the working height or the interchangeable
working table, which assures the perfect execution of
the cut without vibrations.



UN/ECE review of the

European and North American
hardwood and panel markets
Late last year the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) issued its 2012
review of the European and North American hardwood and panel markets.

Production in Europe decreased by 1.4% to 12.6

million m3 in 2011, with rising production in Croatia and
Germany offset by declines in Romania and Slovakia.
Sawn hardwood production in the 12 Commonwealth
of Independent States (CIS) increased by 6.8% to 3.5
million m3 in 2011 boosted by rising levels of exports
of Russian sawn oak into China. After dipping to 16.4
million m3 in 2010, sawn hardwood production in North
America increased by 4.4% to 17.2 million m3 in 2011
as domestic consumption stabilised and there was a
revival in export demand, particularly in China and
After a promising start to 2011, sawn hardwood
consumption across the UNECE region fell away in
the second half of the year as austerity measures and
the euro-crises undermined economic confidence in
Europe and the recovery in the US housing sector was
slow to gain traction. Sawn hardwood consumption
across the UNECE region was 31.1 million m3 in 2011,
only a 2% increase compared to 2010. Sawn hardwood
production across the region was 33.3 million m3 in 2011,
an increase of 2.4% over 2010. After several years of
turmoil, supply and demand for sawn hardwood in the
UNECE region are now finely balanced at levels which
are low compared to before the economic crises of
2008-2009 and prices are more stable. Overall European
consumption of sawn hardwood in 2011 was 13 million
m3, a 0.6% decline compared to 2010 and well down
on the level prevailing prior to the European recession.

Oak in flooring
Oak continued to consolidate its dominant market
position in the European flooring and joinery sectors
during 2011, whereas tropical hardwoods continued to
lose share, due to limited availability and development
of innovative new products for external applications.
Globalisation in the furniture sector combined with
weakness in the construction and housing sectors has


American White Oak double doors consumption

Photo credit: Turnstone Singapore

led to a decline in demand for appearance grade

sawn hardwood within the UNECE region and increasing
exports of these grades to other markets, particularly
China. However, there are early signs of a trend towards
re-shoring (industry returning on-shore) of furniture
and cabinet manufacturing within the UNECE region
which might revive demand for appearance grade
sawn hardwood in the future.
The US Lacey Act Amendment and the European
Union Timber Regulation are placing new obligations
on suppliers to demonstrate low risk status with
respect to illegal logging and should benefit hardwood
supplies in regions where there is strong evidence



of good forest governance.

Influence of China
Overall, the hardwood market in 2011 was reported
as one of mixed fortunes, weakening towards the
end of the year. However, going forward, the report
makes interesting reading on the influence of China in
the global hardwood market. It suggests that is
important to highlight that the long-term
future of global sawn hardwood markets
is becoming more dependent on events
outside the region. Chinas role in the
international hardwood trade is particularly
Chinas imports of temperate hardwood
logs reportedly fell from a peak of 5.6 million
m3 in 2007 to under 1.7 million m3 in 2009. The
reason given was the large downturn due
to a substantial decrease in imports from
Russia following the Russian governments
introduction of high log export taxes
designed to boost the domestic processing
industry. The decline apparently affected
Chinas imports of Birch logs for production
of plywood, and of Oak logs for lumber
and veneer.
Russian exports of Oak logs to China
reduced from 827,000 m 3 in 2008 to
only 90,000 m3 in 2011 a massive drop.
Chinas imports of higher value logs for
manufacture of appearance-grade
veneer and lumber from Europe and North
America had fallen slightly in the 2008-2009
period during the economic downturn.
However, imports of these higher value
logs from Europe and North America
rebounded dramatically after 2009 to
reach over 1.5 million m3 in 2011, thereby
offsetting the decline in imports of Russian
Oak logs. Slowing economic conditions in
China and in export markets for Chinas
finished products led to the build-up of
excess stock of Oak logs in China by the
end of 2011. As a result, Chinas imports
of Oak logs declined early in 2012. But
this reduction has been offset by a rise
in imports of European Beech logs which
are now more in demand in China due to
stable and relatively competitive pricing.
The report continued there is likely to
be continuing strong demand for North
American and European hardwood logs
in China and Vietnam, but also rising
demand for sawn temperate hardwood

in China, Southeast Asia and Latin America. These

opportunities are all the more welcome given signs
of only slow market recovery in traditional markets of
Europe and North America.

Panel exports
Production of American and Canadian wood-based
panels in 2011 was little changed from 2010. North





European hardwood flooring species, 2009-2011

Note: Other includes species with less than 3% market share:

birch, eucalyptus, acacia and chestnut
Source: European Federation of the Parquet Industry, 2011.

Production photo
Photo credit: Rossi Group

American panel exports fell by 6.4% in 2011: an increase

in US exports of 4% was offset by Canadian exports
which were 7% lower than in 2010.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) legislation,
designed to reduce formaldehyde emissions in woodbased panels, moved to Phase II for both particle board
and MDF on 1st January 2011 and now forms the basis
for new federal laws in all U.S. States. The Lacey Act had
a mixed impact on U.S. imports of wood-based panels,
with overall imports from tropical countries down in 2011.
The expansion of the Russian wood-based panel
sector continued in 2011 due to increased demand
in residential construction (up 5.1%) and furniture

The China effect

Photo credit: Turnstone Singapore

manufacturing (up 6.2%). Plywood and fibreboard

production volumes increased by more than 10%
over 2010 levels and particle board production up by
more than 20%. During 2011, total European particle
board production contracted by 1.9% with oriented
strand board OSB down by 5.2%, but MDF production
increased by 3.7%.
The panel sector review concluded that the
European wood-based panels industry is slowly
returning to better market conditions. But although
the construction industry was showing positive signs,
the performance of furniture manufacturing was
disappointing. Notable also was the increase in
European production costs, especially in resins and

Flooring in Norway: Rehearsal facility at the Oslo Opera House

by architects Snhetta AS





Alder furniture produced

by China Beking.

Getting to know
Pacific Coast Alder again
By Y.L Chen, Qingdao CX JOY Hardwoods

As one of the main materials of solid wood furniture,

Pacific Coast Alder (also named Western Alder, Red
alder) has many attractive properties. It is sustainable
and has an appealing appearance and a high price/
performance radio. Alder furniture, with its soft lustrous
surface, gives the room elegance and warmth.

Beneficial in many forms

Alder grows in the Northwestern part of the USA, on
cool and moist slopes mostly along the margins of
watercourses and wetlands. It offers a big advantage
for the forests in which they grow, as pioneer species, by
improving soil fertility for future growth of other plants. By
their nitrogen-fixing root nodules, Alder offers nutrients
to the soil to supply their neighboring plants.
Its holistically recyclable - the wood is processed as
to furniture, the bark as mulch and recycled sawdust as
smoke generator to make salmon. It also has tradition
medicine usage that not only Native Americans used
Alder bark to treat skin irritations, recent clinical studies
also have verified the compounds of Alder is effective
against tumors.


Growth range of Pacific Coast Alder.

Alder is suitable for further processing in the production

of furniture. It is easy to work with nails, screws and glue
and can be easily sanded, stained and coated. As a
main solid wood furniture species, Alder is an excellent
choice for even the most complex machining, gluing
and finishing with fine homogeneous grain structure and




the light uniform colour.

There is little colour variation between the heartwood
and sapwood. Its closed grained with natural
consistency, similar to maple, cherry and birch. When
compared with other species such as Walnut or Oak
which have strong style, Alder is very versatile and
predictable. The warm look can fit seamlessly into
various spatial concepts.
Whether for moder n, classic fur niture or in
combination with materials such as glass, leather and
metal, Alder can easily blend in any spaces and match
all kinds of species: the beech floor, a walnut bed or a
White Oak window frame. Alder can be easily dressed
up to any finishing or left natural to show the honey
tone. The versatility keeps Alders popularity to grow
among fine furniture and cabinet markers worldwide.

Complete supply chain

Alder is the most abundant Western hardwood and is
a prolific, fast-growing species that can provide saw
timber size tree in 25 to 30 years and now becoming
one of the popular hardwood alternatives as it is
more economically priced when compared to other
Besides the high performance-price ratio, the
lumber supplier Northwest Hardwoods develops various
grades to fit the needs of furniture makers. For example,
Northwest Hardwoods separate the mid-grade into
Cabinet and Custom Shop, grade after drying and
surfacing, furniture maker can choose depending on
their final application.
Northwest Hardwoods and its reliable partner
Daiichi (Qingdao CX JOY Hardwoods), a top
professional producer of edge-glued panel make
a strong supplier chain. Daiichi adopt world-leading
advanced optimised cutting system. Daiichis service
is appreciated by high-end furniture producers in

Alder saw mill.



Northwest Hardwoods grades lumbers.

Germany, Italy, UK, Japan and United States. It is

partner of the solid wood furniture industry, offering
wide product types which include solid edge-glued
panels, finger-jointed edge-glued panels, fixed-length
cut stocks and multi-layer glued panels in Pacific Coast
Alder, American White Oak and Walnut. Furniture
makers can get the cut-to-size and just-in-time service
and quality assurance from Daiichi.

Daiichi offers high-quality Alder edge-glued panels.



Daiichis warehouse.

Sustainable management
Alder is is a prolific, fast-growing species.

Aside from versatility and complete supply chain

benefits, Alder is a sustainable resource that meets the
highest standards of ethical sourcing and sustainability
in forest products. Northwest Hardwoods and Daiichi
have both achieved Programme for the Endorsement
of forest Certification (PEFC) Chain-of-Custody

Everything you want in a hardwood

Alder is also suited for

kids furniture.

As an environmentally friendly wood, in addition to

benefits and versatility, Alder is also an abundant and
affordable choice. Through the complete supply chain,
solid wood furniture makers can easily get consistent,
reliable and high-quality Alder lumber and edge-glued
panels. Alder is everything you want in a hardwood,
perfectly suited to the needs of furniture industry.




Teak trends
Teak (Tectona grandis) is one of the most popular
and suitable hardwood species for flooring and
joinery, especially in Asia. Last year the Food &
Agriculture Organisation (FAO) based in Rome
issued an update on Teak resources, revealing
trends in both Teak forests and markets:
The results of a new FAO global Teak Resources
and Market Assessment conducted in 60 tropical
countries show that natural teak forests are declining
worldwide and that the quality of natural grown teak
wood is deteriorating. On the other hand, todays
survey also reveals that planted teak forests are increasing in area and when good management
practices are applied producing high quality wood.

Natural teak forests in decline

Natural teak forests grow in only four countries in the
world: India, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand. In 2010 their
combined area of natural teak forest was estimated at
about 29 million hectares (ha), almost half of it growing
in Myanmar. Myanmar is the only country that currently
produces quality teak from natural forests India, Lao
PDR and Thailand have bans on logging in natural forests or on log exports in place.
According to the survey, natural teak forests declined in area by 385,000 ha globally, or by 1.3%, between 1992 and 2010. Substantial declines have been
particularly notable in Laos (down by 68,500 ha), India
(down 2.1 million ha), and Myanmar (down 1.1 million
ha). In Thailand, a complete ban on logging in natural
forests introduced in 1989 may have contributed to the
recovery of natural teak forests, which are reported to
have increased by 2.9 million ha, according to FAOs

Mixed quality Teak plantation logs in Java, Indonesia

Although there is no better up-to-date information

on teak resources available at the moment, data provided by the survey must be handled with care, said
Walter Kollert, FAO Forestry Officer. It is difficult to obtain
precise figures on teak forest loss, because teak trees
do not grow in pure stands in nature. Natural teak forests are mixed deciduous or tropical evergreen forests
which have a share of teak of between 4% and 35%.

Planted teak - a globally emerging forest resource

Teak is one of the most important and valuable hardwoods in the world, and planted teak forests have attracted large private sector investments in Africa, Asia
and Latin America. As a result, the planted teak area
has increased in Africa (Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania), Central America (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama), South America (Ecuador,
Brazil) and Asia (India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Laos).
Although the time until trees reach harvestable
dimensions is comparatively long and on average
takes between 20 and 80 years, teak planting serves
local communities as a savings account and in the
long run helps smallholders improve their livelihoods
and the livelihoods of their children, added Kollert.

Genetic resources conservation is needed

Young Teak plantation in Indonesia



In the future, it can be expected that sustained production of teak logs from natural forests will be further limited
due to continuing deforestation and competition for
environmental services, according to Kollert. Supply
trend points to a continuing decline in the volume and
quality of natural teak, which results in progressive loss
of genetic resources. This is why it is essential in the near
future to plan, organise and implement a programme
for the genetic conservation of native teak resources in
the four countries with natural teak forests, he stressed.



Teak clones in Java, Indonesia

Global teak market trends

Indonesian Teak (Jati) logs

Asia holds more than 90% of the worlds teak resources,

and India alone manages 38% of the world's planted
teak forests. The major teak trade flows worldwide are
directed towards India, while its own considerable teak
production is processed within the country. Eleven out
of 14 reporting countries named India as their number
one importer, absorbing 70 to 100% of global teak exports, including shipments of plantation logs and sawn
timber from Africa and Latin America. Myanmar, India
and Indonesia are expected to maintain their market
position on premium quality teak though this market is
limited by supply.





American hardwood
lumber shipments to
Southeast Asia up 32%
in 2012
Data just released by the USA show that
American hardwood lumber shipments to
Southeast Asia were up by 32% in value and 29%
in volume for the year 2012 compared to 2011.
Log shipments were up 9% and 15% respectively
and veneer increased 9% and 13%. American
hardwood flooring was up 143% in value and
124% in volume, albeit from a lower base.

American Oaks dominate hardwood forests in USA

Commenting on the results John Chan, AHECs Director

in Hong Kong, said Exports of American hardwood to
Greater China and SE Asia in 2012 have reached an alltime high record while the world is still facing economic
downturn and uncertainty. The growth in exports of US
hardwood is driven by regional economic growth and
the domestic consumption markets.
The Southeast Asia market for US hardwood has
outperformed other developed markets in 2012 with
24.4% increase in total value of all American hardwood
products lumber, logs, veneer, plywood, flooring, dimensions and moulding. US hardwood lumber exports
reached US$195.38 million, growing in value by 32%
compared to 2011. Thus sawn lumber is growing more
rapidly than the other products. Logs accounted for
US$59.76 million, up 9%. Veneer accounted for US$16.11
million, up 9%. The veneer industry in China and SE Asia
has been growing rapidly in the past five years in parallel
to the fast growing veneer slicing and fancy plywood
industry to support the demand of furniture industries
in the region.
Leading the ASEAN imports of American hardwood
lumber in 2012 was Vietnam where shipments of sawn
lumber amounted to US$130.93 million, an increase
of 32%. Volume to Vietnam totalled 323,880 m3, an
increase of 25% making it the largest importer of Ameri44


can hardwood in the ASEAN, since 2005. This can be

attributed to expansion of the furniture and flooring and
door industries and the capture of overseas exports as
well as a growing demand for internal joinery in the
residential and hospitality sectors. Hardwood log shipments from the USA to Vietnam were up 12% by volume
and amounted to US$40.3 million, increasing by 8% from
2011, a further indication of the veneer production
industry which is gradually developing.
Thailand jumped to become the second largest
market in SE Asia for American hardwood lumber with
exports reaching US$21.22 million an increase of 65%,
and volume totalling 45,750 m3 up 62%. The furniture
manufacturing industry has recovered from the damage of the massive flooding in 2011 which seriously
impacted the production and affected the export of
US hardwood to Thailand. However Indonesia is still the
second largest ASEAN market overall for US hardwood
products - valued US$ 34.80 million. Sawn lumber was
valued US$20.53 million up 14% from 2011, and the
volume registered 40,771 m3, an increase of 23% from
2011. Veneer imports increased by 27% reaching US$7.2
million. With log imports from USA of only US$6.04 million
dropping by 26%, it seems that many producers in Indonesia are turning to lumber and veneer as raw material
rather than logs. The property market there is booming



Hardwood Product Exports Value & Volume 2010 to 2012














Southeast Asia

Hardwood Lumber










Southeast Asia

Hardwood Logs









Southeast Asia

Hardwood Veneers









Southeast Asia

Hardwood Flooring










Source: United States Department of Agriculture 2013

American Tulipwood: Sawn lumber a key species in ASEAN

American Walnut: Popular in Asia

and is driving demand for wood products such as doors.

Malaysia followed Indonesia and Thailand becoming the fourth largest market in ASEAN for US lumber
with shipments valued at US$19.4 million, an increase
of 33% from 2011, and volume totalling 38,084 m3 up
50%. Despite being rich in rubberwood resources these
three countries are gradually turning to increase their
supplies of imported timber which partially accounts
for increased of import of US hardwood lumber, veneer
and logs. The relatively small market of Singapore has
shown growth of 34% in value and 60% in volume. With
the Philippines the two markets were US$6.63 million of
US hardwood products in 2012.
The hardwood forests of the USA are dominated by
Red and White Oak with Tulipwood as the next most
common species one which naturally regenerates
with prolific seed production. American White Oak
and Tulipwood are the most popular species in SE Asia
accounting for over 50% of shipments in 2012, whereas
in China Red Oak dominated shipments there. However
a wide range of other species such as Ash, Cherry,
Hickory, Maple, Western Red Alder and Walnut were
are also shipped to Asia.
American oak tables made in Malaysia awaiting shipment to EU




High demand for


Square edged lumber, ready for shipment

French wood
By Etienne Ducrot

The French timber industry is a leading player in European

timber production, thanks to the rich diversity of both
hardwood and softwood species in France. With a current
wood volume of 2 billion m and 128 different species, the
French forest increases by approximately 88 million m3
every year. Half of this volume is yearly harvested by the
first transformation industry.
Hardwood species account for two-thirds of the harvested forest area. They account for more than 60% of the
available volume, making France the leading producer of
high-quality oak and beech in Europe. Timber resources
are exceptionally abundant. Out of 126 different species,
30 are used for sawn timber. This unique biodiversity in Europe finds its origin in the variety of soils and climates. It also
explains the countrys farming and wineg-rowing tradition.
Hardwood species are mainly located in the plain area
of Northern, Eastern and Central France, as well as in the
main part of the South West. France is the leading producer
of top-of-range oak and beech lumbers.
Here are some figures about the French forest:
- Third surface in Europe after Sweden and Finland
- 13% of the European wooded surface
- 15.3 million hectares
- Oak trees represent 41% of the hardwood forests


(6 million of hectares)
- Wooden surface has grown of 20% for the last 20 years

Green dots : hardwoods localisation

Red dots : Softwoods localisation
Blue dots : Poplar localisation



Sawn lumber, ready to

be kiln dried

Oak boules, available in different thicknesses is the best choice for high-quality furniture manufacturing

Middle East and North Africa

As the demand for wood in the Middle East and North
Africa areas is rising, thanks to the demographic growth
and the healthy real estate industry (combined with higher
standards of living), the French timber industry has a role
to play and should respond to the needs of the buyers in
terms of quantity and quality. In Dubai, for example, no
less than 30,000 apartments are constructed every year. In
2014, over 1 million accommodation facilities is projected
to be constructed in Dubai. This represents a huge potential
for the French timber industry.
The Middle East market (as well as the North African
market) is mainly looking for two species:
First is softwoods (second and third choice SprucePine-Fir) mostly used for construction purposes. France
sells more formwork wood and less structure wood. This is
linked to the fact that in North Africa, the housing market

Outdoor decking made of douglas fir





Building construction in Dubai

is increasing (the younger generation are looking for their

own accommodation).
France exports 23% of its softwood sawn timber to
the North African market (Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria).
Hence, French companies are continually improving their
partnerships in that region. In 2012, French softwood exports
in North Africa increased by 39% compared to the previous
year, which means there is a high potential in this area.
Concerning the Middle East, buyers demand mostly
formwork for constructing hotel facilities, but there is also
a demand for framework wood (first choice this time) for
high-standard construction purposes.
Amongst the many softwood species, France exports
mostly Douglas Fir. It is very popular and is widely used in
the building industry, particularly frameworks.
Second is sawn beech, as it is the cheapest species
of harwood currently on the market. It is also the most exported species in North Africa (more than 35% of Frances
export volume).
Indeed, steamed beech is very popular as there is high
demand among small furniture manufacturers that use it
to make chairs, sofas and door frames.
There is also an emerging demand in Oak in Dubai. The
booming luxury industry uses lots of Oak for interior design.
Frances sawn Oak exports increased by 1,484% from 2009
to 2012 (and approximately the same in Qatar) even
though the amounts are not very significant yet.
France is the top wood supplier in Algeria and Tunisia,
and second leading wood supplier in Morocco. These
markets import wooden products because they dont
have enough forests to ensure a sufficient supply of wood
products. Most of the sawn timber that France exports are
kiln dried.


A pine forest, widespread in the South West of France

Oak boules


Sawn Oak timber exports in Turkey increased by almost
50% from 2011 to 2012.
In conclusion, the Middle East and Turkish markets are
emerging players that deserve attention as their housing
industries are flourishing and their economies are promising.
The North African market is also a key market for the French
timber industry mostly due to the geographical factor and
the historical legacy between these two regions.

A wooden house in Istanbul

Turkish market
Historically, Turkey is a country that has always favoured
wooden construction for the housing industry due to the
fact that wooden components are more flexible than
concrete and thus resist more to seismic catastrophes.
The wood industry in Turkey is increasing by 6% every
year, due to a demographic growth combined to increasing urban migration.
The furniture market is also very dynamic in Turkey.
There are around 30,000 manufacturers whose activities
represent 4 billion euros. Their exports represent 1% of the
d s furniture
e ex
Re dyy for va
m trea
m nt

Meet FrenchTimber
Representatives from the trade association FrenchTimber will be taking
part in a number of events this year.
Come and meet them at the Dubai
Wood Show (9-11 April), Interzum in
Cologne, Germany (13-16 May) and
FMC in Shanghai (11-14 September).
Come and meet FrenchTimber
and some international representatives of the French wood industry
to find out more about what French
saw millers can do for your business.
For more information, visit

A French sawmill, located in the heart of the forest, keeps resources

and production facilities as close as possible

french timber Photo Barillet

IL 2013




Multi-species products must

declare origin of all wood


Three Southeast Asian countries

prepare for new

European Timber Import Rules
Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam all supply flooring to the EU. In Europe, flooring importers
and customers are finalising their preparations to comply with the new EU Timber Regulation
(EUTR). Meanwhile, these three countries and others in Southeast Asia are doing their part. All
three countries are implementing or negotiating a Voluntary Partnership Agreement with the EU.
At the same time, exporters are looking to supply due diligence information to help their trade
partners in Europe comply with the EU Timber Regulation.

Once agreed and implemented, VPAs include

commitments and action from both parties to halt
trade in illegal timber, notably with a licensing scheme
to verify the legality of timber and timber products
exported to the EU. This timber will then be called FLEGT
licensed timber. The agreements also promote better
enforcement of forest law and promote an inclusive
approach involving civil society and the private sector.


Malaysia has led the field in certification of

sustainable forestry for many years with its Malaysian
Timber Certification Scheme. The government has also
been developing a VPA with the EU. Timber industry
sources in Kuala Lumpur say that negotiations have
intensified over the last 12 months and that Malaysia
is confident that it will conclude its VPA soon. As they
negotiate, Malaysia continues to put in place a key



Wooden furniture shipped to Europe must now meet EUTR

part for the agreement, its Timber Legality Assurance

System (TLAS) which underpins the VPA.
Opinions as to the readiness of individual companies
to meet the EUTR are mixed. Michael Hermens, MD
of APP Timber, a regional timber trade company
with headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, confirms that all
its shipments are supplied with documentation that
enables receivers to complete their due diligence
obligations, which began 3 March. However, there is
a widespread belief based on anecdotal evidence
that many companies are unready or even unwilling
to take such necessary steps. The VPA between the EU
and Malaysia, once signed and implemented, could
help these companies. FLEGT licensed timber products
from Malaysia will be considered negligible risk under
the EU Timber Regulation.
The EU and Indonesia have negotiated a VPA, which
is expected to be concluded in April 2013 and ratified
later this year. The VPA will mean that FLEGT licensed
timber products from Indonesia will be considered
negligible risk under the EU Timber Regulation, and the
EU buyer has fulfilled its EUTR requirements when buying
this timber.
Indonesias licensing system to verify the legality of
its timber, called the Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu
(SVLK) is up and running. Export shipments verified as
legal under the SVLK scheme are issued with V-Legal
documents. Such licences, while valid in Indonesia, are

not FLEGT licences, and EU importers will still need to

undertake due diligence until Indonesias VPA is ratified
by both parties and fully implemented.
Indonesia and five EU countries have been testing
export and import procedures using shipments of
timber products with V-Legal Documents. The first
tests embarked from Indonesia in October 2012 and
arrived in European ports through December 2012.
Results from the test were reviewed in January 2013
and recommended changes discussed with authorities.
There will be an assessment later in the year of the
operationality of SVLK and all other operational
elements under the VPA. A positive assessment would
allow EU to accept FLEGT licenses from Indonesia once
the VPA has been ratified and entered into force.
Representatives from Indonesias Ministry of Forestry
and the European Union held a joint press conference

Vietnamese flooring
being packed for export




Indonesian plantation Teak lumber requires Due Diligence by importers in EU

on the 22nd of January to emphasise their commitment

to continuing trade in timber and wood products,
worth approximately US$1.2 billion annually, as well
as to fighting illegal timber trade. During the press
conference, Secretary General Hadi Daryanto and the
EU Ambassador to ASEAN, Julian Wilson, heralded the
involvement of forestry stakeholders in the development
of SVLK, because it encourages buyers to have
confidence in the new scheme. They also underlined
that Indonesia and the EU are in a critical phase as they
move toward full implementation of new timber trade
procedures defined in the VPA.
Andy Roby, FLEGT VPA Facilitator resident in Jakarta
recently said, Indonesia is remarkable for where it has
got to on developing a comprehensive and credible
timber legality scheme. ... The government has a clear
vision of where they want the industry to go, and that is
to restore the reputation of Indonesian forest products
in international markets. Indonesia has adopted
new timber trade legality rules in a move expected to
boost bilateral timber trade and has given details on
progress. This regulation requires that from 1 January
2013 all export shipments (not only to EU) need to have
a V-legal document.
Vietnam faces added challenges since it is both an
importer of timber from the region and an exporter of



Components in Malaysian doors, such as US Walnut

and Maple, must be identied for EUTR

processed products such as flooring. Vietnam began

negotiating a VPA with the EU more recently than
Indonesia and Malaysia, in 2010. The country has a
number of reasons to embark on the VPA negotiations,
that include maintaining access to the EU market,
enhancing its market access to the USA and Japan,
enhancing the national image and trademark for
Vietnams timber industry, avoiding a recession for the
industry which provides 300,000 jobs with more than
3,400 enterprises and to strengthen the institutional
reform process in forest sector and law enforcement.
During the most recent negotiation session in
Brussels in November 2012, both sides discussed
Vietnams timber legality definition, the timber legality
assurance system to be developed, tracing legality of
timber imports (Vietnam sources timber from over 30
countries) and the timber products that the VPA will
cover. Vietnam and the EU are planning to conclude
negotiations by September 2013.
Some Vietnamese companies have due diligence
procedures in place, such as those dealing with
large European buyers in order to comply with the
EUTR. But some will have severe problems with their
documentation to export timber products, not only due
to lack of knowledge, but also due to lack of language
skills. Documentation has to be in an EU language, such



as English. There are also reports of signs that

some companies are starting to shy away
from furniture by trying to invest elsewhere.
However, the eventual implementation of
the VPA between Vietnam and the EU would
solve the problem for companies exporting
to Europe.
A number of initiatives are ramping up to
help the timber industry meet the EU Timber
Regulation requirements. The European
Timber Trade Federation has developed
a due diligence system in collaboration
with the Danish environmental consulting
firm NEPCon. The aim is to provide a
system that works for entire timber
federations or individual companies,
based on a pan-European Due Diligence
approach to compliance that other
organisations, including national timber
trade associations and consultancy firms,
have developed for their members and
clients. Third-party certification systems,
such as FSC and PEFC, are updating their procedures
to meet the new requirements. The European Timber
Trade Federation has announced it will soon issue a
due diligence guide, helpful for any company shipping
wood products to the EU.
Compared with other countries that export timber
and wood flooring products and remain at high risk for
illegal logging, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam are
reducing their risk and maintaining a thriving trade with
the EU market. As timber importing countries continue to
tighten their laws to favour legal and sustainable timber
products, companies and governments with foresight

Joinery produc

ts using Malay

sian Plywood

is covered by


are seeing
the writing on the wall and
responding. 2013 will be an interesting year as the EU
Timber Regulation increases the pressure to provide
well-documented, legally-sourced products for export.
FLEGT licensed timber may not be ready in 2013, but
these regulatory tools are also part of the long term
solution for supporting legal trade in timber.
Note: This news brief has been produced with the
financial assistance of the European Union. The views
expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the
official opinion of the European Union.

Further details on EU FLEGT Action Plan Elements

Voluntary Partnership Agreements are bilateral trade agreements between the EU and timber
producing countries. Thirteen countries have negotiated such individual voluntary agreements with
the EU, including Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. The voluntary schemes ensure that only legally
harvested timber is imported into the EU from supply countries agreeing to take part. The internal EU
legal framework for this scheme is a Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Regulation,
adopted in December 2005, and its 2008 Implementing Regulation, allowing for the control of the
entry of timber and timber products to the EU from countries entering into bilateral FLEGT Voluntary
Partnership Agreements (VPAs) with the EU. Further details are available at
Another key element is the EU Timber Regulation, which prohibits the placing of illegally harvested timber
on the EU market and will be applicable from 3 March 2013. The EU Timber Regulation was adopted in October
2010, while its Implementing Regulation was adopted in July 2012. In addition, the European Commission
published a detailed guidance document for operators which can be found at





drive the
Considered to be one of
the most important of the
year, the Frankfurt event
delivers a world of ideas
and materials
By Kenn Busch

If you only have time to do one

thing at Heimtextil, you must visit
the Trend Forum.
First-time visitors to the years
premier textile and design event
hear this often. If youve made
the early January pilgrimage to
Frankfurt before to see the latest
ideas in textiles, chances are you
make the Trend Forum your first
stop, and for good reason.
Heimtextil is unique because it
is literally the intersection of every
dimension of design: commercial and residential, fashion and
furnishings, colour and texture,
luminance and translucence,
east and west. Its also the first
major international event each
year, and sets the stage for trends
Actually, stage is a bit of an
understatement. The Trend Forum



If your office looks

like this, then you
are probably in
the Eccentric


occupies an entire hall in the massive Messe Frankfurt

facility, where youll find the concepts distilled by the
Trend Table fleshed out in fantastical displays, samples,
and experiential environments.
The Trend Table members are from the trend offices we have in six countries, says Olaf Schmidt, vice
president of textiles and textile technologies for Messe
Frankfurt France, Brazil, Germany, USA, Japan, Netherlands and the U.S. Some members change each year,
some remain. They meet each year in March to discuss
what the trends will be for the next 18 months.
But theres never just one trend, one colour direction. In the fashion business, people like to have a
starting point for discussing trends, a reference point for
creating new collections. What we try to do is to provide
global intelligence for product design and forecasting,
and it has proven to be very influential.
For this year, the Trend Table decided on Being
[as the umbrella concept], meaning everybodys differ-

A giraffes spots are

vibrant textile samples,
in the Trend Forums
Eccentric world.


Lush, opulent, layered materials are finding their way

back into design.

ent, and they want to express themselves in their own

way. Within being there are four different characters,
with different behaviors, drawn to different colours. So
you have different styles but in the end its one trend
direction. And of course there are regional differences.
The Trend Tables work is captured in the Heimtextil
Trend Book, which can be ordered or from their website
[]. Visitors can also view
a well-produced video on the 2013 trends.
To feel at home, we need a space that we feel
emotionally connected to, an environment that fits like
a glove, like a third skin, as an extension of our personality, begins the Trend Book. Playing with the concept
of you are how you live, the Trend Table has profiled
four powerful personality types and explored the interior
design possibilities that might better allow them to be
who they want to be:
The Historian is partial to the finer things of bygone
eras, artisanship, opulence and precious materials.
The Eccentric is a hunter-gatherer, attracted to
eclectic combinations, kitsch, flamboyance and
The Inventor wants function to be fun, and thrives in
creatively interactive settings that inspire and entertain.
The Geologist is a nature fanatic, and digs organic
imperfections, rough, unfinished finishes, in the context
of the unknown and the unexpected.
The Trend Book, like the Trend Forum, is a total immersion experience, leading from the conceptual all
the way to precise colour palettes for each character.
Its an ambitious endeavor, and it has served to brand
Heimtextil as one of the most important fairs in the world
for fashion and furnishings.
If you want to know whats happening in the textile
business, and in fashion and interior design, you have
to come to Frankfurt, says Schmidt. The world seems
to agree: the 2013 exhibition hosted exhibitors from 62
nations, and visitors from 132.




Nothing is fashion dogma anymore

Based in Finland, trend analyst and journalist Susanna
Bjrklund tracks design and future trends across Europe
and throughout the world. She is a long-time observer
of Heimtextil, and interprets what she finds at the fair
for her readers, students and clients.
Weve asked her to help us put the Heimtextil fair
into perspective.
Q: How much do trends really change from year to
A: Trends dont obviously change by the clock. For
some years there seem not to be many new things
around and then suddenly a shift or a change happens
and it becomes more obvious. For some years now the
manufacturers ( in all fields, not just textiles) have also
been extra cautious, not investing into anything new,
expensive and innovative, and instead tried to be as
commercial and safe as possible. But people also need
change, and now I felt there is a shift toward richness in
surfaces, layering, and courage to mix and match. Its
a definite shift away from Scandinavian-style simplicity. Interesting lace and laser cuts bring a richness, and
wallpaper is coming back after several years.
Q: Does the show really reflect global trends, or is it
more Eurocentric?
A: I am probably biased being European, but the trend
panel has always people from Japan and America as
well, this time also from Brazil, discussing and mixing the
opinions of six nations. That should give a wider, more
global reflection. I went to listen to Mark Goodmans
[Global Colour Research, USA] colour trends presentation and he was showing different colours for Europe
and the States. Colours in the US tend to be more

Earthy, oxidised designs in textiles fit for the

Geologist personality.



Heimtextils Trend Forum exhibit, divided into four distinct

personalities, occupies its own hall at the Frankfurt fair grounds.

Q: Do you see markets immediately embracing the

shows trend assertions, or are they treated more as
suggestions than fashion dogma?
A: People see what they want to see. I always use this
example with my trend lectures: If someone likes animal
prints, out of hundreds of top designers there are bound
to be at least 10 always using them, so this person could
always argue they are in fashion...season after season.
Nothing is a fashion dogma anymore, but surely a
show like this will give you ideas to where the world is
going, as well as ideas for something new that you will
inspire ideas into your own line of business.
You need a degree of vision to spot the trends. I find
it strange when magazines say there was a lot of this
and a lot of that. Well, out of a zillion manufacturers of
all levels, if you see loads of something it is not a new
trend any more. Its always worth looking into what innovative, high-class manufacturers are doing even if
the price range is out of reach. I am always looking for
something different.
Q: What do you see as the take-away from Heimtextil
for designers and general, and for commercial designers in particular?
A: I go to many shows and Heimtextil has the best trends
by far, but it takes time and effort to get to the core.
It is worth taking the trend tour and listening to some
seminar talks to get to the thoughts behind the chosen
trends. If you just walk in the middle of this huge space, it
might be difficult to understand what it is about. I know
some manufacturers of big companies that never visit
the trend forum, they dont think they need it. What a
I dont know why trend seems to be such a scary
and superficial word to some companies. At their best
they can guide a company to do long-lasting, commercial decisions.
The world is getting very personalised, very fast. With
the social media it is easy and quick for anybody to be
a designer or at least demand something bespoke.
Examples of different hotels, restaurants + all kinds of
new and innovative concepts spread fast. Commercial
companies should take this into account and start to
offer something different from the masses.



Manufacturing &
Supply China 2013
11-14 September 2013, Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Centre
The FMC China exhibition has now been running for 18 years. The show moved to the
Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Centre in 2011, and the increased exhibition
area and visitor numbers have made the FMC into one of the most famous furniture
manufacturing industry exhibitions in the world. This year, FMC China 2013 will cover 71,000
square metres, and is expected to attract 850 domestic and overseas exhibitors.
The China Furniture Association advocated in 2012 that to develop China from a major
furniture manufacturing country to a great powerful country can only be accomplished with
talented furniture designers, sophisticated production equipment and raw material support.
FMC China 2013, as the premier furniture manufacturing supply platform, is responding
positively to the China Furniture Association, and has specially organised The First Leading
Brand Collection of the Global Furniture Manufacturing Industry at the site of the China
International Furniture Expo this year to enhance the industrys development.

First Leading Brand Collection

The First Leading Brand Collection aims to promote the upgrade of the furniture industry
to create maximum business value and also to build the best public relations platform for
furniture manufacturers. Bringing together nearly 100 new products and technologies in
woodworking machinery and the furniture raw materials industry, along with excellent
high-tech support, FMC China 2013 will provide a solid foundation to help China become
the foremost furniture manufacturing nation. The First Leading Brand Collection, with a total
area of 800 sq. m, will be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (Hall E5).
The exhibits include: Furniture Hardware & Fittings, Furniture Panels & Surface Deco,
Furniture Fabric & Leather, Upholstery Furniture Components & Supplies, Cabinet/Wardrobe
Fittings, Office Furniture Supplies & Gas Spring, Furniture Coatings, and Adhesives & Chemicals

For FMC online

please visit:

Exclusive exhibitors interactive promotion

FMC China 2013 has also launched an Exhibitors Interactive Promotion. Exhibitors who
successfully invite trade buyers to FMC China 2013 using any of the four methods below will
get special benefits in next years show, such as booth fee discounts, onsite video promotions,
brand promotions on the official website and Weibo, catalogue advertisements and show
preview advertising discounts.
- Visitor invitations by exhibitors
- Official website and Sina Weibo cooperation
- FMC promotion on relevant exhibitions by exhibitors
- Advertising cooperation

FMC B2B buyer sourcing event

The FMC B2B buyer sourcing event is a special service for buyers who have procurement
requirements. The organiser will help match trade buyers and furniture manufacturing
suppliers. Since FMC has a huge and high-quality database, the organiser will hold oneon-one sourcing meetings for buyers, as well as hold Buyer Sourcing Events onsite to enable
both trade buyers and suppliers to sign up for deals.





Unmatched international participation

Concentrated innovations showcase
High-caliber trade visitors

Forestry and timber industry professionals around the

world are counting down the days until LIGNA opens
its gates on 6 May.
The worlds leading suppliers of plant, machinery
and equipment for the forest and timber industries
regard LIGNA as the ultimate benchmark event the
fair where new products are launched and new trends
are set. And thats precisely what makes LIGNA so attractive for trade visitors. Every two years, in Hannover,
Germany, they can expect to find an innovations showcase that is without parallel anywhere in the world,
said Dr. Jochen Kckler, member of Deutsche Messe
AGs Managing Board.
The strong level of international participation
at LIGNA also sets the fair apart from rival shows. It
enables professionals from all parts of the forest and
timber industries to get a complete overview of the
latest technology in their specific sector. Around 1,700
exhibitors, more than half of whom come from outside
Germany, will be presenting their innovations in Hannover from 6 to 10 May. In fact, some 50 countries will
be represented at LIGNA this year.

Dr. Jochen Kckler, Member of the Managing Board

of Deutsche Messe AG, Hannover
Machinery and plant for the production of swan timber,
Measuring and optimisation systems for roundwood
yards and sawmills (LIGNA Hannover 2011)




Machinery, plant and facilities for industrial furniture production Automation systems - Industrial surface -treatment technology
(LIGNA Hannover 2011)

The fairs visitor profile is also highly international, with

more than a third of visitors travelling to Hannover from
other countries. Visitor survey figures from LIGNA 2011
revealed that around 90,000 visitors from 90 countries
made the trip to Hannover. Ninety-five per cent were
industry professionals with high-level decision-making
authority, reflected Kckler. We expect a similar
turnout this year.
The Top 10 countries among the participating nations, which have booked a total of around 130,000
square meters (1.4 million sq. ft) of exhibition space,
are Germany, Italy, Austria, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden,
Denmark, Turkey, Taiwan, China and the Netherlands.
LIGNAs broad range of display categories is another
big plus for decision makers. This years show, which
has Making more out of wood: Innovations, Solutions,
Efficiency as its keynote theme, will be covering the
entire wood value chain. It will feature the state of the
art in technology for the primary industries the forestry
and timber industries right alongside the latest products, machines and automation technologies for the
furniture sector, the solid woodworking industry and the
woodworking trades.
LIGNA 2013 will put the spotlight on key global
megatrends, such as sustainable, intelligent production; highly customisable manufacturing systems and
flexibility-enhancing solutions for all levels of industrial
operations. Key innovation drivers, such as surface
technology, lightweight construction, wood-based
bioenergy systems and window production technology,
will be presented as standalone display categories and
feature a range of exhibits that is unmatched in its depth
and diversity. Other hotly anticipated displays include
the latest integrated control systems and multi-functional production technologies and the broad range
of woodworking exhibits that comprise the Handwerk,
Holz & mehr showcase.
What makes the LIGNA fair truly special is the
sheer number and variety of innovations shown there,

explained Kckler. This is not least because many market leaders have timed their innovation cycles to coincide with LIGNA in odd-numbered years and use the
fair as a global launch pad for their latest technology.
Which is why woodworking and processing firms in need
of more efficient technology solutions cannot afford to
miss LIGNA 2013. This is particularly true for companies
based outside Germany. While the Federal Republics
strong economic performance has enabled its local forest and wood industries to maintain healthy investment
levels, in many other countries critically important modernization measures have been postponed. This has
compromised the competitiveness of the companies
concerned, which have seen a rise in their export markets quality demands during the same period. It is for
these companies in particular that LIGNA represents an
excellent opportunity to regain their competitive edge
and boost their sales performance through carefully
targeted investment. The fairs expanded offering of
space-saving simplified and easy-to-operate industrial
processing technology that offers significant productivity gains is another big drawcard. These and many other
technology highlights will contribute to making LIGNA
2013 the worlds biggest and comprehensive trade fair
for the forest and wood-based industries. Kckler: We
are really rolling out the red carpet for our international
trade visitors this year.

New online services for LIGNA visitors

Deutsche Messe has launched a range of new

digital services that will help attendees make the most
of their time in Hannover. Deutsche Messes highly targeted worldwide visitor marketing and media relations
campaigns set the standard for new lead generation
and business network expansion. They are specifically
designed to cultivate and boost the international dimension of the visitor make-up at LIGNA.
Deutsche Messes Match and Meet service
matches up LIGNA exhibitors and trade visitors in a
targeted fashion via the Internet. Trade visitors first
create a personal profile at, specifying
the kinds of products they are interested in. They then
automatically receive lists of matches, complete with
contact details, so that they can contact and arrange
meetings with potential business partners.
Visitors to this years LIGNA show can also take advantage of the new LIGNA2go mobile trade fair guide.
The guide makes all the key LIGNA website functions
available to smartphone users. With LIGNA2go, trade
fair visitors can use their mobile phones to locate exhibitors, products, and events and to create their own
personal schedules. LIGNA2go also offers an interactive
map of the exhibition grounds complete with navigation directions. The guide can be downloaded free of
charge at or the Apple App Store.
(Photos courtesy of Deutsche Messe)




Exhibitor Highlights

In the past years, the range of machinery and equipment that CMC-Texpan can provide to the woodbased materials industry has been extended to the
wood preparation area. Since then, several plants and
machines have already been installed and put into service all over the world. The results and the performances
directly achieved by customers in different industrial
processes further demonstrate the companys expertise
and skill, as well as the high quality of the machinery
and equipment manufactured by CMC. In parallel with
the commitment to the industrial market, the company
also devotes its best efforts and energy to the research
and development of new engineering concepts and
applied solutions aimed not only at increasing the efficiency of the machines, but also at improving their
cost-saving features, so as to help customers reduce
their costs, this being a crucial key factor nowadays.
The LIGNA 2013 exhibition will represent a great opportunity for CMC-Texpan to propose its well-established
solutions, but above all to showcase its brand new

blenders are no more required, what results in electric

and thermal energy saving, as well as in obviating the
need for expensive periodic maintenance, continual
replacement of wear parts and complicated cleaning
procedures. The device is equipped with an automatic
nozzle function check, as well as with a cleaning system
that doesnt require cleaning fluids to be introduced
into the machine, thus avoiding any possible pollution and/or further contamination. There are also side
windows, through which operators can easily carry out
a visual inspection inside the machine even while the
same is in function.

HP Wind Former

This is a system for blending wooden particles with glue
and it is used in the production of particleboard. It has
already been installed in an industrial facility and it has
shown very attractive advantages in terms of gluing
resin, as well as in terms of (thermal and electric) energy saving: the payback period for the whole system
is some months only!
The machine includes a device that divides the
particle flow into light, uniform layers: the gluing mixture with catalyst is then low-pressure sprayed and
finely atomized from both sides on the particle layers.
The complete system can be easily fitted also into
existing plants, without modifications: traditional glue


The quality and efficiency of CMC-Texpan forming

machines is widely demonstrated by the great number
of machines currently running and it is backed by more
than 40 years of experience in this field. CMCs strong
determination in steadily refining each and every single
detail to achieve better performances resulted in a
new system for an optimised distribution of the airflow
inside wind forming chambers. This newly developed
system for air blowing and adjustment makes it possible
to control the airflow distribution in a more precise way,
thus obtaining a more uniform airflow at the outlet of
every single blowing nozzle and drastically reducing the
need for periodic cleaning. The device has been specifically designed for being used also as an alternative
to CMCs traditional system and it has been conceived
in order to provide a simpler and easier access, so as
to facilitate cleaning procedures. The aim of this new
system is a further optimisation of surface forming precision, so that customers can produce particleboard with
a flawless, extremely high-quality surface finish, which is
more suitable for melamine coating with delicate, top
grade decorative paper, reducing also any possible
surface defects which otherwise would depreciate the
finished product.
Visit CMC-Texpan at Hall 27, Stand F35


Exhibitor Highlights

At LIGNA, the Siempelkamp machine and plant engineering company is presented as a provider for
complete wood-based panel production plants for
the manufacturing of particleboard, MDF/HDF, and
OSB. Together with its subsidiaries Bttner, CMC Texpan,
Hombak, Ventapp, and Siempelkamp Logistics & Service, Siempelkamp represents the complete product
range including planning, engineering, production,
installation, startup and service.
The strong cooperation within the group of companies allows Siempelkamp to provide, from one source,
the complete machinery for the front-end, energy
plants, dryers, resin blending and application systems,
forming and press lines with the proven ContiRoll press,
cooling and stacking lines, storage systems, sanding
and cut-to-size lines, packing lines, and short-cycle
presses for surface laminating.
Important components were further technically
optimised and geared towards savings. Next to the
innovative chippers and flakers by Hombak, the new

machine technology used to achieve resin savings of

up to 20% in the production of MDF and particleboard
plays an especially important role at LIGNA 2013. The
innovative wind former integrated in the forming lines of
particleboard plants is also expected to attract professionals from the industry.
The key component, however, still is the continuous
ContiRoll press. Meanwhile in the eighth generation,
the ContiRoll features a practically isobaric pressure
distribution due to the use of innovative pressure distribution plates, a higher number of cylinders, and differential cylinders that are arranged across the width
of the press frames. The improved pressure distribution
inside the press leads to material savings of up to 15%.
The new pull-back cylinders at the upper hot platen
allow the flexible production of lighter boards.

Visit Siempelkamp at Hall 27, Stand F35





Exhibitor Highlights

Expert technical teams from MDI (Methylene Diphenyl
Di-isocyanate) resin supplier Huntsman will be on hand
at the show to discuss MDI and its applications, which
include OSB, MDF, particleboard and wood fibre insulation manufacture, as well as the latest technological
developments in their I-BOND(r) product range and
I-RELEASE(r) solutions. Commercial representatives from
Asia, North America and Europe will also be available
to discuss the specific demands of composite wood
panel manufacturers from around the world.
Speaking about the show, Berliana Harnadewi,
Huntsman Marketing Manager for Asia, said: Having
participating for many years at Ligna weve seen a
steady increase in interest in MDI year on year, especially for the Asian market. With no added formaldehyde

benefits, improved performance, reduced costs on a

m3 basis and a global supply chain, its no wonder that
MDI is becoming increasingly popular and that Huntsman has become the adhesive partner of choice for
the composite wood panel industry.
Detailed cost models and further information on
the latest binding technologies are sure to make Huntsmans stand a must visit for manufacturers.
Ligna is the premiere show in the composite wood
panel producers diary. It gives us the opportunity to
meet new and existing customers in person to discuss everything from the latest I-BOND(r) resins and
I-RELEASE(r) solutions, through to logistics and delivery,
concludes Berliana.

Visit Huntsman at Hall 27, Stand G05

Boere Machinefabriek BV

Structure, character, depth and a rustic appeal: those

are the characteristics which wood obtains when it
has been machined by a Boere Select X-Line brush
texturing machine.
Texturing gives wood a more natural look. Thanks
to the oscillating brush system, the wood grain will
be smoothly followed resulting in a stripeless and soft
feeling finish. When the X-Line unit first of all sands the
wooden surfaces cross the grain, the structure will get
a sawcut or scarved look. The result is a strong and full
of character radiating wood.
Boere presents this newly developed Select X-Line
brush texturing machine at Ligna. Various product
samples will show the many possibilities which can be
realised on solid wood and veneered panels. The machine is very popular within the flooring, furniture and
joinery industry.
Besides brush texturing machines, Boere is a specialist in delivering custom-made wide belt sanding
machines which are fully adapted to the wishes of
the customer. Boeres guide always is the customers
product: floor parts, windows, doors, furniture parts,
glued panels, wooden boxes, rubber, plastics, yacht
decks, yacht interiors, insulation material, HPL, kitchen
tops (also out of plastics) and metal. Boere fully delivers
quality machine sanding.
The wide belt sanding machines which Boere will
show at the Ligna are:


SELECT +PLUS+: a machine offering many advantages compared to its reliable predecessor and
which is standard equipped with long sanding belts,
thickness sensor, extendable infeed roller table, fixed
feed height, touch screen operation. As an option, the
machine can be upgraded with a veneer, lacquer or
texturing package;
SANDRITE: Boeres basic model, this model 1 and
2 unit machine for the smaller and medium-sized company is also available with three sanding units. Whatever is chosen, the unique modular machine concept
combined with the excellent price-quality ratio provides
for a quickly recovered investment;
ELITE: these very
heavy machines have
the same flexible technical specification possibilities as is the case with the
SELECT +PLUS+ and SANDRITE models. However,
through their very heavy
construction, they are
more apt for companies
working in two or three
shifts under very heavy
working conditions.

Visit Boere Machinefabriek BV at Hall 11, Stand B50


Exhibitor Highlights

Pessa Impianti

Visit Pessa Impianti at Hall 27, Stand J52

Specialist in wood reduction and flake comminution,

Pessa Impianti srl designs and manufactures machinery
and lines for the primary working of wood and flake
preparation. The company supplies a full range of systems and equipment with complementary functions for
working improvements and full automation of flaking
and chipping lines. It offers an efficient support in engineering. In details, the production includes:
- machines for the primary working of wood and
recovery of wood wastes such as discontinuous flakers
and drum chippers;
- milling machines and shredders;
- wood feeders, wood handling and storage sytems;
- machines for particle comminution such as knife
ring flakers, hammer mills, refining mills;
- storage silos, mixing and extraction systems for
flakes, chips, sawdust;
- particle conveyors and auxiliary equipments
The production range was recently increased with
the new wood shaving machines type PL for animal
bedding soft flakes, qualified for animal comfort.





Exhibitor Highlights

Weinig will be in attendance in Hanover to present itself
as a leader of technology with expertise across the
entire solid wood processing chain. Hall 12 will feature
30 exhibits over 3,800 sq m, including innovations and
evolutions in all four product segments. The Holz-Her
stand will be directly adjacent in Hall 11, underlining
the expertise of the Weinig Group in the processing of
derived timber products.
The Powermat series, exhibited in full with the 600,
1200, 2400 and 2500 models, offers an ideal platform in
this area. Demonstrations will include an angled spindle,
vertical floating spindle and 3D structuring. The new
back-pressure system prevents snipes and dips at
the final lower spindle.
New: MemoryPlus 2.0 MemoryPlus is the new entrylevel control system from Weinig for customers with a
small variety of profiles. The EasySet function corrects
any measuring errors on the tool quickly and easily.
MemoryPlus allows the mobile spindle as well as a
chamfering unit to be controlled or glazing beads to
be separated.
New: Pointed tooth roller 2.0 The outstanding feature
of the new generation of Weinig feed rollers is their better grip, which ensures optimised workpiece transport.
The lower contact pressure reduces indentations in

Powermat 2400 -Ideal platform for series production

Multirex - New generation with minimised set-up times



the wood. Reduced wear and build-up of debris also

extend the service life of the rollers.
New: 90 chamfering unit The new chamfering unit
has axles that are independent of the spindles. The
installation at a 90-angle allows the production of
chamfers with curves and radii.
Further developments with CUBE and mat With the
new automatic stacker, Weinig extends the range of
accessories for the compact entry-level 4-sider CUBE.
Operation and charging are now significantly easier.
The tried and tested Powermat 2400 SP splitting unit
has been optimised. An improved splitting wedge
system ensures longer tool service life, precision and
increased safety.
New: Conturex Compact The new model extends the
renowned Conturex series with a machine particularly
tailored to the requirements of small workshop businesses. Conturex Compact has a similarly high degree
of flexibility to the series in the upper performance segment, which have also been optimised in terms of flexibility and performance. This enhancement can be seen
at LIGNA as Conturex 124. To use the braking energy,
the Conturex is equipped with an energy refeed unit.
In addition, frequency converters facilitate demandoriented drive - depending on processing parameters
such as speed and feed speed.
Enhancements to Multirex The new Multirex generation has an external tool magazine with a length of 6.5m
and its own axle. This enables transfer of the tool to the
tool holder in the machine with no loss of time - regardless of the current position of the machine with the main
spindle. In addition, the new Multirex generation is in a
position to automatically control peripherals, enabling
problem-free exchange of data from the cutting list or
data for subsequent driving in of dowels.
New: Systems technology for large and small production lines Weinig will be exhibiting the worlds first fullyautomated pre-cutting system in OptiLink, the Weinig
software solution for 2D optimisation. The line includes
a CombiScan 200 R scanner for ripsawing and cutting,
a ProfiRip 450 Speed optimising circular saw and an
OptiCut 450 FJ+ III high-speed optimising cross-cut saw
with ST 10-1500 automatic stacker. The entire system is
connected via the OptiLink software, which was initially
presented as a concept in 2011 and now comes to
the market as a solution for the networked production
process of production lines with several scanners.
New range of accessories Weinig will also be presenting a new range of accessories for pushfeed saws.
These will enable work processes that follow cutting
to be further automated or integrated into the process.
The new Superdrill unit combines the work processes of


Exhibitor Highlights

cutting / drilling and cutting / milling in a single pass. The

IPPC branding iron automatically burns the logo into
the workpiece following cutting. In the saw outfeed,
the package stacker provides reliable stacking of the
fixed lengths cut in the package.
ProfiPress L II Comfort The ProfiPress II Comfort high-frequency gluing press has semi-automatic glue delivery
with a conveyor belt and charging via a plate chain. A
further highlight is press cylinders with height adjustment
that can be switched off via solenoid valves. The gluing
press is characterised by simple operation, optimal use
of energy and low floor space requirement combined
with high performance.
New: Two optimising circular saws For the first time,
the optimising circular saw ProfiRip 450 is presented with
a cutting width of 450 mm and up to 4-fold blade adjustment. In a further innovation, the optimising circular
saw ProfiRip 310 is presented with a cutting width of 310
mm and up to 3-fold blade adjustment. The flexible longitudinal circular saw FlexiRip 3200 has been enhanced
with new features. These include automatic cutting
height recognition, load-dependent feed control and
a width optimisation program.
New: Band resaw BK60 / BK80 The new band saw
reaches feed rates of up to 60 m/min in standard configuration, and up to 80 m/min with the high-performance
package. Sensor-based measurement of the boards
prior to infeed allows for optimized outfeed of three
equally wide pieces. The BK features a sound-insulated
safety cabin. All adjustments are made conveniently
from the outside.
New: PowerJoint 8 Weinig will also be using LIGNA
to present the fastest compact finger jointing line on
the market in the glulam production segment. The new
ProfiJoint 8 allows timber with up to 8 connections to
be centrally milled and pressed per minute. The finger
jointing line will be on display at the Alfeld plant. New:
Ultra TT 2000 The Ultra TT 2000 from the GreconLine is
a package finger jointing line for incoming lengths of
up to 2,000 mm. The combination of a full-automated
rotary table and a belt before the packet chamfer
makes this system a performance giant. When a timber
package is milled, the rotary table can be simultaneously charged with an unprocessed timber package.
New: Double-end machine The new double-end
machine reinforces Weinigs orientation as a complete
provider. The double-end machine the logical extension
of the finishing construction kit, which previously focused
on finger jointing lines at the Alfeld operation. The
double-end machine allows us to particularly address
companies in the furniture, board, window, flooring,
insulation, construction timber and solid wood industries.
Visit Weinig at Hall 12





Exhibitor Highlights

VYNCKE is participating at LIGNA for the 18th time in
their 100-year existence. This time, with an even bigger second booth. Where for some other suppliers,
the energy system is just one of the many parts in their
product portfolio, Vyncke is demonstrating its wellknown focus on biomass energy solutions for the wood
industry. With a highly developed customer oriented
approach, Vyncke provides the opportunity to clients
with any energy demand to cooperate with the real
specialist when it comes to biomass combustion systems
and plants, without losing guarantees on the total performance of the factory. Also, future service and spare
parts supply at acceptable commercial conditions are
Vyncke likes to operate in a no-nonsense way, which
makes them stand out of the crowd. Several multinationals have already chosen to work with Vyncke and
there are more to come. Ligna will be the perfect event
to reveal the new partnerships.
Next to showcasing their new realisations, Vyncke
will also focus on the latest developments in combustion
technology and new biomass sources. Vyncke is realising several power plants using biomass for cogeneration
projects in France, Argentina, Singapore and China.
Visitors will have the opportunity to look into and discuss
these projects during the Ligna fair.
Converting biomass into a commodity fuel, such as
wood pellets, is an important part of Vynckes activities,
this by providing energy to low temperature belt dryers
or high temperature drum dryers. Several cooperation
alliances have been set up and Vyncke will present
energy plants, energy plants with dryers and/or steam
turbines and other applications. Vynckes VYLOSOFY
is that the customer always decides how he wants to
Next to business there will of course also be pleasure
at the Vyncke booth. Visitors can have a drink and chat

at the renowned Vyncke bar. Vyncke is planning to set

Ligna on fire at the occasion of their 100th anniversary!
The Vynckeneers want to celebrate their birthday together with their customers during the fair.
VYNCKE N.V. is an expert and a global player when
it comes to reusing industrial biomass residue as fuel.
With their 100 years experience in combustion technology, boiler construction, boiler control and command
technologies, Vyncke can offer end-to-end solutions.
From design, engineering, construction, installation,
assembly, commissioning, training to follow-up, it is all
within their scope. Vyncke builds thermal solutions from
1 to 100 MWth and electrical power plant solutions from
0.5 to 20 MWe. Worldwide 300 Vynckeneers are active
in Canada, Brazil, Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic,
India, China, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.

VYNCKE 45MW multimedia energy plant for Duratex at Taquari - Brazil

Visit VYNCKE N.V. at Hall 13, Stand D41 and

Hall 27, Stand H12

Sandvik Process Systems

Leading press belt manufacturer Sandvik Process Systems will launch two important new service innovations:
one for more efficient steel belt cleaning, the other designed to improve the quality of press belt repairs and,
in turn, the quality of end product. The overall theme will
be Sandviks ability to help WBP manufacturers achieve
maximum product quality an important differentiating
factor in what is an increasingly competitive market
while the same time maximising press productivity.
The company will also be revealing plans for a


network of regional Productivity and Design Centers in

support of this initiative. Sandvik is also a world leader
in textured press plates and endless press belts for
decorative panels and the furniture industry, and will
be showcasing its capabilities in registered embossing
and the new opportunities available to customers as a
result of its investment in digital printing solutions.
Visit Sandvik Process Systems at Hall 27, Stand F20



Exhibitor Highlights

Satos plus

Steinemann will be displaying its sanding systems at

Ligna, with options ranging all the way to full automation.New at Ligna is the Satos eco a sander designed
with a hands-on approach, with features that quickly
pay off in the sanding process. The Satos range also
includes the top seller, the Satos, which is made of cast
mineral to absorb vibrations. And the Satos plus, the
Steinemann flagship. With its fully automated functions,
it meets the demands for high machine availability,
consistent panel quality and cost-efficiency like no
other sander on the market.
One of the key components of all Steinemann
sanding systems are the top-class, durable contact
and calibration drums (they last at least twice as long
as competitor products on average). Steinemann invested more than 1.2 million Swiss Francs in a new high

precision turning centre at its Swiss headquarters at the

start of the year.
Steinemann's "Green Line" upgrade will also presented at Ligna. Thanks to the Energy Save mode, roughly
30 to 40% of the energy consumption per sanding head
can be saved during no-load operation (depending on
the size of the motor).
Leading expertise is also embodied in the new Argos
Grading System, for which Steinemann has been the
exclusive distributor for some months. This cooperation
with Argos Solutions (Norway) will be making its dbut
at Ligna. There is great demand for accurate online
monitoring to detect and categorise surface defects
and finally save money. Specifically developed for MDF
and particle boards, the Argos Grading System finds
even the smallest defects, such as grit marks, resin or
oil stains, broken edges, pinholes, blisters or unsanded
spots. Things that the human eye can no longer see at
speeds in excess of 30 m/min, can be detected by the
Argos Grading System even at the maximum speed of
up to 100 m/min.
Visit Steinemann at Hall 27, Booth G37

Robert Brkle GmbH

At Ligna, Robert Brkle GmbH will present their innovations in press and laminating technologies for surface
finishing of furniture parts and wood-based panels
with the slogan Brkle makes it easy. A great step
towards resource protection has been reached by the
company with surface finishing, resp. lacquering lines
by combining different machine types to a uniform
platform. Up to now, there have been eight different
base frames for the roller coating machines. Today,
Brkle uses a modular system with only one base frame
per working width. The number of used gears is reduced
by standardisation: Four gear types are covering the
whole spectrum now. They are based on the modular system of SEW-Eurodrive with only slight changes.
Through measuring's on existing machines, Brkle could
find out the actually required torque moments. Brkle
managed to standardise the gear size and to cover the
current requirements of all roller coating machines. In
their designs, the company only uses one hollow shaft
for the whole gear spectrum.
On a newly developed foil laminating line that will
be presented, you can laminate MDF boards, chipboards and lightboards with PUR hot melt and high
gloss foils resp. with laminates. A lay-up table with full
size support and a conveyor belt are integrated in the
line. The table for the coating material is equipped with
several daylights and different line types are offered

for numerous requirements in performance. Highlights

of the glue spreading machine are newly developed,
electrically-heated applying and doctor rollers that
ensure temperature accuracy onto the roller surface.
Brkle will also present a modified M8 for the 3D foil
lamination of furniture parts at Ligna. The space-saving
design offers high automation degree for small and
medium lot sizes. Extremely high and bent parts can
be laminated through a chamber height of 200mm.
Brkle develops and optimises their lightboard lines
continuously. An example is the BOS (Boards on stile)
system which has been brought into perfection. It is in
the position to produce all known light boards with bars.
In contrary, the full frame system (Board on frame) is a
new evolution step.
The latest door platen technology completes the
Brkle concept. The Optima press with 2x2 daylights,
highlight of the fully-automated processing line for lot
"size 1", will be showcased. All raw materials such as
inlays and top layers as well as stiles and rails are automatically fed to the lay-up area order by order and
are assembled accordingly.
Brkle will also set trends with the next generation of
UV-LED-based curing technology developed for transparent and pigmented lacquers.
Visit Brkle at Hall 17, Stand F13





Exhibitor Highlights

Solutions to make daily work easier, to improve efficiency, to prevent errors, to increase flexibility and
output HOLZMA will be showcasing many innovations on this theme at LIGNA 2013. New technologies,
new processes and a completely revamped product
portfolio provide for more efficiency in panel cutting.
Both craft producers and industrial establishments
today often produce in small quantities or even just one
piece. They use a wide variety of, often highly sensitive,
materials and have to face up to increasing deadline
and cost pressure. This calls for modern machinery that
can be individually adapted to meet the needs of the
company and delivers a fast return on investment.
HOLZMA now provides a new dimension of this
freedom. The German engineering company has radically revamped, streamlined and simplified its range of
products in the 2, 3 and 4 series. For instance, there are
now more optional extras for many of the saw models.
That saves costs, simplifies investment decisions and
increases flexibility also for retrofits at a later date.

New solutions for intelligent handling

HOLZMA has conducted in-depth analysis of processes related to cutting operations and offers more
and more concepts to reduce inefficient non-productive time. With the interests of its customers in mind,
HOLZMA provides for greater efficiency in production
in this area too. The latest innovation, a worldwide first,
is going to be launched at the LIGNA fair. With this new
product, HOLZMA ensures ergonomic destacking:
Smooth processes
Minimisation of errors
No bottlenecks at the saw caused by workers
Better ergonomics
Flexible use of personnel

On exhibit in Hall 26: HOLZMA HKL 380

angular system

Two other new developments from HOLZMA await

visitors of this years LIGNA fair in Hall 26 in the Innovation Centre of the HOMAG Group. Only this much
now: on show will be a long-established technology
supplemented by an enhancement which is unique on
the market. Furthermore, the Innovation Centre will be
presenting a solution with completely new approaches
in panel sizing technology.
Further new developments relating to panel sizing
round off the HOLZMA highlights at the fair. These range
from new ecoPlus technologies for even greater energy
savings to optimized extraction solutions, innovations for
the in-topic of saw-store combinations and new software products from HOLZMA. For example, new tools
and options for the CADmatic machine controller and
the new version 9 of the optimization software Cut Rite
will be demonstrated. The Systems Engineering team will
also be present at the fair, as will the HOLZMA Service
team with attractive fair offers.
In Hall 11:
HPP 250 Optimat linked to a BARGSTEDT horizontal storage system, especially for small and medium-sized firms
HPP 380 Optimat with the space-saving lift table feeding solution Easy2Feed
In Hall 26:
HPL 570 profiLine
HPP 380 profiLine linked to a BARGSTEDT horizontal
storage system and with new destacking software for
larger firms and industrial operations
HKL 380 profiLine angular system
Here you will also find the new extraction technology
and the Innovation Centre

Automatic labelling near the pressure beam creates transparency, prevents errors, ensures smooth workflows.



Visit Holzma at Hall 11, Stand D13 and Hall 26,

Stand D10


Exhibitor Highlights

The Imal-Pal group maintained its position in 2012 as a
world leader in the production and supply of complete
plants, machinery and innovative systems for the manufacture and processing of particleboard, MDF, OSB,
insulation board, pellets and pallet blocks. The group
further strengthened its presence on the market when
it was joined by Globus Srl last year, a merge which has
completed and amplified the wide range of services
and products offered.
Some of the innovations which Imal will be showcasing at Ligna include its own revolutionary and innovative
continuous DynaSteampress, the only continuous press
in the world which injects steam, is able to increase
productivity by over 30%, and significantly improve
the surface properties of the board with a consequent
reduction in the amount of resin utilised.
The Dynasteam, a small pre-press mounted at the
infeed to existing continuous MDF, PB and OSB presses
will also be on show. This system injects saturated steam
into the mat as it pre-compresses it, without creating
Furthermore, three new high pressure resination systems have been designed for particleboard, OSB and
MDF production respectively with which it is possible to
reduce resin consumption by at least 10% but without
impacting on board quality.
Other new laboratory equipment will also be presented together with the first ever blown board detector
which is able to detect blisters and other defects over
the entire surface of the board.
Pal will be presenting its new Cleaning Tower at the
Ligna which is able to clean all kinds of pollutants from
the flow of wood chips. This new cleaning technology
combines three grading principles: the first being that
of demetallisation accomplished with highly efficient
magnetic systems; the second adopts the principle of
aerodynamics, where inert substances are separated

from the wood particle flow by a jet of air which removes them on the basis of their density, surface and
shape; and lastly the spectrographic principle which
optically identifies the spectrum of the wood and all
the other contaminants and, by applying jets of compressed air, separates out all the materials which are
not wood. With this principle, it is also possible to identify
black bodies which, despite being unclassified material,
may be separated out from the wood.
Globus, now part of the Imal-Pal group, will be
presenting the Globus wobble spreader disk, an innovative system with which it is possible to achieve a
radical improvement in the quality and capacity of
flake production. The wobble spreader disk continuously distributes chips over the full length of the knife
thus making it possible to improve quality. The increase
in capacity is accomplished with 690mm long knives, a
length which no other competitor has ever used on a
flaker before, and which can produce up to 15 t/h bd
of flakes, depending on the wood species.

Visit IMAL-PAL at Hall 27, Stand G52/G46

The Year of the Ring stands for a great improvement
in flaker production technology for particleboard production. In fact, two of the most important European
wood-based panel groups have decided to test the
Globus wobble spreader disk to achieve a radical
improvement in the quality and capacity of flake
The wobble spreader disk continuously distributes

chips over the full length of the knife thus making it possible to improve quality. The improvement in capacity is
accomplished with the 690mm long knives which can
produce up to 15 t/h bd of flakes, depending on the
wood species. Customers are welcome to visit the Globus booth for further details on the Year of the Ring.
Visit Globus at Hall 27, Stand G51





Exhibitor Highlights

Cefla Finishing Group

After more than 20 years from the invention of the recovery system manufactured for spraying machines,
Cefla Finishing will present its new EASY sprayer at
Ligna. It is a fully redesigned machine with enhanced
performance to continue to be the benchmark for
the market.

Cefla Finishing
UV-R LED: Cefla Finishing has always been a pioneer in
the study of UV technologies and brought to market,
since the 70s, major technical and technological innovations. Today, a new era is beginning for UV curing,
that is the era of UV-R LED.
Cefla Finishing has developed a new product for this
application by adopting the most advanced technology available today. A full LED and a hybrid version
are available to suit every working need. The LEDigio
is a source of very cold UV light that has big advantages for those substrates (such as pine) that are
sensitive to temperature. The new UV-R LED also enables
a rapid switching off and ignition for maximum saving
of electric power.
UV-R SUPERFOCUS SP: Cefla Finishing will also present the UV-R SUPERFOCUS (patented system), the UV
oven ideal for spray lines having width of 1,300mm
which, with a single lamp, allows to cure the pieces
on all sides, both with clear and pigmented coats. This
system reduces the required electrical power by half
and the heat on the workpiece, in addition, obviously,
to be a more compact solution.
PRIMA: The automatic spraying machine PRIMA is
the natural choice for anyone who wants to improve
the efficiency and quality of manual coating operations




and at the same time to dramatically reduce operating costs.

iBOTIC: The robot iBotic is the ultimate expression of
panel spraying technology; it ensures the highest quality
finishing even when processing shapes and edges of
particular complexity. The advanced mechanics allow to achieve a speed of the linear axes up to 130m/
min. The two arms are independent of each other and
can move individually or simultaneously, allowing the
product change in hidden times.

The Pixart PLOT and Single Pass is an important innovation which allows customisation of products with unlimited ideas and imagination from the designers. Pixart
PLOT is ideal for high-definition printing and large format.
The multipass solution enables to process extremely
large sizes, even in case of raised cabinet doors, without compromising the quality and the resolution. Ideal
for high-speed printing and productivity, the Pixart 350
Singe Pass solution helps to meet productivity requirements while maintaining the necessary flexibility to easily
manage extremely small lots.

Delle Vedove
Delle Vedove will exhibit two widely tested technologies
for the entry level market and for the selective protection of the profiles. They will be exhibiting a Flexispray




Exhibitor Highlights
spraying machine, followed by Talent, a vacuum system
for coating only the visible parts, which guarantees a
great saving of coating product.

Dspohl will present its latest RoboWrap profile wrapping machine, featuring a completely automatic setup. RoboWrap meets the producers requirements of
shorter set-up times with simultaneously smaller lot sizes,
as well as it reduces these times to only two minutes by
employing both modern and tested robot technology.
RoboWrap puts every other conventional solution
in the shade, when the total of 19 six-axis robots independently access the optimum pressure rollers and
position them on the profile with a repetition accuracy
of only 0.03mm. This new machine concept comprises
automatic positioning systems for all format-dependent
machine assemblies, beginning with charging and carrying on to protective film application.
In addition, Dspohl will also present the following:
- The AutoCut film slitting machine equipped with
automatic slitter positioning that slits a wide variety
of papers and films and produces perfect, ultra-tight
winding results.
- The EasyWrap wrapping machine whether starting
out or long-standing professional, the intelligent concept convinces, thanks to its extremely good ratio of
investment volume to functionality.

iGiotto is an innovative system for automatic spraying
of small and medium lots of windows, which integrates
an anthropomorphous robot assuring extremely high
performance and reliability, with the best detection
technologies and spraying techniques which are
adopted for very large Cartesian sizes proper to the

windows (including height up to 3,000 mm). A spray tool

combining the action of two guns, which can also be
activated at the same time, ensures the best application of high-performance water-based coatings in high
quantities, proper to the windows sector.

The Inert Coating Technology (patented) allows to
prepare in a perfect way the sealer on the panels of
any kind (MDF, HDF, raw chipboard, honeycomb, and
more) with considerable savings in terms of occupied
area, of electric power, CO2 emitted, and, especially,
of coating product. All this results in a lower environmental impact by approximately 75% compared to
the traditional lines.
SMARTEDGE: This innovative process widely tested
by various customers around the world, allows to fill with
ease and flexibility chipboard or MDF edges in a very
reduced space, thus obtaining a surface of mechanical resistance stronger than by any other system on
the market today.
At Ligna, Sorbini will present a machine on operation for processing the edge: for both pigmented cycle
by vacuum coater on MDF edges, and for filling of the
chipboard edge integrated with the Inert Coating
Technology process. At Ligna, Sorbini will present a
machine on operation for processing the edge: for both
pigmented cycle by vacuum coater on MDF edges,
and for filling of the chipboard edge integrated with
the Inert Coating Technology process.
SMARTPARQUET: Ideal for the application of natural
oils, oils and UV coating products, urethane oils and
traditional waxes as well as stains and pigmented
Visit Cefla Finishing Group at Hall 17, Stand F33/D32
and Hall 12, Stand E45

With 40 years of experience in providing preventive fire
protection to the process industries, Firefly now offers its
new system generation, EXIMIO. With robust products
designed for the toughest industrial environments, Firefly
provides premium safety solutions for the worldwide
process industries.
EXIMIO is a state-of-the-art and user friendly system
that offers a lower Total Cost of Ownership as its patented technologies maximise safety and minimise false
alarms which saves costly production time.
Visit Firefly at Hall 27, Stand G59 and Hall 13, Stand D13





Exhibitor Highlights

Raute Corp.
Finding profitable solutions for every customer is the
focus of Rautes participation in Ligna 2013. Come to
see how their product families RautePro, Rauteselect
and RauteSmart cover the needs of every plywood and
LVL producer in every area of the world.
Raute will show how their network of global service
centres and service points can support customers with
spare parts and strong mechanical and automation
know-how. Learn how to optimise your investment,
whether through the installation of new equipment or
the modernisation of existing machinery. Find out the
most profitable solutions for you.
If your business is plywood, talk to Rautes staff about
peeling, drying, pressing, and panel handling. Get to
know the new solutions in the field of green energy.
Visit Raute Corporation at Hall 27, Stand J38

Wiesloch GmbH
A long-term key-client in the North American wood
processing industry, already operating a total of 10
wood waste-fired Wiesloch-thermal oil heater plants
in various lumber mills in both, British Columbia and
Alberta, placed the order for two sets of two biomassfired thermal oil heaters with the NEC-group. These
new systems, each having a nominal thermal oil heating capacity of 28 MW, will provide heat to an equal
number of ORC-turbo generators for de-central power
British Columbia has been facing an enormous environmental catastrophe, caused by the pine beetle.
It was evident that the huge amount of damaged
and dying biomass rotting away in the forest needed
to be brought to a practical and economical use by
all means. Pretty much at the same time, B.C. Hydro

invited for a competitive tender on renewable electricity, a process that is quite controversial to other parts
of the globe as e.g. to Europe where green power is
considerably subsidised.
After a comprehensive bidding process Wiesloch's
client was awarded the contracts for two power stations
in British Columbia, each generating 13 MWel gross and
feeding 10 MWel net to the public grid.
The classeneers, being co-founders and proud
members of the NEC-group that was established back
in 2009 to serve the Canadian wood processing industries with industrial expertise and tailor-made solutions
for high temperature process heating and combustion
systems, have been working in very close cooperation
with the end user but also with the ORC-technology supplier to develop the best competitive and advanced
technical solution.
These firing and heater systems are the consequent
continuation of the well proven and reliable reciprocating grate technology and thermal oil heaters installed
world wide with leading plywood, particleboard, OSB
and MDF-producers now applied as utility grade firing
and heating stations. The challenges have been numerous so to match with the requirements of both client
and grid owner. Under the bottom line thermal oil and
ORC-technology was chosen over the classic steamcycle based power stations a real breakthrough for
thermal oil technology on nowadays power generation.
Learn more about this and many other new projects
of classen apparatebau Wiesloch GmbH when meeting
the classeneers at this years LIGNA.

Visit Wiesloch GmbH at Hall 27, Stand H18





Exhibitor Highlights

The HOMAG Group introduces visitors to a whole new
world of innovation at the LIGNA 2013: On show will be
patent registered new developments, model studies
showcasing new process techniques and pioneering new unit technology. The HOMAG Group will be
unveiling 20 new units alone in the legendary InnovationCentre.
The HOMAG Group stands for plant engineering expertise from a single mold with individually networked
high-tech machines for the entire process chain. The
spectrum ranges from storage systems through cutting
and nesting, sizing and edge banding, order picking
and sorting to drilling, assembly, hardware mounting and packaging. Trade fair highlights include, for
instance, drilling and trimming machine ABH100 from
WEEKE. This machine is used for flexible 6-sided processing and is perfect for integration into an assembly line.
Another highlight: The new LIGMATECH case clamp
MDE120. Sensitive case clamping is ensured by a new
drive technology and control system. This technology
also results in significant savings and lower operating costs. But whether you are looking for an edge
banding machine for flexible batch size 1 production,
a saw or a CNC router: All HOMAG Group machines
are ideally coordinated and interact perfectly like the
pieces of a puzzle. The HOMAG Groups engineering
experts are able to design complete production lines
to suit individual needs including the control system,
software and complete handling and logistics systems.
The result: High-tech plants designed to meet the most
stringent needs.
The complete product spectrum of machines for the
woodworking industry and woodworking shops includes
a cohesive software range all from a single source.
With woodCAD|CAM, a tool is already available for
3D planning which allows the automatic generation
of production data. Software products provide support
in a variety of ways: woodWOP supports the program-

BARGSTEDT new order picking in plant construction.



ming of CNC machines, while CutRite makes sure of

optimised cutting plans. IT-Engineering supports the
complete production control of networked machines:
The production path is defined, orders are divided
into batches, optimized and assigned to a stack. All
machines are then supplied with the necessary order
data. At the same time, files can be automatically
identified by barcode or RFID, alternative production
routes taken into consideration or faulty parts ejected.
The software module MMR (Machine Monitoring & Reporting) encompasses all production data which can
then be centrally logged in the office.

INDUSTRY highlights in Hall 26

Plant engineering expertise from a single mold
Structural elements a complete house from the
HOMAG Group: Windows, doors, staircases, parquet
and timber frame house
The new powerTouch control generation
New BHC 912 dividing center from WEEKE
High-volume lightweight processing
Bespoke furniture production: From the perfect sur
face to innovative packaging technology
Seamless machine, logistics and software solutions
Efficient window production
Banding inclined edges with processing center BAZ
5,000 sq.m. of wood industry expertise including 40
machines and much more.

PRACTIVE highlights in Hall 11

Workshop concepts to meet every need

Zero joint technology for woodworking shops with
World premiere: A new dimension in sanding technology with no-contact tracing from BTFERING
World premiere: WEEKE BHX 200 Powerful drilling
performance compact, vertical
Sawing-storage combination and Easy2Feed for
perfect handling
Machine, logistics and software woodCADICAM from
a single mold
World premiere: BMG 316 with gluing section in a 5-axis
trimming spindle
1,500 sq.m. of wood industry expertise including 30
machines and much more.
How can we expect tomorrows workshop to look?
The extensive PRACTIVE range from the HOMAG Group
opens up new perspectives for flexible production in
the woodworking shop sector from attractive 3D
room planning software for the point of sale through
production to delivery.


Exhibitor Highlights

The KFL 620

edge banding and
combination machine.

Innovative PRACTIVE solutions for practically every

requirement help this potential to be exploited to the
full. The growing customer expectation of individualized
solutions makes flexible production a must starting
with material storage and handling systems. A saw,
for instance, can be upgraded with the integration of
a Domino System labeling and stacking concept or
a nesting machine. And further downstream, sanding
machines, CNC processing centers, edge banders
with return conveyor and the patented laserTec process for zero joints all play their part in ensuring perfect
workpieces. Individual machines can be networked to
create flexible production cells which allow joiners to
respond rapidly to the requirements of tomorrow. The
decisive factor here is an integral system of software.
Visit HOMAG at Hall 26 and Hall 11

NTL Chemicals
NTL Chemicals is a leading resin technology provider
with extensive experience and specialisation in
formaldehyde-based resins for the wood industry such
as PB, MDF, plywood, LVL, OSB, paper impregnation,
At LIGNA, NTL Chemicals will present its new
developments combined resin technology system for
Low Emission Boards (E1, CARB-II, E-0 & Super E-O (F****)
which has proven to be one of the most efficient and
cost- effective solutions for the wood panel industry. NTL
will also introduce other new developments such as:
- Coloured MDF boards
- Fire retardants - for PB and MDF
- Formaldehyde - free adhesives

Therefore, no matter what your wood panel resin

requirements are, know that NTL will have it covered.
NTL Chemical states: If you dont save you dont pay
Visit NTL Chemicals at Hall 27, Stand 27

Kuang Yung
Kuang Yung is proud to introduce its new wood
ripping solution for solid wood at LIGNA 2013. The most
economical laser scanning system in the world, the
Laser Scan Multiple Rip Saw (MRS) System offers profit
optimisation by reducing labour and increasing yield.
It is the top choice to maximise profit.

Visit Kuang Yung at Hall 12, Stand A06




One trip, two fairs


Visit two trade shows

on only one trip
Anyone who works with wood must come
to Germany.

very two years, wood and furniture specialists

from around the world come to Germany to
attend the most important trade fairs for their
industry: LIGNA in Hannover and interzum
in Cologne. The two fairs are staged in quick
succession so that international visitors can
attend both in a single trip. 2013 will be no
different. Together, LIGNA and interzum will once
again provide a comprehensive overview of the
materials, design solutions and technologies
currently available for the woodworking, wood
processing and furniture industries.
LIGNA and interzum are the worlds foremost
trade fairs in their respective sectors. Together,
they cover a very broad spectrum of exhibition
topics, ranging from wood as a renewable material
to wood working and processing technology to
components for the furniture and interior finishing
sectors. For visitors from abroad, the timing of the
two fairs is ideal because it enables them to take
in both events in a single trip which is eminently
feasible, given that the host cities, Cologne and
Hannover, are only 300 kilometers apart by road
or two and a half hours by rail.
interzum Cologne 2013
13 to 16 May
Worlds leading event
for suppliers of furniture
production and interior
From Monday, 13 May 2013 to Thursday, 16 May 2013, the future
will once again take shape in Cologne at interzum.
Studies and product premieres, new materials, innovative
design and pioneering concepts: interzum is the event where
success stories begin and the furniture sector receives inspiration.
The fair covers the following product groups:
Materials & Nature: Wood, Veneers, Parquet flooring, Interior
works, Decorative surfaces, Decor papers, Laminates, woodbased panels, Laminated plastic, mineral materials, Edges,
surface treatments, Adhesives, Embossing cylinders, Press
Function & Components: Semi-finished products for cabinet,
kitchen, office and modular furniture, Fittings, Locks, Built-in
parts, Lamps and lighting systems
Textile & Machinery: Machinery for upholstery and bedding,
Upholstery materials, Upholstery accessories, Cover fabrics,






06 to 10 May
Making more out of wood
technology for resource
LIGNA HANNOVER, the leading international trade show for the
woodworking and wood processing industries, embraces the entire
production chain from forestry and the timber trade through to
industrial mass production of wood products and surface treatment
technology. In short, LIGNA HANNOVER is the interface to every
area of woodworking!
Keynote displays at LIGNA HANNOVER:
Forestry (management and technology)
Bioenergy from wood
Sawmill equipment and technology
Solid wood working
Wood materials and veneer production
Handwerk, Holz und mehr: Joinery, cabinet-making and carpentry trades, engineered woods, materials, accessories and
Furniture industry
Surfaces technologies and Lightweight construction
Numerous special presentations dedicated to practical themes,
informative seminars and conferences, as well as matchmaking
and B2B meetings and congresses underline the significance of
LIGNA HANNOVER as the trades international summit.

Our offer: buy one, get one for free

Just buy one ticket for either LIGNA or interzum and get access
to LIGNA and interzum!
Please order your Day Ticket or your Full-Event Tickey;
Go to Ticket Shop LIGNA:
Go to Ticket Shop interzum:

Koelnmesse GmbH
Tel. +49 1805 077 050
Fax +49 221 821 99 1210
Deutsche Messe
Tel: +49 511 89-0
Fax +49 511 89 32626



Start Date

End Date









imm Cologne
ZOW Istanbul




IMOB 2013

Las Vegas



DelhiWood 2013




ZOW Bad Salzuflen

Bad Salzufen



Woodmac China

Kuala Lumpur







IFFS / AFS 2013




VIFA 2013
TIFF 2013




The Big Show

Domotex Asia/ChinaFloor
Interzum Guangzhou




Dubai Woodshow




Project Qatar




gulf BID




interzum Cologne








China Furniture & Woodworks

Wood Tech India
Furnitech Woodtech




Aseanwood Woodtech

Kuala Lumpur



FMC Shanghai




Southeast Asia Furniture & Interiors Import-Export Exhibition (SEAFIE)

Kuala Lumpur




Ho Chi Minh



NHLA Convention




Intermob Turkey











DOMOTEX Middle East




Indonesia Woodshow












The Big 5 Show



If you would like to add your event to our

calendar, please contact Ms. Denice Cabel





Deutsche Messe AG


Koelnmesse GmbH
Clarion SURVEY GmbH


Hanley Wood LLC

ITE Turkey


PDA Trade Fairs


Clarion SURVEY GmbH


Deutsche Messe
United Business Media (M) Sdn Bhd


EFE Expo Sdn Bhd

China B & D Exhibition Co. Ltd.


International Furniture Fair Singapore Pte Ltd



PT. Kerabat Dyan Utama (Radyatama)

Handicraft & Wood Industry Association of HCMC
Royal Thai Government, Office of Export
Promotion Activities
Deutsche Messe AG
Koelnmesse Pte Ltd


Strategic Marketing & Exhibitions


IFP Group


Deutsche Messe
Hilal Conferences and Exhibitions




dmg :: events
Wakeni Kaigo


Dalian Northern Intl Exhibitions Limited Company

Business LIV
Reed Tradex


Trade-Link Management Services Sdn Bhd


Shanghai UBM Sinoexpo International

Exhibition Co., Ltd




Chan Chao International Co., Ltd


National Hardwood Lumber Association


TYAP Fair Convention and Congress Centre


Deutsche Messe




Index Trade Fairs


Yorkers Trade & Marketing Service Co., Ltd


dmg events



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