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UPM-CALC/SEM1/2015-16/CEL2102/THT 2

Take Home Task 2

This is a weekly activity for you to carry out individually or in groups as instructed. The
activities should be completed before the next class.

This task is for you to complete individually before your next class.
1. Paraphrasing and Summarising
Answer the following questions:
a. What is paraphrasing?
Paraphrasing is using your own words to express someone else's message or
ideas. In a paraphrase, the ideas and meaning of the original source must be
maintained; the main ideas need to come through, but the wording has to be
your own.
b. Demonstrate / show an example of paraphrasing in the next class.
Original: Her life spanned years of incredible change for women.
Paraphrase: Mary lived through an era of liberating reform for women.
c. What is summarising?
Summarizing is using your own words to shorten a piece of text so that it
includes only the essential information. Summaries have far fewer words than
the original, but they still provide a clear indication of the main points made by
the author.
d. Demonstrate / show an example of summarising in the next class.
e. How does paraphrasing or summarising help you in communicating with other
Paraphrasing or summarizing help me to report the main ideas as objectively as
possible, it dont necessary need me to include my reactions. By include author
tags such as "According to Ehrenreich" or "as Ehrenreich explains", it can remind
the reader that I am summarizing the author and the text, not giving my own
ideas. Besides that, it helps me in indicate the main ideas of the text and
accurately representing the main ideas while omitting the less important details is
the major goal of the summary. Furthermore, it helps in cite the author and title of
the text, this is because in some cases, the place of publication or the context for
the essay may also be included.

UPM-CALC/SEM1/2015-16/CEL2102/THT 2

2. Listening for Numerical Information

Answer the following questions:
a. What is listening for numerical information?
Numerical information is information that is something that is measurable. It is
always collected in number form, although there are other types of data that can
appear in number form. An example of numerical information would be the
number of people that attended the movie theater over the course of a month.
b. What are the language expressions that helps you to identify numerical
Different natural language processing applications have different needs when it
comes to Numerical Expressions. In machine translation, source language
Numerical Expressions may be normalized into a digital form that is used to
generate them appropriately in the target language. However, speech recognition
may expect the use of a language model that does not contain any digits, or
where those digits have been consistently converted to word forms. And
similarly, text-to-speech applications need to convert digits or mixed forms to
words. Therefore, to be able to process Numerical Expressions in real contexts,
we need tools to (a) determine the Numerical Expressions span, and (b) convert
its content into a normalized, digit-based form. Generating NUMs from a
normalized form may be also needed but is an easier task by comparison.

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