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Kanook – Tlingit Nation

March – 2010

I had a friend reply to an e-mail I had forwarded to some of my regular e-mail

recipients the other day, people who I should feel sorry for that received little news
clips from around the globe, or in particular in the United States. This news clip was
referring to the Texas Educational System deciding on what would be in the new
text books when it came to history. His response, along with support from another
individual who read his response was the History was written by the victors (which it
is and always has been) and that there was not anything to be gained by tossing it
around, in that there wasn’t a single entity that could go back and change it. I
agree, but my mind remains set on the fact that History is just not an accounting of
who won, or who lost and their subsequent tales of woe or celebration – but an
accounting of maybe what has happened. And if you’re persistent enough and
search you’ll usually be able to find two sides of the story, and if you’re intelligent
enough you’ll learn something that went on in the past – and maybe correct past
mistakes. Just maybe!
My pursuit of historical material is not limited to subjects in our recent past, but
span as far back as our written history goes, and beyond, reading and studying
myths or other tales that might creep forward from antiquity. I enjoy the facts laid
out in the study of ancient structures, such as the one found in Baalbeck, Lebanon
and the pyramids found across the world…theses structures in some cases are
beyond what we can even build today…and yet 99.99% of the population of the
world believes they are of no value.
These ancient structures, in particular the ones found in close vicinity to the
Mediterranean, are in my opinion are one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in our
recent past…I am not one who buys into the conception that man dragged, pushed
or pulled 100 ton blocks of stone over wooden rollers and then placed them with
such precision that they have withstood countless earthquakes in a region that
overtime produced the African Great Rift, which runs from Lake Victoria and ends in
the valley just north of Baalbeck. Get a grip!
Consider these wonderful great feats are supposed to have been constructed by a
civilization that has since walked off the face of our Earth, again get a grip! If
you’re of the mindset that the Giza complex was built by the 4 th Dynasty kings
during the height of the Old Kingdom (2575-2150 BC), than erase this document
from the precious space on your hard drive and a call it a day, turn on the boob
tube and let Rush Limbaugh entertain you with a few word of his holy-than-thou
Before I leap off into the distant past, let me keep a firm grip on what “our” reality
today is, by reminding myself of the old “cliché”, that “politics is 99% perception, it
doesn’t matter if something is true”, whereas if politically correct people perceive it
to be true, then it must be true.
Now I’m going to step off in a direction that a good majority of you will feel is the
“deep end”, and if by now you haven’t saved this paper to wrap fish in, now might
be the chance.
Some have written that Hitler and his boys has this idea that human beings are
not from this planet, and that there was a “special race” of Aryans – and that this
was noted in some ancient documents, which had been buried deep within historical
archives in someone’s basement and kept secret from peering eyes of the
uninformed. Supporting this so-noted “paper-trail” is one Dr Joseph P. Farrel, an
Oxford scholar with and Oxford PhD – who wrote five-books, each meticulously
researched with footnoted documents, references whereas during their composition
notes some pretty amazing memos. Memos that detailed Nazi Germany’s search
through the world for this “secret” documents, along with his work his research has
revealed some heretofore unknown aspects of operation “Paperclip” a well kept ops
program that lifted scientists from Nazi Germany after World War II and
incorporated them into the United States space program – scientists who were
employed through the Eisenhower and Kennedy administration were soon loved and
adored by the American people.
Scientists such as Dr Kurt Heinrich Debus, a former Nazi Germany V-2 Rocket
scientist who in 1962 became the first director of the Kennedy Space Center –
during his tenure the United States conducted 150 launches of military missiles and
space vehicles, including 13 Saturn V rockets, Apollo 4, 6, 9-17 and Skylab.
According to Dr Joseph P Farrel, Dr Debus and his paperclip fellows were working
on an alternate space travel technology, that wasn’t rocket based that involved
“field propulsion”, which is a method in manipulating space-time where on one
hand you get anti-gravity and on the other free energy, a project that was
supposedly driven by the ancient documents. The scientists the USA transported
from under the Russian’s noses after the war were not amateurs, these were the
brains of their rocket science, focused not so much on V-2 bombs as much as
reaching for the stars – after the war on November 16th, 1945 the USA “imports” 88
Nazi scientists, this group just transferred sponsors, taking little time for a break in
the action. Four day later the “Nuremberg” war crimes began and on January 10th,
1946 under the scientist’s guidance the United States under Project Diana bounce
radar waves off the moon and receive its exact distance. Following this on the 29 th
of January the Central Intelligence Group in the USA is established, the USA is now
fully into the “Cold War”.
Later, research finds a picture of Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun
and his fellow scientists standing under a western setting that includes a sign hung
over their head, where it depicts a cutout shaped as a unidentified flying
object/saucer – and in the middle of the saucer is a Swastika, the picture was
snapped when the scientists were on a short-weekend pass from the White Sands
facility in El Paso. The snap is taken outside of “Bob’s Curio Shop”, keep in mind
that the Swastika was a symbol that their ex-boss Hitler lifted from history, a sign or
cross that went all the way back to the “Vedas”, whereas in their records are
discussions about spacecraft, nuclear weapons, and other highly technically
material that we today consider mostly a myth. Hitler lifted the Swastika for what it
represented a higher order of reality dealing with much higher dimensional physics
then was seen by the pre-World War II scientific field.
Like Nikola Tesla, Hitler’s scientists were out to prove that there was a factor out
there that would basically provide “free energy”, whereas they would construct
centralized power plants that in turn would make the primary source of energy then
and today, oil, obsolete. Hitler, even though he dreamed of liberating the masses
from under oil dominance, he wanted the control of such power under his Nazi
regime. Some maintain today that this proven technology, developed under the
Nazi regime, is available in some manner or shape, technology that would free up
the population of the world from the oil we so desperately hunger for in our
everyday lives.
After World War II, and a bit before, the powers-to-be realized that their function
would have to go covert, this is especially true today with the advent of the
Internet, which anyone and everyone has access. Un until the last few decades
most countries operated within a pretty wide open society, today when you look
about you see the governments of the world slowly moving society back to those
war years in Nazi Germany, whereas under the guise of protecting you and yours
from real and imaginary enemies they now tell us it is well within the law of the land
to read all of your e-mails, tap your phone, and it is normal to see a black-hat or two
following every move you execute.
Reflect a bit, on July 26th, 1945, the President of the United States, the President of
the National Government of the Republic of China, the Prime Minister of Great
Britain all three representing hundreds of millions of the population of the world
agreed to give Japan an opportunity to end their part of World War II. The President
of the United States, Harry S “give em hell” Harry strikes from the agreement “The
Potsdam Declaration” the clause that will allow Japan to maintain their Emperor, his
move prompted by the notification of the successful test of the 1st atomic weapon.
Whereas previous to this Japan said on the 8th of July that they would talk peace if
they Emperor could keep his title.
And as recorded history shows us that on August 6th, 1945, a few days after the
Potsdam agreement U.S. President Harry S Truman gives the order to drop “Little
Boy” a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima, Japan and later on August 9 th, 1945 the bomb
nicknamed “Fat Man” is dropped over Nagasaki, Japan. This after the Japanese
rejected the Potsdam Declaration because of the “struck” Emperor provision.
140,000 people died in Hiroshima and over 80,000 in Nagasaki…these two nuclear
devices dropped under the thought that 1000s, maybe 1,000,000s of soldiers from
both sides of the Pacific would have died in the ensuing battles to bring Japan to its
It is noted, “outside” of the text books of conventional history, that even though
we have been taught that it is not true that American scientists under a “crash”
program executed by Lieutenant General Leslie Richard Groves, whereas in
Germany there was a much more sophisticated program of atomic research than
most realize and they had detonated one atomic weapon in test. There is further
proof that after the surrender of Germany on May 8 th, 1945 that the United States in
a mad rush spirited away some of their scientists and locked them up in
Alamogordo under threat of their freedom to get crackin and make this thing we call
an Atomic bomb do its stuff – or else. On July 16 th, the first test of an atomic bomb
is done; the “Trinity Test” used 6 kilograms [13.23 lbs) plutonium that was equal to
19 kilotons of TNT…and highly radioactive. Two days later President Harry S
Truman tells the Japanese to stuff it!
There is one story (now is the time to yell myth or BS) that the United States had
taken some of the uranium / plutonium that was used from German sources, where
a U-boat was intercepted on its way to Japan with enriched uranium and snatched it.
Now true or not, the United States of America for whatever reason we’ve been
taught were the 1st to use Atomic Power for taking a life.
Robert A Heinlein my favorite SF author once wrote, “The human race divides
politically into those who want to be controlled and those who have no such desire.”
And José Ortega y Gasset, a Spanish liberal philosopher writing at the beginning of
the 20th Century while Spain bounced between Monarch, Republicanism and
dictatorship wrote: "The common man, finding himself in a world so excellent,
technically and socially, believes it has been produced by nature, and never thinks
of the personal efforts of highly endowed individuals which the creation of this new
world presupposed. Still less will he admit the notion that all these facilities still
require the support of certain difficult human virtues, the least failure of which
would cause the rapid disappearance of the whole magnificent edifice."
History (the hated phrase, discounted by many as useless because it is written by
the victor) does at time provide the reader with some examples of mistakes and
events that are inevitable to man in a particular time frame. As some of you realize
the Roman’s enjoyed a civilization that lasted for well over 1000 years, yet there
came a time when even this powerful and destructive civilization lay scattered and
broken across the field of time. There have been too many to count narratives
composed that dissected in rise and fall, some lengthy and other two or three pages
at least.
If you have such a desire to peer through some of these accounts you’ll find their
rise and fall has shown to duplicate of other great civilizations and are seven basic
cause and effect steps that lead to their fall.
1): The collapse of the populations general health is counted as the first indication
of an on-coming failure, whether this has a direct relationship to the United States
of America is debatable, where some point to the availability of modern medicine to
all that can afford it, while other scream for availability to all – going back into our
history as a living breathing bi-petal animal on this planet, the strong and successful
point to their survival as being just that, and that the meek and unsuccessful were
not meant to survive. But, when the overall health and welfare falls to such a
condition where the wealthy have shorter lives, and the lower classes and the poor
have no access – the civilization is doomed to fail.
2): Hopefully we find that modern civilization can cope with prosperity, in this I
mean as we look around us today we find this furious rush to accumulate wealth,
and there are more than a few like bankers at Goldman Sachs commenting that
“Bankers are doing the Lord’s work!” Crazy it may seem this world of printed wealth
believes this, and the masses remember them are exposed to a moral and ethical
decay in their society. This condition is slowly working its way down the chain-of-
command, whereas in short order the final nail will be driven and once again we’ll
find friend against friend, brother against brother and the Fall of Rome again will
make history – is it true that the United States cannot handle prosperity?
3): Excessive government and its corrupt leaders, each and every one of them
believing that they know much better or more than the population that secured
their position in the government. Others point to like items such as the creation of
the Securities Exchange Commission and its “supposed mandate to protect
investor”, with questions being asked “what investor”, watching most investors of
the minor-bucks being fleeced and the heavy-duty hitters making so many bucks
that they rival the likes of Al Capone, the other gang from Chicago. And there is the
clean, pristine image of Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein the Democratic Senator
from the Golden State of California who turned down ugly solar panels scarring the
vacant desert skyline, with some asking if she would prefer a weapons grade
nuclear facility in her front yard, since her and her husband Richard C. Blum, an
investment banker have invested millions into the War Machine and China, a fact
that causes a great number of the USA to ask “who writes her paycheck”…recent
actions on her part show that she is really not a supporter of “clean energy” and is
still in the top five wealthiest Senators in Washington D.C. Also consider that over
60% of our congressional delegation are lawyers, whereas each and every one of
them feel the United States Constitution is their personal playground and can do
just about anything they want when it comes to their enforcement of the “Law of
Land”. And then we have our government, again under the guise of protecting us
building a new NSA site in Utah, listed as a $1.9 billion data center at Camp
Williams simply because their old location at Fort George G. Meade can no longer
support the power drain in the surrounding electrical infrastructure. The stated
purpose, which was declassified says “the center’s mission will be to deliver
‘responsive, reliable, effective and expert signals-intelligence and information-
assurance products and services’ to enable ‘network-warfare operations to gain a
decisive information advantage for the nation and our allies under all
circumstance’” In other words, it will spy on “all” communications, whereas over
the past few decades we’ve been informed of the NSAs capabilities to listen for
“key” words or “voices” in cell-phone, radio, and computer communications world-
wide that may reveal terrorist plans and movements. Recently President Obama
signed into law a supplemental war-spending bill ($169.5 million) that included the
1st part of the construction, whereas President Bush had already endorsed a bill that
authorized $207.4 million for the centers planning. The 1st part of the construction
will be used to provide “utilities” to the site and relocated some existing National
Guard facilities away from the super-secret site.
Some tell us that our government today is operating under a gangster mentality,
regardless, the government’s expansion into every aspect of our lives, whether it is
business or personal is not a good healthy move – next you’ll see government
sponsored football games for the entertainment of the masses – i.e. the Gladiators
of Rome.
4): Copious amounts of money spent on the military, couple with government
projects and social programs which sooner than later will lead to inflation and
hyper-inflation…this is not a myth but a fact that any economist educated “before”
the whiz kids who run Wall Street today will tell you.
5): Rules and regulations that turn over the free market system, such as price
controls, and heavy duty regulations that will destroy the manufacturing capability
and the agricultural base in our country – with a direct result of huge
unemployment, sending the population to the already overloaded cities, which in
turn will increase the people, legal or illegal, dependence of government subsidy
increasing its plunge to the bottom.
6): Inferior technology or the process of holding some technologies back while
promoting the use of old technology to increase the wealth of a few, oil would be a
good example. All the grandest schemes to construct the tallest buildings in the
world, will soon be overshadowed by man’s inability to compete on the ground
because he lacks the simple tools of advanced technology, for instance as an
advanced civilization that has been using the internal combustion engine since Karl
Benz’s first petrol-powered motorcycle in January 1886, and has improved little on
its basic combustion cycle, albeit there have been some improvements it still
remains the most inefficient engine on our planet today.
7): Finally sooner or later our country will face another civil war, a fact that you can
see with only a good pair of glasses looming on the horizon, the separation of
classes is getting bigger and this separation will not be between races or religions,
but status or the lack of status – these conflicts real or imagined coupled with
outside forces will bring our proud nation to its knees.
Each of the preceding can be expanded or elaborated on showing their
relationship to the nations ultimate collapse, I’m not sure how many “serious”
students of history are left within our society – as for me I’m only a beginning
student – with a minor grasp on the events of the past, but in my amateur roll I
wonder if anyone who knows more than I, can really ignore the signs around us of
the eventual collapse of a society tied to the above points, along with one more.
The state, as it increases its power base and the subsequent demands on its
citizens, it will have a domineering effect on the human spirit within its borders.
Creating a destruction of self-reliance, self-determination and self-confidence of its
free citizens, eventually replacing them with dutiful, subservient drones totally
reliant on the state, your government will ruin you and yours under the guise of a
protective umbrella and “we” know what is good for you!
Historians from antiquity point to the goal of worshipping wealth and the ever
increasing demise of intellectual progress as destructions of ancient civilizations,
and state with big letters that “genius” died by the same blow that ended public
An unknown philosopher from antiquity wrote, “We of today, seem to have learnt
in our childhood the lessons of a benignant despotism, to have cradled in her habits
and customs from the time when our minds were still tender, and never to have
tasted the fairest and most fruitful fountain of eloquence, I mean liberty.” Others
point to the blind ignorance of others outside of our sphere of existence that we
created to slay; as if we had no demons to slay it is our duty to create some in order
to justify our existence. And support the artificial manufacture or material and
manpower to drive the machinery of war and/or the accumulation of slaves and
their inherited wealth small as it may be.
I believe it was Gaius Sallustius Crispus who said, “Every man who is anxious to
surpass the lower animals should strive with all his power not to pass his life in
obscurity like the brute beasts, which nature has made the groveling slaves of their
bellies.” In this it can be said that the “real war” between free people and the state
erupts over who will control the mind, the individual or the state. Needless to say, if
the state wins the society will rapidly decay, and if by chance it is the individual
society will continue to grow and flourish.
Today, we run the risk of “rampant apathy”, lethargy of “why fight it”, this
government and its elites control us anyway, so why not roll with the ball and “live
and let live”. Whereas the accumulation of knowledge slips away from the society
as the few bank the results creating a society that has become hollow and self-
History, addresses the human condition called “curiosity”, yet there are more than
few who label it as the “past” as they struggle forward trying to “redefine it”
without understanding what went on before. A good example being how can you
improve on a language if you don’t speak it? Far too many today walking the broad
avenues of America that could care less about history, some with good reason
others simply because it’s the fashion. America to some is a proud nation, while
other fail to understand how it achieved its greatness, in so doing do little to
preserve what it stands for and the ladder it had to climb to achieve its position in
the World.
Today we find large parts of our society who are persecuted for demanding
accuracy in events, being slammed against the wall and told to believe what is
forthcoming from out leaders lips, consequently day-by-day the few who question
are labeled fruit-cases or conspiracy nuts and we turn a blind eye and deaf ear in
their direction, perfectly comfortable in accepting what our elected leaders spoon
feed us.
The pressure today to accept the information spewing forth from out leaders is to
the point of being overwhelming, causing some to throw-up their hands and give up
trying to determine what is right and what is outright deception – for instance
alternative energy, why are we spending billions to engage in warfare in a country
who primary product is illegal drugs, or why did we sent our young men and women
to do battle in a country that has untold reserves in oil. When you consider this and
count the dollars being shoveled in that direction, what do you think if we took an
equal amount and spent it let’s say on our electrical grids up-grading the thousands
of miles of wire, towers and transformer systems which would decrease a simple
thing like the current to resistance ratio, creating less heat loss and supply more
power for less cost to the consumer. Hint, it would not cost as much as we have
spent in Iraq or Afghanistan to-date, and look at the jobs it would have created. No,
we can’t do that for the simple reason that oil and poppies represent a boat-load of
money for a few select people and their organizations.
A recent test was conducted based on the knowledge of America’s founding
principles and text, core history and enduring institutions – 2508 people took the
test, 0.84% got 90% right, 2.63% who scored between 80% and 89.9%, 7.38% who
scored between 70% and 79.9%, 17.74% who scored between 60% and 69.9%, and
translated this meant that 71.41% failed, with and overall mean score that was only was found out that when our “elected officials” took the same test they
were 5% below the mean score at 44%. The politicians failed heavily when it came
to questions about the Declaration of Independence, the definition of Free
Enterprise and the Cold War – this are the same people who firmly believe that they
are the super-naturally endowed destined to be the sole lords and arbiters of our
private actions and property, my opinion, they should be tarred and feathered and
ran out of town. I know hold firmly in my belief that politicians (remember 60% or
more are lawyers) are the less educated dregs of our society, this simple test has
proven my opinion.
Hopefully, the last election driven by blind nationalism, trendy savior-worship,
couple with an un-ending ignorance of history, economics and philosophy and
supremely devoid of any critical thought process – resulting in the election of or
President (another Lawyer) a smooth talking person who hasn’t got a clue when it
comes to following through on his eloquent speeches, I think that we’re in for a
sequence of destructive events rather than any smooth change that will benefit the
population that voted for his campaign of “change”.
Thomas Gordon an American author and revolutionary wrote, “It is that we
everywhere find tyranny and imposture, ignorance and slavery, joined together…”
one wonders how long America can survive?
“The lie is different at every level!”

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