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Data Services £ 10 - UK, ROW

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Market Guide 2010

Good data, good savings

ISJ Data Survey inside

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Investor Services Journal | DataSe rvicesMar ketGu ide2 010

Editor’s Letter

T he financial data and technology industry

has witnessed an unprecedented overhaul
in the capital markets, changing the outlook of
An important consideration is that innova-
tion in the finance industry will not stop. Just
as a lotus can emerge spotless from murky
many of its banking clients, with further regu- water, new ideas will eventually drive the re-
lation to come. turn to profits. The outsourcing of middle and
In doing so there has been a shift from an back office functions is one such innovation
emphasis on assets to that of liabilities – ‘what that has emerged, potentially suiting firms of
could be lost?’ rather than ‘what money could all sizes in the transference of data operations
be made?’ Corporate governance issues, the to trusted specialists and further depressing
transparency of operations, and the ‘account- costs. Pramod Gupta of HCL Technologies,
ability’, perhaps, of how banks and other insti- Geoff Harries of Fiserv and the panellists in
tutions justify its trading choices, are all fight- our market debate thoroughly expound upon
ing to emerge top of priority lists around the this service offering.
world. Amid the reconstruction, open lines of
The data services industry will be able to communication between regulators, commit-
provide some of the solutions. Financial insti- tees and institutions must remain open. In this
tutions have been looking to stem the outflow light, Bob Cumberbatch of Interactive Data
of capital – either through losses or investor explains the good work done by associations
redemptions – and conversations with soft- to work together towards industry standards,
ware developers will more frequently than not as well as the collaboration of data vendors
boil down to cost saving. Amid a number of themselves (p 39).
articles that touch on this area, Andreas Glat- Few have any clear idea what the new struc-
ter of Ecofin explains the numbers game of ture for operations and regulation of finan-
good systems and good data (p 32). He makes cial institutions will look like. But this guide
a powerful case for the centralising of data, contains many pertinent articles – penned by
particularly in the context of declining staff industry insiders with a wealth of experience
numbers. The insistence that management and knowledge – that describe how the foun-
must ‘get the message’ of needing the right, ac- dations are to be laid. n
curate data to drive a business I’m sure will be
echoed around the industry. Ben Roberts, Editor

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Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010


The pendulum swing of innovation

Stuart Calder of Linedata Services

he concept of the organisation. Sybase is working with firms
enterprise data to add new technology to traditional systems
management to both manage the ever-increasing volume of
(EDM) has absolutely data whilst also achieving efficient data flow
taken off; however in real-time. By providing scalable technol-
the reality is not yet ogy Sybase is both helping firms to improve
being achieved. Firms their existing systems whilst at the same time
are spending far too providing a framework that shows there is
much on maintenance an opportunity to achieve more of an EDM
of existing technology projects rather than capability.
initiating projects that would help the organi-
sation to be much more efficient in the way
they manage content and data and therefore
“The pendulum between
enable them to execute their business strategy business driving IT
efficiently and as designed.
EDM is a solution that will quietly sim- strategies and IT driving
mer away water for many years to come even business strategies has
though it’s the nirvana solution firms need as
they battle against increased data volumes and swung back and forth ”
niche content requirements from specialist
systems. The need for EDM will only increase Over the past twenty years, the pendulum
over time as more people require access to between business driving IT strategies and IT
more granular and higher frequency data and strategies driving business has swung back and
current niche data requirements become stan- forth. In a time of reduced IT spending the
dardised across the organisation. The require- emphasis is now moving towards a focus on
ment for EDM absolutely exists, but there are technology driving business. Sybase is seeing
a fairly insignificant number of projects trying firms recognise that their previous business
to achieve this at the moment. models were hampered by technology not
Historically, firms had little understanding being able to cope with the changing market
of the granularity and in-depth detail of assets demands. If these same businesses are going to
and complex securities required and as a result progress, it means a change to their business
created specialised siloed platforms that didn’t model with technology facilitating success.
let data flow across the organisation properly. Firms however are not going to hedge their
By having a centralised data management bets on new, unproven technology; but rather
system, firms can ensure the quality and real- look to vendors with proven-track records in
time availability of data is managed effectively Financial Services, such as Sybase, to provide
and data is understood in a much more intel- technology that they can be confident will
ligent way. As a result, particularly during the help achieve current and future business
current economic situation, better decisions objectives. With larger vendors, firms will have
will be made. the advantage of using technology that can be
Rather than investing in EDM, firms are implemented in one department or scaled to
spending their budgets on reducing latency an enterprise level. This ability will provide
and improving efficiency to move data around firms with strategic, long-term partnerships.n

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Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010


Mike Atkin, EDM Council

Regulatory Oversight: The problems of dealing with complexity

The Devil is in the Data and global interconnectedness have been
Michael Atkin, Managing documented in every regulatory report over
Director, EDM Council, Inc. the past five years.
All of these reports, from Giovaninni

T he current angst extending from turmoil

in the financial markets is perhaps
the best thing that has ever happened to
to G-30 to BIS Report on Payment and
Settlement to the recent Treasury Blueprint
for Regulatory Reform all basically say that
data management. Of course, we wouldn’t financial processes are interconnected in
wish these problems on anyone, but as a ways that we haven’t experience before and
result of systemic failure, we’ve learned two that they can be undermined by lapses in
valuable lessons that portend well for data data, operational processes and systems
management. dysfunction. In essence, these reports all
The first is that financial institutions are concluded (and we ignored) that it’s not a
predominately focused (now and always) on matter of “if ”- it is a matter of “when” - we
short term profitability. That’s the nature of are going to experience a systemic crisis.
the financial institutions. The second is that The real issue is not why we experienced a
the regulatory environment doesn’t currently crisis; it is how to prevent it from happening
reflect the true nature of how global business again. But I don’t want to get too far ahead of
operates. It clearly needs to be restructured in myself. Let me set the stage of where we came
order to provide oversight and keep markets from at the beginning of 2008 and where I
in balance. And this is not really a secret. think we’re headed in 2009.

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Investor Services Journal | DataSe rvicesMar ketGu ide2 010


Finger on the Pulse The ways things have unfolded suggest

The EDM Council did some research that the goals of data management are now
early last year to characterize the current goals shared by the regulators – making the
state of data management within financial business case a whole lot easier. We’re all
institutions. The bottom line was that it was coming to the realization that firms can’t
rising rather nicely. Projects were underway. report and justify and regulators can compare
Data groups existed. And progress was being and analyze without the data being right.
made. The truth however was that most firms Not that it’s a surprise, but prepare for
were managing data tactically. Data had been more regulation. It’s inevitable and the result
reduced to just another task to accomplish of proving that you still can’t be trusted.
and subject to the whims of cutthroat Unfortunately, regulation isn’t the objective
competition for resources and attention. from my perspective. Regulation is a law
Executive management generally viewed enforcement response and the price we pay
data management as a low level concern and for our greedy sins.
a necessary evil. It was required to keep up But in addition to regulation, we should
with the pace of business and the mantra was be preparing for principles-based, global
“do it fast and do it cheap.” Unfortunately oversight. That’s the gap in the regulatory
if top management doesn’t take ownership environment. The current regulatory system
of data, the philosophy cascades throughout was created in the 1930’s and is not able to
the organization and reinforces silo operating deal with the diversity of market participants,
models - making it difficult to manage the complexity of financial instruments,
politics and rewarding tactical workarounds. the convergence of trading platforms or the
Business users clearly understood the value nature of global interconnectedness.
of data that was “fit for purpose” but they This new regulatory oversight regime
didn’t invest time to peel back the layers of won’t get caught sleeping at the wheel again.
the onion as it related to the details. They That means an increasing focus on systemic
paid attention to data when there was a and operational risk (including global
problem. Business management generally counterparty and exposure management).
took a narrow and functional view of data More requirements related to hierarchies
management which hid the problems and links. More transparency on pricing and
associated with the interrelationship of valuations. And automation of payments
processes. and settlement processes.
Data management was stuck dealing with There will be more ad hoc reports about
the huge backlog of problems that existed, activities … about groups of trades … about
putting out brushfires and dealing with positions for specific counterparties … and
immediate challenges. Most data groups about relationships between investment
were reactive. And when they were not activities. And you will need to slice, dice and
dealing with the “crisis du jour” they spent reconnect according to multiple scenarios.
their time justifying their existence, begging That means cross-vendor comparisons,
business units for funding and dealing with alignment of internal repositories and
the challenges of organizational politics. enhanced corporate actions processing to
The bottom line is that the data genie was be able to unravel the multiple issuer → issue
out of the bottle, but we’re still operating the → obligor relationships to get a clear and
way we are used to operating. We just had consolidated view of risks and exposures.
another project added into the mix.
All of these processes are data dependent. n
What’s Different Now

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Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010

Supplement editor:
Ben Roberts
Web design: Peter Ainsworth
( 8-9 Investor Services Journal’s Data Vendor Survey

Senior account manager:

Trish De La Grange
Counterparty Risk
10-12 Do You Know Who You Are Dealing With?
Account managers:
Mark Needham
(Mark.Needham 14 Are You Exposed?
Tarik Rekiouak
( Outsourcing

Business development
16 The Outsourcing Phenomenon
James Olweny
( 18 Merger Update: A Restructuring Case Study
Commercial director:
Jon Hewson 20 New Architecture In Light Of Regulation

Operations manager: Panel Debate

Sue Whittle
22-30 Panel
CEO: Mark Latham
( 32 Data - Bettering The Bottom Line - Cost Implications
Investor Intelligence partnership
16-17 Little Portland Street 35 Time For SaaS - Speed OF Change
London W1W 8BP
T: +44 (0) 20 7299 7700
F: +44 (0) 20 7636 6044 36 Not Worth The Gamble - Risk Management
39 Working Together Through the Annus Horribilis

- Vendor Collaboration

43 Market Comment - Unisys

© 2009 2i Media plc. 44 Keep The Customer Satisfied - Operations

All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may
be reproduced, in whole or in
46 Company Profiles
part, without prior written
permission from the publishers.

ISSN 1744-151X.
Printed in the UK
by Pensord Press.

DSMG 2009 1-21 b.indd 6 16/04/2009 15:18

DSMG 2009 1-21 b.indd 7 16/04/2009 15:18
Summary Prepared on 04/15/09

Investor Services Journal | Data

This report Services Market
summarizes 4 of 17 Guide 2010
total responses.

Summary for the results with the following restrictions:
Investor Services Journal: data vendor survey
Response Filters
Invitation Type: invited
all Services Journal conducted a survey of the leading data providers
Email developers as a precursor to the features in this guide. Here are the
results of their responses.

Question 1: How have the proposed cut-backs in the spending by fi-

Data Services
nancialMarket Guidein technology acffected your business [projections
this year?
1. How have the proposed cut backs in the spending by financial institutions in technology affected your
business projections for this year?

66.6% b)b) to some
to some degree
degree (2) (2)
33.3%33.3% a)a)
much much
(1) (1)
0.0% c)c)
not not
at all (0)
at all (0)

2. A unified system of data management and information feeds has been cited as a major challenge to adopt
in the past. How much do you perceive the idea of a bank operating in silos (ie, separate departments that
rarely, if ever, share data) as2: A unified
a remaining system
problem of prospective
among your data management
customers? and information
feeds has been cited as a major challenge to adopt in the past. How
much do you perceive the idea of a bank operating in silos (ie, separate
departments that rarely, if ever, share data) as a remaining problem
among your prospective customers?
100.0% a) very much (3)
100.0% b) still occasions of silos (0)
a) very much (3)
c) not at all (0)
0.0% b) still occasions of silos (0)
0.0% c) not at all (0)

3. A report by Celent found that continents such as Asia are a long way behind Europe and North America in
Question 3: How much will your business plan for this year involve
the uptake of data systems. How much will your business plan for this year involve entering new markets to
seek opportunities?
entering new markets to seek opportunities?
100.0% a) very much (3)
100.0%b) to a some degree, but wont dominate our
100.0% 0.0% plansb)(3) b) to a some degree, but wont
still occasions of silos (0)
0.0% c) not at degree
all (0) (0)
0.0% a) to a greatdominate our plans (3)
0.0% 0.0% c) not at all (0)
a) to a great degree (0)
0.0% c) not at all (0)
4. How much will the collaboration of vendors that have a mutual client be a growing part of the industry in
3. fewbyyears?
report Celent found that continents such as Asia are a long way behind Europe and North America in
the uptake of data systems. How much will your business plan for this year involve entering new markets to
seek opportunities?

DSMG 2009 1-21 b.indd 8 66.6% b) to some degree (2) 16/04/2009 15:18
33.3% a) to a great degree (1)
100.0%b) to a some degree, but wont dominate our
Status: all
Alerts: Summary Prepared on 04/15/09
Email Contains:

Investor Services Journal | DataSe rvicesMar ketGu ide2 010

This report summarizes 4 of 17 total responses.
Data Services
Summary Market
for the results Guide
with the following restrictions:
Question 4: How much will the collaboration of vendors that have a
Response Filters
1. How havemutual
the proposedclient beinathegrowing
cut backs spending by part
financialof the industry
institutions inaffected
in technology the nextyour
Invitation Type: invited
business projections for this year?
Status: all
Email Contains:
66.6%66.6% b)b) to some
to some degree (2)
degree (2)
33.3%33.3% a)a)
veryto a great degree (1)
much (1)
0.0% c) not at all (0)
0.0% c) not at all (0)
Data Services Market Guide
2. How
1. A unified
havesystem of datacut
the proposed management
backs in theand information
spending feeds has
by financial been citedinastechnology
a major challenge
affected to adopt
in the past.
How much
projections fordo
Are you
perceive part
the idea of a of
banksuch ainstitutions
operating collaboration? your
in silos (ie, separate departments that
rarely, if ever, share data) as a remaining problem among your prospective customers?

66.6%66.6% b)Yes
to some
(2)degree (2)
33.3% a) very much (1)
33.3%0.0% No (1)
c) not at all (0)

2. A unified system of data management and information feeds has been cited as a major challenge to adopt
in the past. How much do you
Question 6: perceive
idea of athe
operating in silos (ie,
cus- thatseparate
perceive that your
rarely, if ever, share data) as a remaining problem among your prospective customers?
tomers and prospective customers place on their data management
1 2 3 4 5
a)Low latency 33.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 33.3%
b)risk 0.0% 66.6% 0.0% 33.3% 0.0%
c)low cost 33.3% 66.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Question 7: Amid global reviews of financial regulation, there are

strong signs that some areas will move from a principled based ap-
proach to firmer legislation. How much will this- directly or indirectly
- affect the provision of data management?

100.0% a) very much (3)

0.0% b) still occasions of silos (0)
100.0% 0.0% b) to some degree (3)
c) not at all (0)
0.0% a) to a great degree (0)
0.0% c) not at all (0)

3. A report by Celent found that continents such as Asia are a long way behind Europe and North America in
the uptake of data systems. How much will your business plan for this year involve entering new markets to 9
seek opportunities?

DSMG 2009 1-21 b.indd 9 16/04/2009 15:18

100.0%b) to a some degree, but wont dominate our
Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010

Counterparty Risk

Do you know who you’re dealing with?

Tackling counterparty risk and Cleanliness is next to Godliness

The use of risk management methodologies
insuring correct oversight of in the standard operations of financial
trading partners is not possible institutions has led to accelerating demand
for more and more market and reference
without the right data system
data, covering a broader range of markets at

F or many risk managers in today’s market, a higher level of detail and accuracy – and
the pressing issue is not the need for the associated costs in time and resources are
counterparty risk management – this is well growing.
understood. Nor is it the need for technical There is a simple reason for the primacy
methodology – there are more algorithms of data collection and management issues
and risk engines on the marketplace than when considering risk management systems:
there are banks to apply them. The most garbage in, garbage out. If the data you put
important need is clean, timely data on into your model, enterprise-wide or not, is
which to base their analysis. And because wrong or out of date, the analysis produced
OTC derivatives introduce counterparty risk will be wrong or out of date. Essentially
into the equation, firms need better tools to your organisation is steering either while
monitor and manage counterparty risk. blindfolded or while looking into the rear-
This is easier said than done. However view mirror.
existing data management solutions can
plug the common gap in enterprise risk Data consolidation and referencing
architecture by enabling a data-centric What makes this issue all the more
approach to risk. frustrating is that many banks have the
data that they need to work from – but

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Investor Services Journal | DataSe rvicesMar ketGu ide2 010

Counterparty Risk
it is simply strewn throughout the
organisation, held in different systems, or “It will not be possible
on different pieces of paper in different
buildings, or in different formats even for one institution to be
within the same information system. running different data
Data collection and systems initiatives
emerge from one part of the organisation management systems
without thought of their use to other
parts, or to the strategic data management
for each of the func-
capabilities of the bank as a whole. tions that need data”
Moreover, when data is stored, it is
too often kept without reference to the collection and analysis needs. Positions
relationships which turn that data into and balances – continually impacted by
information. For instance, credit data transaction events – and their relationship
on particular customers is held by the to general ledger reports and summaries,
accounting department without reference and atomic level information such as trade
to the information that is kept on these dates, prices, trader fees and counterparty
customers by trading desks for marketing data, are crucial to an organisation’s ability
purposes. Or data from different settlement to roll-up and drill-down through trading
systems is left unconsolidated, leading data to find information that is essential
to unwarranted credit and operational for an understanding of the company’s risk
exposures, simply because the data is position.
collected and analysed on a unit by unit In most banks, the general ledger requires
basis – rather than working from a common information from different information
data source. systems, but transaction systems are
Market data collection processes hold product specific and the data produced is
their own perils. Different market data inconsistent. Moreover, the general ledger
providers have different standards, each of is not built to store transaction details.
which needs to be integrated with internal The result is that the general ledger is
systems in a way that enables the market overloaded, and requires enormous manual
data to retain its accuracy, while still being reconciliation. What’s more, the final result
aggregated up to enterprise level using is separated from the information used
valid relational rules and comparisons. to build it – thus any further analysis is
Often, market data from one part of rendered impossible and the general ledger
the organisation will show significant is separated from any further strategic use
discrepancies when compared with the same it may have. Ideally, transaction data needs
data used in a different part of the same to be pulled from individual product-based
company, simply because the source of that systems and transformed into a consistent
data was a different external system, or a validated information standard that creates
different time zone or language. consistent data between product and
These external interfaces are made all accounting systems.
the more complex when combined with Once again, these interfaces are made
internal data production, collection and significantly more complex when combined
storage. General ledger, profit and loss with the need to integrate external market
accounting, mark-to-market reporting data sources and transform external market
requirements; each of these has unique data information into internal information.
When developing mark-to-market reporting


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Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010

Counterparty Risk
requirements, external market data must whichever risk engine the risk manager,
be combined with internal transaction or indeed other bank functions, wishes to
information to produce consistent flows of employ.
data useable in accounts and general ledger In the end, it will not be possible for
work. one institution to be running different
Too often, banks’ data management data management systems for each of the
capabilities trail significantly behind functions that need data. It simply makes
operations – creating additional technology- sense for data management to become an
induced operational risks. These risks can enterprise-wide strategic function from
be avoided, but organisations must take a which risk analysis, accounting, audit,
proactive approach to the scale economies economics, operations research, and other
available to them by implementing an critical functions can be run.
intelligent and strategically focused data
management system. Time issues
In an ideal world, funding and risk would
Data collection for risk analysis be managed through a real-time
If data is the key issue for the development consolidation of all current and anticipated
of risk management, risk managers must cash and positions and integrated with
ask themselves how well developed their accurate market and counterparty risk data.
data management strategy is. One serious Almost by definition, maintaining a real-
issue when developing a data management time stream of constantly updated, clean
strategy is the extent to which the system and accurate data is the only way to close
will be open – how flexible is the system the gap between actual and known liquidity
at absorbing and disgorging different and exposures. This information needs to
types of data to and from different types be continuously derived from transactions,
of systems. With many risk management market data feeds, and customer/
analytics systems, the database is integral counterparty updates that are drawn from
to the system. This often means that it multiple disparate systems – as discussed
is impossible to support products and above – without manual intervention or
actions which are not integral to the risk batch processing.
engine’s database itself: risk managers For most firms, however, real-time
lose the opportunity to utilise different counterparty exposure management
risk engines for different analysis because remains an ideal. Most firms rely on manual
the data is held in the proprietary efforts or out-of-date sources to construct
database of a particular risk engine. counterparty credit ratings and corporate
The diversity of middleware, data import/ hierarchies. The extra step of linking
export and database management system this improved counterparty risk data to
interfaces demanded by risk analytics transactions and positions in real-time can
engines is baffling. What this diversity take hours or days. For many risk scenarios,
means is that many organisations first this is too little too late. Establishing a
select the risk engine that they are going to firm footing for all critical data sets and
use and then interface back into the data integrating then in real-time is however
environment that the risk engine needs. not a fantasy – it is what enterprise data
This is undoubtedly the wrong way to management solutions can deliver – and
do things. The more robust method is to mitigation of counterparty credit risk is
develop a timely, accurate and consolidated just the latest high-profile application of its
data structure which can be drawn on by transforming potential. n

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DSMG 2009 1-21 b.indd 13 16/04/2009 15:19

Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010

Monitoring Exposure

Are you exposed?

Data warehousing has strengths in assessing counterparty risk
cases we have seen, one of the main prob-
lems has invariably been the existing ap-
plication systems architecture, which maps
discrete applications more or less to the
organisational structure. While that makes
some sense from a functional point of view,
it creates serious difficulties in respect of
data. This is because functionality gener-
ally supports distinct operational processes,
whereas data needs to be shared throughout
the enterprise. In organisations where each
business function has its own system, the
same logical data will be stored in many
different physical representations; the same
security or trade, say, will be represented in
different ways in different systems.

“It is imperative to
have a proper
understanding of
F or all businesses operating in investment
markets today, it is imperative to have a
proper understanding of counterparty ex-
Such a departmentalised approach to ap-
plication systems architecture can result in
posures. Managers at investment firms need huge complexity. This in turn obstructs the
regular and frequent supply of such infor- creation of a consolidated view, which would
mation as well as the ability to obtain snap- necessitate understanding the different
shots on demand, accurate to the second. Yet data sets involved, then extracting, filtering,
obtaining this is not always straightforward. manipulating, reconciling and formatting
For example, in recent months we at Sim- data from each to arrive at the required
Corp have spoken with several prospective report. Attempting to obtain a comprehen-
customers unable to obtain comprehensive sive understanding of exposure to a coun-
analysis of exposures for days or even weeks terparty across asset classes as diverse as,
after a counterparty has signalled trouble. It say, equities, fixed income, cash, exchange-
is hard to manage a problem when its scope traded and OTC derivatives, exemplifies well
cannot be determined. how a fragmented architecture can hamper
So how is it that such apparently basic an organisation’s ability to operate effec-
information can be so hard to find? In the tively. Furthermore, because of all the steps

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Investor Services Journal | DataSe rvicesMar ketGu ide2 010

Monitoring Exposure

“Obtaining even means that there is only one instance of any

data in the system, so one definition for
complex analyses does each security, one record of any trade,
position, account and so on. All users use
not require pulling exactly the same physical data, rather than
data from multiple, their own department’s private version.
And since users use the same system, all
disparate sources and asset classes are handled in the same
database and all reporting is driven from
massaging it into a it too.
consistent form” The result is that obtaining even complex
analyses does not require pulling data from
involved, it would be impossible to obtain multiple, disparate sources and massaging
a consolidated view accurate to the second, it into a consistent form. Rather, it involves
even if all the processes required were identi- using standard reporting tools to query
fied and built in advance of the need arising. the database, which, if it is a modern,
One way to resolve this problem, at least widely used platform, will have its structures
partially, could be to utilise a data ware- clearly and openly defined for easy
house. Typically this would be fed from all extraction.
relevant systems on a pre-defined frequency, To the uninitiated, particularly anyone
depending upon the specific data involved, working in an investment management
and then interrogated as necessary. However, business where a highly fragmented systems
the success of such a solution for consoli- architecture exists, a seamless processing
dated reporting of counterparty exposures approach may sound almost too good to
depends upon several things. One of these be true. However, at the same time as those
is that the designers of the data warehouse investment organisations mentioned above
must have accurately predicted what data were taking days and weeks to identify
will be required in a given, possibly urgent consolidated counterparty exposure, users
situation in the future - ie, that of all the data of seamless processing systems were
in the enterprise, the data required at any deriving the same information in seconds,
moment is included among the data actually where such reports were predefined, and
stored. Another is that if it is updated on a in no more than a few hours, where new
periodic basis, even if that is daily or intra- reports had to be created from scratch.
day, a data warehouse cannot offer up-to- Furthermore, as all users access the exact
the-second accuracy. Time delays are in-built same physical set of data, there are no time
into the approach, as a series of sequential delays in data being refreshed and all data
processing steps must be involved, by which in the system, and thus all reports, are as
time positions may have moved. up to date as anyone, anywhere across the
A better solution, indeed the only kind enterprise knows. n
that can provide an accurate up-to-the-
second view, is to use a seamless process- John Mayr is responsible for marketing and
ing system across the organisation. Such a partner development at SimCorp. The compa-
system offers comprehensive functionality ny’s investment management system, SimCorp
to support each aspect of the operation, Dimension, is a powerful and comprehen-
so to each department it appears that they sive system with a combination of seamless
have their own system. However, the whole processing, broad instrument coverage and a
operates around a single core database. This wide range of tools to support all aspects of the

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Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010


The outsourcing phenomenon

If you can’t beat ‘em, employ through subsets of entities with absolute
‘em. More financial institutions clarity. These attributes can be difficult
to reconcile within a working solution
are outsourcing their back office implemented or managed in-house and
processes to a third part specialist. analyst house Gartner has warned about
Pramod Gupta, head of financial the significant incidences of failed MDM
deployments. As a result, outsourcing some
services product engineering at or all of the deployment and management of
HCL Technologies, explains the MDM to specialists is becoming an option
issues surrounding Master Data that many institutions are turning to.
MDM is typically applied to entities,
Management. such as customer data integration or

I n the investment management industry,

Master Data Management (MDM) is
expected to be sophisticated enough to
product information management,
which are of critical importance to the
operation and success of an organisation.
handle the market’s ‘difficult to understand’ A MDM solution will have some means for
products and myriad stakeholder cleansing and aggregating incoming data
relationships; while at the same time be (ETL tools), and data models for storing
simple enough for decision makers to see the cleansed, golden copy, along with

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support mechanisms such as distribution,

auditing and certification. In even the
“Good MDM solutions
simplest financial institution, these tasks work to make sure that
will be complex and likely to be beyond the
available resources or operationally desired applications and data
competency of an in-house IT function.
In capital markets, MDM applies to
sources work to make an
entities such as counterparties, instruments, institution more
accounts, trades and positions, and
venues. Some of these entities are more knowledgeable”
complex because of lack of standardisation the point, taken up by institutions.
across the industry and the wide variety At one end of the outsourced MDM
of compliance considerations that model, a custom built (or customised ‘off
need to be taken into account - for the shelf ’ solution) is installed in client
example, the MiFID regulation, which premises, with ongoing management
requires client details to be immediately provided by consultants locally or remotely.
accessible. The massive amount of data With this option, not only is the master
in a typical financial institution, together data still residing within the client’s
with these complex data-governance perimeter but they could also retain the
requirements, reinforces the position that associated solution IP. At the other end of
successful MDM is a specialist field. the spectrum, a packaged MDM product
MDM is increasing in importance is installed at the vendor’s site to provide
in capital markets because so many ASP access to clients. There are many
business applications (for example, risk combination and further options between
management, FOMS and Corporate these two extremes. What they have in
Actions etc) are dependent on consistent common is offering financial institutions
and reliable data. A typical financial the flexibility to secure the benefits of
institution has a number of incoming MDM in the way that suits them best.
sources (for example, Bloomberg, Reuters MDM solutions allow institutions
or Hoovers) and a number of outward to easily manage and understand what
destinations (downstream applications, would in former days be a dizzying array
compliance or analytics). Good MDM of information. Gartner has suggested
solutions ensure that these applications and that by 2012, MDM will lead to a 60%
data sources work to make an institution reduction in all costs associated with the
more knowledgeable, rather than more elimination of redundant master data.
confused, but aren’t easy to implement. However the analyst firm has warned
Because of the non-standard nature of that, due to the lack of a sufficiently
MDM, a certain amount of consultancy business-oriented approach, appropriate
is always required. However, given the governance and accompanying metrics
ongoing complexity we’ve referred to, structure, 30% of MDM programs will
options have been developed by vendors fail. This message is clear; institutions
that go beyond helping with the initial need successful MDM deployments.
deployment and maintenance. Various levels Outsourcing to specialist vendors is a very
of outsourcing, with infrastructure, IP and good way to make sure that happens. n
master data being held variously either by
the vendor, client or combination of both, Pramod Gupta, head of financial services
are now regularly offered and, more’s to product engineering at HCL Technologies

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Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010

Merger Update

Merger Update: A Restructuring Case Study

Fiserv’s acquisition of CheckFree is

a key example of how post-trade
A fter concluding the acquisition of
CheckFree in December 2007, Fiserv
developed a new market approach and
services may need to be realigned brand identity. Where previously the
to better suit the client’s needs company had 77 units over the organisation,
and acted more like a holding company,
there is now a focus on Fiserv and,
underneath, two major divisions. “We

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Merger Update

identified the core competencies across The scrutiny of operations will extend
Fiserv and came up with five: processing to an analysis of the widening book
services, payments, risk and compliance, of asset classes being traded, Harries
customer and general management and believes, particularly those exchanged
business intelligence and optimisation,” says over the counter. “What we’ve seen is to
Harries. “Identifying those key competences diversify the port out of the mainstream
allowed us to establish and consolidate portfolio out of the mainstream equities
around a vision of Fiserv rather than each and bonds, foreign exchange and to
business unit having its own vision.” incorporate a wider asset class coverage.”
This realignment has included some neat In this space, Fiserv offers a post-trade
footwork in rearranging certain areas of lifecycle system, from confirmation to
business. An example of this was a business settlement. Derivatives, as contracts with
unit called Interactive Technologies, which often multiple variables, require a greater
was part of the Fiserv company. This degree of ‘event management’ during
was moved into the CheckFree investor this time period than equities, including
services division, as, according to Harries, the teminination of novations and the
it had closer synergies with the needs of amendments of existing positions. It
existing clients. “We found there were lots is, he says, “a hot topic in the industry
of mutual clients in terms of the asset to ensure people have the capabilities
managers and custodians which we had to manage the increasing volumes”.
relationships with and it made sense to Often, trading firms will work from a
better service them by bringing them cetralised platform – such as Omgeo’s equity
under the investor services umbrella.” matching, or DTCC’s Derivserv – and Fiserv
Multiple challenges now present works with them. “We give investment
themselves to solution providers such as managers the capability to be able to
Fiserv, spurred by the wider tremors in connect to these platforms, to interoperate
the financial market. Greater transparency with diff platforms and manage their book
is demanded of banks along with a more of business across diff asset classes which
thorough understanding of its middle naturally goes over many platforms.”
and back office. At the same time, staff This post trade system has been
levels are declining. Solution providers increasingly used by asset servicing firms to
can help on both scores. “Firms need to help them offer outsourcing services. Harries
have the operational capability in place says Fiserv supplies to “seven out of the
because they’re being challenged more top ten” asset servicing providers. Harries
often to prove they have the processes explains that the end client, on the other
and risk mitigation strategies in place.” side of the asset servicer, either people don’t
“The other thing high on the agenda want to have those function in-house, seeing
is being able to do the same or more themselves as money managers, or there’s a
work for less people. To do that you skills gap. Some firms may also outsource by
need something which improves your asset class, he adds. “So while they might be
operational efficiency and many of the happy to run their equity operations, they
solutions in investor services are targeted may not want to run their derivative. So
at reducing operational risk and increasing they may not outsource everything; it may
operational efficiency. So the current market be a particular asset class or capability.” n
climate allows us to position our solutions
better and get those particular aspects Geoff Harries is vice president
people need for those requirements.” of product strategy at Fiserv.

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Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010

New Architecture

New architecture in light of regulation

Regulatory compliance has had, and will continue to have an effect on the
IT spending by financial institutions

T he Financial Services Authority

(FSA) recently demanded that
banks spend nearly GBP1 billion on IT
divisions which may even use systems
that are unable to speak to one another.
As a result, many institutions are not
upgrades as part of an extensive overhaul in a position to currently facilitate this
of the Financial Services Compensation single view. However, there are steps that
Scheme (FSCS) – which insures can be taken today that will position
individual savings accounts worth up to companies to prepare for the ‘single view’
GBP50,000 in the event of a collapse. that will be required in the future.
The proposed investment is designed In the context of existing compliance
to ensure that banks will be equipped laws such as Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) and the
to provide a full list of each customer’s Data Protection Act, the FSA’s proposals
deposits within two days of a potential underscore the need to invest in data
collapse, thus ensuring savers can be systems that accurately record and structure
reimbursed by the FSCS within one data so it can be accessed in real-time for
week. The central idea is the creation of a compliance reports. A research report
‘single view’ of each customer where all recently commissioned by DataFlux, a
information – mortgages, savings, credit leader in data quality and data integration
cards – fully accessible and in one place. technology, and conducted by BDRC, an
While this is certainly a admirable goal for independent research company specializing
the future, in today’s world, the information in the UK financial services sector, points
is likely to be spread across multiple to a developing trend of new regulation.

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Investor Services Journal | DataSe rvicesMar ketGu ide2 010

New Architecture
The report revealed that 91% of financial data are far-reaching. It is a key enterprise
institutions surveyed expect further asset – not only in terms of compliance
regulation in the near future with particular but also in providing crucial information
focus on security, accuracy and quality of to facilitate targeted sales. Without the
data: “It is going to be ID fraud mainly and single view that the FSA is pushing for,
continued maintenance in order to keep data banks often miss opportunities to provide
as accurate as possible. Also making sure personally tailored help and advice, or
customers’ information is as up-to-date and worse, approach the wrong customer with
accurate as possible in order for customers to the wrong advice and further damage
have confidence in what we hold is correct.” their customer relationships. Data also
– Verbatim response, Data Quality Manager enables revenue generation. The UK
commenting on data challenges in 2009. Financial Services Sector, for example,
In such a climate it is vital that sells on average just 2.5 financial products
financial institutions equip themselves to each customer. This is below European
appropriately to handle their data. The and US levels and demonstrates the need
same survey pointed out that although for improved cross-selling of products.
73% of respondents cite compliance If financial institutions are prepared
as the primary motive for investment to spend time and money on bringing
in data management, meaning that IT systems in line with FSA demands
its importance is central to the legal they will gain a significant competitive
success of the bank, the responsibility for edge over those whose approach remains
maintaining data quality is often scattered stilted. They will breed confidence within
across departments –16% of institutions their current customer base through the
surveyed didn’t assign responsibility at knowledge that the FSCS will be able to
all. Where there is no direct responsibility reimburse them within a week. This aim
held for managing data quality, it is resonates with the challenges our survey
difficult to be hand on heart compliant. respondents are preparing for over the
Financial institutions are facing a tough next 12 months: “I would say security of
climate and are eager to rein in spending and data is key. If you can hold data securely
maintain existing capital – but data really you’ll be trusted by clients otherwise
should be an area that attracts investment. you’ll lose clients on the basis of trust”. –
Clean, accurate data is an invaluable Verbatim response, Data Quality Manager
strategic asset and should be treated as commenting on data challenges in 2009.
such rather than being allowed to degrade Good quality data can be used to identify
and develop into a liability. In order to business risk or for business intelligence
prevent data becoming a liability banks analysis. All these benefits occur as valuable
must ensure it is trustworthy. This requires side effects of compliance with the FSA
a comprehensive data governance scheme. proposals. In addition, and perhaps most
The aforementioned report found that importantly, with animosity towards
whilst 45% of companies had either already banks at a high and confidence at a low,
implemented or were in the process of data that is accurate and accessible may
implementing a data governance project, enable banks to begin to rebuild trust in
most encouragingly, a further 19% were increasingly fragile customer relationships.
considering it. For data governance to It is likely to prove a sound investment. n
be effective, it requires a combination
of people, processes and technology. Colin Rickard, Managing Director,
The benefits of accurate and accessible North & West Europe, DataFlux

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Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010
Panel Debate

The 2009 Panel Debate

MARTIJN GROOT: Director of

market strategyr, Asset Control

COLIN RICKARD: managing director, west and North Europe,

DataFlux. Colin has15 years experience in the construction
and implementation of Data Warehouses, CRM systems and
Managed Services in both the UK and US markets.

GERT RAEVES: head of marketing

and business solutions, GoldenSource


business lines director, Interactive Data

RICHARD STUMM: vice president, Business

Development, Broadridge Financial Solutons


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Investor Services Journal | DataSe rvicesMar ketGu ide2 010
Panel Debate

1.Research shows a prospective decline turmoil shows that a clear and consistent
this year in the amount hedge funds, as understanding of critical investment data
one investment vehicle, will be spending is vital and no longer just a luxury.
on information technology. How can you
maintain and grow business volumes The good news is that data management
on your side when cutting cost – even can be applied to the targeted areas that
in middle and back office departments firms want and, in many cases, need to
that needs the best data – is to occur? improve immediately without stepping into
the “big vision” EDM projects that may
GROOT: Hedge funds’ assets under be too ambitious this year. This includes
management (AUM) are taking a hit counterparty credit risk monitoring, pricing
due to redemptions and declining asset and valuation processes for common
values. Since their revenue model is based equities as well as for OTC derivatives, and
on AUM, funding for any project will be front-end corporate actions automation. All
harder to find. On the other hand, hedge of these are difficult to accomplish without a
fund strategies that do not depend on sound data management structure in place.
leverage will survive and some hedge funds It is also the case that data management
will prosper from the current turmoil. practices are in need of improvement
Those hedge funds that are in a position worldwide. While the New York/London
to exploit the opportunities that the axis has taken on much of the post-
current low valuations bring will do well. turmoil impact, we have been doing very
brisk business in Central Europe, Asia,
RICKARD: Although overall IT spend is and Africa in 2008. EDM has gone global
predicted to fall, investment in data quality is – and as a supplier to that market we
very strong at the moment. This is primarily follow that interest wherever it occurs.
due to two trends that have recently
emerged: firstly, companies have shown an CUMBERBATCH: While there will be
increased interest in data risk mitigation, a desire within financial services firms
as they realise that data risk is a business to cut costs in today’s difficult business
risk. For example, the ability to spot risky environment, the reality is that the fall out
loans depends on accurate, real-time data. from the credit crunch demands firms invest
Secondly, we’ve seen banks realise that data selectively in more data services rather than
investment has a very short payback period less. While the overall budget may be under
and a sound financial case – it’s cheaper to siege, firms are more likely to have to re-
standardise databases through consolidation allocate existing budget to those data services
than to keep paying for the maintenance that meet new business requirements
of disparate, outdated legacy systems. rather than deploy a static spend.
There are a number of areas that will
RAEVES: There are strong competing require financial services firms to reassess
and mutually exclusive forces at work in how they will deploy their information
the market. On one hand, the ongoing fight spend over the coming year. International
for survival means that many individual regulators have identified shortcomings in
firms and - in the case of the hedge fund liquidity risk management practices, not
industry - entire market segments have little least in the application of stress testing
room left for any initiative that does not under extreme liquidity events. Liquidity
have an immediate impact on the bottom risk management is now high on the
line. On the other hand, the ongoing market regulators’ agenda and is fast becoming

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Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010
Panel Debate

a key issue for investment firms. Firms FIMA conference was the growth in
will have to be able to collate, on an vendors with a mutual client collaborating,
‘on-demand’ basis, a wide range of data with Omgeo, SWIFT and others cited as
relevant to all assets, liabilities, contingent examples. Is this an area that you believe
assets/liabilities, derivatives positions will grow as security and risk management
and other off-balance sheet activities. become the top two issues for these banks?
Counterparty risk monitoring has also
become a significant part of overall business GROOT: This will certainly grow as
operations. One of the major drivers there are many vendors looking to expand
for heightened attention to managing business opportunity in a shallower
counterparty risk is that financial services pool. In some cases, more structural
firms – be they hedge funds, asset managers partnerships that offer complementary
or sell side institutions – need to avoid services will emerge and some of these
the negative impact on a firm’s operations may lead to industry consolidation.
should a key counterparty default on Ultimately, it is the customers who
their obligations. At the same time the will decide which partnerships bring
volatility and the lack of liquidity in the lasting value and which do not.
markets has contributed to the demand
for independent evaluations of a wide RICKARD: Certainly – DataFlux is
range of securities as financial institutions partnering with data content providers
are seeking information to help ensure where relevant, and we work regularly with
that they can effectively value their wide- systems integrators on large projects.
ranging, often complex, portfolios.
So while budgets will be under pressure, RAEVES: People want to share risk more
there is a compelling need for data sets than ever, so all forms of shared governance
addressing key business issues such as and mutualisation have obvious attractions
business entity data for counterparty risk to an industry looking for mitigation. Yes,
management, independent evaluations there will be a growing desire to explore the
– particularly for ‘hard-to-value’ assets potential for utility infrastructures for data
– combined with analytics to help management, but this will likely remain
clients manage the required content an intellectual/political debate for the
required for investment applications, time being. Collaborative efforts are often
as well as meet regulatory requirements preceded by years of development; SWIFT
to facilitate risk management. and OMGEO, for example, have been
building their communities for decades.
STUMM: We believe that a managed
service is the most cost-effective solution CUMBERBATCH: At Interactive Data,
for any firm. As firms look to spend wisely, we have a track record of working with
we believe that firms can save money other vendors and service providers to
by moving commoditised functions to help them to address problems and to
a qualified provider that has the proven develop opportunities. Interactive Data has
ability to support their growth objectives. partnered with numerous firms to bring to
Firms can, therefore, spend their precious market innovative new services including
IT dollars on those things that will our award-winning ISO 15022 corporate
differentiate them in the marketplace. actions and class actions data. Working
with software vendors, we aim to ensure
2. One subject of discussion at last year’s that our data not only flows seamlessly

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Panel Debate

into these third party applications, but also firms, there are strategic considerations
that the data is correctly represented in as to whether they want to do all of the
these applications, thus helping to reduce data management in-house. In this case
the risks and timescales for firms wishing it will depend on whether they view
to implement an automated solution data management as a value-add to their
for corporate actions processing and service offerings, which also depends on
aiming to reduce their operational risk. their product, volume and geography
In the business entity arena, Interactive mix. For some financial institutions in
Data formed alliances with Avox and the asset servicing and custody world, the
CounterpartyLink to provide business ability to construct added data services
entity data services designed to help firms is a core part of their businesses.
manage counterparty risk and to comply
with new financial market regulations such RICKARD: The obvious factor in the
as UCITS III, Basel II/Capital Requirements outsourced vs. in-house data management
Directive (CRD) and MiFID. Our credit debate is one of cost, but the factor of
default swap (CDS) valuation service was control must also be considered. Obviously,
developed through our strategic alliance it costs more to outsource data, and
with Markit Group Limited and our recent companies will also have less control over
exclusive agreement with Prism Valuation outsourced data than if they managed it
enables us to offer clients valuations of internally. We also typically see that the
highly complex OTC derivatives and people who have the clearest ideas around
structured products as part of our wide- how to organise and control data are the
ranging pricing and evaluation services. people within the companies who work
most closely with the databases. In these
STUMM: We believe that strategic cases all the expertise is in-house so it
partnerships can help to solve industry needs makes sense to use that expertise to your
in a timely fashion. The Broadridge Global business’s advantage. We use the terms
Reference Data Solution (GRDS) is, in fact, ‘undisciplined’, ‘reactive’, ‘proactive’ and
a joining of forces to provide a solution ‘governed’ to describe how mature a
that includes Broadridge, GoldenSource company’s data strategy is. For a less mature,
and IBM. It is important to choose the or ‘reactive’ organisation, outsourcing may
right partners and, in the case of our GRDS be the best short-term solution, at least
offering, firms that are best-of-breed in until their business formulates a more
financial services outsourcing, enterprise sophisticated data governance programme.
data management and systems integration.
RAEVES: In theory, everyone likes the
3. Is the choice between outsourcing idea of outsourcing data management. Most
much of the data management to external firms rely upon similar or same sets of data
providers, and developing a system in- from the usual providers and much of this
house, a matter of the size of institution? data is not proprietary nor offers immediate
What other factor might be involved? competitive benefits. With such a sizeable
amount of common data, it is only natural
GROOT: Firms outsource for different that people ask “why are we all doing the
reasons and it is not purely a matter of same thing in our own shops, when we
size. Small firms often outsource because could just connect to a shared service?”
they do not want to carry the full cost The big problem is the lack of precedent.
of an infrastructure. In the case of large There are hardly any examples of successful

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Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010
Panel Debate

“It is only natural for quality still lies with the firm.

to ask: ‘why are we doing While it is alluring for the day-to-day

the same things in our problems of data management to be
outsourced, organisations need to determine
shops when we could just who defines the client and product
descriptions; who knows of the correct
connect to a shared relationship between client, counterparty
service?” and organisation; who resolves the conflicts
among these data sources, and more
importantly, who owns the data? Settling
Gert Raeves, GoldenSource
data governance policies and practices is an
enormous, corporate-wide undertaking.
outsourcing of reference data, often Without business involvement in
because providers did not always have the data management, the project can
right pedigree or architecture in place. often be doomed from the start.
GoldenSource chose to partner with Unlike other IT issues related to data
Broadridge to offer a managed data service management, data and its management
precisely because they had the proven track are not merely infrastructure. The business
record and infrastructure necessary to impact of data is direct and its monetary
deliver our platform to a global client base. benefits are measurable. Given that the
2009 will be an interesting year for language of business is not the language
outsourcing providers, as more firms of data management, the challenge lies
than ever before are being ordered in translating how data management
by boards and investors to shed non- should create clear business benefits.
core activities. The question to me
remains if managing data can ever be STUMM: The outsourcing versus in-
considered “non-core” in our industry? house question is not related to the size
of the institution. It is more related to
CUMBERBATCH: A number of solving a business need that is driving a
factors can determine whether a line of business to adopt a high-quality and
financial services firm will look to cost-effective solution. Another factor is
either buy a data management system, firms being cautious about outsourcing the
build their own internally or look data related to proprietary information.
to outsource to a third party. We feel that with the right provider
In considering outsourcing, financial such as Broadridge, which is ISO27001
institutions need to look at their own certified, a firm can actually achieve the
specific circumstances when weighing up the goal of enterprise data governance by
advantages of working with an external data utilising a single outsourced provider.
management provider. Outsourcing entails
replacing internal staff and processes with 4. Information is only one component
more effective external staff and processes. of knowledge, hence the argument for
However, before undertaking what can sufficient data ‘quality’. But where can
be a complex business relationship with line be drawn between receiving multiple
a third party, firms need to understand data feeds to-for example - assess a
that while the day-to-day management of counterparty and its products, and
data is with a third party, responsibility simply having too much information?

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Investor Services Journal | DataSe rvicesMar ketGu ide2 010
Panel Debate

GROOT: Having multiple feeds brings

benefits in terms of independence, quality
“While day-to-day
improvement by being able to cross- management of data is
compare data products, and complementary
strengths in geographies, products and with a third-party,
business continuity. When adding additional
feeds, firms have to ascertain whether the
responsibility for
information is going to be used on a regular quality still lies with
basis – such as a basis for golden copy, as
an additional check to validate data, or as
the firm”
a unique, additional information source.
Bob Cumberbatch, Interactive Data
Institutions that centralise incoming data
feeds tend to do more with them in terms
of cross-comparison, quality checking size fits all” data management model.
and feed integration. In addition, they Achieving this is simpler than it
are in a better position to insulate their sounds, as smart routing, filtering,
applications from often frequent vendor request-based processing have all
changes to provide greater continuity. In become standard in a post-middleware
turn, centralisation also highlights unused service-oriented architecture.
data assets, which can help organisations
to assess usage and gain efficiencies. CUMBERBATCH: Data quality is not
a single metric and not all data is created
RICKARD: All data is useless, no equal. When looking at a low latency feed
matter how great or small the quantity, the requirement is all about speed, while
if it is not organised properly or cannot for front office trading purposes details
be trusted. Businesses are nearly always about a bond may only require a minimum
data-rich in terms of quantity, but when subset of the available attributes, such as
it comes to quality, the problems around name and coupon rate, but will need much
accuracy can leave a company without greater details for settlement in the back
a true picture of what is going on. office. There are a number of dimensions
Organisations need the correct data quality such as accuracy, timeliness, completeness
processes to ensure reports provided from and reliability, which need to be considered
business intelligence (BI) systems can be when talking about data quality. The first
relied upon to provide the appropriate thing to understand is what data – the
information to senior decision-makers. building block for information – is needed
for what purpose and to qualify a trusted
RAEVES: Only the data consumer can be data supplier for that data. Where no
the judge of that. In this context, the level single provider can supply all the required
of control and configuration that a data data then a combination can be created
management solution offers becomes a from multiple suppliers. Indeed, financial
crucial differentiator. If necessary and right services firms often have to have at least two
for the business, the solution has to be able independent sources of data to help ensure
to support an avalanche of data. In addition, accurate and reasonable portfolio values.
the filtering and selection of data needs to be
simple to allow a business user to fine tune In today’s risk and regulatory
the flow of data to suit his/her information environment, firms need to be able to
requirement. No business will allow a “one seamlessly compare any differences in data

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Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010
Panel Debate

“The ability to spot the data is consumed in the trade lifecycle

(pre-trade and research, execution, clearing
risky loans relies on & settlement, risk management, asset
accurate, real-time servicing, financial reporting, etc.). The first
step towards quality and a precondition to
data” measuring any quality level is establishing a
common nomenclature to ensure everybody
Colin Rickard, DataFlux is on the same page and can compare apples
to apples. Metrics drawn from, for example,
between vendors. Therefore rather than ‘too the world of supply chain management
much’ information, a clear understanding that highlights quality issues and potential
of what data is required for what purpose operational risks, can follow from that.
can enable users to purchase the data
they need rather than over subscribe. RICKARD: The industry is already
there. In fact, the technology exists today
STUMM: We believe the key is having at to monitor and report on the accuracy
least two points of reference for comparison of data over time. Financial services
purposes. By simply having a point of organisations should be asking themselves
comparison, you can begin to evaluate if they are treating data like other important
quality in a proactive manner. Otherwise, corporate assets and reporting on it at the
the lack of quality is found after the board level. There are two types of metrics
damage has been done. The other point that can be used to measure this – direct
to be considered is automation. Having return on investment (ROI) and the
the ability to take in multiple sources of lesser-used “is my data quality improving
information and to compare and contrast over time?” question. The importance
them in an automated fashion, will allow of ROI has been demonstrated when an
you to make intelligent decisions as to who organisation knows how much it’s saved
the appropriate sources are, and will enable on procurement through having a single
you to get the highest quality data. Without view of its supplier data or how much
automation, this critical comparative process has been saved in labour costs due to the
can seem like “too much information.” automation of the data quality function.
However, organisations also need to be
5.How far is the data management asking “is my data quality improving over
world from metrics that will thoroughly time?”. It’s through ongoing data monitoring
measure the effectiveness and quality that organisations can see whether a data
of enterprise data management? quality implementation is aiding their
business; for example, can they see that
GROOT: There have been some efforts their customer address database contains
around constructing a “data quality index” 30% less inaccuracies than a month ago?
to provide a snapshot of overall quality. The It’s important to remember that there
trouble is, one would need to know that is no ‘once and done’ formula for a data
something is wrong. In addition, different quality programme – the system needs to
stakeholders have differing points of view be constantly measured to ensure bad data
on quality aspects such as speed, accuracy, doesn’t sneak back in and to ensure your
completeness, transparency and auditability, business rules are operating efficiently.
which complicate matters. Requirements Business rules can always be modified
on data quality differ depending on where to fit changing priorities – they can be

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Investor Services Journal | DataSe rvicesMar ketGu ide2 010
Panel Debate

aligned against regulatory requirements, higher budgets towards data management

for example, but you’ll never know how in tomorrow’s financial institutions?
to fit your data to your requirements
unless you look at the metrics. GROOT: Budgets can either be set at a
departmental level for “local” projects or can
RAEVES: The industry as a whole be raised through a “data tax” across profit
is pretty far away from a common or centers, such as an overhead charged as a
agreed set of metrics, as there is no such fixed percentage or based on actual usage.
thing as a generic business case for data Metrics on data quality will help justify
management. Firms start on these projects and allocate budgets to specific areas, while
for very different reasons and it is often metrics on usage and value-add of specific
a case of comparing apples and pears data sources will help allocate cost. The
when people share their experiences on current turmoil in the financial services
funding and ROI for data projects. industry will speed up consolidation within
Individual firms, however, have asset management and banking, which in
become much more adept at creating some areas is still quite fragmented. With
data management business cases mergers and acquisitions comes integration
by understanding the many impact and the need for a scalable information
sites and stakeholders that need to infrastructure, serving as the only basis on
be included from an ROI aspect. which synergies and cost savings can be
made. In this case, metrics can also help.
CUMBERBATCH: While some progress
has been made in developing metrics for RICKARD: Central to setting metrics and
data management, there tends to be a focus building a case for increased investment in
on technology rather than the business data management is starting the process
value of the data. Organisations can often with a thorough audit of an organisation’s
suffer from bad data for reasons that have data at the outset. It is impossible to show
nothing to do with technology. Among the improvement and benchmark progress
causes of poor-quality data are inaccurate without this step being done properly.
reporting, internal discrepancies over Using this information, organisations can
which data is appropriate and incorrect prove how investments in data quality are
definitions rendering the data unusable. improving key performance indicators
Improving the quality of their data requires (KPIs), helping to demonstrate the business
them to address any internal discrepancies case for data governance. ROI metrics
and broken processes. Staff must agree are particularly useful for those in a bank
on exactly what constitutes a ’customer’ that are responsible for data governance
or a ‘counterparty’ and how to resolve projects. Demonstrating a quick ROI for a
any discrepancies across business units. smaller tactical project can often help data
Departments and divisions need to agree professionals to gain funding to roll out
on hierarchies of customers and products wider schemes across the whole group.
and how to resolve duplicate records across Banks should plan a two-pronged
sources. Rather than a technology-focused approach to their IT finances, looking
effort, metrics need to be developed that firstly at their compliance needs and taking
address the business value of data. into account an emerging trend for more
regulation in the financial sector. The
6. How will these metrics help the ‘case’ FSA, for example, has recently announced
for a more detailed consideration and proposals to ensure banks can provide up-

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Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010
Panel Debate

“With mergers and management projects because they can

more easily reach across business lines and
acquisitions comes identify shared data as a corporate asset.

integration and the CUMBERBATCH: The key consideration

need for a scaleable is for metrics that show data to be accurate,
consistent, timely and comprehensive, which
information ensures trust and confidence that the data is
fit for purpose. Demonstrating that key core
infrastructure” data is fit for purpose from trusted suppliers
is the essential component in building
Martijn Groot, Asset Control the business case for a data management
budget. For the business, improvements
to-date information both on their customers in data quality are all about improving
and to their customers in respect of the business performance, enhancing customer
FSCS (Financial Services Compensation experience, reducing operational costs and
Scheme). The thinking behind this move is helping to ensure regulatory compliance.
that in the event of a bank failing, the high
accuracy of its data would enable rapid “Firms can save
payment of compensation to savers, which
in turn will drive confidence in the banks. money by moving
Existing issues such as international watch
lists must also be considered. Compliant
organisations are those with trustworthy, functions to a
accurate data. The second ‘prong’ is to
examine how you can cut back-office costs qualified provider”
– a good example is call resolution in the
customer call centre. A customer query
answered in one call not only makes the Richard Stumm, Broadridge
customer happy, it also saves the operator’s
time and saves the organisation money. STUMM: It may not be metrics
This kind of lateral thinking is one way that drives higher budgets in the data
that banks can instigate successful and management space. It is more likely to
shrewd data governance programmes. be a necessity in meeting a firm’s risk
management and reporting requirements.n
RAEVES: It is impossible to generalise
about business case and ROI. Building a
successful business case means asking a lot
of questions; unfortunately, the answers will
always be different for each institution.
I would suggest the challenge is getting
the right people behind the business case
rather than proving it through metrics. If
a potential project is driven from a group
of data management specialists or IT staff,
it can be a struggle. We have seen more
success when CROs and CFOs support data

DSMG 2009 22-48 b.indd 30 16/04/2009 13:18 GSL Su

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DSMG Lend4Liq_148_210.indd
2009 22-48 b.indd 31 1 16/04/2009 13:18
16/04/2009 10:38
Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010

Data - bettering the bottom line

Andreas Glatter (pictured right) at Ecofin explains the cost argument for
centralising data and improving accuracy

1 Price Impact of Correct

and Centralised Data
electronic format. This is particularly true for
reference data (data describing the nature of
financial instruments and the environment
1.1Automation Projects and Data Projects they are traded in). Without correct data
automation projects will simply fail.
Prices of services in the financial industry Investments on automation projects
depend on production cost and volume. Lower usually don’t pay, if they have to finance an
prices can only be reached by higher volumes asso-ciated data management project. If not
and less cost. Increasing volume requires all automation projects are to fail due to
a higher degree of automation. Therefore un-availability of data or due to the inability
investments in automation are re-quired in to support an associated data management
most cases in order to lower prices of services. project, the decision on data management
It is obvious that automation critically projects needs to be separated from the de-
depends on the availability of accurate data in cision on individual projects using the data.

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Investor Services Journal | DataSe rvicesMar ketGu ide2 010

1.2 Data Centralisation

As a consequence data management
projects are only likely to be justified
if data is centralised and serves a large
number of other projects and applications.
Centralisation in data management
is desirable for other reasons too:
• Centralisation lowers the costs of
data acquisition and data
maintenance since infrastructure
and man power is required only once,
• Centralisation increases the bargaining
power in negotiations with suppliers
and tends to lower the price of data, “Centralisation lowers
• Centralisation lowers the
number of interfaces required, the cost of data
• Centralisation ensures consistency
of data across all appliances
acquisition and
Decisions on data management projects maintenance since
require a strategic view on where the
institution should go in terms of services infrastructure and man
provided, risks associated with the services, power is only required
flexibility of the offering etc. and what data
will be required to support all aspects of the once”
operation. Management needs to be aware
that the availability of the right data is cru- and operational flexibility and investments
cial to the future development of the firm. into the data management infrastructure.
Nobody can exactly tell the future value This is widely accepted in the area of
of data, but it should be obvious that future market data and for many projects in the
developments will require more data and past market data and little reference data
not less. Therefore, not the exact savings in was needed. Management now becomes
certain areas or other metrics are decisive, increasingly aware of that the same is true for
but the strategic perspective of the firm. reference data, since all more sophisticated
Management has to be aware that automation processes in the areas of securities
thorough data management processing, risk management or evalu-ated
• is crucial, prices increasingly need reference data.
• requires a complex infrastructure to
be built up and maintained over time 1.3 Outsourcing as Extension to
• and needs time to establish. the Centralisation Concept
The more flexibility is desired, the more If centralisation of data management
data is to be readily available. You only activities is the right answer for single
can decide to move into another business institu-tions the natural extension of the
area if you can make the necessary data centralization concept is outsourcing. Why
available in due time. This in turn requires an should all financial institutions make the
infrastructure capable to support such moves. same efforts to get the data right instead
Thus there is a correlation between strategic of pooling resources and get the same

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Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010

output for a fraction of the price? For all these reasons it is difficult to make
In a sense, data vendors have always been outsourcing successful in the area of data
acting as outsourcing partners to the finan- management. It is most likely that what data
cial community. In fact, several of today’s vendors provide is what can be achieved by
data vendors (eg, Telekurs) have explicitly outsourcing for a larger number of customers.
been created as an outsourcing project. To provide an intermediate level of
Today their clients face the same prob-lems service that will result in mutual benefits to
as clients of data vendors with different all parties involved is a challenging task.
backgrounds. So, if data vendors do not bring The same reasons making it difficult to
the solution, how could an intermediate outsource also make it difficult to centralize
layer between data vendors and user in- data management internally. This partly
stitutions can bring about a better solution? explains why firms organized in silos with
There are a number of problems specific largely independent hierarchies have much
to data management outsourcing that greater difficulties establishing a central data
have to be overcome in order to make management than others. It also explains
outsourcing projects successful: why never all data is centralized in an
• First, it is very hard to ensure data quality organisation and why local spreadsheets
without using the data. You have to see what and applications with proprietary data will
doesn’t work using the data in order to find out always coexist with centralized data. It is a
what is wrong with the data itself. Therefore constant challenge to decide what data is to
outsourcing projects in data management be centralized and what is to be kept locally.
should be accompanied by other outsourced
processes, e.g. corporate action processing,
evaluated prices projects or similar projects.
• Second, external data management
for multiple entities faces a dilemma:
developments will
−The external supplier tends to
provide the data a large number of
require more data
users are willing to pay for and neglect
data required only by a few users.
and not less”
−The supplier has no incentive to go beyond
what is stipulated in the SLA just because 1.4 Conclusion
a user urgently needs to solve a particular • Cutting prices of services will require
problem. On the other hand, for the user higher automation and more data. More data
it is critical to have the few data items right can be acquired best if data management
now – regard-less of what the SLA says. is centralized from a technological
Both effects tend to degrade the services standpoint and for cost reasons.
of each user institution, because the user • Centralisation has inherent problems that
services won’t get the right “finish” this way. can more easily be overcome internally than
• Third, requirements for additional data between independent organizations. Even
are usually easier communicated inter-nally in single hierarchy organizations centralized
than externally, because the decision chain data will always coexist with local data. The
is much shorter and does neither involve an challenge is to find the right balance.
external hierarchy nor a complex contractual • Outsourcing projects should
framework (even if inter-nal SLAs are in place). carefully identify the data suitable for
Since data management is a very dynamic outsourcing and continue to manage
issue, this is an important consideration. data internally which is not. n

DSMG 2009 22-48 b.indd 34 16/04/2009 13:18

Investor Services Journal | DataSe rvicesMar ketGu ide2 010

Time for Justin Wheatley, CEO of StatPro,

tracks the speed of change in the
SaaS? data and technology provision to
asset management, and identifies
the importance of Software-as-a-

T ime changes everything. What was once

state of the art becomes a cumbersome
nuisance at some point. The explosion of
of less importance that they run as well.
The result is that they have large IT teams,
complex processes and relatively high costs.
activity that occurred in the 1990s, when Some companies have tried to outsource
hundreds of small software companies the whole thing to a third party such as a
built applications to sell to asset managers, custodian or IT services provider. However,
allowed a big increase in efficiency. Processes there are many horror stories that warn this
that had taken weeks were reduced to is not a simple solution. In fact the rule of
hours or minutes. New processes that were thumb is that if your IT department works
impossible dreams became a reality. This well and efficiently, you can outsource it, but
was all possible because of Windows and if it is inefficient you can’t. The outsourcer
Visual Basic and the process was not unique cannot be expected to unravel your mess.
to asset managers but affected every business What has worked, however, is selective
sector. By comparison, the boom outsourcing. This typically means getting
did not reach the business community but the supplier of your system to host
was aimed at the retail market and when it their own application. This makes sense
busted prematurely, development slowed. as the supplier ought to know how to
Today the IT landscape of the asset support their own product and if they
management industry is one where any do this for all their clients, they can get
company of any size has 10 to 20 important economies of scale which a generalist
systems upon which they depend for a outsourcer cannot hope to achieve.
variety of essential services. The majority of
these systems are all provided as software The other factor is that Web 2.0 has
that is installed on the company’s own unleashed a new revolution in IT making it
servers in their own IT centre. They will possible for suppliers to provide ‘Software as
probably have many other applications a Service’ (SaaS) solutions over the Internet

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Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010

and with relatively low cost. Incumbent

suppliers are reluctant to adopt this new Not worth the
technology as they fear cannibalisation of
their existing business and because they gamble
calculate that such is the complexity of the David Stewart of Misys puts risk
processes that surround their embedded
systems, clients will be loathed to move management in context
anyway. That leaves the door open for
start-ups, but this generation have a much
bigger battle than the class of ’95 as the
standards and functionality they have to
match are significantly higher and the gains
in efficiency are less about time and volume
and more about money. Clients want the
same for less rather than more for the same.

“Clients need to evolve

in a sensible direction”
This is the thinking behind StatPro’s
own strategy. We believe that eventually
all our clients will want to access their
services over the web just in the way that
we all use email rather than a fax (or telex,
or telegram). Indeed, email is fast being
superseded by instant messaging. However,
we also recognise that clients cannot simply
throw everything out and start again, but
rather need to evolve in a sensible direction
according to a plan that has been tried and
tested. The last thing anyone wants to do
is jeopardise their business for the sake of
saving a relatively small amount of money.
This means that we have focused on
I n the wake of fraud at Société Générale,
it’s clear that risk management will
remain a front-and-centre issue for a
deploying new services and products considerable period of time. What few
that offer quick savings for clients whilst expected was that risk would assume so
moving them towards the strategic objective critical a position so soon – especially one
of low-cost web-based applications. that would stretch beyond the trading
Many asset managers must be thinking world and into the broader economy. If
about SaaS as a way to reduce their costs, Société Générale wasn’t enough of a call
but the obstacle they will encounter is the for a broad review of risk practices, then
complexity of getting there and doing so surely the current financial crisis must
for a wide number of applications.n be – whether that review is self-triggered
or, as is now increasingly likely, imposed.
Justin Wheatley The crisis, building on the implementation
Chief Executive StatPro Group plc of regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley, Basel

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Investor Services Journal | DataSe rvicesMar ketGu ide2 010
The Risk Management Challenge

II and others, is certainly changing the implemented technology. Organisational

playing field with regard to risk practices. support guarantees that when a system flags
The next wave of debate centres on which a problem, the individuals monitoring the
systems and processes are required to system understand their role in the risk
successfully capture and interpret critical process, and the warning is managed in time.
data that exposes fraudulent actions, and Interestingly, many measures
more importantly, potential for significant designed to mitigate risk have actually
losses. Some people feel technology is laid the foundation for heightened
the ultimate answer, while others feel risk in technology-enabled, high-
the systems in place are only as good as volume environments.
the people implementing and overseeing Traditionally, the three basic parts
them. This often leads to an inappropriate of an organisation – front, middle and
either-or: do we implement newer back office – have been segregated. This
systems (and how), or do we focus on the segregation was in fact a risk management
internal data management and control initiative designed to detach those who
processes? Instead, we should ask: does make investment decisions from those who
the “best practice” need to be better? had access to undisclosed data that could
The answer is yes – to both. Only a truly potentially influence investment measures.
holistic approach that provides transparency However, today’s technology has
across the entire organisation can provide evolved to a point that this approach no
a viable long-term solution to discovering longer mitigates risk, but in some cases,
and managing issues before they reach establishes an environment that enables it.
crisis level. This entails two items: first, a Technology-enabled trading environments
significant evaluation, or reevaluation, of drive increased volumes and introduce
internal monitoring processes, and second complexities in the products, which
of whether the control framework – often result in tremendous challenges for the
deployed as a series of point solutions middle and back offices, and stress the
coupled together by manual processes – organisation’s control framework. With
is effectively and properly integrated to the segregation of these functions, manual
quickly provide staff with a complete view. processes become the glue that holds the
If the events at Société Generale organisation together, and as a result,
underscored one point it is that an regardless of the individual capabilities, we
organisation can have some advanced risk have seen poor oversight and inefficiencies
management technologies in place, but in funneling data to control processes.
when the right information is not getting The solution is twofold. First of all, an
to the right person at the right time, results organisation must commit to a re-evaluation
can be disastrous. In terms of the broader of processes to ensure that risk is mitigated.
market meltdown, it is clear the drive for That commitment, on the ground level,
profits helped foster an environment where becomes operational in the form of ensuring
adherence to compliance became secondary. that control staff are senior enough to
Yet, in both cases, the primary challenge identify and proactively manage issues in
was culture and organisational focus. a fluid, ongoing and proactive manner.
The key is transparency into and across Second, it means that senior staff must take a
all business lines, between systems and hard look at organisation-specific exceptions
technology. A culture of compliance – such as number of reversals by junior
supports strict monitoring and ensures traders booking trades against internal
accountability in supporting any newly counterparties – as well as exceptions that

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Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010
The Risk Management Challenge

are relevant to the vast majority of trading industry and others fail. And finally, there
environments, including position limits, is the point where processes and systems,
exposures and other metrics that flag risk. people and machines, come together. This
Certainly technology is a crucial factor is certainly the key moment, because at that
in addressing risk. Tower Group predicted intersection the eventual success or failure
that global spending on risk management of the overall initiative is determined.
will reach USD24 billion in 2009 as The deployment of new systems can
financial institutions plan to address the – and should – be a natural ‘process
shortfalls in their risk management re-evaluation’ point for organisations. A
capabilities. Technology should be viewed strong monitoring, control and compliance
as a solution enabler and not a constraint. platform should be sufficiently adaptable
Adaptive and agile risk management to mould itself to an organisation’s
solutions exist today to enable a truly restrictions, policies, procedures. The
holistic and transparent approach that actual deployment of that solution then
allows the front, middle and back offices represents a tremendous opportunity for
to communicate effectively with each organisations to reevaluate the adequacy
other. Such solutions also provide those of those processes. In other words, yes, a
who are monitoring risks with complete risk monitoring platform should be able
visibility and holistic insight into the to adapt to an organisation’s processes, but
entire organisation and its processes. As that doesn’t mean those processes shouldn’t
a result, when implemented properly, also be called into question… Do they
comprehensive risk monitoring platforms accurately reflect the risks associated with
further provide a consolidated view of the current trade exposures and industry
exceptions across the organisation, breaking thresholds? Were appropriately tailored
down the data and risk silos that are the processes developed as the organisation
inevitable result of running disparate evolved into new business areas?
monitoring systems. They also provide Additionally any organisation’s risk
senior and accountable staff with an monitoring platform implementation and
effective view of the business’ adherence process re-evaluation must be supported
to restrictions, mandates, regulations and by a compliance culture, or it is a wasted
policies, trading, inventory and trader effort. Leadership, at the senior-most level,
limits, operational risk rules, credit, risk and must make risk mitigation and compliance
P&L limits, and variance from investment a personal mandate, and reflect that
strategies, among other obligations. commitment throughout the organisation.
The key to successful deployment Transparency, awareness and ownership
is relatively mundane. The absolute of risk, and a culture of compliance
key component that contributes to the that support key technologies, are the
effectiveness of a solution is the quality foundation to a successful risk management
of the data it processes. This means that program that will hopefully shape the
when the data model of a risk management future of the industry. Otherwise, even
point solution is mismatched with the the best system is simply an attempt
trading system data model, latency and to paper over the problem. n
risks of inadequate monitoring are
driven upward. These mapping issues David Stewart is Director of Risk Solutions
often lead to a lengthy and challenging in the Treasury & Capital Markets
integration – the point at which many division of Misys, the global application
systems deployment undertakings in our software and services company.

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Investor Services Journal | DataSe rvicesMar ketGu ide2 010
Vendor Collaboration

Working together through the

annus horribilis

A global financial crisis presents

a whole industry with common A s investment firms share common
issues and problems – and seek
common solutions to these problems
challenges. Interactive Data – many minds can make lighter work.
explains the benefits of Resolving industry problems cannot be
left to individual firms or vendors alone.
collaboration A problem shared is a problem halved.
‘Collaboration’, or if you prefer, ‘co-
operation’ is becoming all the rage. Many
believe that more collaboration in the
data management industry could help

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Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010
Vendor Collaboration

“Co-operation can well standards, including the Securities Market

Practice Group (SMPG), the Market Data
be a viable option, Provider User Group (MDPUG), the
especially where there International Securities Association for
Institutional Trade Communication (ISITC),
is a common problem to the Reference Data User Group (RDUG), the
Asset Manager Forum’s Corporate Actions
be addressed” Committee, the Association of Global
Custodians Corporate Action Task Force, the
solve data collection and implementation Securities Industry and Financial Markets
issues, and users often want to see more Association (SIFMA) Corporate Actions
collaboration between the vendors, Division, the MiFID Joint Working Group
especially when it comes to hard-to-find and XBRL International. Collaboration
information. It is said that collaboration between different associations could
could help to reduce risk, lower costs provide the opportunity for any resultant
and ensure the quality of the data. standard to be more widely adopted and
Co-operation can well be a viable option, help enable product and service providers
especially where there is a common problem to map their services to these standards.
to be addressed or an opportunity to be Of course, a general consensus needs
grasped. So can co-operation between to be achieved among industry bodies
various industry groups help to solve the at the outset of a standard’s launch as to
issues of different security identifiers, which would serve as the overall ‘owner’.
business entity identification challenges One industry association usually emerges
and corporate actions standards? Some as the expert for the new standard,
might say that co-operation between and then additional groups step in to
these bodies – and that would mean supplement the progress made. For
agreement across all those involved and example, the SMPG played a significant
on a global basis – could now be deemed role in defining how ISO 15022 messages
as critical for the financial industry. should be used given regional diversity,
while MDPUG advanced this cause by
Standards abound publishing a set of principles. However,
Co-operation between industry bodies there could be a drawback to such levels
and working groups is, of course, already of co-operation: the time and resources
taking place. In the corporate actions space, involved to achieve 100% collaboration
co-operation is certainly proving effective could mean that by the time a standard is
in identifying event-level attributes for implemented, it might already be outdated.
a limited number of corporate actions.
However, this co-operation may become ‘Thought leadership’ through collaboration
more complex as the number of parties There are many examples of co-operation
involved increases. Industry associations among industry bodies: the Software and
generally prefer not to overlap in their work Information Industry Association’s (SIIA)
to avoid establishing ‘competitive’ solutions, Financial Information Services Division
although leaving the establishment of a (FISD), ISITC, ISO working groups, EDM
standard to one association may deprive Council, MiFID Joint Working Group,
it of the valuable contributions that other JWG-IT, securities market practice groups,
industry association members could make. regulatory working groups including the
Many groups are currently working on International Organization of Securities

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Investor Services Journal | DataSe rvicesMar ketGu ide2 010
Vendor Collaboration

Commissions (IOSCO) and national

market regulators …to name but a few.
“Business entity or
Take, for example, FISD. It was established counterparty data is
to provide a neutral forum for exchanges,
third-party providers, market data vendors vital to help firms meet
and financials services firms to address and
resolve issues related to the dissemination,
their requirements for
management, administration and use of risk management”
financial information. Members participate
in the FISD to exchange ideas, establish new TechSIG is currently considering the
levels of mutual understanding and improve implications of the Financial Services
the business climate associated with the Authority’s consultation papers CP08/22
worldwide flow of financial information. ‘Strengthening liquidity standards’ and
The MiFID Joint Working Group was CP08/24 ‘Stress and scenario testing’, due
created by FIX Protocol Ltd, ISITC Europe, to come into force from October 2009.
RDUG and SIIA/FISD to address the Interactive Data believes that there is a
IT-related issues raised by the Markets in significant level of co-operation among
Financial Instruments Directive. These the various organisations with which
associations, whose members come from it works. Although no one body works
all sectors of the financial services industry, entirely on its own, each represents its own
pooled their efforts to develop best- constituents and seeks to meet the needs of
practice recommendations, appropriate its member companies. A siloed approach
standards and increased industry could result if one particular industry group
awareness to help market participants feels the impact of a problem more than
achieve compliance with MiFID. another. In this situation there may be no
A further example is the JWG-IT, an alternative as there are different problems
independent think-tank that helps financial and opportunities to be addressed.
institutions define workable solutions to Bob Cumberbatch believes that as a result
the challenges posed by EU regulatory of MiFID and the joint working group the
change. JWG-IT Special Interest Groups level of co-operation, especially between UK
aim to provide neutral ‘safe’ platforms firms, has increased. UK firms are talking
for like-minded firms, vendors and about the issues and problems that they face
professional service firms to help develop in order to come up with shared approaches.
practical IT infrastructure solutions to There is definitely a willingness to talk
resolve MiFID compliance problems. about non-competitive issues, to share
Interactive Data’s Bob Cumberbatch is problems and identify common solutions.
currently chair of the JWG-IT Technology
Special Interest Group (TechSIG) created Co-operating for best practice
for technology vendors to understand how Interactive Data has an excellent track
and where their products fit in the solution record of working with other vendors and
stack. The group aims to create vendor firms to help address industry problems
agnostic technical reference solutions; and create opportunities for its clients.
encourage the formation of technical Interactive Data works with more than
reference implementations; have a proven 250 software and applications vendors
reference solution ready for when the in order to help deliver data and services
firms need it and engage in higher level in the preferred format of its clients.
discussions earlier in the sales cycle. Interactive Data has also formed alliances

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Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010
Vendor Collaboration

“Members participate Interactive Data’s international teams

of evaluators in the interpretation of
in the FISD to exchange the markets, providing visibility to
ideas, establish new new areas of the credit markets and
permitting a broader array of comparative
levels of mutual analyses for the benefit of its clients.
With increased demand for independent
understanding and valuations of complex OTC derivatives
improve the business and structured products as a result
of a combination of new regulations,
climate” market volatility and the credit crunch,
Interactive Data’s Pricing and Reference
with numerous firms to bring to market Data business recently entered into an
innovative new services including its exclusive agreement with Prism Valuation,
award-winning corporate actions data which provides services that replicate the
delivered in ISO 15022 format. Working pricing and risk analysis capabilities of a
with software vendors in this way can help structured products dealer, with an emphasis
ensure that data flows seamlessly into client on hard-to-value assets. Interactive
applications and is correctly represented. Data now offers its clients valuations
This can help to reduce risks and timescales of highly complex OTC derivatives and
for firms seeking an automated solution structured products as part of its wide-
for corporate actions processing and ranging pricing and evaluation services.
help reduce their operational risk. Such examples of co-operation with other
To launch its business entity data vendors enable Interactive Data to combine
service in 2006, Interactive Data formed its instrument reference data, pricing and
alliances with two specialist vendors of evaluations with other specialist data or
entity data, Avox and CounterpartyLink. service providers with the overall aim of
Business entity or counterparty offering its clients the services they need.
data is vital to help firms meet their Interactive Data Corporation (NYSE:
requirements for risk management and IDC) is a leading global provider of
compliance under regulations such as financial market data, analytics and
UCITS III, Basel II/Capital Requirements related services to financial institutions,
Directive (CRD) and MiFID. active traders and individual investors.
Also in 2006, Interactive Data’s Pricing The Company’s businesses supply real-
and Reference Data business and Markit time market data, time-sensitive pricing,
Group Limited formed a strategic alliance evaluations and reference data for millions
in the corporate and government bond of securities traded around the world,
valuation marketplace. The alliance including hard-to-value instruments.n
supported the evolution of corporate
bond valuations by allowing Interactive
Data to use Markit’s credit default swap
(CDS), credit index and bond pricing data
within Interactive Data’s corporate and
government bond evaluation models. This article is provided for information
This integration of pricing data purposes only. Nothing herein should be
across related asset classes augmented construed as legal or other professional
existing data sources already used by advice or be relied upon as such.

DSMG 2009 22-48 b.indd 42 16/04/2009 13:18

Investor Services Journal | DataSe rvicesMar ketGu ide2 010
Market Comment

Market Comment: Guy Kirkwood, Unisys

O utsourcing is not a panacea for all the

challenges facing businesses. However,
it can help organisations to reduce costs, Duncan Tait (pictured),
streamline operations and processes and Vice President and
increase productivity, if done correctly. General Manager for
The outsourcing market is maturing the UK, Middle East and
beyond the traditional large single source Africa at Unisys, adds:
IT Outsourcing (ITO) and Business “Forty per cent of
Process Outsourcing (BPO) engagements our business is now
to a multi-sourcing environment where in financial services. When talking to
the client manages relationships with a the CEOs of companies about our BP
number of service providers based on Outsourcing,they are looking for two
best of breed experiences. This trend will things: the cost, and how it will improve
mitigate against outsourcing suppliers management. A few years ago banks
taking on work they don’t have the necessary would say: ‘don’t talk to us about a shared
expertise and capacity to carry out. service and cutting costs’ as they, at the
The market is beginning to experience time, put more money into growth. Now
a decline in the number of mega-deals there is pressure for capital adequacy,
for a concomitant increase in smaller but the outsourcing solution won’t need
engagements involving a larger number GBP50 million – it can be staggered
of (nominally competing) service from a contract with a third party.”
providers. This in turn has led to a greater
involvement of third party advisors and ensure the liability and responsibility of the
specialist sourcing companies as clients various suppliers. This takes the pressure
seek to increase business agility and away from the client’s business, which
sourcing proficiency. Increasingly a closer, might already be struggling with limited
more reciprocal relationship between resources and finding the experience of
the outsourcing provider and third party running multiple procurement processes
advisor is required that ensures stronger and their on-going delivery, too much to
governance and accountability. In this more handle. This streamlined structure is most
heterogeneous environment, the advisor acts conducive to the smooth running of an
as a trusted advisor to the client, stringently outsourcing programme and promises
reviewing the providers’ performance and optimum visibility, good communication
ensuring that the outsourcing contract is and a uniform commitment to meet
open, honest and much less likely to fail. and even exceed the original business
As this model develops within objectives of the engagement.
outsourcing engagements we will see the Within this environment, outsourcing
emergence of a new role, and maybe new underpinned by good governance and a
organisations, in which project management, will to share value added services will not
service delivery management, security and only avoid failure, but deliver significant
relationship governance across multiple competitive advantage. This model will
service streams and providers is pulled mark a less selfish era what is a relatively new
together. The role, or organisation, will outsourcing history and a move to a more
act as the central hub, whose job it is to open and collaborative way of working.n

DSMG 2009 22-48 b.indd 43 16/04/2009 13:18

Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010
Ask the Experts

Keep the customer satisfied

Good systems and thorough oversight can be the difference between

keeping investors and seeing them take flight, writes Robert J. Miller, CEO
of CorrectNet

T he big bet for alternative asset managers

is whether or not they can attract and
retain institutional assets. Institutional
with the emerging need to provide a
high-level of operational transparency,
information flow and tools to help the
investors have become smart, disciplined investors manage their total investment risk.
and more demanding, and asset managers To accomplish this, firms must, in effect,
must demonstrate that they have the “institutionalise” the way they manage and
operational arsenal required to support and deliver information to clients. However,
manage big allocations. The competitive from an organizational perspective, few
differentiator will be their ability to shift firms have the talent and resources to
to a client-centric operating model versus execute on the changes necessary to meet
the traditional investment-centric model. client expectations without help. Their
Today, institutional investors demand technology resources are already thin, the
that their asset managers have operating business line is being cut, and the process of
platforms that satisfy their increased and identifying, selecting and managing external
ongoing risk management policies which resources that might have the required
include deeper diligence and monitoring of knowledge and bandwidth is fraught
investment, operational and counter-party with risk. Agility and the ability to create
risk. To achieve a client-centric approach, leverage in both internal and outsourced
firms must first have an organizational resourcing strategies is a key success factor.
vision that balances the complex interplay So what does it mean to “institutionalize”
between client-driven needs for performance data delivery? From the moment an asset

DSMG 2009 22-48 b.indd 44 16/04/2009 13:18

Investor Services Journal | DataSe rvicesMar ketGu ide2 010
Ask the Experts

manager generates $1 of profit or loss, are now looking deep below the covers
the firm is in the information delivery to assure that a firms’ operating platform
business. This one bit of data will inform is capable of meeting their demands
and feed everything from business in a reliable, accurate and controlled
performance management, accounting, manner. Increasingly, the answer lies in
marketing of products, competitive outsourcing the client reporting function
positioning and decisions by investors to a managed service that delivers secure,
to invest or redeem. Drill down further, global, flexible support, while at the
and you willconsolidation
Industry see that this pieceinofbothdata isthe assetsame time enablingand
management 100%hedge
moved around hundreds of times into into the process, controls, and context
space is another driver of technology spend. Mergers will create larger
different systems – risk, performance, behind the information being delivered.
firms thatbenchmarking,
attribution, have greater amounts
etc. – and of capital to spend
Looking ahead,on thetechnology.
battle for assets,
Over the last 5 years, the number of acquisitions has generally
published in dozens of forms. If the firm specifically institutional trended
allocations, will
does not have an automated and disciplined be fought based
upwards. Following a dip in 2007, there was a large spike in M&A activ- on operational excellence
approach to aggregating, enriching, quality and not just based on returns. The firms
ity in 2008.
control, Hedge
publishing andfund consolidation
distributing this isthat
being facilitated
successfully by and change the
information, theyofwill
not be able investment
to satisfy firmson
game bytheir
larger financial
information institu-
delivery and
the demands
tions of client
including reporting banks
universal investors. reporting
and large assetprocess will realize
managers. M&A significant cost
activity alsoclients
creates do, demand
and will continue savings,
for IT because a redirection
acquirers of client
need service teams
to assimi-
to, demand more content, delivered more from low-value activities to higher impact
late acquisitions
frequently, technologically.
at high levels of quality, more Consolidation increasesfunctions,
client communication the needincreased
an integrated approach
context-informed to technology
and made available in with
satisfaction,products, systems,
reduced reputational
standards formats
require to units. However,
and regulatory
marketrisk exposure, and a more
make their investment management process agile and competitive organisation. n
may also prompt reviews of spending to streamline operations and
more efficient. The most desirable investors
costs, diminishing technology demand.

Figure 5: Asian Investment Management Industry Consolidation

Asian investment management consolidation
Asian Investment Management Industry
outright acquisitions






2004 2005
2005 2006
2006 2007
2007 2008

SOURCE: Bloomberg
Source: Bloomberg

As the Asian investment management industry grows and more new
players enter the market, firms are looking for ways to remain compet-
DSMG 2009 22-48 b.indd 45 16/04/2009 13:18
itive. Firms are turning to advanced technologies to give themselves an
Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010
Company Profiles

investment management firms, mutual

funds, hedge funds, brokers, public funds,
plan sponsors, and insurance companies.
Data Management: a strategic solution
to an organisation’s data management
challenges, which can serve as the
foundation for future data management
initiatives. Eagle’s data management
solution helps organisations consollidate,
translate, validate and disseminate
clean and accurate datathroughout the
enterprise and helps to establish a data
standard, which can result in additional
cost savings and reduced operational risk.
Performance Measurement: an
Overview investment solution designed to support
Transforming technology an organisation’s performance initiatives,
into business solutions. including portfolio performance,
Eagle Investment Systems LLC is a global GIPS composite management,
provider of financial services technlogy, performance attribution, mutual fund
serving the world’s leading financial performance, and index management.
institutions. Eagle’s Web-based systems The solution architecture provides
support the complex requirements of flexibility in calculations, exception-
firms of any size including institutional based audits, drill down analysis, and
investment managers, mutual funds, multiple classification schemes.
hedge funds, brokers, public funds, plan
sponsors, and insurance companies.
Eagle is committed to providing
enterprise-wide , leading edge technology
and professional services for investment T: +44 (0) 20 7163 5700
accounting , data management, and F: +44 (0) 20 7163 5701
performance measurement. Eagle’s produt A: The bank of New York Mellon
suite is offered as an installed application Financial Centre
or can be hosted via Eagle ACCESS, 160, Queen Victoria Street
Eagle’s application service provider. Eagle London
Investment Systems is a division of The EC4V 4LA
Bank of New York Mellon Corporation.

Key Services
Eagle offers an array of web-based
technology solutions for investment
firms of every size, including:
Investment Accounting: an investment
accounting system offering a robust set of
core investment accounting functions to
support the unique portfolio accounting
requirementsof institutional institutional

DSMG 2009 22-48 b.indd 46 16/04/2009 13:18

Investor Services Journal | DataSe rvicesMar ketGu ide2 010
Company Profiles

Company Brief
Interactive Data Corporation (NYSE:
IDC) is a leading global provider of financial
market data, analytics and related solutions
to financial institutions, active traders
and individual investors. The Company’s
businesses supply real-time market data,
time-sensitive pricing, evaluations and
reference data for millions of securities
traded around the world, including hard-
to-value instruments. Many of the world’s
best-known financial service and software
companies subscribe to the Company’s
services in support of their trading, analysis,
portfolio management and valuation
activities. Interactive Data, headquartered
in Bedford, Mass., has approximately 2,400
employees in offices located throughout
North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

Key Services
Through its businesses, Interactive
Data’s services include:
• Historical, end-of-day and intra-
day pricing and reference data
• Independent daily evaluations for
approximately 2.5 million fixed Key Locations
income and international equity issues Europe: Cologne, Dublin, Frankfurt, Ge-
• Valuations of highly complex OTC neva, Glasgow, Helsinki, Jersey CI, London,
derivatives and structured products Luxembourg, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Rome,
• Groundbreaking Fair Value Zürich
Information Service
• Fixed income portfolio analytics USA: Bedford, MA (Corporate HQ), Boston,
Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New
• Low latency and ultra low York, San Francisco
latency global market data
Asia Pacific: Hong Kong, Melbourne,
• Customised and hosted Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo
managed solutions
Key Contact:
• eSignal’s streaming, real-time market Bob Cumberbatch
data, news and analytics for professional Tel: +44 (0)20 7825 8000 Email:
traders and active individual traders


DSMG 2009 22-48 b.indd 47 16/04/2009 13:18

Investor Services Journal | Data Services Market Guide 2010

Company Profiles

SunGard is one of the world’s leading information compiled by Datamonitor*,

software and IT services companies. SunGard SunGard is the third largest provider of
serves more than 25,000 customers in more business applications software after Oracle
than 70 countries, including the world’s and SAP. Continuity, Insurance & Risk has
25 largest financial services companies. recognized SunGard as service provider of
SunGard provides software and the year an unprecedented five times.
processing solutions for financial services, Headquartered in Wayne, Pennsylvania,
higher education and the public sector. SunGard has 20,000 employees in more
SunGard also provides disaster recovery than 200 cities and 30 countries.
services, managed IT services, information SunGard is comprised of four businesses
availability consulting services and business - Availability Services, Financial Systems,
continuity management software. Higher Education and Public Sector - that
With annual revenue exceeding $5 billion, provide IT services and infrastructure,
SunGard is ranked 472 on the Fortune 500 and software and processing solutions.
and is the largest privately held business
software and services company on the Visit SunGard at
Forbes list of private businesses. Based on


DSMG 2009 22-48 b.indd 48 16/04/2009 13:18

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