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Magistra Wolfrom
1. Who appears to Aeneas in a dream? Tiberinus. River god.
2. What is the prophecy made to Aeneas? He will find a white sow and her litter that
represents Alba Longa to be founded by Ascanius after third years (thirty in the litter)
3. Aeneas visits Pallanteum and what patron god was being honored that day? Hercules
4. Who is Pallas? Son of Evander the king of Pallanteum
5. How does the host of this feast know Aeneas and his family? Evander was a Greek who
came to Italy with his people. They are also blood relatives; Dardanus was the son of
Electra.. random stuff going all the way back to Atlas.
6. The host tells a story at dinner; what are two of the highlights of this story. Evander met
Priam and also Anchises. Tells a story of Hercules killing Cacus.
7. Whom does Venus seek out when she desires to have armor made for Aeneas? Who
provides the manual labor? Vulcun; Cyclopes
8. What gift does Evander give to Aeneas to help him in battle? Makes him the leader of
the Etruscans and a set of arms
9. What sign is given that tells Aeneas to prepare for war? Lots of thunder
10. Describe BRIEFLY the scenes on Aeneas new shield. Actium, Triumph of Augustus in
Rome, more events that glorify the defeat of Antony
Book IX
11. What god/goddess comes to encourage Turnus to attack? Juno
12. What happens to the Trojan ships when Turnus attacks them? Cant burn the ships
because Rhea had given a unharmable pine timbers. Ships become nymphs and Rutulians
are afraid.

13. What do Nisus and Euryalus decide to do? To carry word of the attack to Aeneas in
14. What rewards does Iulus promise them if they are successful? Lots of riches
15. What favor does Euryalus ask? Provide for his mother
16. What proves to be these Trojans undoing? Greed. Euryalus takes the spoils from the
people he killed but is weighed down..
17. How is Pandurus killed after he closes the gates to the camp? Killed by turnus
18. With what animal is Turnus compared? Who in this same book is also compared to the
same animal? Lion. Euryalus fighting for his life.

Book X
19. Who speaks first at the council of the gods, and what does he want to know? Jupiter. Why
Venus and Juno are messing with fate.
20. Who speaks next, and what pitiful request is made? Venus. Let Ascanius live. Who cares
about Aeneas.
21. Who speaks next? What are two major points made by this speaker? Juno: Trojans were
the ones who attacked in the first place. Secondly, Juna had no involvement.
22. What is the situation back at the Trojan camp? Trojans are trapped in base. Aeneas is
traveling back to the camp.
23. What allies has Aeneas acquired? Be specific. Allie with the Etruscans. Massicus of
Clusium. Abas of Appolo populonia. Asilias the interpreter of gods and men.
24. Which ally did Vergil take most pride in? Cupabo.
25. Who, in what guise, breaks the news about the camp to Aeneas? Cybele in the guise of
the nymphs.

26. Describe the landing of Aeneas with his fleet. Throws a bunch of spears and surprises
27. Who prompts Turnus to intervene in Pallas fight with Lausus? Personal vendetta. Urged
on by his sister Juturna as well.
28. Who kills Pallas and with what weapon? Turnus with a giant oak spear.
29. What trophy does Turnus take? His sword belt
30. What is Aeneas reaction to Pallas death? Becomes enraged looking for TUrnus.
31. Mezentius and Lausus both die at Aeneas hands. Describe what happens to each.
Mezentius gets injured so Lausus gets angry. Aeneas kills him with his sword but he takes
pity and allows him to keep his weapons and lifts him up. Mezentius is stabbed in the
throat after begging to share a tomb with Lausus.

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